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prodigal spouse testimonies

Thats so tough to do sometimes; yet it is very much what we have to come too. When good student and obedient son Christopher Yuan turned his back on his family and embraced drugs, homosexuality, promiscuity, and rebellion, his mother Angela (who was struggling through a failing marriage) decided to kill herself. Call on your god. But forgiveness is not something we can (or want to) muster up on our own. That scorches deeper than fires of wrath. Reflection for 29 June5 July 2020 The Atonement Rocks! Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Whenever you read a story like this in the Bible, you know there has to be a but coming. The Prodigal Son Susan remembers her firstborn son Martin as a delightful little boy. I am just reading this post as I an gathering every resource I can find to help me restore my marriage. My husband has cancer. He flooded my heart with loves white light; However, in the last few years, I began to feel my husband's commitment to us wavering. This is wonderful! Notice several key things Crystal did to get God to move on her behalf. Blackened my brow where all might see, I still cried every day but I also engaged in some radical and spiritual warfare for my husband..I spoke the word of God over my marriage EVERYDAY and I prayed hedges of thorns around my husband EVERYDAY..I pleaded the blood of Jesus over him and claimed my marriage in the name of Jesus. When you walk in the footsteps of the father of the prodig The answer is simple. One of the more frequent type of emails we have received over the years since we have been online is from married couples, where one of the spouses has left the other one for another partner. *Book title/movie links are affiliate links unless otherwise noted. My heart has gone bitter. There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin. Now my prodigal wife wants nothing to do with God, which is extremely frustrating and heart breaking. God brought me here for a reason. Muck of the sty, reek of the trough, We even think our children will be "just fine"-another lie. Wow! In Arms Satan has his ships, and they are always ready to take on another passenger. I know my marriage is being restored; Im giving it all to him and he WILL restore it as promised in his word. Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. What I learned: Even people who behave (very) badly are not beyond hope (including ourselves). And: God is worth the sacrifice. While Susan knows this deeply wounded her son, he never talked about it much or acknowledged it bothered him. So thank you so very, very much! So take the word of this testimony to heart and be blessed and encouraged as you use it to defeat and hurl down the devil the next time he comes calling to steal, kill and destroy your marriage (an earthly representation of our relationship with Christ Ephesians 5:29-32 and 1 Corinthians 11:7), the word of YOUR testimony (that overcomes him Revelation 12:10-11) and your righteousness, peace and joy (what the kingdom of heaven is all about Romans 14:17)!). Its not outer change we need, but deep, inner transformation by the Holy Spirit. My marriage was over. Thats where we left Jonah in the last message. Monday, January 26th, 2009 at 11:07 am in Seeds Of Faith. I dont even know if this is still an active thread. Some were missionaries. Even if it takes many years, there is hope, and the final result may be more beautiful than you ever dreamed. The enemy will do everything to destroy your stand and keep your loved one in bondage. May I ask you a question? Thank you for sharing, Stephanie. But I finally understand and it is only by Gods grace and lots of prayers that I still place my hope in the Lord and His promises and I believe deep down that it is not over even though it might seem that way. Contact Rejoice; Submit a Testimony; Submit . Prodigals think CRAZY things. I had built my life around my husband and now he was goneI felt like I lost the better part of me..I couldnt eat.I couldnt eat .I didnt want to socialize and I forced myself to go to work..but God had a plan.even though all seemed lostGod was turning my situation around even as I was hurting..what the devil meant for evil God was turning around for good. Yet, we show you, our spouses, that we are happy and that we could not have it better any other way; life is good, we are feeling good and having the time of our lives. IT IS JUST TEMPORARY! At the End of the Year, Are You Just Trying to Get Attention? I keep having one bad thing after another happening to me. The first thing she did was to fully surrender the entire matter into Gods hand. And sometimes we feel that our spouse is the enemy, so we have to love them; they need our love because they have been taken captive by the enemy. So thank you for the reminder to stand back and let God do His work. God-ordained Spouses who God has standing and praying for your prodigal spouse will find themselves going through the stages below. I cant seem to get away from God. The one spouse who has been left behind then starts praying to God to bring their spouse back home. Testimony - God Restores a Broken Marriage. My sense is that you knew Him when you went through your Jonah moments. I NEED YOU!!! If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. God Bless you! Maybe he can save us.. Some of them you raised to love Jesus. We'd always been committed to our life together and to our children, family, and community. My marriage is falling apart. I too thought I didnt want to be with my husband; I thought there was no way we could work through our issues, and that he just didnt understand and that it would be better and okay for us to part. Delve into the lusciousness of life, (aka The Scylighter). I thought I was in control and I would do as I pleased. God is so good and he guided me to this site so I could read this. How else can you explain a mans reckless behavior in having one affair after another? I have a real sense of His presence and am confident that our marriage will survive this crisis. The world wants our prayers. It was all working out like he had planned. Oh my word! God knows exactly how to get our attention. RUN as fast as we can!! But many times they themselves became standers because by that time, their spouses had moved on or were not interested in marriage restoration. When youre in the storm, you tend to be fearful, angry and frustrated. Our Testimony to Rejoice Marriage Ministries. Im glad I found this site and that it even exists. For six years, best friends and debate partners David and Nabeel argued back and forth, challenging each other and digging deep to figure out whose beliefs were actually true. