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exodus 34:5 7 commentary

Now that God has a priesthood through the tribe of Levi, if you want to keep your first born son, then you had to redeem him from God. For instance, in the earlier half of Exodus, where we have God's dealings in grace, the Sabbath-day is brought in, marked out by the bread God provided for His people, the manna the figure of Christ come down from heaven to be the food of the hungry on earth: then followed the Sabbath at once. They prepare the way for types which, instead of displaying God in Christ to man, set forth rather man drawing near by the appointed channel to God. These verses, as Stock says, show that the revelation of God was not merely to the outward sight, but chiefly to the heart and mind of Moses. The way was now open into the presence of God. But if I don't kill it, that mad dog can actually kill a lot of these beautiful, innocent little children. Pagan artists depicted Jupiter with thunder in his right hand, and an eagle at his feet. Thus it is evident that, no matter what the subject may be, the Sabbath has always a place assigned to it. He that hath an ear, let him hear, and know, and believe. In the hallowing of the priestly family the following points are observable. CHAPTER 34 THE PROCLAMATION OF THE DIVINE NAME. (2 Corinthians 3:1-18) Hence we can understand the earthly, external, and temporal character of the legal economy. THAT ALL COVENANT WITH GOD MUST REST ON THE BASIS OF THE MORAL LAW. 24/7 Support We wont leave you out to dry. Six days shalt thou work, but the seventh day shall be a day of rest: even in the harvest time and in the earing time thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, [that is] the first of the wheat harvest ( Exodus 34:21-22 ). The command to hew two tables of stone (Exodus 34:1)_ He could not look upon the face of God; but when the Lord had passed by then he could behold and delight in the shaded vision of Jehovahs back parts. 8 Moses intreateth God to go with them. People who seem to think that the God of the New Testament is all love and forgiveness, and the abrogating of the capital punishment and all of this, had better read the book of Revelation, and they'll find out that He is also a God of judgment, and a God of wrath that shall come and be visited. he had broken (Exodus 32:19), and bring them up Sinai to Jehovah. THE TEXT OF EXODUS Is that the way in which Christ was most glorified? The prime idea in blood seems always to be the life given up, i.e., death, in acknowledgment of the guilt of the one concerned. But if it isn't there, then it'll go on and it passes from generation to generation.You'll find that in your psychology and in your sociological studies that the-that a person gets his role for parenthood from his parents. This is the brightest jewel of His crownovertopping the heavens, outliving all times, outshining all perfections. In none of these types can one find the full truth of Christ and of His work. The Israelites were elect as a nation according to the sovereign call of Jehovah the known God of their fathers. The last chapter records, first, Jehovah's call to Moses to set up the dwelling of the appointed tent on the first day of the first month (i.e., in the second year, ver. This was the first full revelation, the last is like unto it. God is love, and they are enough for faith and hope and work Notice, 1. It consisted of a declaration by God of the truth This is here called "sanctification of the Spirit." "He who sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one." They promise obedience, but it is obedience of the law. When he gives to some, still he keeps for others, and is never exhausted; he has mercy enough for all the thousands of Israel, when they shall multiply as the sand. It's tragic but there are so much pressures, so many pressures being placed upon the home today. And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun goats' hair. Moses stressed the mercy of God in this exposition of Gods name, Yahweh (cf. Here it seems in substance the same thing as in 1 Peter 1:2. He will not undertake to unfold His Father's words to men in the millennium. This is not the time to enter into details; but hear what Moses says to Jehovah now: "See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. The biblical Exodus is central in Judaism. Now we are here told. The first and foundation of all the rest is this: God would disclose Himself in some of them to man, as far as this was possible then; secondly, founded on that and growing out of it, man would be taught to draw near to God. Jonah's Use of This Passage. The Divine name was proclaimed absolutely. Web34. It was necessarily so with the high priest taken from among men, after the witness already given to Christ's exceptional place. preacher, and God himself in his covenant engagements is the "In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out Now your first born son, you had to redeem from God. It may be ever so minute, but there is habitually a dealing of Christ between the touch that stays the issue and the word which declares with no less authority than love, "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace." the Lord, ch. God may treat them as the people of Moses, and say, "They are the people you have brought up: they are your people." Webadds, "Since, however, this phrase is explained very differently by others, both Exodus 34:7, and Jeremiah 25:29, as well as these words, may be thus rendered: Thou therefore thyself shalt be utterly cut off." Christianity teaches its value instead of neutralising it. Thus Israel never was under absolute law. It is no less