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chester a arthur important events

[73] Arthur's salary was initially $6,500, but senior customs employees were compensated additionally by the "moiety" system, which awarded them a percentage of the cargoes seized and fines levied on importers who attempted to evade the tariff. [188] The American Indian Wars were winding down, and public sentiment was shifting toward more favorable treatment of Native Americans. The portion of the law denying citizenship to Chinese-American children born in the United States was later found unconstitutional in, Earlier in 1874, during the Grant administration, Congress approved funds to rebuild four. He served four terms in Congress but left in 1843 to mount an unsuccessful run for the governorship of New read more. Chester A. Arthur (b. October 5, 1829, in Fairfield, Vermont) was the 21st president of the United States. [47] The rough frontier life did not agree with the genteel New Yorkers; after three or four months the two young lawyers returned to New York City, where Arthur comforted his fiance after her father was lost at sea in the wreck of the SS Central America. [186] The administration faced a different challenge in the West, where the LDS Church was under government pressure to stop the practice of polygamy in Utah Territory. Portrait of Chester Arthur, vice president to James Garfield. The digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a wide variety of material associated with Chester A. Arthur, including the Chester Alan Arthur Papers. "[4] The Senate ratifies the Geneva Convention of 1864 for the care of wounded war personnel. Owing to the shock of Garfield's assassination and eventual death, Americans all over had started to grow fed up of Roscoe Conkling's machine. Chester Alan Arthur (1829-1886) 1829, Oct. 5 Born, Fairfield, Vermont, to William Arthur (1796-1875) and Malvina Stone Arthur (1802-1869). Early in the Civil War he served as quartermaster general of New York state. [181] Since the end of Reconstruction, conservative white Democrats (or "Bourbon Democrats") had regained power in the South, and the Republican party dwindled rapidly as their primary supporters in the region, blacks, were disenfranchised. They existed from the 1870s until Arthur became president in 1881, at which point Conkling was no longer a force, and Arthur had reformed the Civil Service. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. The United States Bureau of Labor is created within the Department of the Interior; an independent Department of Labor will not be created until 1913. [11] Her family was primarily of English and Welsh descent, and her maternal grandfather, Uriah Stone, had served in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. [182] Having won an election in that state on a platform of more education funding (for black and white schools alike) and abolition of the poll tax and the whipping post, many northern Republicans saw the Readjusters as a more viable ally in the South than the moribund southern Republican party. Nine men are indicted for defrauding the government in a postal scam, an episode that becomes known as the Star-Route Scandal; the trial begins on June 1. Rational Irrationality, Caplan's Rational Irrationality: Definition & Economics, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, Limiting Immigration: Arthur signed the 1882, Building a Modern Navy: Known as the ''Father of the Steel Navy'' Arthur oversaw the building and expansion of the U.S. Navy, including the establishment of the. In 1854, he was admitted to the New York bar and began practicing law in New York City. [15], In 1828, the family moved again, to Fairfield, where Chester Alan Arthur was born the following year; he was the fifth of nine children. [128] Once there, he traveled with Conkling to Albany, where the former senator hoped for a quick re-election to the Senate, and with it, a defeat for the Garfield administration. According to a purported eyewitness account by journalist William C. Hudson, Conkling and Arthur argued, with Arthur telling Conkling, "The office of the Vice-President is a greater honor than I ever dreamed of attaining. [97][i] Hayes again offered Arthur the position of consul general in Paris as a face-saving consolation; Arthur again declined, as Hayes knew he probably would. [151] In just two years' time, an unrepentant Stalwart had become the president who ushered in long-awaited civil service reform. To the surprise of reformers, he advocated and enforced the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act. At the outset, Arthur struggled to overcome a negative reputation as a Stalwart and product of Conkling's organization. The act establishes the Republicans as the party in favor of higher protective tariffs. "[6] Despite this, modern historians generally describe Arthur's presidency as mediocre[7] or average,[8] and Arthur as one of the least memorable presidents. He achieved prominence as a politician and as president of the United States. He died the following day, on November 18, at the age of 57. Arthur was born in Vermont in 1829 and was the son of a Baptist preacher. His first son died suddenly when he was only three years old. [193] Later that year, on the advice of Missouri Senator George Graham Vest, he visited Yellowstone National Park. [217], In 1898, the Arthur memorial statuea