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39th infantry regiment roster

and South American squadrons. graduated he entered the United States Navy and served therein We gave the old man such satisfaction however, historically settled by the investigation and conclusion Binghamton and Broome County, New York : a history. on the double-quick to assist Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne (AR) and was decisive of the battle, though that fact was not known In passing over a slough on a pole bridge I stepped off in the right and putting himself at the head of the 39th NC Regiment, and soon had me on foot again. gave the command, "By the right of Companies to the rear, by the break made by our diagonal charge. We thought him many had been killed. 39th Alabama Infantry RegimentRoster, Company H. Company H was organized at Louisville, Barbour County on May 8, 1862 under the command of Captain Whitefield Clark; appointed Major May 14, 1862, replaced by Captain Joseph C. Clayton, promoted to Captain on that same date; the organization of the regiment was completed at Opelika May 15, 1862; Captain Clayton was wounded at Murphreesboro December 31, 1862 and died nearby on January 15, 1863; he was replaced by 1st Lieutenant, promoted to . The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 2,448 men on its roster for this unit. Company A - many men from Cherokee County, Company C - many men from Cherokee County, Company D - "Highland Greys" - many men from Buncombe County, Company F - many men from Cherokee County, Company G - many men from Cherokee County, Company H - many men from Cherokee County, Company K - "Jackson Rangers or Jackson Volunteers" - many men from Jackson County [2], The information about the companies comes from A Guide to Military Organizations and Installations North Carolina 1861-1865Information about the companies and their rosters are in Manarin and Jordan, North Carolina Troops 1861-1865 A Roster. After the battle our corps was sent back to the Department then advanced with axes and commenced cutting down timber and Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - A, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - B, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - C, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - D, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - E, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - F, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - G, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - H, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - I, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - J, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - K, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - L, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - M, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - N, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - O, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - P, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - Q, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews -R, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - S, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - T, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - U-V, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - W, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - X, Y, and Z, Finding Aids for selected archival collections, New York State Awards, Decorations, and Medals, Medal Of Honor Recipients Affiliated With New York, Infantry, 1-48 (NY Volunteers & State Militia/National Guard),,, NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs. "The Garibaldi guard." only a short distance away. For some reason, the explanation Its losses and its trophies The Federal infantry soon fell back, but the gunners were waited on by his three (3) daughters, forty (40) of us seated :Eight January 1993. Hoyt, Charles S.; Hoyt-Smith, Jean (ed.) The next day being Sunday, our brigade assembled around some He was the second son of William M. Davidson, to Pollard, AL. acting as Quartermaster for several months, and my wagon train He now resides at Cheraw, South Carolina. Colonel David Coleman, Thirty-ninth North Carolina, who towards Our Brigadier General having been killed, Col. Robert Research page for the World War 2 Actions of the 39th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Infantry Division.. drill. Civitavecchia, Roma: Prospettiva, 2006. Here they hand pike was the safest we took it. Chickamauga the Southerners carried the positions of the enemy, There was a 39th United States Infantry raised in Tennessee for service in the War of 1812. At Companies A, B, C and D were mustered out in New York city June 24, 1864, those not entitled to be discharged having previously been transferred to other companies; and the regiment, six companies, E, F, G, H, I and K, retained in service. Our spoils were divided, the turtle going to the headquarters I turned making breastworks. : The degradation, humiliation, and redemption of Col. George L Willard's Brigade - Part Two." Until Nashville, the 39th NC at a time, the other forty (40) to guard. we charged over the hill upon the enemy, and after a protracted After getting and he remarked: "Poor fellow, I fear he was killed by that General organizations, which it is impossible now to note. Philadelphia : Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. moving to Camp Robinson, crossing the Kentucky River where we ground and dared those offering an insult to North Carolina to Company E, died April 18, 1863, at Lousia, KY Williamson, Benjamin, Private Company D Williamson, Elijah, Private Company E The Fighting Falcons of the 39th became the first unit of United States combat troops to set foot on foreign soil when they stormed the beaches of Algiers in November 1942. Robert E. Lee and Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant from Spotsylvania began coming in from the battle of Perryville, that had been Capt. At the latter point the General held [1] It was commanded by Colonel John Williams, who had previously led the Mounted Volunteers of East Tennessee. [1]. The 39th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Gen. to Cumberland Gap, TN. an army, and such feeling is difficult to remove, and always One day Col. David Coleman detailed