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rehab acronym fema

OCLUS Outside the Continental Limits of the United States USNORTHCOM United States Northern Command 2) Transition Planning Office NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association RDBMS Relational Database Management System PCE Programmatic Categorical Exclusion RERO Radiological Emergency Response Operations MATES Mobilization and Training Equipment Site PH Public Health DLL Dynamic-Link Library(ies) KDP Key Decision Point RECC Regional Emergency Communications Coordinator GPRA Government Performance and Results Act MeV Megaelectronvolt USMTF United States Message Text Format SAM Surface to Air Missile (affiliated with BTS/TSA) 2) Civil Support Team (National Guard--for WMD) 2) Area Not Included Rate it: What does REHAB mean . OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency JIS Joint Information System BSC Building Security Committee OET Office of Emergency Transportation (DOT) NNOC National Network Operations Center EFSNB Emergency Food and Shelter National Board FSTS Federal Secure Telephone System F-codes Charge codes for FEMA incidents PE Professional Engineer APR 1) Agency Procurement Review 3) Mountain Standard Time (GMT - 7) CY 1) Calendar Year Computing File Extensions. HDD Heating Degree Days 2) Flood Mitigation Assistance Program ECL Emergency Classification Level ECG 1) Emergency Coordination Group REDAM Radiological Emergency Dose Assessment Model CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet ZONE C Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain NOC 1) National Olympic Committee NTM National Technical Means NARTC National Advanced Resource Technology Center HL 1) Hotline BY Budget Year I-TRAP Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program MACA Military Assistance to Civil Authorities REC Regional Emergency Coordinator MACC 1) Multi-Agency Coordination Center SMCC System Management Control Center AGCA Associated General Contractors of America FLS Flood Statement 3) Member of Congress QTY Quantity Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. SOI Southern Oscillation Index FICO Flood Insurance Claims Office(r) 2) Environmental Impact Statement COA Course of Action AMTI Applied Marine Technology, Inc. NRAT 1) National Radiological Advisory Team NLECC National Law Enforcement Coordination Center SQL Structured Query Language STAR 1) Science-based Threat Analysis and Response Programs 3) Total Suspended Particulates DOH Department of Health AMOC Air and Marine Operations Center SMU Special Mission Unit (affiliated with EPR) 2) Food & Agricultural Organization (UN) LESC Law Enforcement Support Center 2) Revolutions Per Minute SPDC Small Business Development Center 2) Mobile Power Unit MSRC Marine Spill Response Corporation FRSA Federal Railroad Safety Act ESDRB Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch PO 1) Personnel Office NARS National Archives and Records Service 3) Estimated Completion Date AGS Aviation Group Supervisor NDAC Network Design and Analysis Center ICSSC Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction LISS Linear Imaging and Self-Scanning PRER Peacetime Radiological Emergency Response 3) Resource Allocation Plan 2) Physical Map Revision STU-III Secure Telephone Unit - Third Generation QUF6 Uranium Hexafluoride Inventory MMC Main Media Center TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (System) 2) Procurement Funding Authority 2) Communications Officer 2) District Response Group DOJ Department of Justice [ESF-13] NARSAP National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program MDD Metal Detection Device CATEGORY G Parks, Recreational, and Other ICGP Interoperable Communications Grant Program 5) Discrete Organic Chemicals PDM Pre-Disaster Mitigation (including Grant Program) NARP Nuclear Accident Response Plan (or Procedures) ACE 1) American Council on Education 2) Main Operating Base UBC Uniform Building Code IBET Integrated Border Enforcement Team TAC 1) Technical Advisory Committee NDMSOSC National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center and HEW Health, Education, and Welfare CBIA Coastal Barrier Improvement Act NSEC National Security Emergency Coordination Note: Acronym Finder has 10 verified definitions for FEMA Search for FEMA in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator COBRE Carry-On Bag Remote Examination AC 1) Alternating Current 3) Radiological Monitor SID Station Identifier MOB Center Mobilization Center FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise RRAC Regional Radiological Assistance Committee 2) Port Security Assessment JDOMS Joint Director of Military Support Military, Drug, Alcohol. DCC 1) Document Control Center USANCA United States Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency CAPA Coalition of Airline Pilot Association AADR Age-Adjusted Death Rate PAT Process Action Team SELS Severe Local Storms 2) Alternate Care Facility NS/EPC National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications, Committee for ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers URISA Urban and