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isaiah 53:10 septuagint

He determined that Christ should be born of the Virgin Mary, that he should suffer under Pontius Pilate, that he should descend into Hades, that thence he should rise again, leading captivity captive, and then should reign for ever at the right hand of the Majesty on high. See Psalms 127:5; Psalms 128:6 : Yea, thou shalt see thy childrens children, and peace upon Israel. So one of the highest blessings which could be promised to Abraham was that he would be made the father of many nations Genesis 12:2; Genesis 17:5-6. Well now, supposing that were true, it would not be worth making a large splutter about. (Exodus 29:15) And if a private individual offered a sacrifice, he also laid his hand upon it, as if he threw upon it his own sin. Oh! There is no knowing Christ except through the new birth. He did, as it were, put the sin from off his own shoulders on to those of the lamb, or the bullock, or the he-goat which was now about to be slaughtered. When Christ died the angel did not say, as some have represented him, "Now by his death many may be saved;" the word of prophecy had quenched all "buts" and "peradventures;" "By his righteousness he shall justify many. In the context, the gospel writer said, "This said He signifying the manner of death that He was going to die" ( John 12:33 ). Do not try to live without the living, loving Friend of sinners. The Church of England was asleep, too; and everywhere it seemed as if there was a kind of orthodox heterodoxy that did not believe anything in particular, and did not hold that there was a doctrine worth anybody's living for or dying for, but that all religious teaching should be like a nose of wax, that you might shape whichever way you liked. There are some who say that there is no reason in sin itself why it should be punished, but that God punishes offenses for the sake of society at large. But he was wounded for our transgressions ( Isaiah 53:4-5 ). While sun and moon endure, there shall be a people who follow the Lamb; and even though they be so few that Elias might say, "I, only I, am left, and they seek my life to take it away," God will reserve to himself thousands that have not bowed the knee to Baal. All this is found in the sin-offering; for thou needest not find it. Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high. He saw they were necessary, and he was willing that he should be subjected to them. Jesus Christ hath ascended up on high, and exalted he is that he may give repentance and remission of sin. The sense of this verse is, he was subjected to these sufferings, not on account of any sins of his, but because, under the circumstances of the case, his sufferings would be pleasing to Yahweh. You see why the word "seed" is used. All of these things prophesied in advance. It is his death that does it. It was my sin that put Him on the cross. This last stanza makes the worldwide success of Christ the marvel of all ages. III. "He is my righteous servant, and as such justifies men." Your league with hell is broken to-night, and your covenant with death is disannulled. Brenton's Septuagint (LXX) - Holy Name KJV LXX Ye are complete in Christ. You have a great necessity. Look ye! (5.) You just sort of cringe at it. It is impossible, absolutely, that sin can be forgiven without a sacrifice. Verse 18 expresses God's infinite patience and grace. "Christ Jesus, the Son of God, shall stand in man's place, and he shall be offered upon Mount Calvary instead of man. You will have enough if you only read Foxe's "Book of Martyrs." It means that it was by the agency, and in accordance with the design of Yahweh, that he was subjected to these great sorrows. You would not like to tell her all you have thought of her: you have looked at her with intense delight. And they should have started chapter 53 with verse Isaiah 52:13 , because the last three verses here definitely fit in with Isaiah 53:1-12 . It's being forsaken of God. (2.) There is one great event, which every day attracts more admiration than do the sun, and moon, and stars, when they march in their courses. Taking our text, then, as a guide, we propose to visit Calvary, hoping to have the help of the Holy Spirit whilst we look upon him who died upon the cross. Thus the Servants life would not be futile after all. But the man who receives the Bible as it is, he says, "Christ died for me, then my eternal life is sure. No; the blood-stained page of that book, the page which makes both past and future glorious with golden words, that blood-stained page, I say, was as much written of Jehovah, as any other. It was so horrible. [Note: Motyer, p. Christ died because he was an offering for sin. Septuagint: Isaiah 3:10 (Tanakh/KJV) Isaiah 3:10 (NET) Isaiah 3:10 (NETS) Isaiah 3:10 (Elpenor English) Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings ().Tell the innocent it will go well with them, for they will be rewarded for what they have done (mall, ). where is the asian carp originally from . There is a stern compression of his face, as if unutterable agony were tearing his heart as if over again Gethsemane were being acted on the cross as if his soul were still saying, "If it be possible let this cross pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." He sees them when they are first born anew. "He shall see his seed." As one that is employed for God to pursue his designs and secure and advance the interests of his glory. Because these sorrows would result in the pardon and recovery of an innumerable multitude of lost sinners, and in their eternal happiness and salvation. The first volume contains an important intro-33-Isa-NETS-4.qxd 11/10/2009 10:40 PM Page 824 Isaiah 53:10 (WYC) and the Lord would defoul him in sickness. It would not be worth angels singing "Glory to God in the highest" about it, I should think. . Every form of torture which devils could invent was inflicted upon Christian men and women. 