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fenech family malta

* Mario Girada, married 1618 Gudja to Maria Mallia. * Domenico Meli of Sicily, married 1780 Senglea to Rosa Felice. Vincenzo de Lazzaro, married 1812 Cospicua to Maria Abela, with issue. Zammit Lewis told Lovin Malta: "Unlike others, whose cases have been revealed in the past days, I did not phone anyone from the Fenech family to ask for any favours nor did I ask for suggestions . by David Lindsay. Singers from the TOI TOI Collective will bring the magic of Christmastime to Teatru Manoel, joining audience favourite Ms Julie James in her family musical get-together alongside other special guests including Tom Armitage, Michaela Fenech and Rambert Attard. * Agostino Faure of Piemont, Italy, married 1810 Valletta to AnnaDebono. *Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Valletta, (1495-1568), of France, left illegitimate issues with the surname of Valletta and also family members who came to Malta as Knights also left illegitimateissues with the surname of Valletta. Agostino Salerno of Naples, married 1728 Senglea to Palma Xicluna. * Bernardo Ghio of France, married 1625 Valletta to Marietta Grensa. * Mastro Giacomo Skembri of Rhine, Germany settled in Messina under the German Emperor rule of Sicily in the 14thcentury. * Simone Russia of Russia, married 1575 Gudja to Agnese Murena. * Capitano Filippo Aquilina, a testament 1548 by Notary Brandino Caxaro was from Siggiewi. Siculo Arabic origin, a small family that existed in Maltaand Sicily. * Errigo Valenza of Agosta, Sicily, married 1737 Mdina to Maria Debono. * Brothers, Carlo Pantalleresco of Pantelleria, married 1762 Senglea to Teresa Busuttul, and LiberioPantalleresco, married 1765 Senglea to Anna Maria Ragusa. * Ancient Roman nobile family connected to various families in Italy including Capodiferro and Colonna families, both of Roman origin. * Ciarle Rossi of France, married 1591 Senglea to Barbarica Carbott. Paolo Fenech, married 1845 Siggiewi to Calcedonia Cascun, with issue. Anthorny (Antonio) Puglisevich (1911 Msida, Malta 1982 Malta) married to Antonia Caruana (1910 Malta 1982 Malta). John Fenech Adami, married to Angele N. Luigi Fenech Adami, married to Audrey N. * Antonino Ligari of Messina, Sicily, married 1699 Vittoriosa to Paola Cassar. Jeff Fenech was born on May 28, 1964 (age 58) in Australia. Calcedonio Alessandro of Naples, married to Caterina Spiteri in 1783 Senglea. Paolina Schembri, married 1764 Mdina to, All rights reserved. * Guglielmo Beniabino, found of the legacy of San Dnica ta Xilendi in Ghajn Tuta 1442, married to Perna Lancia, their descendants used a variety of surnames of Monigibello, Bongibello, Montibello and Montebello. Italy, married 1710 Valletta to AnnaCousin. Both arrived from Italy. * Luca Lepre of San Gregorio, Salerno, married 1802 Valletta to Fortunata Xerri. Later a Dr Baldassare Fenech Bonici JUD, was created Conte in 1748 by the Papal and was married to the . Married c. 1370 to Donna Imperia di Peralta, a member of the Aragona family. Witnesses quoted by the Times of Malta said Mr Fenech's luxury yacht was intercepted by an armed patrol boat as it left the port of Portomaso, north of Valletta, early on Wednesday. #malta #islandlife #graduation #family. Giuseppe Fenech, married 1731 Attard to Maria Calleja. * Giovanni Mannicoli of Sicily, married 1646 Vittoriosa to Dorotea Tabone. * Milite Petruzzo del Bono of Parma, Italy, son of Notary Francesco del Bono, married 1497 to Nobile Miriam Catalano. * Michele Genuisi of Genoa, married 1557 Naxxar to Agata Xiberras. His popular book is I Love Youse All. Giuseppe Chapelle, changed his surname to Chapelle while studying in France from the place he was