Regional Information Systems Association INRP Initial National Response Plan 2) Personal Property RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands HWM High Water Mark BBS Bulletin Board System NDEC National Disaster Education Coalition 2) Rural Electrification Administration NET No Earlier Than 3) Disaster Communication Agreement APSO Asylum Pre-Screening Officer VTC Video Tele-Conference IFLOWS Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System OJT On-the-Job Training QRT Quick Response Team Sort. NDMOC National Disaster Medical Operations Center EDC 1) EROS Data Center NBACC National Biosecurity Analysis and Countermeasures Center MLH Medium Lift Helicopter 3) Regional Disaster Office ft/min feet per minute UASI Urban Area Security Initiative 2) Border and Transportation Security 3) Insurance MARC Maryland Rail Commuter NTS 1) National Traffic System MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team ANCA Anniston Chemical Activity NEI Nuclear Energy Institute D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisitions Sleeping Dragon Term used to identify a barrier of protesters who have linked themselves to one another 2) Business Reference Model CI Critical Infrastructure CET Contraband Enforcement Team The FEMA Map Service Center provides this information in the form of FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) or Flood Hazard Boundary Map. TRAC2ES TRANSCOM's Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System SECC State Emergency Coordination Center ISIP Initial Strategy Implementation Plan ASA (IL & E) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation, Logistics, and Environment) 2) Inertial Navigation System ZONE X If unshaded: Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain 2) Interim Message Change R Roentgen CEP 1) Circular Error Probable JOC Joint Operations Center TAES Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation System Note: This class does not cover all acronyms and terms. ET 1) End-of-Transect (Line) ESTED Estimated Safe Time before Evacuation Decisions HES Hurricane Evacuation Study 402 ( 5170a) General Federal Assistance HWC Health and Welfare Canada yr year DOA Dead On Arrival EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer JCAH Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory CPOT Consolidated Priority Organization Target SCC Secretary's Command Center RBCS Rural Business Cooperative Service SSP Species Survival Plan DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System PWR 1) Power COMSEC Communications Security 2) Map Service Center RAMAC Random Access Method Accounting Control TIA 1) Telecommunications Industry Association HAG Highest Adjacent Ground [grade] CPAV Community Program Assistance Visit 420 ( 5187) Fire Management Assistance 2) Airports Council International NEET National Exercise Evaluation Team ACFM Advanced Certified Floodplain Manager VS Victim Support RON Remain Overnight IDP Imagery-Derived Product SENTINEL Securing the Nation through Infrastructure Enhancements Locally FIR 1) Federal Inspection Report 2) Lump Sum JTTF Joint Terrorism Task Force OFM Office of Financial Management TAOS The Arbiter of Storms PPCBP Prickly Pear Cactus Burning Program WAWTAP Wind And Water Technical Assistance Program Suggest. HE High Explosive BALV Best Available Lodging Value 2) National Security Council SOP Standard Operating Procedure(s) FMSIS Flood Map Status Information Service Abbreviations ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation CEO Chief Executive Officer 2) American Sign Language JTRB Joint Telecommunications Resources Board AG 1) Adjutant General SFAR Special Federal Aviation Regulation DDP Data-Derived Product KD Knocked Down PART Program Assessment Rating Tool (OMB) 2) Federal Aviation Regulations GPMRC Global Patient Movement Requirements Center TITLE II Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Assistance TRO Transient Accommodations Only Medical abbreviations were made to quickly but accurately document. 3) Agency Collection Officer CCFP (National Institute of Justice) Center for Civil Force Protection AAU Association of American Universities ASM Air Support Manager STOLS System To Locate Survivors 2) Domestic Emergency Preparedness MOA Memorandum of Agreement FAEST Forward Area Emergency Support Trailers PDT Pacific Daylight Time (GMT - 7) HHSEOC Health and Human Services Emergency Operations Center JFO Joint Field Office JACADS Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System EAS Emergency Alert System (replaced EBS in 1997) GAR Governor's Authorized Representative NCVIP National Child Victim Identification Program OPREP Operational Report CWU Church World United ICPAE Interagency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies LHD Local Health Department TAR Tone-Alert Radio NFIC National Fire Information Council SIGINT Signals Intelligence EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office CATEGORY C Roads and Bridges DLG-3 Digital Line Graph Level 3 CIRG Critical Incident Response Group NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici RAAW Request for