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training program for 800m and 1500m

3-4 min recovery (400m pace). He has been researching and writing on fitness, diet and health since 2006, and has published an eBook, The Low GI Diet Plan. 3: 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 (3000m) Give yourself 2 easy days of jogging if you feel your body needs it after an hard interval day. i am 19 years old and i am running 1600 meter but i want to make the endurance. During the specific period its common with 2 easy days between the hard sessions rather than 1 day. If a Type I runner struggles with VO2 and Tempo work in the same week, figure out an adjustment. 7. My view on speed training is that speed is important of course, but its more important to do long sprint speed rather than acceleration and short speed (40-60m) So my advice is to skip the 60m sprint training at 100% effort and rather do hill sprints or longer sprints on flat surface like for example 100-120m @90-95% effort. so, which protein is the best for the 1600 meter runners. Progresses to 2x(4x300m) 3 min rec. 4: 50 min easy jog/alternative training General running training for these distances should include: * Some easy running, although it is a lot less important than for the longer distances. That means in the season you will have to add specific training sessions, but you must still use some sessions from you base training also during this period. 2. We work with age-group Ironman podium athletes and national level triathletes of all ages. I will not dwelve too much into physiology in this guide. Dont forget that Strides are still happening regularly. 1515 sec hill sprints (225s running) Speed endurance training is usually never less than 150m. You need both speed training and endurance training in your program. You may see them used in 120m - 180m repeats with barely adequate rest, or a 3x300 @ 99% effort with 15 min rest between each. This is done after an easy run. Although you do not need to train as hard as them to get in good shape, if you are striving to be in excellent shape then you certainly need to be prepared to put the hours in with running, gym work and strict nutrition. 8x100m flat. Run on soft surface, at least on you recovery days and long runs. Type III 800m Runner: This athlete will likely excel between the different sports in high school and experiment with different training volumes. 5 min rec. I'd do intervals of anything from 30 seconds up to three minutes. All Rights Reserved. I include warm-up routines as mileage. (multi pace training) But is not combined in any race specific way. 2. Which paces you should focus most on depends on your racing distance. I have not invented anything myself, but I have taken what I have considered the best advice and made it into a system that most people can follow. 90 sec rec 60-90 sec rec. The total session lasts about half an hour. We have three EXCELLENT ARTICLES that address workouts at this pace. 2: 50 min easy + strides/short hill sprints. Long aerobic intervals: 3x800m rest= 8 and 10 min (2400m) That confidence comes through challenging workouts and prep races. This is a schedule for an athlete who would be aiming to run 2 min 34 secs (girl) and 2 min 27 secs (boy) for 800m and 5 min 28 (girl) and 4 min 59 (boy) for 1500m. (3-5k pace), Medium length aerobic intervals: Hassan claimed her first global title in women's 1500m IAAF indoor Championships Portland 2016, she . David Weir has won the London Marathon four times, but he also won Olympic medals in the 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, and 5000m wheelchair events. Your recoveries are the time of your rep. Speed Endurance Phase 3. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. A good rule is that after a hard session you should have 1-2 days of easy training before your next hard session. 50 min easy or rest A new HS runner should allow at least two seasons of work to get to these volumes. 11. Training Programs Sneak Peek Video My 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. 5. As the season approaches, the rest period may be cut down weekly and the speed may get closer to 800m or 1200m race pace. 16: 50 min easy jog. If the athlete has a significant athletic background in other sports, he / she may be able to get to these volumes in their 1st season. Notice that when I am talking about race paces its percentage of your current 800m level, not your goal pace. Strength training 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 + general strength/core (3k pace) Imagine your body has 5 gears (5 paces) running too much in only one gear(pace) will not be optimal and can lead to staleness and injuries. 8x200m 2 min rec. Build your base and mileage so you reach the milage you want to/will have during the fundamental period. Progresses to 7x600m. Advice on core training, injury prevention exercises, strength training and plyometrics training will also be mentioned in this guide. 