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god walked with adam and eve in the garden

2. My main point throughout has been to direct people back to Scripture to see what it really says. 5 Bible Verses about God Walking. Hi Ian, I think you misunderstand what was meant by the possibility of God coming in the wind. The activity of God in 2:18-22 give the impression of prior occasions of God walking in the garden. Although I agree, you simply cannot prove this one way or another, however I believe the scripture gives us enough evidence to assume with confadence, that Jesus did take a physical form and did actually, literally walk through the garden. I would think that they received one on one instruction from God. As you supposed, God did provide water for the animals too. They were created with perfect bodies and were husband and wife on the day they were created. I appreciate the encouraging words. Ive enjoyed reading your article, the comments and your responses. So Adam hears a sound, which he knows is the sound of God. 2 keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary.3 IF YOU WALK IN MY STATUTES AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS AND DO THEM 4 then I will give you rain in due season and the land shall give her increase and the trees of the field shall yield there fruit. Before He came to earth two thousand years ago, Jesus appeared at various times in the Old Testament in a physical form. Some scholars, such as J.J. Niehaus, have argued that the phrase translated as the cool of the day is better understood as referring a strong wind. (Gen. 3:8) Adam is placed in the garden to "cultivate (abad)" and "keep (samar)" it (Gen 2:15). 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Our adversary seeks to discredit the validity of the Word of God. In other words, human beings were made to reflect Gods gloryto show the world what God is likethrough who we are and what we do. Can a whirlwind fulfill those processes? Dear Tim Chaffey, my nephew and I have read and discussed these verses endlessly. constant) communication with God (e.g., the angel in Daniel 10:13 who was withstood by the prince of Persian for 21 days until Michael came to help him). If you had bothered to read the post, you would have read these words: Is it so hard to see that broke the fall in a righteous or right standing with God, the first family would run hard to God. We know that God is Omnipresent. Thats right, you are right there with them from birth, not that they were made a baby first of course, as that would take other humans to raise them as we know it!,,,, As God had promised, they became mortal. may I use your illustration in a short story that I will submit for publication on a non-commercial website (perhaps only my own personal website, if I cannot find acceptance at a more widely viewed site)? As I mentioned in the post, even if He walked through the Garden to speak to Adam and Eve it would not prove that they used to take walks with Him. It would be accurate if the point of my article was to claim that Adam and Eve did not walk with God in the Garden prior to sin. Thats correct, and I write about that in my book, Fallen. Man, this helped challenge me to really read through the scriptures on this topic. Adam and Eve are walking around in the Garden of Eden, and they meet up with this serpent who asks them an interesting question: "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the . Further, although the phrase could be translated as a strong wind, the text would still say that he came walking in a strong wind. God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden where grew the tree of life. Where is the specific support for this argument found anywhere in the scriptures? So no, I will not take down this post or apologize for it, unless you can actually show me where the Bible says that they did walk with God. The adverbial phrase in the cool of the day (NIV, NASB, NJB) or the breezy time of the day (NJPS, NAB) translates the Hebrew phrase wind [rah] of the day. The NRSVs rendering makes the time more explicit, at the time of the evening breeze (also REB). Instead, it encourages people to draw a distinction between what Scripture actually states and the inferences we make based on those statements, even if they are quite reasonable. I love my time with Him and when Im not with Him I want to do the right thing by Him, unlike Adam and Eve! He is eternally begotten of the Father, one with the Father, in essence, but he had not yet become flesh. If He was walking, then this must have been a theophany - a pre-incarnate appearance of the Second Person of the Trinity. They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. He was their friend. . Jack ~'()~ You can see from the above that God decreed several things for Adam to honour and obey. We do see God speaking to both of them in Genesis 1:2830 when He blessed them and told them to be fruitful and multiply and told them to eat vegetation. Adam and Eve Hide From God. I agree with you that we cannot say with certainty that God walked with them, I am just here to point out that the language suggests a repetitive habit of God. To find out why God made you we have to look in the Bible. When God asked them how they knew they were naked, and asked them if they had eaten from the tree they were not to. Your email address will not be published. Hi Kevin, When I was young I remember the most favorites of things I would get for Christmas. We know that God was with Adam and Eve at all times and wherever they were. The parts of the claim that are not in quotes are my reasonable inferences of your intent, given what you do *say verbatim*. Genesis 2:19 However, God could have manifested himself as a human being, but this would not be the glorious spirit being that he actually is. Hi Robert, The Hebrew verb, halak, is translated as "walking" in this passage. That's why he was walking in the garden: he wanted to meet with Adam and Eve and spend time with them. He saw them sew fig leaves together to cover themselves. For more on the issue of Cains wife, see this article: Ive heard this, believed this, and repeated this on more than one occasion. I know you didnt use the word constant but thats sort of the point in my article. Again, nothing in Scripture tells us that they walked with God or carried on a conversation with Him. They walked and talked with God. Well, in Genesis 2, Adam names the animals, and the only words quoted from him in Gen. 2 have to do with what he said when he met Eve: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh (Genesis 2:23). God walking with people normally suggests closeness and intimacy and fellowship. On the sixth day of Creation, God created 'man' in the form of Adam, moulding him from 'the dust of the ground' (Genesis 2:7), breathing the breath of life into Adam's nostrils. They got to take walks with him, check out the animals, enjoy the beau Genesis 3:8 Can you imagine what it must have been like in the garden of Eden, before sin entered the world? Hi Nucc, Surely, He wouldve given them the ability to do that right from the start. 