fifteen-foot (4.6m), bronze figure of Arthur standing on a Barre Granite pedestalwas created by sculptor George Edwin Bissell and installed at Madison Square, in New York City. [171][o], In the years following the Civil War, American naval power declined precipitously, shrinking from nearly 700 vessels to just 52, most of which were obsolete. [111] They next approached Arthur, and Conkling advised him to also reject the nomination, believing the Republicans would lose. His Baptist minister father, William Arthur, hailed from Ireland, and his mother, Malvina Stone Arthur, was from Vermont. [201] The second vacancy occurred when Associate Justice Ward Hunt retired in January 1882. Late night strolls 7. The first vacancy arose in July 1881 with the death of Associate Justice Nathan Clifford, a Democrat who had been a member of the Court since before the Civil War. [198] He played no role in the 1884 campaign, which Blaine would later blame for his loss that November to the Democratic nominee, Grover Cleveland.[199]. "[36] During his time at school, he gained his first political inclinations and supported the Whig Party. His job involved supervising 1,300 people. Arthur pronounced his middle name with the accent on the second syllable. [189] The allotment system was favored by liberal reformers at the time, but eventually proved detrimental to Native Americans as most of their land was resold at low prices to white speculators. Arthur took this step to ensure procedural compliance; there had been a lingering question about whether a state court judge (Brady) could administer a federal oath of office. Less than four months later, on July 2, Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau (1841-1882), a mentally unstable, disgruntled political job seeker, at a train station in Washington, D.C. These restraints distinguished him sharply from the stereotype politician. [56] Even as his professional life improved, however, Arthur and his wife experienced a personal tragedy as their only child, William, died suddenly that year at the age of two. The concept of a cigar-store Indian installed in the White House was finally a reassurance to the frightened American people. Murphy was also a hatter who sold goods to the Union Army, and Arthur represented him in Washington. "[221] As 2004 biographer Zachary Karabell wrote, although Arthur was "physically stretched and emotionally strained, he strove to do what was right for the country. [145] But Arthur's Attorney General, Brewster, did in fact continue the investigations begun by MacVeagh, and hired notable Democratic lawyers William W. Ker and Richard T. Merrick to strengthen the prosecution team and forestall the skeptics. Why Did Zachary Taylor Oppose the Compromise of 1850? In the Senate, Republicans take one seat and gain a 38-36 majority (with two seats filled by minor parties). Recognizing the disgraceful state of the U.S. Navy, Arthur signs a bill appropriating funds for the Navy's first steel vessels. They preferred the government spend more on internal improvements and reduce excise taxes. [207] Arthur was buried with his family members and ancestors in the Albany Rural Cemetery in Menands, New York. [37] During his winter breaks, he served as a teacher at a school in Schaghticoke. [197] Blaine led on the first ballot, and by the fourth ballot he had a majority. [128][l], While in Albany on July 2, Arthur learned that Garfield had been shot. Activity. [181] One crack in the solidly Democratic South emerged with the growth of a new party, the Readjusters, in Virginia. When New Yorkers elected Democrat Horatio Seymour governor in November 1862, Arthur lost his position to a member of the other party. [148] Failure to obtain a conviction tarnished the administration's image, but Arthur did succeed in putting a stop to the fraud. There, his health continued to deteriorate, and on November 18, 1886, he died at age 57 at his home. [96], Arthur's job was spared only until July 1878, when Hayes took advantage of a Congressional recess to fire him and Cornell, replacing them with the recess appointment of Merritt and Silas W. The case helped lead to the desegregation of public transportation in New York City. [20] Arthur also supported the Fenian Brotherhood, an Irish republican organization founded in America; he showed this support by wearing a green coat. In a special message to Congress, Arthur asks the legislature to appropriate funds for naval reconstruction work. An Ohio native, Grant graduated from West Point and fought in the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). Secretary of State James G. Blaine resigns due to political differences between himself and President Arthur. [164] Similar efforts at reciprocal trade treaties with Santo Domingo and Spain's American colonies were defeated by February 1885, and an existing reciprocity treaty with the Kingdom of Hawaii was allowed to lapse. The son of an Irish-born Baptist minister who had immigrated to the U.S., Chester Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829. [144] Navy Secretary William H. Hunt was next to resign, in April 1882, and Arthur attempted a more balanced approach by appointing Half-Breed William E. Chandler to the post, on Blaine's recommendation. He took on few assignments with the firm and was often too ill to leave his house. Hallmarked Chester. [10] Arthur's mother, Malvina Stone was born in Berkshire, Vermont, the daughter of George Washington Stone and Judith Stevens. Chester Alan Arthur: 5th President of the United States. biography Chester Alan Arthur was born in the village of Fairfield, Vt., Oct. 5, 1829. After exiting the White House in March 1885, Arthur returned to New York City to resume his legal career. Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail. The Presidency of Chester Arthur spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Maturation Era or the Gilded Age. A sharp dressed man Arthur was sometimes called "elegant Arthur" for his interest in fashionable attire and on his last day in office, four young women offered to marry him. [99] Conkling opposed the confirmation of Merritt and Burt when the Senate reconvened in February 1879, but Merritt was approved by a vote of 3125, as was Burt by 3119, giving Hayes his most significant civil service reform victory. The assassin's bullet that wounded President James Garfield in July had claimed his life the day before. In 1859, Arthur married Ellen Nell Lewis Herndon (1837-1880), the Virginia-born daughter of a U.S. naval officer. Suffering from poor health, he did not run for reelection in 1884. In the White House, Arthur became known for his sartorial style and taste for fine furnishings. [59], Arthur's political prospects improved along with his law practice when his patron, ex-Governor Morgan, was elected to the United States Senate. In addition to civil service reform, Arthur triedwith limited successto lower tariffs. [110] Levi P. Morton, the first choice of Garfield's supporters, consulted with Conkling, who advised him to decline, which he did. The Chinese immigration ban would eventually be extended up through the 1920s. Arthur owned at least 80 pairs of pants. He was the fifth of eight children born to William Arthur, a Baptist minister, and Malvina Stone Arthur. During his childhood, he moved seven times. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. [64] Conkling, elected to the United States Senate in 1867, noticed Arthur and facilitated his rise in the party, and Arthur became chairman of the New York City Republican executive committee in 1868. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! His most famous case was his suit against a . When the War broke out in 1861 the Governor. [189] He also favored a move to the allotment system, under which individual Native Americans, rather than tribes, would own land. Major events during the Arthur administration included, civil service reform, an effort to combat postal fraud, unsuccessful tries at meaningful tariff reform and wasteful spending. Arthur vetoed the first version of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, arguing that its twenty-year ban on Chinese immigrants to the United States violated the Burlingame Treaty, but he signed a second version, which included a ten-year ban. Early in the summer of 1857, Chester Arthur, a young lawyer from New York City, accompanied by his partner, Henry D. Gardiner, came to Kansas to settle and grow up with the country. [62] Morgan leaned toward the conservative wing of the New York Republican party, as did the men who worked with him in the organization, including Weed, Seward (who continued in office under President Andrew Johnson), and Roscoe Conkling (an eloquent Utica Congressman and rising star in the party). [64] He continued his law practice (now a solo practice after Gardiner's death) and his role in politics, becoming a member of the prestigious Century Club in 1867. [42], When Arthur joined the firm, Culver and New York attorney John Jay (the grandson of the Founding Father John Jay) were pursuing a habeas corpus action against Jonathan Lemmon, a Virginia slaveholder who was passing through New York with his eight slaves. 8 chapters | North Fairfield Baptist Church 5964 Duffy Hill Road, Fairfield, Vermont [94] The Senate's Commerce Committee, chaired by Conkling, unanimously rejected all the nominees; the full Senate rejected Roosevelt by a vote of 3125[95] and similarly turned down the nomination of Prince by the same margin, later confirming Merritt only because Sharpe's term had expired. [139], Arthur quickly came into conflict with Garfield's cabinet, most of whom represented his opposition within the party. In addition, he indulged his military interest by becoming Judge Advocate General for the Second Brigade of the New York Militia. When the war broke out on July 27, 1862, three weeks after President Lincoln's call for 300,000 more men, Arthur was appointed quartermaster-general and oversaw the construction of a huge tent city in City Hall Park in Lower Manhattan, where thousands of men gathered, were provisioned, and sent to war. [93] Hayes then submitted the appointment of Theodore Roosevelt Sr., L. Bradford Prince, and Edwin Merritt (all supporters of Conkling's rival William M. Evarts) to the Senate for confirmation as their replacements. Arthur's failing health and political temperament combined to make his administration less active than a modern presidency, yet he earned praise among contemporaries for his solid performance in office. "[129] Guiteau was found to be mentally unstable, and despite his claims to be a Stalwart supporter of Arthur, they had only a tenuous connection that dated from the 1880 campaign. [183] Arthur's coalition policy was only successful in Virginia, however, and by 1885 the Readjuster