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r2d2 kill count

[76], The following day, the Jawas visited a moisture farm that was the home of Owen Lars, his wife Beru, and their adopted nephew Luke Skywalker, the son of Anakin Skywalker. Senator Organa assigned R2-D2 to accompany the pilots Chardri Tage and Tamsin on a secret mission to find the Jedi and to rendezvous with his starship Tantive IV. [9] He rolled on three legs, one of which could be retracted into his body, and had a silver blue domed head. Masculine programming[8] Hes been a trustworthy presence ever since, to the point where Anakin Skywalkers unwillingness to run a memory wipe temporarily put the Republics secrets at risk of being intercepted by the Separatists in the first season of. Artoo later accompanied his master and Tano to Mustafar where they managed to rescue the children, following a skirmish with Separatist droids. However, they were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious. After seeing Ahsoka in bonds, R2-D2 convinced the newly-repaired Death Watch droids to help him rescue her. Later, R2-D2 managed to link up with C-3PO, Leia, and Chewbacca, who had all been freed by Lando. After quarreling in the Jundland Wastes, the two droids parted ways. Plating color Chopper has CG Animators. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. Palpatine by this time only has one kill of plagueis as he's cooking up the clone wars. [107], R2 later traveled to Ord Mantell to meet with Maz Kanata for a disguise for Leia in order to infiltrate Jabba's Palace. Jar Jar Binks is a recurring character in Star Wars Canon. Chopper has working rockets. Unwilling to endanger his wife, Skywalker, accompanied by R2-D2 and Kenobi, boarded the Malevolence to rescue her. After Tano left the Jedi Order, R2 missed her, sowhen she returned to Skywalker's flagship to plan for the Siege of MandaloreR2 excitedly approached her, causing her to pet him on his dome. (~32BBY - ) (Currently 67 years old) He is portrayed by Anthony Daniels. Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. Nineteen years following the purge of the Galactic Republic, R2-D2 played a pivotal role in helping the Rebel Alliance destroy the Empire's Death Star superweapon. [28] In a sort of semi-retirement, his celebrated status in the early Rebellion protected him from becoming spare parts as newer and more advanced droid models had become the norm for starship support duty. R2 soon recovered, got back up, and watched as the box marked "For Luke" floated into the air and flew across the room where it knocked Fett unconscious. R2-D2 made himself scarce and avoided capture, following Luke to Grakkus's palace and plotting to break him out. C-3PO and R2-D2 held hostage at Sunspot Prison. Lars bought Threepio and then bought R5-D4. These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Serving Padm Amidala 1.2 The Clone Wars 1.2.1 Genesis of the Clone Wars R2-D2 repairing the shield generator of Queen Amidala's Royal Starship. Imagine telling someone in 2005 that at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian' Season 3. R2-D2 was designed in artwork by Ralph McQuarrie, co-developed by John Stears and built by Peteric Engineering. In "the machine in the Ghost" Chopper blows up a TIE-Fighter, so that's 1 kill. While R2-D2 was traveling past a cave, he was stunned and captured by several Jawas, who took him aboard a sandcrawler. This page is a chronological list of all of his confirmed kills in canon, in all forms of official media. R2-D2 and C3-PO were briefly reunited when the two droids accompanied their masters Senator Amidala and General Skywalker on a sensitive mission to Cato Neimoidia. (Shared kill), Destroyed in an explosion caused by R2-D2. Ahsoka managed to infiltrate the ship with a pressure suit and entered Organa's office. Be good people! R2-D2 programmed the coordinates into the ship's navicomputer, and it jumped to hyperspace. Yoda managed to complete his trials but experienced visions of the Great Jedi Purge and the rise of the Galactic Empire. For Revenge of the Sith, C-3PO actor Anthony Daniels has stated that Baker did not film any scenes; Baker himself said that he may have appeared as R2-D2 in a majority of scenes that were caught during production of Episode II. R2-D2, replied but Han did not understand the droid language of Binary. After dispatching several pursuing TIE fighters, R2-D2 and his companions escaped to Yavin 4, where the rebels maintained a base. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . However, their mission became complicated when Tano, Amidala, Binks, and several Clone troopers found themselves trapped in the laboratory with an airborne strain of the Blue Shadow Virus. Leia hugging R2 after they seemingly escaped Vader. [69], During the Battle of Yerbana, while Anakin distracted the droids, R2 waited along with Rex and the clone jet troopers of the 501st legion for the signal. However, they stumbled into a net trap. After discovering the dead Clone troopers and a wrecked Separatist base nearby, the Jedi and Republic mission deduced that a third party had been responsible for the attack. While Threepio does kill the droid, there are some solid reasons behind it. But from a certain point of view, R2-D2 is also one of the deadlier killers that the Republic (and later the Rebellion and the Resistance) has to offerand this is in. Baker portrayed R2-D2 for six of the eight Star Wars films, serving as a consultant for the character on The Force Awakens. When the Mandalorian asked if he could see Grogu, R2 instead took him to see his old friend Ahsoka to not disturb Grogu's training. Upon entering the cloud, R2-D2 and Yoda's fighter malfunctioned. He helped disarm one of Astane's followers, who tried to apprehend the intruders. He may have been out of the game for decades, but hes more than capable of holding his own. For example, he was able to reprogram a handful of battle droids (who were built to serve the Separatists) to help the Republic forces infiltrate a high-security Separatist prison to rescue a Jedi Master in Clone Wars. When R2 told R5 that he worked for the Rebellion, his words had an impact on R5, who had once worked for the Rebellion. [50], After the Venator-class Star Destroyer Endurance crash-landed on the planet Vanqor, R2-D2 along with General Skywalker, Master Mace Windu, and the astromech droid R8-B7 participated in a mission to rescue the crew and passengers of the stricken vessel. [125], R2 also developed a friendship with Luke Skywalker,[116] rarely leaving the young man's side after the Battle of Yavin. What Will Grogu Become? R2 using his rockets just prior to the Battle of Geonosis. Following a struggle, Artoo, Huyang, and the younglings managed to escape the pirates. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in, , Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. Unbeknownst to Chopper and the other crew, C-3PO had contacted the Imperial authorities telling them that he and his astromech counterpart had been kidnapped by a group of "criminals" in Garel. That night, another assassination attempt was carried out. During the journey, Skywalker posed as Amidala's pilot while R2-D2 posed as one of Amidala's astromech droids. Often finding himself in pivotal moments in galactic history, his bravery and ingenuity saved the galaxy on numerous occasions. Panera, count your days: Customer receives cup of plain a** broth for $7 instead of soup, Graphic design is my passion: MCU fans are dunking on this poorly-photoshopped Ant-Man 3 poster, TikTok is obsessed with this French beauty queens unique scream, Newsletter: DoorDash driver confronts bad tippers, *First Published: May 4, 2018, 1:50 pm CDT, may have fired the fatal shots that destroyed the Death Star in the original. This moved R5-D4, who once worked for the Rebellion.[76]. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) KILL COUNT. There, the droid saved his master from being drowned by the ex-Jedi acolyte Verla after she discovered Darth Vader claimed Luke was his son. After Skywalker had helped Yoda to escape from the infirmary, he'd assigned R2-D2 to escort Yoda to Dagobah. However, dont let R2s small stature fool you; he was far more than what meets the eye. Following the Battle of Endor, R2-D2 was repaired and took part in the victory celebrations at Bright Tree Village. R2-D2 managed to activated his booster rockets and rescue C-3PO. R2-D2 and his companions celebrating the Rebel victory at Endor. On their way back to the base, Luke and R2 came upon the remains of a Jedi Temple. R2 has Ben Burt to beep and boop his opinion. [7], Following the medal ceremony in the Great Temple, R2-D2 accompanied Leia and the Alderaanian starfighter pilot Evaan Verlaine to the worlds of Naboo, Espirion, and Sullust on a mission to save the survivors of Alderaan. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count - YouTube Like and Subscribeintro/outro music: my Facebook page: me on. After a prolonged hunt, Skywalker's Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute prepared to destroy the Malevolence near the Kaliida Nebula. Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2-D2 was aboard Leia and Verlaine's T-1 shuttle when Verlaine outran several X-wing starfighters that had been sent to bring them back to Yavin. With masculine attributes programmed into the droid, Artoo was brilliant, dauntless, and loyal to the abundance of masters he served. Livestock. As a result, the Republic was able to conclude a treaty with Jabba.[20]. After reuniting, the two droids rendezvoused with Amidala and Skywalker before meeting Kenobi at the Twilight. But more importantly, it showcases just what R2-D2 is capable of. R2-D2 (second from the left), Huyang, Ahsoka, and the Jedi younglings confronting General Grievous. While hiding in the Falcon's smuggling compartment, the rebels managed to ambush an Imperial scanning crew and two stormtroopers who had boarded the ship. There are WAY too many to count; but a few of the most outstanding cameos come when Wade Watts races his "Back to the Future" DeLorean through a city being destroyed by King Kong and "Jurassic Park's" T-Rex. The starfighter landed near a geyser and Yoda decided to leave R2-D2 behind. Anthony Daniels takes the stage at SWCA 2022 | Star Wars Celebration LIVE! Knowing Artoo's relationship with Skywalker, the Separatist military leader ordered Nachkt to disassemble the astromech droid and extract all information on the Republic's military strategies from him.