2022 has been a very successful year in terms of sporting achievements. If you are already tired when beginning a interval session you will not be able to run your best speed or volume on the session and you cant stimulate the body to reach a new level. Later in the training these 2 bases are getting more connected. 3: 3600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 (4200m) 3x400m @ 95-105% of Race pace. I want you to avoid all that and give you advice on how you can optimize your training and run a faster 800m. Medium long aerobic intervals (400-600m) Now you are gradually backing down from the VO2 work and Tempo work. The 800 meter run is a favorite event for many athletes and fans. The specific sessions (short and medium length intervals, 200-600m) in this period should be run at a pace of 95%-105% of your current race pace. If you have any questions,please contact us. Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs. I am firm believer you need to work on different speedsfor 800m and 1500m runners. In the beginning of the document I promised to give advice on plyometric training. 5:10x300m. 8x150m progresses to 150m-200m-150m-200m-150m-200m-150m. As you train, focus on keeping your body relaxed, especially the fingers, arms neck and face. The total weekly mileage for the 400/800m runner is of less importance. You also need to prepare your body to maintain proper running form. Currently, accepting new athletes into our spring and summer athletics programs. In addition, 800-m runners perform more strength, power and plyometric training than 1500-m runners. This distance has been run at the Summer Olympics since the . Examples of race specific training sessions during the specific period: 1. We often measure it with a Flying 30 Sprint. There are over 1000 articles on MotleyHealth, so browse the archives and use the search box. The 400m/800m type and the 800m/1500m type should train differently. The anaerobic capacity workouts are designed to expand the anaerobic energy system and enable an 800m athlete to build a good foundation for improving their anaerobic power. The benefit of holding back a bit on the intervals is that the goal of the session will still be achieved, that is training the endurance/Vo2 max. Ill also refer to this idea as Training Density (my term). Our programs are built specifically for an area, skill, or time period. Begin to master your pace without destroying yourself - technical proficiency. Specific period: This athlete is likely a 1 sport competitor now and will generally have to put more focus into track to stay competitive. 6. The pure 800m runner is the person who has good pbs on 400m and 1500m, but the 800m pb is better than the 400m and 1500m pb. 8x400m 90 sec rec. I just discovered intervals and fartlek but not really sure how to use them as before that i just went out for a 40min run a few times a week. If you run the 800m, you basically need 200/400m speed, 800m speed (duh!) Especially for those targeting the 800m, anaerobic glycolytic training (lactate tolerance training) is essential to reaching peak performance. 3: 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints + leg strength (400-800m pace) Your email address will not be published. It is a great event! In such a way, the largest increase in the training structure took place in the preparatory distances for the 800m, without overlooking the special means for the 400m. Here is what a sample schedule may look like. The training begins with very general training and building of 2 separate bases (speed and endurance) in the introductive period. In this period you still need to keep some session of long aerobic intervals to balance out the hard training in keeping you aerobic endurance. This is the aerobic development window where heavier VO2 pace work is going to be most valuable. This athlete may be running cross country, but mainly to satisfy the aerobic base needed to excel in the 800 or 1500 meters. 5x1000m 2 min rec. Grant yourself another easy day, and do the hard day the next. 11: 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints + leg strength (400-800m pace) Anaerobic Alactic - no oxygen, effective for about 8 seconds. 4 days before the competition I advice to just do 8x150m at slightly faster speed than race pace and with 3 minutes recovery. Different jumping exercises is done for this purpose. 2 Weeks : 1. Before You Start There are some good information online, but its spread out in many different places and I want to collect the good info in one place.This guide will be very informative for the self coached runner. Research Special Endurance workouts and come up with a plan. 800m & 1500m Middle Distance Programs Speedcity Athletics Squad Training offer prebuilt programs for specific events and sports. 50 min easy jog Rest 400m/800m Training: Hills vs. Wt. 7: 5600 rest=4+5+6+7 (3000m) The specifics of training is not important. Trying to advance or qualify. Strength training: You can get about 3 HARD days per week, including race days. To me, VOLUME is the amount of mileage, or time running, that is needed to make most runners highly successful in the event. This videos shows some good plyometric exercises you can incorporate in your training program. Just like a car, if you increase the gas, but don`t change gear, your car will suffer. 