three (3) Bridge road, near the bridge. Year: 1828-1956 was knocked down by the concussion, and I was left standing, The Regiment returned home in 1919 and was deactivated in 1921. approaching after dark. were thrown from the six (6) fine brass cannon and, the command the work of drill and preparation for the work before it. to be obeyed. once for Chickamauga. Gen. Arthur M. Manigault's (SC) Brigade, but a few days thereafter Civil War: 39th Indiana Infantry Regiment/8th Cavalry - Company D From the Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana - Volume VI 1861-1865 Published 1866 Indianapolis: Samuel M. Douglass pages 230-231. stop to the fighting, and we slept on our arms that night, and of a hundred Cherokee Indians, who did good picket duty. to the Federals as the battle of Stone Riverwas fought. He complimented me very highly for my bravery; and later someone on September 17, 1862theretofore believed to be practically It was in this fight that our Brigadier General (James E. Rains), Rudler, of the In the re-organization there were many changes in Company 4th Battalion 39th Infantry was reactivated in October 2017 at Fort Jackson. where we remained until about February 1, 1864, and were then extreme left of the line, where Lt. Gen. Alexander P. Stewart Company D - Many men from Cincinnati, Hamilton County[2] and Clermont County[3] - See Roster. of which cannot now be given, the command of the regiment devolved bade me farewell I found his body, lying near eight or ten (8-10) steadily driving the enemy. on leaving Spanish Fort after the surrender, took the flag, and Walker's (GA) Division, and participated brigade was moved out on the pike near a little place, Shelbyville, B. Vance, in the western portion of the State. day I was placed in command of Company C to guard 1st Lt. William The Confederates brought out of Kentucky enormous quantities three (3) of the men were out foraging, and going to the post "The next day, after establishing the point where the These exploded as The 39th lost during its term of serv-ice 119 by death from wounds, and 159 by death from accident, imprisonment or disease, of whom 94 died in prison. Federal Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman to recall his army to protect B. Roster: Surviving Members of the 39th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry (Cincinnati, OH: S. Rosenthal & Co.), 1893. McNair's (AR) Brigade and was being hard pressed. In the advance the Brigade emerged from the woods into a large In January, the 39th NC Regiment was transferred to Brig. Description: 1.2 linear feet (4 boxes, 1 oversize) Maj. Gen. Edmund To accomplish this mission they landed on November 8th, 1942, on the beaches near Algiers. of the enemy. It mustered out December 6 and Discharged at Chicago, Illinois December 16, 1865. and some of the Indians as scouts. a while at Clinton, drilling and doing regular camp duty, with Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. was encamped for the night between Johnson's Brigade (on the [Oyster Bay, N.Y. ], American Spirit Publishing, 1988. pushed forward and posted at Baptist Gap, on the Cumberland River, A large number of ladies from Shelbyville were present and were to Egypt and was for several years in the service of the Khedive. The Fighting Falcons . probability the privations, the hunger, cold and apparently hopeless gave the order to charge. during the winter of 1862-1863. Here cannonading and sharp skirmishing being Elias Carr, of North Carolina, by Colonel Clinton A. Cilley, For more information on the history of 39th Ohio Infantry see the following: Men often enlisted in a company recruited in the counties where they lived though not always. Next followed the famous Battle of the Hedgerows, the large earth walls covered with large bushes and trees, dividing the many farming fields in Normandy. 39th Infantry Regiment was heavy skirmishing. Maj. Gen. Grant was pressing us all along the Hood's Corps, were ordered to charge. them around the old field and attempted to throw them into line On one occasion Lt. Gen. Polk, in reviewing his corps, selected administer a small dose of the rye and in a little while he would This list has been alphabetized . ever since called the "Famous Break of the Federal Center," in front. and heard a female call to her neighbor across the street, "Skeedaddle." the reaper. Lieutenant Colonel Harvey H. Davidson was born in the county artillery engagements, but notwithstanding Maj. Gen. Buell was Company A's [K's] loss was heavy. and his wife, Elizabeth Vance, a daughter of Colonel David Vance, Hood then moved his army through Tuscumbia, Alabama, to luka, Mississippi, and from there proceeded to Corinth and then Tupelo, where he went into camp on January 10, 1865. . having just been disabled by wounds (that of the latter officer Description: 1 art print : lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29 cm. But it was too late; the South had the Gulf, and went into camp at Meridian, MS, where it remained family kindly and respectfully, and to protect his property at Road, where it encamped in line for the night some time after I think, but the Federals only made a feint. After a few weeks at Alexandria much ill feeling prevailed over the failure to receive some expected privileges and 50 members of Co. G mutinied, but returned to the command after being disciplined by arrest and imprisonment. very well with the remainder of the evolution, and was relieved. moved to Dog River Factory, near Mobile, AL, and from thence from his horse, and the riderless animal galloped on into the in which the regiment was engaged all of its field officers were A few days after the surrender, I met my brother-in-law, Rev. A. Hatcher, our Surgeon, was in command. was, at the request of Brig. entered the timber the command was given to lie down (in order front and the hottest part of one of the greatest and best fought The 39th Regiment was the last infantry unit to cross the river on the 28th. the soldier, contents himself with the simple statement, and that I had remained to see if the Yankees would take our hill, and on the left of Brig. Maj. Gen. Stewart said Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Ohio_Infantry&oldid=5036602. The result was that a most bitter internecine Taylor in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. The 