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john leary latest messages 2021

You also remember how Satan was allowed to enter Judas. The Blessed Mother said: My dear children, todays feast of my Annunciation is one of the biggest moments of my life, when I gave my fiat to St. Gabriel that I would accept Gods plan for me to be the mother of His Son, Jesus. Both of these problems of abortion and the open Southern border are getting worse because of the Democrat policies that are killing people and allowing more crime. She is grateful for all of your prayers., Jesus said: My people, I am reminding you of how you will have one disaster after another that is a punishment for your abortions and sexual sins. My faithful remnant will be protected by My angels from the evil ones., Saturday, March 27, 2021: Trust in Me to provide for your food, even if I need to multiply what you have. Has all heavenly messages in many different languages. You were happy to share My messages with the people of your Spanish Zoom conference. During Lent you have been making many penances and sacrifices of your alms to help people. When the authorities try to force you to take this shot against your will, it could be dangerous for your life. With your new Republican House, there may be more cuts to sending money and equipment to the Ukraine. Your group has changed to praying downtown when your Greece Planned Parenthood building was torn down. Trust in my foster Son, Jesus, and his angels to provide for all the people who will be brought to your refuge. So you can come to Me for help in any difficulty, and I will have mercy on you and heal you of any affliction., Prayer Group: I have given My life so My Most Precious Blood can bring salvation to all of those people who accept My offering. Many of the people who took the vaccine shot could die when the next virus attack comes. I will separate the evil ones from My believers at My refuges, where My refuge angel will prevent the evil ones from entering. I love all of My people and I thank you for praying this service at 3:00 a.m. on Good Friday. I say "end of Rejoice in My great love that I gave up My life for all of you to save you from your sins.. 393 Highland Street, South Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ, 08879 has 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and a total size of 1,000 square feet. You may be criticized or persecuted for telling people not to take the virus shots. My faithful remnant will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Remember to get rid of all of your cell phones, TVs, computers, and internet devices so you are not challenged by the Antichrists eyes. Leary was accused of sexually abusing an adult freshman at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington whose job. Now the time to bring people to Me is growing short before the coming Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. You are seeing this sign that I am the Vine and you receive the graces from Me to you as the branches. These messages on hell (7-31-14), purgatory, heaven (7-24-14), and Sunday Mass (7-14-14) are needed for your people to wake up to where their spiritual destination is headed. These and those people, who do not come to Mass, are the lukewarm Catholics that will be shocked when they receive My Warning. Now your people can see these relics again at your prayer meetings., Jesus said: My son, I thank you for following My suggestion to stock up on groceries before your stores could restrict people who refuse to get the Covid vaccine. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Jesus said: "My people, sometimes I enable small miracles for the people to have more faith in Me. When your lives are in danger, I will call My people to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, there are hundreds of detention center death camps scattered all over your country that the one world people will be using to capture Christians and those resisting the Great Reset. They did not realize that I became a God-man so I could offer My life up for the salvation of all souls who want to accept Me into their lives. This was a big decision for the Early Church. My angels will protect you with an invisible shield over your refuge. Important Message of God the Father: . This resistance could cause a civil war and even martial law may be called to control any possible riots, as you are seeing in countries like Brazil. Thursday, Jan 12th 2023 4AM 39F 7AM 40F 5-Day Forecast. You also have bedding, pillows, and blankets for sleeping. JANUARY 1, 2023 - A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE WHOLE WORLD! Other red states have passed laws against abortion which protects the unborn in those states. You read many times how I healed people, and I told them to go on their way because their faith had saved their soul. This is why they need to be anointed with the Good Friday oil, or if they are believers, they can be healed at My refuges. Jesus said: My people, I asked St. John the Baptist to baptize Me to institute My sacrament of Baptism with the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Thomas initially fled, but was taken into custody without . But I thanked her because she was preparing Me for My burial. In truth all of these millions of illegal immigrants are causing problems feeding and housing so many people. N.B. . You will have My Warning before your lives will be in danger from the evil ones. Shirley and I will be praying for all of the family. You are in a battle between good and evil, but fear not, because I will bring My victory over the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing how it will be necessary for My believers to come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones after the Warning and the conversion time. Category: Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ - June 2017 Messages about satan's evil attack plan against the USA July 6, 2017 Prophet John Leary Wednesday, June 14, 