Allocation Advice Worksheet RPC Regional Preparedness Committee (obsolete) The list of 4.8k . aka als ama asap active assistive range of motion arterial blood gas before meals assist . GMR Graduated Mobilization Response WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System (obsolete; replaced by GCCS) NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 HCTS Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card RF Radio Frequency CWA 1) Chemical Warfare Agent VDU 1) Visual Display Unit TFL Task Force Leader MSL Mean Sea Level USTR United States Trade Representative Office DCE 1) Defense Coordinating Element BPO Blanket Purchase Order SAMP Special Area Management Plan RTF-W Response Task Force - West DAWG Disaster Attache Working Group We are under new manegement and havee a . SAREX Search and Rescue Exercise 2) Low Frequency LEMA Local Emergency Management Authority When performing triage a rescuer must focus on the type and integrity of the structure, the contents, and the likelihood of victim survival. QBO Quasi-Biennial Oscillation DNF Did Not Finish IRPMR Information Resources Procurement and Management Review CPA Coalition Provisional Authority PCT 1) Polk County Transit (Florida) VPS Vector Product Format 2) Atomic Energy Commission DRM Disaster Recovery Manager 2) Notice to Appear HSO Human Services Officer GCCS Global Command and Communications System XDA Existing Data Study LMFBR Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor UPS 1) Uninterruptable Power Supply NTA 1) National Technology Alliance (research partnership between government, academia and industry) 2) Transportation Coordination Unit CATEGORY F Utilities CLO Congressional Liaison Officer SD Security Directive R&D Research and Development CEST Cyber Emergency Support Team CIMRT Critical Incident Management Response Team 2) Maryland Emergency Management Agency CGS Council of Graduate Schools GDIN Global Disaster Information Network New FEMA report summarizes state of national preparedness The report summarizes the state of national preparedness to help support U.S. emergency managers and whole-community partners in decisionmaking about program priorities, resource allocations and community actions. CEMIS Crisis and Emergency Management Information System CareerBuilder TIP. REL Recommended Exposure Limit CONOPS Concept of Operations OPM Office of Personnel Management RCS 1) Reports Control System ERRS Emergency and Rapid Response Services QT Total Activity Released WMA Washington Metropolitan Area CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka "Superfund") FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service AERT Alaska Emergency Response Team 3) Evidence Response Team ADMSYS Admissions System NAAP Newport Army Ammunition Plant (obsolete) PL 93-288 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (as amended) PAG Protective Action Guide ITS 1) Information Technology Services 2) Airlift Coordination Cell health monument care city rapid patients hospital will medical httpsmonumenthealthwp list said time patient value clinic medicine award caregivers width weight aria data covid providers community stylefont styletext services family spearfish doctors system also align full nursing daisy help south hospitals program dakota nameinput heart nurse . 404 ( 5170c) Hazard Mitigation ATC 1) Air Traffic Control USACBDC United States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command RRP Regional Response Plan 2) Army Corps of Engineers EMERCOM Emergency Command NRP National Response Plan SA 1) Salvation Army SRV Safety Relief Value Medical, Technology, . DHCD Department of Housing and Community Development RPO Regional Project Officer 2) Systeme Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (French satellite system) CBP Customs and Border Protection, Bureau of (also called BCBP) 2) Social Security Administration MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War FS 1) Feasibility Study LETPP Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program 2) Outer Continental Shelf HP 1) Hewlett-Packard PS Program Support 2) Post Meridiem TITLE IV Major Disaster Assistance Programs ACCS Accounting Classification Code Structure NRIS National Resource Information System MPD Maximum Potential Destruction FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FSB Forward Support Base 2) Officer in Charge IMG Information Management Group ARCHIE Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation DWT Dead Weight CDRG Catastrophic Disaster Response Group DTE Disaster Temporary Employee(s) AF 1) Acre Feet Each zone reflects the severity or type of potential flooding in the area. CV Combined Verification SBU Sensitive But Unclassified 3) Intellectual Property Rights 2) Senior FEMA Official NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory GS 1) General Schedule ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effects Level HSLD Historic Shoreline Location Database NSI 1) National Security Information MWA Metropolitan Washington Area GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District START 1) Scientific and Technical Advisory and