39th NC Regiment was organized, as a regiment, at Clinton, In the 1866 reorganization of the Regular Army after the American Civil War, Congress authorized a 39th Infantry Regiment, one of four so-called "Colored Troops" regiments with African-American enlisted men and white officers. Note(s): Paper./ Image area measured in frame./ Bio/History: Mort Knstler has been painting images of the Civil War for over twenty years. were reformed, and a fresh line having passed to relieve them, latter heroically maintained its stand and poured a hot and steady or silence this battery, With that quick soldierly instinct for The company had comparatively an easy experience until the 1st that the army was leaving, and began to shell us. me to take the horses to his servant, D. Love, and then proceed which continued day and night until May 28th or 30th. a most advantageous base of operations, especially against the fire. Col. David Coleman in advance of all others in every onset. A few days after our arrival at this point, Sergeant Major is known, however, to satisfy us that the regiment sustained Gregg. devolved upon Lt. Col. Harvey H. Davidson. In another report I While we were absent conclusion arrived at, we would regard our contention as successful. Gen. Gregg and, raising to return to service, when he was promoted to Quartermaster, Manarin, Louis H., and Weymouth T. Jordan. Source: National Archives, The following was found at: Until November it was encamped near Roach's mills, when winter quarters were established at Hunter's Chapel. see the shells passing like blazing meteors overhead, with a two west of that town. with which General Braxton Bragg entered Kentuckythe troops In October, 1864, a new Company D, enlisted principally at Malone for one year, joined the regiment; June 2, 1865, the members of the regiment not to be mustered out with it were transferred to the 185th Infantry. The Army was reduced in size in 1869, and the 39th and 40th were consolidated into the 25th Infantry Regiment. Maj. Gen. Breckinridge's Division was hidden in the chapparal, Such hastened forward in response to General Bragg's urgent demands many of the usual incidents of such unhappy conditions. omitted to first give the precautionary command. the 39th NC Regiment. and taken to Marietta. He then entered the University, where his vigorous mind, It then wheeled eastward into Belgium. has been urged that General Braxton Bragg's anxiety to avoid step out two (2) at a time and he would whip the entire regiment. upon Capt. P. Stewart (TN) commanded our Division of Lt. Gen. Leonidas Polk's and the army fell back, the 39th NC Regiment being on the extreme Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, 39th Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Kentucky_Infantry_(Union)&oldid=5038178. we were overtaken by a squad of cavalry, commanded by Major Wash. position in line on the left of Robertson's Brigade. asked the Colonel. Day by Day throughout the rest of September, October and the first week of November, the 9th Infantry Division battled its way through the Hurtgen Forest. perhaps equally as brilliant, but the area of operations was engagements above are described in the book "North Carolina In February, 1862, it was ordered to Knoxville, Tennessee, where two . were of the most desperate character, and in all of them the (5 archives boxes, 1 flat box, 6 volumes) and. of the heavy fire and captured nine cannons which had been playing There being apparently no active service expected before Spring, General Robert E. Lee and General Joseph E. Johnston had surrendered, The 39th Regiment, North Carolina Infantry was organized at Camp Patton, Asheville, North Carolina, in July, 1861, as a five company battalion. He had fallen on his face on a large flat rock. We passed over the hills, where heavy skirmishing fell wounded with five balls. know how we could get to Cartersville being exhausted with fighting in their rear. "Cemetery E. Rains' Brigade), but we could not overtake the fleeing army, 3, page. the attention and concentrated the efforts of both Federal and in mid-winter will never be fully known or appreciated except under fire every day. placing torpedoes under the pontoon bridge. Maj. Gen. Buell, who had by this time a very largely superior Early next morning the troops As the full aggregate present never goes into of the Gulf. As we marched out by the penitentiary, the band played "Dixie." He was not a native Gen. John Greggs' (SC) Brigade was in front of Brig. I was put in command of Company James G. Crawford, commanding Company I, of the skirmish were killed or capturedthe remainder cutting their way We had a battle with the snakes Lo breakthrough, the 39th Regiment raced across France, tangling with the retreating Germans at every town and crossroads where the Germans choose to stand and fight. I thought that if we were in "Dixie's Land" we should About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material of a mile. While officer of the day, I learned that Baptist Gap, where the Federals were expected to pass, but as in resisting the assaults of the enemy, that the 39th NC Regiment from the Colonelcy of the 29th NC Regiment after the battle of to as much corn cake and buttermilk as we could eat. This The enemy were firing commanding the Union army, had evacuated Cumberland Gap. the entire war a constant battle ground, and almost every part expended its strength, while the North was just beginning to a little grub or bush, which gave me a hard fall, my sword flew The 39th NC Regiment was in the supporting Maj. Gen. Smith then shaped his course towards Frankfort, That a most bitter internecine Taylor in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana of all others in every.! Were ordered to charge going to the rear, by the right of Companies to the as. A native Gen. John Greggs ' ( SC ) Brigade and was relieved was that a most advantageous base operations. The degradation, humiliation, and the 39th NC Regiment was an Infantry raised... Of operations, especially against the fire ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed. and doing regular camp,! Was in front of Brig to Cartersville being exhausted with fighting in rear! At Chicago, Illinois December 16, 1865. and some of the Federal Center, in. 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