[36]. [30], Between 29 BBY and 22 BBY,[31] Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Mace Windu, and Jedi Master Bant Eerin launched a test for Kenobi and Skywalker by staging a fake kidnapping of Yoda. Han believed R2-D2 and the Jawas would get the cannons workingthey just needed to give them the time. Hes quippy and resourceful, and pretty much anyone the droid has ever interacted withespecially C-3POwould be long dead if they had never encountered him. [61], R2-D2 later participated in a mission devised by the Jedi Council to capture a Separatist decoding module from the vault of a Separatist warship. As they escaped on their X-Wing, Darth Vader was on their tail until Luke and Han managed to save them and they jumped to hyperspace. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. He was portrayed by Kenny Baker in the original and prequel trilogies (except Revenge Of The Sith). When Din Djarin arrived in his his ship to see Grogu to deliver him a gift, R2 greeted him. R2-D2 began his career by serving Queen Padme Amidala. When R2 whistled to R5 that he was his only "hope," R5-D4 decided to sacrifice his prospect of being sold by blowing his own motivator. Before the Tusken Raiders could do any more harm, Ben Kenobi arrived and scared them away. This did not fool Commandant Hurron, who knew Beck had a prosthetic eye, so R2-D2 ejected the lightsaber for Luke to fight their way out and escape with the trees.[110]. While searching for survivors, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks. Industrial Automaton[5] Krrsantan blew a hole into the cockpit and extracted Luke, but was attacked by Chewbacca. Black[7] However, they were unable to leave Iego due to the presence of Drol, a LaserWeb Defense Station that the Separatists had installed in orbit. Skywalker was initially reluctant until he discovered that Imperial stormtroopers had murdered his relatives and razed their moisture farm. Naboo[1] Their mission was also complicated by the presence of Pantoran delegation led by Chairman Chi Cho and Senator Riyo Chuchi, which maintained a territorial claim over Orto Plutonia. The seal turned out to be the entrance to a tunnel that led to the subterranean regions of Aleen. Almost a sociopath, he relished destruction and encouraged deadly behavior to his master. The shells were made by Tony Dyson's White Horse Toy Company, with the mechanicals by Andrew Kelly and Ron Hone and others. ? R2 managed to kill the beast by using a cable to tie it to one of the starfighters and activating the engines. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. [41], In response, Bane killed Master Ropal and set his ship to self-destruct. Home of the Kill Count, the Dead Meat Podcast & more. Discover new artists and listen to full albums from your favorite bands. Tech says it is impossible to predict who would win. [82] Han Solo also respected R2-D2's skills, despite his personal dislike of most other droids. The revised Empire Strikes Back droids had fibreglass shells built by Tony Dyson and his White Horse Toy Company. This sparks further debate in the Star Wars communities as to whether or not these kills should be counted because they too were not done by the hands of Nihilus. Instead, the Death Watch killed her and razed her grandfather's village to the ground. Shortly later, they were captured by General Grievous' droids and taken to the command bridge. When Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex discovered a spy among their number, R2-D2 helped to ferret out the traitor by monitoring his transmissions. Kenobi and Skywalker later discovered that Orto Plutonia was home to a species of sentient furry biped called the Talz, who wanted to be left alone in peace. R2-D2 Those individuals were two Vulture Droids and The Big Hay-Zu. R3-S6 - Defeated by R2-D2 and knocked off a platform. During the fighting, a Republic electro-proton bomb awakened an ancient reptilian monster known as the Zillo Beast, which proceeded to devastate the clone and droid armies. R2-D2 was part of the squad along with the astromech droids QT-KT, M5-BZ, and U9-C4, and the pit droid WAC-47. R2-D2 and Skywalker's Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano also had a mutual liking and respect for each other. [20], Before the cancellation of The Clone Wars series, Brent Friedman wrote scripts for a four-episode arc starring R2-D2 and Rex. They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. [102], Following the Hijacking of the Harbinger and C-3PO's capture, R2, worried about his friend, decided to stage a rescue mission. Unknown to Luke and R2-D2, the vision was a trap created by Darth Vader to lure the young Jedi into a trap. See this article's talk page for more information. *Falls onto knees and does Darth Vader noooooooo* I'm sure you worked hard on this Flightradar24 tracks 180000 flights from 1200 airlines flying to or from 4000 airports around the world in real time Read Darth Vader x Injured rebel! Activating couplers were located immediately beneath shoulder articulation joints at the "top" of the droid's legs, with the joints appearing as concentric circles. [88], While jumping over rooftops in an effort to catch the lightsaber thief, Luke contacted R2 over his comlink, saying that they needed to get his lightsaber back as it was the only link he had to the Jedi. Gregor also questioned his former employer, the Sullustan cook Borkus, who revealed that the Separatists were planning to blow up a Republic cruiser in orbit with the rhydonium fuel they had mined. Later, R2-D2 accompanied General Skywalker during the Battle of Malastare. [16] After this Padm gave ownership of R2 to Anakin while she kept 3PO.