movement began to collapse with the election of a Democratic president. [142] Despite Arthur's personal appeal to remain, MacVeagh resigned in December 1881 and Arthur replaced him with Benjamin H. Brewster, a Philadelphia lawyer and machine politician reputed to have reformist leanings. The United States participates in an international conference establishing standard time. [49] The office was a patronage appointment of minor importance until the outbreak of the Civil War in April 1861, when New York and the other northern states were faced with raising and equipping armies of a size never before seen in American history. [191] Arthur's successor, Grover Cleveland, finding that title belonged to the Native Americans, revoked Arthur's order a few months later. Journalist Alexander McClure wrote, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted as Chester Alan Arthur, and no one ever retired more generally respected, alike by political friend and foe. [117], With the war fifteen years in the past and Union generals at the head of both tickets, the tactic was less effective than the Republicans hoped. [104] They were successful, but narrowly, as Cornell was nominated for governor by a vote of 234216. [16][17] He was named "Chester" after Chester Abell,[18] the physician and family friend who assisted in his birth, and "Alan" for his paternal grandfather. [144], In the 1870s, a scandal was exposed, in which contractors for star postal routes were greatly overpaid for their services with the connivance of government officials (including Second Assistant Postmaster General Thomas J. Brady and former senator Stephen Wallace Dorsey). 1051. On September 21, 1881, two days after President Garfield died and Arthur assumed his position, the New York Sun ran a feature detailing Arthur's personal history and the suspicious conditions of . As president, Chester A. Arthur achieved four major things: Arthur also presided over a massive renovation of the White House that cost nearly $2 million in today's dollars! President Arthur and New York Governor Grover Cleveland attend the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. [146] An 1882 trial of the ringleaders resulted in convictions for two minor conspirators and a hung jury for the rest. Congress passes an act regarding civil government in Alaska. [167], A more contentious debate materialized over the status of Chinese immigrants; in January 1868, the Senate had ratified the Burlingame Treaty with China, allowing an unrestricted flow of Chinese into the country. By U.S. News Staff. [133] Judge John R. Brady of the New York Supreme Court administered the oath of office in Arthur's home at 2:15a.m. on September 20. In 1856, Arthur courted Ellen Herndon, the daughter of William Lewis Herndon, a Virginia naval officer. [148], Garfield's assassination by a deranged office seeker amplified the public demand for civil service reform. [119] Candidates for high office did not personally campaign in those days, but as state Republican chairman, Arthur played a part in the campaign in his usual fashion: overseeing the effort in New York and raising money. [20], Arthur had seven siblings who lived to adulthood:[21], The family's frequent moves later spawned accusations that Arthur was not a native-born citizen of the United States. [37] After completing his college preparation at the Lyceum of Union Village (now Greenwich) and a grammar school in Schenectady, Arthur enrolled at Union College there in 1845, where he studied the traditional classical curriculum. France presents the United States with the Statue of Liberty at a ceremony held in Paris. [187] Garfield had believed polygamy was criminal behavior and was morally detrimental to family values, and Arthur's views were, for once, in line with his predecessor's. Chester A. Arthur Is the Most Forgotten President in U.S. History, According to Science Chester A. Arthur Is the Most Forgotten President in U.S. History, According to Science "Unless. The bridge was an engineering marvel, utilizing numerous construction techniques that had never before been attempted on such a massive scale. [156] In May of that year, Representative William D. Kelley of Pennsylvania introduced a bill to establish a tariff commission;[156] the bill passed and Arthur signed it into law but appointed mostly protectionists to the committee. In the early 1850s, he served as the principal of schools in North Pownal, Vermont, and Cohoes, New York. In 1855, he successfully represented Elizabeth Jennings Graham (1830-1901), a black woman who had been denied a seat on a Manhattan streetcar due to her race. [209], Arthur's post-presidency was the second-shortest of all presidents who lived past their presidencies, after that of James K. Polk who died just three months after leaving office. He previously served as the 20th vice president under President James A. Garfield.Arthur succeeded the presidency upon Garfield's death in September 1881two months after being shot by an assassin. [152] Even after he signed the act into law, its proponents doubted Arthur's commitment to reform. [84] Arthur and the machine gathered campaign funds with their usual zeal, but Conkling limited his own campaign activities for Hayes to a few speeches. [132] Arthur was reluctant to be seen acting as president while Garfield lived, and for the next two months there was a void of authority in the executive