Response Team ROB Regional Office Building kHz kiloHertz USCS United States Customs Service CSU 1) Clearing-Staging Unit 2) Electronic Technician LAN/WAN Local Area Network/Wide Area Network DFTO Disaster Field Training Office (or Organization) FRPG Federal Response Planning Guidance ISA Incident Staging Area NPDP National Performance of Dams Program C/E Communications/Electronics The primary purpose of your job position is to provide each of your assigned patients with routine daily nursing care and services in accordance with the patient's assessment and care plan, and as may be directed by your supervisors. REDI Regional Emergency Disaster Inventory 3) Navy Operations Center ASOS Automated Surface Observing System CCB Configuration Control Board APOD Aerial Port of Debarkation ERL Environmental Research Laboratories AFRAS Association For Rescue At Sea IH 1) Inhalation DDE Dynamic Data Exchange CODEL Congressional Delegation FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance CPG Civil Preparedness Guide RMS Root Mean Square FMANA Fire Marshals Association of North America 2) Council of Governments 2) Help Line 318 ( 5161) Audits and Investigations OVC Office for Victims of Crime LETS Law Enforcement Telecommunications System FEB 1) Federal Executive Board NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 2) Audio-Visual IOS International Organization for Standardization ATCO Airtanker Coordinator REHAB Meaning Abbreviations Common. kWh kilowatt hour 3) National Iranian American Council RAT Radiological Assistance Team 2) Alternative Dispute Resolution F&STD Fire and Safety Test Detachment WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get 2) Hydrologic and Hydraulic (Analyses) LEVEL 2 EST Intermediate EST activation level (NRCC) E.O. Intelligence Fusion (Integrator) Governmental Military. PBCA Pine Bluff Chemical Activity 2) METRO Strike Team 3) Time and Attendance EDR 1) Economic Development Representative CGISS Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface NEMA 1) National Emergency Management Association EOIR Executive Office for Immigration Review CRC 1) Contamination Reduction Corridor 2) International Energy Agency HTML HyperText Markup Language 3) Crisis Management Coordinator ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency DODRDB DoD Resources Data Base RPG Response Planning Guide NIMTO Not In My Term of Office AOA Aviation Operations Area SDP 1) Secretarial Development Program TOA 1) Time of Arrival CWIN Cyberspace Warning Intelligence Network UOC USACE Operations Center NYCOEM New York City Office of Emergency Management PUP Principal User Processor BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration PCC Policy Coordinating Committee GCO Grant Coordinating Officer POTUS President of the United States IMAC Infrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination ETE 1) Estimated Time Enroute NFSCC National Fire Science Curriculum Committee GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards CTOTF Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility At 1 year post surgical recommendation no significant differences in constant or UCLA scores in those who had compared with didn't have surgery. ERLink Emergency Response Link EACG Eastern Area Coordinating Group 3) Civil Air Patrol FWD Forward DU Dobson Unit 2) Customs Cybersmuggling Center 705 ( 5205) Disaster Grant Closeout Procedures IMS 1) Incident Management System PSI 1) Pounds (of pressure) per Square Inch PACOM U.S. Pacific Command HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army OAR 1) Office of Air and Radiation NEST Nuclear Emergency Search/Support Team OPC Organizational Program Coordinators ESF 11 Agriculture and Natural Resources ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement (affiliated with BTS/CBP) 2) Capability Assurance Program DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service 3) Area of Operations FTE Full-Time Equivalent APP Application or Applicant OFO Office of Field Operations SME Subject-Matter Expert RMEC Regional Military Emergency Coordinator CHRIS Chemical Hazard Response Information System FHM Flood Hazard Mapping NFPE National Fire Protection Equipment USCSCFAC U.S. Customs Service COBRA Fees Advisory Committee 2) Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA) OIC 1) Office of Interoperability & Compatibility EPS Encapsulated PostScript FTA Federal Transit Administration 5) Public Assistance HMC Hazard Mitigation Coordinator WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System 415 ( 5182) Legal Services Terms DRSS Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards SPE 1) Skill Performance Evaluation 2) Homeland Security Center NLS National Language Standards DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team SSB Single Side Band BRT Business Round Table 2) Drug Enforcement Administration DSN Defense Switched Network OAS 1) Office of Administrative Support CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations ITSD Information Technology Services Directorate HD Hurricane Day 2) Agency Confirmation Report 3) Operations or Operational Support Center FFCD Full, Final, and Complete Disclosure 2) Emergency Medical System [or Service(s)] SHSAS State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy 2) Cooperative Base Network ITDS International Trade Data System NEDSS National Electronic Disease Surveillance System 2) Military Police LIHEAP Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program DELO Deputy Environmental Liaison Officer NMAB National Materials Advisory Board NISE National Intelligence Support Element CDMA Code Division Multiple Access FSLIC Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation 2) Domestic Imagery Requirement Entries known to be obsolete are included because they may still appear in extant publications and correspondence. 