a misfortune for the Christian, because what those in Christ are called to is neither law, nor the mingled system of law interspersed with the gracious care of those under it (who must have been consumed had law reigned alone), but pure grace in Christ without the law. But it is generally and chiefly a means of health, filled with beautiful sounds, fragrant with sweetest odours, the pathway of sunbeams, the source of sparkling dew, the parent of harvests and fountain of earthly life. However, we find that God was pleased to give subsequently and separately, but yet in connection with the ten words, certain ordinances which concerned Israel in their worship. This section coheres What impression it made upon him: Moses made haste, and bowed his head,Exodus 34:8; Exodus 34:8. At the opening of this book, wh Exodus 34:5 LORD H3068 descended H3381 (H8799) cloud H6051 stood H3320 Thou shalt not seethe kid in his mother's milk. So if their dads were guilty of doing a stupid thing, they'll usually follow that because that's the role model that they had. He was a sinner, and nothing else. Psalms 113:6, Lord, what is man, that he should be thus visited? It should seem as if Moses accepted this as a sufficient answer to his request that God would show him his glory; for we read not that he went into the cleft of the rock, whence to gain a sight of God's back parts. This was the transfiguration of Moses. [It was a part of the practice for the land to increase fertility they thought.] Unbelievers fight shy of it, and take certain doings or commands wrested from their context, and without examination as to the reason why. I have no problem with a God who is able to work miracles. (377) So the V. Stetit Moyses eum eo, invocans nomen Domini.. Pardoning mercy is specified, because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because in this divine grace is most magnified, and because it is this which opens the door to all other gifts of his divine grace, and because of this he had lately given a very pregnant proof. Revelation of Gods Grace. _HILDA BRIGHT AND KITTY PRIDE_ The blood of the bullock for a sin-offering was put on the horns of the altar; the blood of one ram for a burnt-offering was sprinkled round about upon the altar; and the blood of the other ram for consecration was put on Aaron's right ear, and that of his sons, on their right thumb and right great toe. WebIn this chapter Moses has orders to hew two tables of stone, that God might write on them the ten commands, and bring them up with him to the mount, Ex 34:1-4 where the Lord Moses intercedes for the people the fourth time (8-9) IV. It would be a glorious thing that three times a year all the men in the nation would have to come and stand before God in this time of worship and so forth. He is Jehovah, the Lord, who has his being of himself, and is the fountain of all being, Jehovah-El, the Lord, the strong God, a God of almighty power himself, and the original of all power. WebExodus 34:1 :: Darby Translation (DBY) Exodus 34:1 - And Jehovah said to Moses, Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first; and I will write upon the tables the words that were upon the first tables, which thou hast broken. Surely this is a wondrous truth, and of the greatest possible importance. The Holy Ghost is the only power for rightly using, and applying, and enjoying the truth; and therefore He is called "the truth" no less than the Lord Jesus. This is the authorised revelation of the character of God. Let us then bow to God instead of forcing our own meaning on scripture. The name el, is added, which, originally derived from strength, is often used for God, and is one of His names. It was a perfectly righteous thing therefore that God should propose terms of law. Let this God be our God for ever and ever. The judgment of One who could not bear sin was represented in the copper sockets of the boards which gave immutable stability; but grace in redemption was that on which all hung and shone in the chapiters and fillets also, the ornament of the work. But, secondly, the law is a test morally and individually. prayer. The utmost alacrity in answer to the call for material, useful and ornamental, common or costly, is shown by all. He uses all the personal confidence that God had in him on behalf of the people. The reason is manifest. These very same words in Exodus 20:7 "are rendered `will not hold him guiltless,' and in Jeremiah 30:11, `will not leave unpunished.'"[7]. It has brought saving joy to countless multitudes. Encouraged by this revelation Moses requested again (cf. Moses, painfully aware of the Israelites weakness, appealed to the grace of God, asking that he would still dwell among them and own them as his people in spite of their stubbornness (34:1-9).God then renewed his covenant, promising Israel provision and protection. The Jew had it after this outward sort, all being comparatively external in Israel. That is, it was a prohibition of man's will. I can go into the classrooms here at Maranatha Academy and sit and observe in one day, and at the end of the day I can tell you each child that comes from a broken home, just by watching the characteristics within the child. The former chapter tells us of the majesty of the divine revelation as it was made to Moses on the mount of God. Let us notice that, whatever was the visible pomp CHAPTER XXXIV. It is the condition of a slave; nevertheless even there God has Christ before Him. And there the solemn compact into which Israel had passed is renewed. But these are not the only things. THE SECOND GIVING OF THE LAW Nobody doubts the good intentions of such as interpret it thus; but these are not enough with the word of God. WebExodus 34:5 And the Lord descended in the cloud The same with the cloudy pillar, which was now gone up from the door of the tabernacle, and was on high in the air over the All I can do is just bow my head and worship in wonder and in awe, that God should love me, and care for me, and place value in me so much that He would give His Son for my redemption. You see the first born son used to always be the priest of the house, he belonged to God. Jehovah however stands to His own ways, and says to Moses, "Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. Woes and wonders were their sublimest ideal of God.