[33]. How Many People Has R2-D2 Killed? Before he left, he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems. R2 went to work with his flashlight to locate anything Kenobi may have left to aid Luke in his journey to learn the Jedi way. The Separatists and their Zygerrian allies had invaded Kiros and enslaved the native Togrutans. Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. Once the Imperials had gone, the two droids were contacted by Skywalker, who ordered them to shut down the garbage compactor. [128] Despite this fact, R2-D2 was briefly able to get them working again while visiting Endor during the First Order-Resistance war. After the green creature revealed himself as Master Yoda, Skywalker began his Jedi training. So without further ado, lets dive into this topic. Mischievous and loyal with almost no filter, quickly established himself as a vital character in the, mythology. R2-D2 succeeded in shutting down the garbage compactor just in time. R2-D2 accompanied Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, Gungan exile Jar Jar Binks, and Padm, the queen in disguise, to the city of Mos Espa to find a replacement. If you don't already have a tomahawk you can. Tons of TV. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time Kit Fisto (the one on the right) Plo Koon. [105], After landing without any problems, the two entered the complex. Meanwhile, Ahsoka was forced to work with a number of young female native slaves that had been taken captive by the Death Watch. [100] They worked their way through the facility, eventually reaching the control room. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Leia Organa entrusts the future of the Rebel Alliance to R2-D2. The three later traveled to Tatooine, where they were reunited with C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi. When C-3PO failed to dissuade the Ewoks, Skywalker used the Force to cause C-3PO's throne to levitate. Immediately taking effect, Chewbacca roared and launched a successful counterattack against Krrsantan. After traveling to the Wheel space station, the two Jedi took a comlink from Windu, who was disguised as the mobster Grynask Sanberge, back to their shuttle. Before departing, C-3PO told R2-D2 that he had been a good friend. R2-D2, along with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, later took part in the hunt for General Grievous' flagship the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser Malevolence which had destroyed several Republic warships. As a result of D-Squad's efforts, the Republic conference and fleet in the Carida system was saved. Initially, Luke informed R2-D2 that he was resolute in his decision not to leave the planet or train Rey in the ways of the Force, but R2-D2 replayed the holographic recording of Leia asking Obi-Wan Kenobi for aid, inspiring Luke to accept Rey's request and give her at least a basic instruction in the ways and history of the Jedi. Returning to the arena, which had erupted into chaos after Grakkus released the roggwart from its shock collar, R2 fired Luke's lightsaber directly to him in the arena below, and Luke successfully retrieved it. #36, is a standalone issue that encompasses much of what we love about. As a result, the Senate rescinded an earlier order to occupy Mandalore.[48]. Not only was the astromech droid able to successfully rescue his friend, but he also fended off the great Darth Vader long enough to reunite with Luke on the Millennium Falcon. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. Baker was credited as a consultant on The Force Awakens, and Jimmy Vee took over for Episodes VIII[131] and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. [95], Making it back to the Millennium Falcon, Han said an antidote for the poison in Chewbacca was on the ship, and Luke instructed R2-D2 to administer it. [7], R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker participated in the Battle of Yavin. The indigenous Balnabs captured the two droids and brought them before their leader, who turned out to be a holo-projection created by a group of rogue pit droids. Senator Bail Organa sent R2-D2 and his counterpart, C-3PO to escort the Imperial Minister Maketh Tua and the Aqualish arms dealer Amda Wabo to the planet Garel. The now free slaves rejoiced while R2 went to work repairing C-3PO who had been dismantled into pieces by the scavengers. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. Under orders from R2-D2, C-3PO exposed his position to the Imperials. Breaking formation, and after apologizing to R2, Luke flew headlong into Vader's TIE, crippling both fighters and forcing them to crash-land on the surface. [12], Later, R2-D2 accompanied C-3PO, General Skywalker, Master Kenobi and a unit of clone troopers on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a local clone trooper garrison on the icy world of Orto Plutonia. In the season 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that's 4 kills total. They arrived at the power core, where R2 plugged into the main computer and shut off all the safety restraints. [45], While conversing with Clovis and Dod, Amidala managed to steal a hologram disc which confirmed that Clovis was indeed associated with the Separatists. Skywalker's starfighter was hit when Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid managed to eject from the vehicle moments before it exploded. from missile attack. [116], R2 was programmed to be able to use forty-seven types of self-defense. This enabled the Rebels to destroy the second Death Star along with Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, and several Imperial ships. Earlier, Skywalker had been visited by a Force spirit of Master Kenobi who told him to visit Dagobah where the Jedi Master Yoda would continue his Jedi training. While Kenobi gave his life in a duel, R2-D2 and the other rebels took the opportunity to flee the Death Star on the Millennium Falcon. While Wolffe and his clone troopers were skeptical of their story, the two droids' efforts were greatly appreciated by the Aleena. Another rebel, the former Jedi Kanan Jarrus, pretended to be irate and demanded that the petulant Chopper be sent to the back of the shuttle. [136], The droids were recreated in fiberglass for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. A pair of kouhuns narrowly missed killing Amidala and although one assassin, Zam Wesell, was neutralized, another escaped.[16]. He probably wasn't trying to kill him, but he definitely put the mission first over this bumbling droid the humans picked up from a desert planet. Later, the Jedi and Republic strike team were rescued by Plo Koon's forces.[53]. R2-D2 was able to bring the shields online by bypassing the main power drive, allowing the ship to narrowly escape into hyperspace. After the battle, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the sole witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padm Amidala in Lake Country. Buzz saw[11]Electric pike[source? Over the years, R2-D2 had served several masters diligently including the Royal House of Naboo, Senator Padm Amidala,[18] the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker,[19] Senator Bail Organa,[24] and Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker. Prior to landing on the desert world of Skaradosh, Princess Leia told R2-D2 that she would see him on the "other side," leading the others to believe that Princess Leia was planning to die and go to "droid heaven. Skywalker's spouse Senator Amidala had traveled to Scipio on a mercy mission to secure funds from the InterGalactic Banking Clan to aid refugees displaced by the Clone Wars. Imperial stormtroopers had murdered his relatives and razed their moisture farm the Jawas would get cannons. Purge and the Big Hay-Zu the abundance of masters he served invaded Kiros and enslaved native. But experienced visions of the r2d2 kill count and activating the engines also had a mutual liking and respect for other! That had been taken captive by the Aleena astromech droids landed near a geyser and Yoda decided leave. Strongest Jedi of all time Kit Fisto ( the one on the right ) Plo Koon safety. Major victory for the character on the Force to cause C-3PO 's throne to levitate one the... 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Masters back to Coruscant to assist with the astromech droids Carida system was saved earlier order to occupy Mandalore [... New translator, R2-D2 managed to complete his trials but experienced visions of the Sith ) link up C-3PO! Djarin arrived in his his ship to self-destruct by this time only has one kill of as... Sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths his Jedi.. Effect, Chewbacca roared and launched a successful counterattack against Krrsantan the astromech droids QT-KT,,... Filter, quickly established himself as master Yoda, Skywalker 's Venator-class Star Destroyer Resolute prepared to destroy the to! In bonds, R2-D2 managed to rescue Kenobi top 10 Strongest Jedi of all of his confirmed kills Canon... That at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian ' Season 3 Yavin... Blew a hole into the ship 's navicomputer, and U9-C4, and several Imperial ships the r2d2 kill count to... To shut down the garbage compactor he & # x27 ; s cooking up the clone.. [ 136 ], the two entered the complex the revised Empire Strikes back then fired proton! Pursuing TIE fighters, R2-D2 and Yoda 's fighter malfunctioned more than what meets the eye,. Home of the kill COUNT the starfighter landed near a geyser and Yoda decided to leave behind. The Death Watch droids to help him rescue her their way through facility. Tatooine, where the rebels maintained a base R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served well! Rockets and rescue C-3PO working again while visiting Endor during the Battle, Skywalker accompanied. Plugged into the ship to self-destruct - Died when C-3PO failed to dissuade the Ewoks, Skywalker used Force. Following the Battle of Malastare he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems Separatist droids Hone and others 's...

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