18 popular meanings of REHAB abbreviation: 34 Categories. EFO Emergency Field Office 2) Border Patrol Agent PSA 1) Patient Staging Area BASIS Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System SABA Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus Licensed Vocational Nurse Hiring for day and night shift! DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group NFFS Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors NGA 1) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency LOSSEST Loss Estimation 2) Individual Assistance SOF Special Operations Forces Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb642bfa827cb6 3) Bureau of Transportation Statistics JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan MPS Mission Planning System AFA Association of Flight Attendants 3) Free Of Charge Comprehensive Overview of Nursing and Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Care of the Stroke Patient: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. 2) Authority to Participate USACMDA United States Army Chemical Material Destruction Agency RAMOS Remote Automated Meteorological Observing System NSF 1) National Science Foundation ONRA Office of National Risk Assessment SNS Strategic National Stockpile JIATF Joint Interagency Task Force CBRDT Chemical/Biological Rapid Deployment Team NEOB New Executive Office Building CAMS Continuous Air Monitoring System IASIR International Association of Security and Investigative Regulators RAR Regional Analysis and Recommendation PCF Patient Care Form AHG Ad Hoc Group LS 1) Logistics Support 2) Wireless Priority Service/System IPELR Independent Power/Motorized Elevating Leg Rest. PADC Patch Authentication and Dissemination Capability. ARC. 2) Foreign Assistance Act SNA Survivable Network Analysis 2) Historic Preservation NIH National Institutes of Health CCC 1) Commodity Credit Corporation MRRS MERS Response Reporting System UC 1) Unemployment Compensation COW Cellular-On-Wheels AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center FSO Free Space Optics C4 Command, Control, Communications, and Computers IBS Integrated Baseline System MS-1 Medical Service - 1 (Hospital) GRS Geodetic Reference System UPC Universal Product Code USA-ITA U.S. Association for Importers of Textiles and Apparel (private sector association, affiliated with BTS/CBP) FDO Flight Deck Officer BW Biological Warfare/Weapons FCC 1) Federal Communications Commission NTAC National Threat Assessment Center Rate it: TBM Temporary Bench Mark FCT Forward Coordinating Team CBET Computer Based Education and Training FADED GIANT Nuclear reactor radiological incident/ accident kW Kilowatt(s) RMSE Root Mean Square Error NEPPC National Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council 5) Environmental Assessment AWRA American Water Resources Association IST Incident Support Team PIN Personal Identification Number 2) Spatial Data Transfer System CB 1) Chemical Biological TransCAER Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response LULC Land Use and Land Cover 3) Chief of Police CR 1) Claims Representative 2) Technology Review Committee SVTC Secure Video Teleconference CPD Community Planning and Development CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System AAEI American Association for Exporters and Importers ITF Intelligence Task Force 3) Intelligence Control Center NSAC Navigation Safety Advisory Council 3) Advance Confirmation Report MBA 1) Master of Business Administration CSBG Community Services Block Grant HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse SOB Souls On Board ITD International Training Division M/V Merchant Vessel EA 1) Eastern Area EMPA Emergency Management Planning and Assistance GPL 1) General Population Level 3) Professional Excellence Program BWC Biological Weapons Convention cfm cubic feet per minute NACo National Association of Counties DCT Donations Coordination Team ECWAG Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant RAMCAP Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection 4) Project Monitor HMTAP Hazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Program (or Plan) IAW In accordance with AIF Assistance Information Form DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency 3) Line of Communication 4) Regional Office ESFLG Emergency Support Function Leaders Group

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