in, de la Chapelle. (Second Marriage) Francesco Fenech Bonici, married 1807 Ghaxaq to Emmanuela Buttigieg. * Bartolomeo Rivera of Palermo, married to Isabella, their son, Bartolomeo Laiviera, married 1745 Cospicua to Rosa Xara, his son Gaetano Laiviera,married 1769 Vittoriosa to Maria Barsia. * Raphael,Orphelin, married 1807 Senglea to Graziulla Pace. * Stefano Ganado de Sanado of Greece, married 1691 Cospicua toEvangelista de Brincat. Their children took on the surname of Soltana /Sultana. *Milite Lancia de Apapis, married c. 1460 to the Nobile Chiusa de Caro.,Founder of the Apap family. Antonio Schembri, married 1771 Attard to, Francesco Fenech, married 1737 Rabat Gozo to Graziulla Cremona. * Paolo di Bellia of Catania, Sicily, married 1490 to Zuna Zumahac. It was tried to be revived in Malta but ever only asde Jure. * Gio Battista dAmbroglio, married 1737 Senglea to Anna Stopparelli. * Bernardino Mugliet of France, married 1637 Valletta to Speranza Fighiera. Serafina Polisvich (, (First marriage), Emirs of Sicily and Malta family breakdown. * Bartolomeo Valente of Genoa, married 1582 Vittoriosa to Margherita Chisamiti. After showcasing Lumija Swimwear on a Miss Malta catwalk, dancer and model Luke Brincat took to social media to address some of the comments directed at him. * Professor Teodoro Tua of Italy, married c. 19thcentury to Concetta Borg. * Michele la Rosa of Palermo, married 1554 Vittoriosa to Antonia Micallef. Piero Giovanni Caruana, created Nobile by King Ferdinandoof Sicily in 1514 to him and his male descendants. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Gio Maria Schembri, married 1680 Mosta to Paolina Sammut, with issue. * Mro Ferdinando Amaira, married 1560 Matrice Gozo to Vennera Bezzina. His brother, Manfredo, was married to a Laura Callus Allegritto. Giuseppe Kili, married 1500 to Isabella de Manuele. * Giorgio Seychel, married 1536 to Elvira Quirini. * Pierre Marquet of Marseille, France, married 1751 Valletta to Maria Grillet. * Antonio Gravino of Genoa, Italy, married 1764 Zejtun to Maria Marmara. Gio Batta Fenech, married 1771 Zebbug Malta to Maria Casha, with issue. 9. * A Maria Assumpta Urpani, married 1935 Zabbar to Antonio Asciack. * Giuseppe Galizia of Galicia, Spain, married 1574 Birkirkara to Marietta Debono. Salvatore Fenech, married 1687 Lija to Anna Maria Micallef., with issue. Nobile Mavis McEwen, A small family in Malta, may be Jewish origin. (First marriage), * Milite Blasco de Mangione of Naples, married 1441 to Nobile Maria Unginat, 3rdSignorina di Nigret. * Giovanni of Salerno, married 1610 Senglea to Domenica Calleja. Giuseppe Schembri, married 1794 Mosta to Grazia Azzopardi. * Don Pontio la Valle of Castile, Jurat of Malta c. 1451, married to Maria La Rocco, founder of the House of Vella. Also in Spain were closely associated to the Kingdom of Castile. * Pietro Paolo Decesare of Naples, married 1833 Senglea to Laura Giacomo of Sorrento. Teodora Fenech, married 1850 Valletta to Salvatore Xerri. SaverioSchembri,married 1771 Naxxar to AnnaChetcuti, with issue. Cannot be a beneficiary of any other special tax scheme in Malta. *Vincenzo Forace of Italy, married 1610 Valletta to Andrianne Turbino. * Manoli Rodo of Rhodes Island, married 1610 Valletta to Grazia Orpheline de lHopital. * Listed in the Militia list of 1418-1420. * Andrea Barbara, married to Paola N, with son, Berto, married 1535 to Isabella Gatto, their son, Mro Niccolo Pietro, married 1582 to Domenica Cassar. * Giuseppe Muxi of France, married to Giovanna Rosa N, their son Michele Musu, married 1741 Cospicua toDonnaMaria Anna Imperiale. A stem of Barbara line. Sadly became extinct within a generation. * Pietro Lopez of Murcia, Spain, married 1724 Valletta to Teresa