5/10k pace Paces can range from 400m pace to marathon pace. 4. Two - you have to stay in touch with basic speed throughout the year meaning you need fairly regular workouts at 95% of 400m speed at the very least. This would be for 1:52 / 2:08 runners. Pure speed is not a problem for running a fast 800m. She now takes an iron supplement that she also endorses through a sponsorship deal, call Spatone. Back off trying to develop your weakness at this point. These programs are developed for athletes on a tight budget or looking for program that they can do on their own. 3x400m 5 min rec (95%-105% of race pace) However, there are plenty of 400 / 800 type runners in the NCAA who could run closer to 1:46.5 because of exceptional speed. So I have some theoretical and practical knowledge. 800m-1500m "Go hard or suffer the rest of your life" - Paul Chelimo's Wisdom Distilled Paul emphasises the importance of being very strategic with training, when to go hard and how to peak at the right time. Medium paced long runs: (5-10k pace) Training in zone 4 rather than zone 3 will probably develop the vo2 max more and also the pace of these intervals will be faster and more running specific to the pace of the 800m. Volume and intensity are a result of the amount of TIME and EFFORT the athlete is willing to spend developing their abilities. The weight room is more of a factor than when the athlete was in HS. Hills sprints are very beneficial for all type of runners. 800m/1500m runner seems to respond better to this training. I recommend the book,Racing Weight(Fitzgerald) as a starting point good book about body composition and nutrition. Progresses to 3x400m with 4 min rec. If you do the 800 in 2:20, take 2:20 break etc. This may look like 6 x 30m fly, 2 x 50m fly, 1 x 60m fly. The purpose of these intervals is to increase the Vo2 max and anaerobic threshold. Rated Perceived Exertion (Some call it Relative Perceived Exertion): Explore the concepts here. As we prepare for the 800m and up, the aerobic system begins to play a vital role in an athletes success. 400m. 41000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m/ rest 4+5+6 + general strength/core (3k-5k pace) I will also collect all the information on 800m training that I know of in one place., IFAC 2022: The Return of In-Person Conferences (with Virtual option), Here is our 400m Discussion Recording over 2 Hours Long, The Best Free Coaching Book post Beijing 2022 Olympics, The Ultimate 400m Track Webinar for Coaches & Athletes, NACAC Athletics Coaching Science Series 2022, Top Six 400m Predictor Workouts (Number 4 is my Favourite), Why Karsten Warholms 45.94 400mH WR is my Highlight of 2021, Sprinting: 10 Research Articles for Effective Sprint Training [Part 23], Pressure in Sports Reflections from Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Only on maybe a few training sessions per year its neccesary to do a extremely hard effort. When she did that, she knew she was ready. 1 week ago Training Program. Short and medium Intervals become gradually faster with gradually reduced volume, and longer rec between repetitions. 5x1000m 2 min rec. Weight training is intense and important during this phase. (800m pace). 8 min set rec. My advice is to have a negative split on all intervals and keep in most cases keep a reserve of 1 or 2 intervals(during base training). Especially for the fast type of runner. This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author. 3. The intervals should be performed mostly in intensity zone 4-5. Progresses to 5x1000m 90 sec rec. The 50% - 44% - 6% split seems reasonable to me. Lisa Dobriskey is a middle distance runner from Kent, UK. We offer an individual service, no two athletes are the same. 9. High School: 25-45 miles per week, 34-46 weeks per year. I recommend everyone to take at least 2 weeks of total rest. 5. High School: 18-30 miles per week, 32-46 weeks of the year. 5. Examples on how you can progress the medium length aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 4x(2600)= with increase in speed every 200m and rest of 2 min between reps and 4 min between sets (4800m) Example of 5-Pace Training (method used by Sebastian Coe): Day 1: 3 x 2000m or (2 x 1,200m) + (1 x 800m) + (2 x 400m) 5000m pace. There is also possible to progress by a combination of reducing the recovery, increase the length of each rep and running a higher volume of intervals, but its reccomended to only change one variable at a time. Aerobic Threshold : Begin to increase length of distance runs This athlete likely has some experience or aptitude in the weight room as well, possibly from the other sports. aboriginal life expectancy before 1788, the somerley at fox hollow wedding cost, Starting point good book about body composition and nutrition body relaxed, especially the fingers arms... As we prepare for the 400/800m runner is of less importance begins to a. 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