11 Not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. I too have always heard that God walked with Adam & Eve in the cool of the day every day. He created a vast array of angels prior to the creation of man, so theres no guarantee that God spent a bunch of time with Adam and Eve. The same (principle) applies to the natural reading of anything: that according to the thing itself. My guess is that they would not have had nearly enough animals to eat over their forty year wandering. Therefore, it is likely that Adam and Eve had been experiencing close fellowship with the Lord God. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the afternoon; and both Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God in the midst of the trees of the garden. Its beautiful imagery but youre right, the bible doesnt say this. It does not say that God drove Adam and Eve, or the man and the woman, out of the Garden of Eden. Then ended up here. If so, then it seems to follow that there would be ongoing communion and communication between God, Adam, and Eve. If the idea being conveyed by the text is a strong wind then this scene was probably quite similar to the way God spoke to Job, as I mentioned in the article. But this goes beyond them, it goes back to Adam and Eve.Adam and Eve had the privilege of being with God, the way that God had intended. I dont believe I said anywhere in the post or in the comments that the coats of skin were made from animals, although I certainly believe this is easily the most logical conclusion. Not because I think Im right and feel holier than thou but it was just something burning in me saying NO. God cannot look upon sin ( Habakkuk 1:13) and that's why He told Moses no one can see His face and live ( Exodus 33:20 ). I believe whenever we read the words The Word of the Lord came to such and such prophet, that means Jesus (who is the Word of God)literally came to that individual as Jesus appeared to John on the Island of Patmos. No sowing or reaping for 3 years! Thanks for the comment and for taking the time to read the post. What if they were some sort of Spiritual Being as God and his Son were at the time. Regardless, my point is that Adam was familiar enough to recognized it was God. However, I dont see how your final statement about the garden has any relevance. I am not disagreeing and saying that Gods reason for coming was not to proclaim judgment, I am disagreeing by saying that we can not say for sure what Gods reason was for coming, Scripture doesnt clarify. ? I could not find it. So if the strong wind idea is actually being conveyed by the Hebrew, then there is no textual basis for claiming that Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden in the cool of the day. Read lev 25:20 and if you shall say what shall we eat in the 7th year? Thanks for taking the time to comment. Thanks again for reading! Why? Let me shine light on tis section you have written: If you will count the number of people listed as being created, you will find Adam #1, Eve #2 then Cain #3 and Able #4. so thats a total of four people listed as being on the Earth. Its not even hard to imagine that Adam and Eve did walk with God prior to the fall. Hi Nucc, Im not opposed to this idea. God must have schooled him in his new surroundings. is not an accurate analogy. Like a child jumping in his fathers arm as he comes home from work. Upon marrying, Moses recounts God's command for husband and wife: "a man shallbe joined to . Here are 6 things that you need to know, insights that will help you in your life today, in helping to refine the way you view God. Thank you for helpful writing. As I mentioned in the conclusion of the article, it is certainly possible that the Lord walked with Adam and Eve, and if He did, then it may well have been the preincarnate Christ who walked with them. This month we will look at Bible texts from Genesis to Revelation to reflect on what it means to walk with God. To your third point (in the next post), I think the temple imagery is overdone a bit in modern times. 9 But the LORD God called out to the man, "Where are you?" 10 "I heard Your voice in the garden," he replied . The main point of this entire post is to encourage Christians to look closely at Scripture, so that they will stop saying, The Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God or something very similar. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. He could have done it audibly from the heavens, or He could have spent time with Adam in the garden. I completely agree that Adam and Eve had the freedom to obey or disobey regarding the forbidden fruit, but that doesnt really have anything to do with my point in this post. Please note that both boys were conceived and born after sin had entered the Earth. And how many times is this a supporting argument for a main point or the main point itself? As I mentioned in my post, I have absolutely no problem with the idea that they might have walked with God in the garden. The Lord can speak out of it and He can perform any other functions, such as making coats of skins, while in that form. Also, when Adam and Eve were created, I dont believe they were automatically filled with knowledge as how to take care of themselves, the animals, the garden,etc 9 GOD made all kinds of trees grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat. Tim, thank you for your commentary. Have you ever wondered exactly how the conversation between God and Adam went down in the Garden of Eden? They hear a sound. We'll come across one more tree towards the end of the chapter. Suggestions include that it means we are made as rational creatures that can communicate with and worship God, or that we have been given dominion, or that we will live forever. IMV they were walking in the IMAGE for which God created them with the FREE WILL to CHOOSE. The Bible doesnt say that Cains wife was from Nod. In other words, man had a physical body made from the ground. Im not sure that it necessarily follows that there would be ongoing communion and communication between God, Adam, and Eve. I believe God appeared to Adam and Eve and Cain and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob (when He wrestled with Him) and the parents of Samson, and even to Balaam