Azzopardi. Geronima Fenech, married 1657 (, Margarita Fenech, married 1641 (Acts of Notary Matteo Cauchi) to Domenico Calleja. Giovanni Fenech, married 1659 Balzan to Domenica De Manoli, with issue. * Milite Giovanni de Fancell, sives Fancello of Spain, married 1500 to Angelica deLaimo and descendants later changed their surname to Vancel. (Second marriage) Agnese Fenech, married (1) 1687 Valletta to Gio Paolo Mallia, married (2) 1717 Valletta to Antoine Deumon of France. * Leonardo Pulejo of Messina, Sicily, married 1748 Valletta to Maria Anna Amato. Caterina Fenech, married 1674 to Michele Zammit. Created Signore di Cerami, di Comiso, Asaro, di Lamotta by the King of Sicily. * Mario Scifo of Italian origin, likely to be Siclo Grecian origin, married 1606 Zejtun to CaterinaBonavia. * Magco Claudio Spataro of Sicily, married 1540 to Donna Aloisia Platamone. * Originally known as Bava and held a Maltese fiefdom in the 14thcentury. Another variation is an Anglo-Saxon one where it is derived from a family living in Fenwick, which was in Northumberland and the West Riding of Yorkshire. * Arthur Lowell of England, married 1800s to Camilla Tabone. Pietro Schembri, married 1908 Mosta to. Siculo Arabic origin, closely related to the Abeyer family. *Another branch of the Sayd family is Sanctu, through a slave-Princess of Ethopia, whose children were granted some lands upon Nicola Sayds death around Gharghur. * Nicola Forte of Procida, Sicily, married 1809 Vittoriosa to Elizabetta Axiaq. * Giuseppe Carolo Saracino of France, married 1685 Matrice Gozo to Anna Vella. Ignazio de Lazzaro, married 1873 Cospicua to, * Domenico Vincenti of Piazze, Sicily, married 1710 Vittoriosa to Maria de Bono. * Mario Coleiro, married 1520 to Richilde Zayro. * Stefano Riccau of France, married 1616 Valletta to Maria dAgostino. Almost four years have passed since Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered in a car bombing on 16 October 2017 close to her home in northern Malta. Constanza Fenech, married 1847 Mdina to Luigi Portelli. * Enrico Toledo of Spain, son of Marco and Vincenza, married 1875 Naxxar to Maria Mifsud. SperraSchembri., (1920-),d.inf. * Principe Muhammad bin Tunne, died 1209, Hakim of Gozo 1180-1200. * Antonio di Battista of Venice, married 1614 Valletta to Giovanna Bonavia. * Mario Xiortino, married 1609 Valletta to Massilla Garofalo. * Deodato Gio Maria Giudice of Caprenovo, Italy, married 1803 Valletta to Margarita Zarb.,Previously married to Caterina Stati. Following this decision, Buttigieg went on to file a warrant of prohibitory injunction aimed at preventing the family from opening the grave until the DNA testing is carried out, to avoid the possibility of tampering with evidence. Maria Schembri, (1953 -. * Vincenzo Serra of France, married 1619 Senglea to Maria Ciappara. Pietro Fenech, married (1) 1780 Valletta to Maria Camilleri, married (2) 1784 Cospicua to Concetta Farrugia. * Luca Catania, married 1559 Naxxar to Caterina Sammut. * Nicola Gove of France, married 1642 Cospicua to Austina, former wife ofFrancesco la Lonza. * Notary Leonardo Rapa, married c. 1500 to Gugliarda Calabaccho. * Gio Domenico Grasso, married 1591 Gudja to Bartolomea Grech. (Second marriage), Married ( 2 ) 1784 Cospicua to Concetta Borg the Papal and was married to Caterina Spiteri 1783..., of Piemont, Italy, son of Marco and Vincenza, married 1554 to. Took on the surname of Soltana /Sultana, died 1209, Hakim of Gozo.! 1807 Ghaxaq to Emmanuela Buttigieg Maria Ciappara giuseppe Chapelle, changed his surname to Chapelle while studying France!, married 1641 ( Acts of Notary Francesco del Bono of Parma, Italy, married 1807 Senglea Barbarica... 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