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when he is among his sheep that have been scattered, so will I seek out my sheep, and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness. He was tenderhearted and funny, and he loved his little sister. I am just waiting for my husband to come back, because Satan is already defeated, but its our faith that moves mountains! I am still shaking after reading your post. In just a few sentences Prodigal Yet captures the plight of the straying child who isnt quite ready to give up the high life in the far country: Muck of the sty, reek of the trough, The world is waiting for the church to pray. I believe my story is a good example that proves running from Gods plan is never a good idea. We claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Here is a simple question that can open up a spiritual conversation: Just those six words make such a difference. God bless you and your family as well and thank you for joining my journey on Heart of a Wife. Some went to a Christian college. You certainly understand that repentance is really the only thing that ever changes anything. Use this time to complete the work that needs to be done in yourself and let God work on your spouse. Take any major American city, including those in the so-called Bible Belt, and you can see it for yourself. GOD has them, so remember that they are NOT in control. Writer, musician, reader, daughter. So, we stand. Now, lets go to the standers side I cant escape him. He brought me home to a man I SWORE I didnt love, didnt want to be with, and didnt want to be in the same room with if it could be avoided. It comes from God. Only when I finally gave it all to God and felt that peace did everything start to fall into place. You are never out of reach of God's love - no matter what mistakes you have made. Everyone on board is endangered by Jonahs sin. It's really important when standing for a marriage to do everything you're able to build your faith. God was, but I didnt know that!! Thank you so much for your testimony. Then they start throwing their profit away by throwing the cargo overboard. I persisted in calling him that same day and eventually he picked up the phonehe was as cold as iceI felt frightened even listening to himhe told me.I NEVER LOVED YOUI AM SORRY WE GOT MARRIED..I FELT TRAPPED IN THIS MARRIAGE..I DONT LOVE YOU LIKE A MAN SHOULD LOVE A WOMAN..THE FEELINGS I HAVE FOR YOU IS THAT OF A GOOD FRIENDI DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND YOU SHOULD GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE..IM God will show us amazing and wonderful things when we follow what he says. That moment of sheer surprise will be forever etched in my mind. We know God is in control, and we are praying and waiting, but nothing seems to be happening. God will bring them home. Thats really good news because there is only one person in the universe who can change the heart, and he specializes in divine heart surgery. We all wonder how to reach this generation that seems so turned off to God and religion. If we wait for people to come to our services, we will in most cases wait forever. Your testimony was put in front of me at the most perfect time! but I thought it would be perhaps a Hi hellohow are you.or perhaps a few weeks down the line he might drop in a call or something.I had no idea that MY GOD was bringing my husband home that day.that instant. I have dreams, visions, and endless memories of you. By Stephanie. 4-5). Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and may God bless you! It seems like everywhere I go, God is reminding me to come back home. Because we are LOSTwe are HURTINGand we are SAD. It has become hard because the enemy deceived me, and the entire time I was running, I knew it was wrong. Thank you for sharing this. If you come a day too soon, the prodigal will always think, With one more day, I would have figured out a way to solve my own problems. As long as the scheming and lying and deceiving continues, the best thing we can do is to pray for Gods Spirit to bring them to their senses and to wait patiently until that day comes. It was hard to believe that he had once gone through such horrible experiences, and that they had twisted him into a hate-filled, bitter man for a period of time. He filled my body with meat and wine, Regardless of what I thought, I had come face-to-face with the miserable consequences of my choices. And I believe God! Consistently being received with love, consistently seeing Christ in my wife, consistently finding an attitude of unconditional forgiveness and compassion is what won the battle. We are all prodigals, in some ways, and at some times. I have learned lots during my journey of learning how to be a stander. If you have a spouse that has left you for another person, it would be our recommendation to plead the blood of Jesus around them, and then plead the blood of Jesus against any demons who are trying to get in the middle of this, along with pleading the blood of Jesus directly against the person they are having the affair with. Why cant I just move on?!. NOT COMING BACK. Every step we take out of the will of God hurts those around us. We can preach a thousand sermons and the world doesnt care. But within days of him leaving, I realized how wrong I was and how much I truly loved him. But it was such a privilege and joy to see him in person, even from a distance . 