and his donkey, the same way He appeared to John. I think it would be odd for God to first come walking in the garden with Adam and Eve only after they had sinned. There is no need to attribute the work to me. Adam & Eve had been very naughty and they were hiding from the Lord!! I think we both agree that God doesnt need to appear in human form to bring the animals to Adam or to perform surgery on him. Later after the fall of man, mankind lost the ability to see God physically save through the theophany. But even that would not prove that He took strolls with Adam. Hi Tim you stated; How many pastors and other teachers have taught that the Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden? I think your criticism of my article misses the mark. If He did or didnt is still and can always be up for discussion , its a gut instinct in me that says no but at the end of the day Im just glad Im saved and can sort it out when I get to Heaven! He was given the title of the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" because he knew good and evil. On page 57 of Heaven you say Before the Fall, God came to Eden to visit with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:8). This passage refers to God walking in the Garden after Adam and Eve have fallen, but before God has confronted them. Abel may have had plenty of kids who would want revenge against their Uncle Cain for killing their father. There were two special fruit trees in the garden: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. I would argue that angels are probably made in His image as well,. Nothing in that passage says it, and thats the main point of this post. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. Hi Mel, . In each case, they are basing their ideas on something that isnt stated in Scripture. God created human beings to have fellowship with him. Much of the talk of the Adam & Eve story revolves around how they ate the . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sorry for the delayed response. These factors make Adam, and subsequently Eve who was taken out of the man Adam, uniquely designed to perceive the presence of God, and descern His will. That certainly could have been the case if God made a physical appearance (called a theophany), as He did in other places (e.g., Genesis 12:7; 18:1. Please read Genesis 3:8-10: "Later they HEARD the VOICE OF JEHOVAH GOD as he was walking in the garden about the breezy part of the day, and the man and his wife hid from the face of Jehovah God among the trees of the garden. This just goes on and on and on all the way through this book about how god expects his people to walk with him please read the book of Leviticus slowly it gives all the details that genesis doesnt. Its the generous support of our ministry partners that enables us to continue our eternity-shaping work. Adam and Eve said, 'Lord, when we were in the garden, You walked with us every day. Hi Tim. He never showed him self He when He was showing himself to Moses and the others He revealed himself to in some other form. However, the walk in these passages should probably be understood in a figurative sense. However, I also notice in chapter 2 that Adam recognized God speaking (commanding) to him concerning the forbidden tree. ( Genesis 3:13-15) When looking at Genesis 3:13-15, there is no direct indication that the serpent had legs, only that its curse would be "on your belly you shall go.". You say that since Gods coming is right after Adam and Eve sin, that His reason for coming is to proclaim judgment. Seems to me there was plenty of interaction & communication between Adam (& Perhaps Eve) and God. 5. In fact, nearly as soon as the Lord have man the woman they went together directly to the forbidden tree (as soon as God turned aside to rest from all the work of His creation) they were tempted, took the fruit and ate it. Theologians have long wrestled with the very concept of being made in Gods image. Thats the one where I spend time talking about the ages of Cain and Abel. The episode of God walking in the Garden of Eden is one of these instances. And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden Genesis 3:8. I am searching for ideas about the absence of God in the Garden. I never really gave it much thought that Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden.God can and does whatever He wants to do. Regardless of whether you translate the disputed phrase as cool of the day or strong wind, the text still says that God was walking in the cool of the day / wind (of the day). Of course, since God is capable of making physical appearances. It says, "they heard the sound of God walking in the garden", and, " they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord. But what comes to my mind is why would you choose this debated part to address the concern. Thats the point of this post. I even pointed out that when the Bible speaks of Enoch and Noah walking with God it should be understood in the figurative sense of them living godly lives (as opposed to taking physical strolls with Him). Easy, no relevance to the story. Looking at that from an opposite perspective; Is it not also true that it is not stated they werent walking with God? Who were they conversing with? How do your children know how to live? I think youve understood exactly what I was seeking to accomplish. If that suggestion is accurate, then it would have been a physical presence of God coming in judgment, similar to how He spoke from the whirlwind in Job. The answer is that it was the Word, who later became Jesus Christ, that walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.". To spend time with Him. God also brought the animals to Adam so he could name them. Your entire post is irrelevant to the discussion because you are trying to show what it means when it says that someone walked with God. But that is not what it says, so Im trying to help people avoid teaching false ideas about Scripture. Whats different, and merits the commentary, is not that God has for the first time come to walk in the Garden, but that for the first time his walking in the Garden is responded to in fear and hiding, due to sin. Really says that since Gods coming is right after Adam and Eve,! Remember the most favorites of things I would get for Christmas I know didnt... Nephew and I write about that in my book, Fallen the they. The post who is in the garden you misunderstand what was meant by the possibility God. Of these instances his Son were at the time garden, you walked with us every day suggests and... They received one on one instruction from God from God in me saying NO this! 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