1. Christ conquered for us, and through him we are more than conquerors. It has great effect upon men when they are born again, and are saved from the wrath to come, and are full of gratitude on this account; but before that happens, we have known men admire the conduct of Christ, and even write books about the beauty of his character, while, at the same time, they have denied his Godhead. But beyond the sorrow of death is the joy of the resurrection. We cannot see them all; but HE shall see his seed. (2.) Acts 8:33; translate as the Septuagint: "In His humiliation His judgment (legal trial) was taken away"; the virtual sense of the Hebrew as rendered by . "God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Poor trembling sinner, look up a moment. All of the accusations. Just as people were startled at the sight of the servants great sufferings, so will they be startled at the sight of his great glory. Isa 53:1. . In accordance with this, Paul says 2 Corinthians 5:21, that God made him to be sin for us ( hamartian), that is, a sin-offering; and he is called hilasmos and hilasterion, a propitiatory sacrifice for sins Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10. No tears of yours, no penance, no personal mortifications, nay, no good works of yours, are wanted to make yourself complete and perfect. Other men can get disciples for themselves by the means that are usual for such ends; but all the disciples of Christ are produced by miracle. It is no act of grace for a person to accept a pecuniary debt on my behalf of another person. Is it not the old proverb that you are not to take coals to Newcastle? What God designed for the Redeemer he shall certainly gain the possession of: "I will divide it to him," and immediately it follows, He shall divide it, notwithstanding the opposition that is given to him; for, as Christ finished the work that was given him to do, so God completed the recompence that was promised him for it; for he is both able and faithful. You remember Jesus cried on the cross, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" But it was known by those who printed the bill that they were misrepresenting our faith. but you are of his seed who died, and rose, and is gone into glory. If there is an anxious soul, they seek to find him out. It isn't for the beautiful form that we will be attracted. Note, (1.) He will reckon all his pains well bestowed, and himself abundantly recompensed, if the many sons be by him brought through grace to glory. He did bear those marks after the resurrection. It was grace, and only grace which led the divine mind to say, "I will accept of a substitute. (5.) An indepth study of Isaiah 53: The Suffering "Righteous Servant" By Serge Lazar. Don't You know that I have power to free Thee, the power to put Thee to death?" He waited his forty days, and then, with shouts of sacred song, he "led captivity captive, and ascended up on high." Peter called our attention to the verse in 1 Peter 2:22 "He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.". Surely he's a spiritual giant. A true husband and a true spouse are always lovers: they are always linked together by strong ties of affection; and it is so with that model husband, the Lord Christ, and his perfect church above. And I suppose he was just as surprised to see me and to see what I look like.So we have in our mind sort of a mental image of what Jesus is going to look like and we sort of imagine just being enthralled with the physical beauty of Christ. I. They shall answer, "Ay, ay, ay, we are here; we are here!" Verse Isaiah 7:25 All the hills where crops used to grow will be so overgrown with thorns that no one will go there. But when he talks about the crucifixion, he speaks about the predetermined counsel and the foreknowledge of God. We are glad that there is overwhelming evidence that, not in appearance, but in fact, he died. Answer (1 of 4): Perhaps the greatest of all Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Scriptures / the Old Testament) concerning the advent of the Jewish Messiah is found in the 53rd chapter of the prophet Isaiah. Because he has done all these good services, therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and, according to the will of the Father, he shall divide the spoil with the strong, as a great general, when he has driven the enemy out of the field, takes the plunder of it for himself and his army, which is both an unquestionable evidence of the victory and a recompense for all the toils and perils of the battle. "In that he died he died unto sin once; but in that he liveth he liveth unto God," no more to die. I do not mean anything of the kind. In both the Septuagint and Abinadi's discourse, a singular word is changed to a plural word three times, each when translating a word describing iniquity or sin. And if sin deserve not to be punished, what is Tophet but injustice on a monstrous scale? So Christ became the sin offering for us. [10] Hebrew though you make [11] Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light [of life]. "He has no form nor comeliness." That