3. I know how hard this must be. But when she wrote a scathing criticism of one of the local Christian gatherings, to her surprise, she received a thoughtful and kind reply from a pastor who invited her to call him. I was deep in thought today and I want to share some of my experience as a prodigal. Faith is often fed through (true) stories. I could not see beyond the circumstances however, or the BIG PICTURE of what He had in store for us. You have been given the grace to stand. Underlying all this are two bits of very important theology: 1. For those of you who have been on the receiving end of adultery, you know exactly what I am talking about. Why God! you shout in pain. We buy into the its better for me to be happythen I will be a better father/mother trapjust another Lie. At first, I didnt know what to do, but I finally ran to God.. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Also notice she went into a very heavy seeking mode by searching out every good book she could find on marriage, prayer, and spiritual warfare. It was also hard to hear him (the crowd was large and he was an old man at that point). There was a man who had a wife. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers! 2 Corinthians 12:9 I cant seem to get ahead; people are angry with me; my life is upside down. Everyday I seek God to fight this battle. Now I have laid everything at his feet while I work on myself and pray and praise the Lord for the restoration of my marriage. Remember that God wants our marriages restored and our families healed more than we do; we just need to get out of the way and let Him work. Not many days later, the wife gathered all she had and flew to the other side of the country. He put on my feet the shoes that miss No chance to tread in the narrow path; He pressed on my lips the burning kiss That scorches deeper than fires of wrath. When Martin was nine, his dad left. Who was going to stop me? Rosaria was an English professor at a small liberal arts college, who hated the way Christians spoke against her beliefs and community. The captain went to him and said, How can you sleep? Thank You for Following the Lords leading to share your story. In spite of all this , I believed he loved me just as much as I loved himyou could imagine my surprise and heart break when one day after a short disagreementand I mean short.lasting no more that a few minutes..my beloved husband packed his clothes and walked out of my life. 2015 The Prodigal Spouse Moriah Shires . I was greatly deceived and believed that God was calling me to leave my family and pursue my soul mate. I kept running in the opposite direction of where God was calling me back home. My heart was shattered, and life was never going to be the same. For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me. Oh my goodness! Im afraid, and my heart is saturated with anger, shame, and guilt. When you are hurt, love them (they hurt too). Copyright 2005-2023 Faith And Marriage Ministries. They dont care enough to be hostile. You tell us what we are doing is wrong. The hurt that I caused them was far beyond any words that I could use to describe. All suffering is worth it to follow Jesus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. (Theres no escape from a ring, they say) So The Prodigal Perspective section of The FAM Fellowship website is a great source of encouragement because it contains the very revealing and powerful testimonies of those who had once abandoned their marriages and/or were once caught up in adulterous relationships and how the Lord spoke to them and brought them back to their senses and their spouses. You say you know God. Wow! Some of them once could quote hundreds of Bible verses. Amazing, isnt it, how when you want to run from God, you can always find a boat going where you want to go. Thank You! Just look at what God can doHe can do it, you guys!!! Any amount will help! It was a pretty picture of a self-satisfied man who seemed to have gotten away with disobedience. Im scared; Im tired; I have thoughts of ending my life to stop this pain. Its only later that your realize the storm was a severe mercy from the Lord. I dont want to apportion blame too much here but suffice it to say we had some in-law issues which contributed greatly to our demise.but that is another story and I want to concentrate on how God showed up and showed off in the mist of my situation. The problem is always on the inside. In the story Jesus told, the father waited for his son to return and then ran to meet him when he was still far from home. And when you are at peace with the thought of them leaving, your blessing of restoration is on its way. You cry, you raise your voice, you act desperate, you act mean, etc. Thanks so much. Each day, you desire to give up and once again find someone who will bring you joy. God will not let his straying children live in sin forever. Prayer to Heal Broken Relationships. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and be unrelenting!! This is just what I needed today! One day the wife said to her husband, "Give me half of all we own.". The enemy has me in bondage! His marriage began falling apart and he nearly hurt his baby daughter and strangled his wife Cynthia. I know you think about giving up on me. Put it all at His feet and walk away. That moment is a powerful memory etched in my mind, that terrible Mother's Day weekend - when I knew in my gut that he was never coming home again. The term "prodigal" is actually someone who "spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; a spendthrift." It's someone who "drives away or squanders" what they have. He is a good, good God! Eventually, through her interaction with the humble pastor and his wife, and her study of the Bible, Rosaria came to the conviction that God was real and worth believing. And Im no longer crying or begging my husband to save our family and showing him that Im okay. I know that many who read my words have prodigals in your life. Some of them grew up in Sunday School. Thanks so much for sharing your testimony. Jonah was the sinner in this situation, and yet his foolish rebellion endangered everyone around him. That he will find them and bring them home. James 1:8 says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, and unstable is exactly where your spouse is. My passionate spirit from breaking away. At first, I was a little embarrassed to share it, but I realize that was the enemy's condemnation and that I need to use my testimony as God has commanded, which I hope blesses you and will help overcome and hurl down the devil as you stand for the . 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