(3.) (1.) And the Holy Ghost completes this wonderful circle of divine intimacy. Such is the line which divides them. The legal ordinances and institutes were but shadows; still they were types distinctly constituted; and we should learn by them all. They were a people in the flesh. The word means "exit," "departure" (see Lk 9:31; Heb 11:22 ). Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, Thus says the LORD God of Israel: Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.. lest I consume thee in the way." Next, He proclaims His clemency and mercy; nor is He contented with a single word, but, after having called Himself merciful, He claims the praise of clemency, inasmuch as He has no more peculiar attribute than His goodness and gratuitous beneficence. The reference is to the fine linen and blue, etc., with the various coverings of goats' hair and badger skins. In the New Testament we have a God of judgment and wrath revealed to us. So I would be thoroughly justified in killing that dog so that it would not infect the innocent children and destroy them. There is distance, even though they are called to this place of distinction. "As is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly." He descended _in the cloud_ Probably that 9 And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. Nevertheless, here as everywhere God maintains His right to call, and gives the requisite gifts. The last of these types is the holy perfume. And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him for ever.". 5. Observe thou that which I command thee this day ( Exodus 34:10-11 ): Now God is saying, "Observe it, not just see it". The truth has touched his conscience by grace, and God's mercy, however dimly seen, is enough to attract his heart to obey. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. And he was there with the Lord for forty days and forty nights; and he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. of your cattle, ox, sheep, all of the first born male. It has been remarked by another, and it is perfectly true, that in this book when we meet with any dealing of God, of whatever kind it may be, the Sabbath-day is always introduced. He visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the children. 5.And the Lord descended in the cloud It is by no means to be doubted but that the cloud received Moses into it in the sight of the people, so that, after having been separated from the common life of men for forty days, he should again come forth like a new man. In the last manifestation of his glory. And the rulers brought onyx stones, and stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breastplate: and spice, and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the sweet incense. A gorgeous canopy of cloudsglowing in every tint of gold, scarlet, and purple over the evening sky, alone remains to bear witness to the passing suns magnificence. We may know and ought to judge what is passing in the world, though it be through an imperfect medium; but we know heaven and heavenly things from God. And afterward all the children of Israel came near: and he gave them in commandment all that the Lord had spoken with him in mount Sinai. The feast [Now God lays out the various feasts that they were to have, the three feasts, "the feast",] of unleavened bread shalt thou keep. His joy in this discovery which God had made of himself, and his thankfulness for it. The pardon of Israel's sin in worshipping the calf was now to pass the seals; and God, by this declaration, would let them know that he pardoned ex mero motu--merely out of his own good pleasure, not for their merits' sake, but from his own inclination to forgive. I grant you that, looking at the Pentecostal saints, in them we see the most powerful united testimony that ever was borne in this world; but it was borne in what was comparatively not the severest trial in earthly things chiefly, the superiority of those who had been newly created in Christ to the wretched selfishness of human nature. No doubt all was advancing as regards the world; but that which was brought to us now was before the world, and altogether above the world in its own nature. The measure of it for the Christian is based on the fact that he possesses life, and that he has Christ Himself, the object which shows him the position in which he stands, and consequently the character of the relationship that attaches to him. Where Christ is thus received in the Holy Ghost, a new kind of responsibility is created. Then we have the holy anointing oil, which also had to do with fitting the priests for drawing near to God. Well, this is God's name for ever, and this is his memorial unto all generations. And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." The Lord said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel. "But ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." concerning Himself, first, as to His nature and second, as to His This was impossible yet. 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