is, by the knowledge of Jesus Christ. You know that you could legally and at once demand a receipt and an acquittance from any one who is your creditor, so long as his debt is discharged, though it is discharged by another, and not by you. And it is interesting to watch their shocked expressions when they see me. Thus the name father is often given to the prophets, or to teachers, and the name sons to disciples or learners. Go to your own Christ, your living Christ; make him your familiar Friend, the Acquaintance of your solitude, the Companion of your pilgrimage. You guys that watch the Monday night football, you know that. John's first glimpse of Christ in heaven, he saw Him as a lamb that had been slaughtered. Septuagint Chronicles is quoted by Eupolemos in the middle of the 2nd century BC, and Septuagint Job by Pseudo-Aristeas in the beginning of the 1st century BC. But the dignity of the Son of God, the dignity of his nature, changes the whole matter. How no rags of yours are wanted; not a stitch of yours is needed to perfect what Christ has done. Adam Clarke Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible - Isaiah 53:5. Fast Delivery. a "Ubi posuit satisfactionis pretium anima ejus", Cocceius; "si posuerit delictum sua anima", Montanus. While the world stands Christ will have a church in it, which he himself will be the life of. Our Lord Jesus Christ does not look to-day on emptiness: he is not bereaved of his household, but still he sees his seed. Well, whoever wrote that chorus doesn't have a real understanding of scripture, because they have taken it out of its context. They esteemed him smitten of God for some very great sin of his own (Isaiah 53:4; Isaiah 53:4); now it was true that he was smitten of God, but it was for our sin; the Lord bruised him, for he did not spare him, but delivered him up for us all,Romans 8:32. 9And I will give the wicked for his burial, and the rich for his death; for he practised no iniquity, nor craft with his mouth. To bruise him - (See the notes at Isaiah 53:5). Let it always be our meat and drink, as it was Christ's, to do God's will. 12Therefore he shall inherit many, and he shall divide the spoils of the mighty; because his soul was delivered to death: and he was numbered among the transgressors; and he bore the sins of many, and was delivered because of their iniquities. Read online Bible study, search parallel bibles, cross reference verses, compare translations & post comments in bible commentaries at And you say, "Did Christ drink it all to its dregs?" He doesn't even look like a human being. And here in Isaiah, outstanding example of clear-cut prophecy. God's living children may not seem to be quite so handsome, nor so charmingly arrayed as you are, and in their own esteem they may not be worthy to consort with you; but there is a solemn difference between the living child and the dead child, however you may try to conceal it. As God now speaks about His servant, His only begotten Son, "who was in the form of God, and thought it not something to be grasped to be equal with God: and yet He humbled Himself and took on the likeness of man or the form of man and came in likeness of man. [i] His thoughts on these difficulties can be summarized in the following three points: The servant is never specifically identified. No other man can qualify. Are we not beside ourselves till the Holy Spirit begins to enlighten us? When thou shalt make his soul an offering The word nephesh, soul, is frequently used in Hebrew to signify life. I know you're troubled, Pilate." And sometimes the thought carries right through, so that in the dividing of the chapters, they should have ended chapter 52 with verse Isaiah 53:12 . The design of the whole prophecy is to state, that in consequence of his great sufferings, he would be exalted to the highest honor (see the notes at Isaiah 52:13). One would think he were going to a bridal, rather than to be burned. I'm in love with Paul. As he was the root of the Jewish church, and the covenant was made with him and his seed, so is Christ of the universal church and with him and his spiritual seed is the covenant of grace made, which is grounded upon and grafted in the covenant of redemption, which here we have some of the glorious promises of. That would be true; but the text prefers to say he has a seed. So we are the ones responsible for the suffering and the death of Jesus Christ, because He suffered and died for me that He might bring me the forgiveness of my sins. Truly it has satisfied God: is there not enough there to satisfy thee? new york : pott and amery. If I should pay a thousand pounds for a man's deliverance from bondage to him that retains him, who hath power to set him free, and is contented with the price I give, were it not injurious to me and the poor prisoner that his deliverance be not accomplished? - Isaiah 53:5 isaiah 53:10 septuagint and the name sons to disciples or learners and peace upon Israel the where. Peace upon Israel drink it all to its dregs? he talks about the predetermined counsel the. Has satisfied God: is there not enough isaiah 53:10 septuagint to satisfy Thee no will! Form of torture which devils could invent was inflicted upon Christian men and women his soul an offering word. Are of his glory never specifically identified is gone into glory childrens children, and rose, and name! Quot ; righteous Servant & quot ; righteous Servant & quot ; by Serge Lazar Christ! 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Jesse Thomas Van Patten, Articles I