office, with Garfield too weak to carry out his duties, and Arthur reluctant to assume them. In 1871, President Ulysses Grant (1822-1885), a Republican, named Arthur the customs collector for the Port of New York. [118] Hancock did not help his own cause when, in an attempt to remain neutral on the tariff, he said that "[t]he tariff question is a local question", which only made him appear uninformed about an important issue. While Arthur reveled in political party life, his family ultimately kept him morally grounded. In his first annual presidential address to Congress in 1881, Arthur requested civil service reform legislation and Pendleton again introduced his bill, but Congress did not pass it. It was an incredibly strict anti-immigration law that was designed to keep Chinese labor out of the American market. [55], Arthur returned to practicing law, and with the help of additional contacts made in the military, he and the firm of Arthur & Gardiner flourished. Although he still objected to this denial of entry to Chinese laborers, Arthur acceded to the compromise measure, signing the Chinese Exclusion Act into law on May 6, 1882. PDF. A sharp dressed man 9. William's mother was born Eliza McHarg and she married Alan Arthur. Chester A. Arthur 's tenure as the 21st president of the United States began on September 19, 1881, when he succeeded to the presidency upon the assassination of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885. Arthur receives Korean ambassadors in New York. [153] The commission issued its first rules in May 1883; by 1884, half of all postal officials and three-quarters of the Customs Service jobs were to be awarded by merit. [75] Grant then nominated Arthur, with the New York Times commenting, "his name very seldom rises to the surface of metropolitan life and yet moving like a mighty undercurrent this man during the last 10 years has done more to mold the course of the Republican Party in this state than any other one man in the country. [157], Congress attempted to balance the budget from the other side of the ledger, with increased spending on the 1882 Rivers and Harbors Act in the unprecedented amount of $19 million. in 1883. The Conkling machine was solidly behind General Ulysses S. Grant's candidacy for president, and Arthur raised funds for Grant's election in 1868. Chester Arthur (1829-1886), the 21st U.S. president, took office after the death of President James Garfield (1831-1881). [19][c] The family remained in Fairfield until 1832, when William Arthur's profession took them to churches in several towns in Vermont and upstate New York. President Ulysses S. Grant appointed him to the post of Collector of the Port of New York in 1871, and he was an important supporter of Conkling and the Stalwart faction of the Republican Party. [117] Realizing this, they adjusted their approach to claim that Democrats would lower the country's protective tariff, which would allow cheaper manufactured goods to be imported from Europe, and thereby put thousands out of work. "[76], The Senate confirmed Arthur's appointment; as Collector he controlled nearly a thousand jobs and received compensation as great as any federal officeholder. [116] As Republicans had done since the end of the Civil War, Garfield and Arthur initially focused their campaign on the "bloody shirt"the idea that returning Democrats to office would undo the victory of the Civil War and reward secessionists. "[220] By 1975, however, Thomas C. Reeves would write that Arthur's "appointments, if unspectacular, were unusually sound; the corruption and scandal that dominated business and politics of the period did not tarnish his administration. [107], Conkling and his fellow Stalwarts, including Arthur, wished to follow up their 1879 success at the 1880 Republican National Convention by securing the presidential nomination for their ally, ex-President Grant. Chester A. Arthur For seven years, Arthur served as the collector of the port of New York. [169] The bill passed the Senate and House by overwhelming margins, but this as well was vetoed by Arthur, who concluded the 20-year ban to be a breach of the renegotiated treaty of 1880. Hayes did not seek reelection in 1880, and at that years Republican National Convention the choice for presidential nominee had delegates deadlocked between Ulysses Grant, the U.S. president from 1869 to 1877, and James Blaine (1830-93), a U.S. senator from Maine. [158] While Arthur was not opposed to internal improvements, the scale of the bill disturbed him, as did its narrow focus on "particular localities," rather than projects that benefited a larger part of the nation. [31][d][32][e][33] When Hinman's original story did not take root, he spread a new rumor that Arthur was born in Canada. what does kim gretzky do for a living, And New York lower tariffs a negative reputation as a politician and as president the! Vote of 234216 Bridge was an engineering marvel, utilizing numerous construction techniques had! S bullet that wounded president James Garfield spanned the period in United States history that encompasses events! International conference establishing standard time [ 146 ] an 1882 trial of the Port New! Of William Lewis Herndon ( 1837-1880 ), the daughter of William Herndon.: 5th president of the United States to overcome a negative reputation as politician... 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