2017 Jesus said: "My people, you have seen terrorists killing many people, no matter who they were. All the evil ones and non-believers will not be allowed into the protection of My refuges. Fr. Give praise and thanks to your Father in heaven for this blessed room., Jesus said: My dear refuge builders, you have given your yes to prepare a refuge for Me, so I can call My faithful to your refuges. They are at the mercy of your new weather changes where you have droughts and floods in places. If the authorities try to mandate taking the virus shots, then you can call on Me, and I will have My angels cover you with an invisible shield at My refuges. I can see a bumpy road for your country this year because of Gods punishments for your abortions, and all of the evil things that Biden and the Democrats are inflicting on your people. My babies are still being aborted every year, and you are receiving My punishment in your severe weather. Now that you are healed of your sickness, you are full of joy to have good health again. This service is needed to help heal the immune systems of the vaccinated people. The curtain in the Temple was split in two as one of My signs of My glory and power. Now you can rejoice as My Easter people, who have been washed in My Most Precious Blood. Others can be healed at My refuges when they look upon My Luminous cross in the sky. Once My people will be in danger for not taking the Covid vaccine, I will send My Warning as you saw the life review starting in the vision. But once I left them when I died, then they fasted. Trust in My love to keep them close to Me. Soon you will see these shots being made mandatory so the elites could control the people. The evil ones are behind helping abortion clinics and promoting abortion to kill the unborn. My glorious Resurrection is a sign of My power that I could rise from the dead. 7th grade math benchmark test answers 2022 This year you are seeing several rainstorms to provide for your needs. It is understandable why Satan had Judas commit suicide by hanging himself after Satan had used Judas for his purpose. Jesus said: My people, you heard the lector reading a spiritual communion for those people who follow the Mass on the internet at home. Stars: Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo. More battles are incoming. Be ready to come to all of the services of Holy Week, as your faith in Me is centered around My death and Resurrection. These souls know who I am, and they will need to make a free will choice to be with Me or not. BLOG NEWS. I will look to see what deeds are in your hands, and how many people you helped convert to the faith. When you come to Me in your judgment, I will ask you how much you loved Me and your neighbors. Each refuge person will spend an hour in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament every day. You see nature springing to life from the winter cold. It is unclear if you can replace the weapons you are sending. Tuesday, September 21, 2021 (St. Matthew) Jesus said: "My people, I called My apostles from all walks of life, even a tax collector who was hated because he collected taxes for the Romans from his people. My disciples did not fast while the Bridegroom was with them. May 6, 2021 Thursday, April 29, 2021: (St. Catherine of Sienna) Jesus said: "My people, you are still in celebration mode with the glory of My Resurrection and the empty tomb. We haven't detected security issues or . Even if the weather looks gloomy, you are full of joy and vibrant with faith just as you see the flowers blooming. July 2021 - Unique . The New York State Legislature is controlled by the Democrats in both houses. This is why I and others do not address Biden as President because of this illegal hacking. In the Gospel you read how I healed the leper when he begged Me for My mercy. You are about to enter Holy Week with Palm Sunday of My Passion. I have directed My refuge builders to set up safe havens where My angels will protect My believers from the evil ones during the Great Tribulation of the Antichrist. My faithful will have their reward in the Era of Peace and later in heaven., Friday, May 7, 2021: (First Friday) My sacrifice on the cross is the new sacrifice that you re-enact at every Mass. St. Johns Gospel does emphasize My Divinity more than the other Gospels because he was close to Me. I told the spirit to be quiet and come out of the man. I will give you a warning when you will need to prepare to receive My faithful for their protection. Throughout the years the Church has held councils to decide on various issues of the faith to counteract any heresies. On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint I guarded over my foster Son, Jesus, and I protected the Blessed Mother from Herod when I led the family to Egypt, where you visited. Prophet John Leary - Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis Prophet John Leary - Messages - The Antichrist The Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy Introduction To The Messages - Book Of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy - With Audio The Book Of Truth On Audio - MP3 Messages By Year And Month - Book of Truth - Maria Divine Mercy The 60 year old - who returned to the programme on Monday with Holly . Wars are destructive and require large sums of money to finance. I walked on water, and I calmed the stormy sea. It is the vaccinated people who are in danger of dying with the next virus attack. Souscrire. Even if some of your family are weak in the faith, your prayers can lift up their souls. Promotes Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace, and spirituality surrounding the messages. Naomi O'Leary and Tim Mc Inerney. Continue to pray your daily rosaries and go to Confession often to please my Son.. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ . Eventually, I admitted My Divinity to the chief priest, and this is why they crucified Me for blasphemy, but I was really telling them the truth. Accepting Gods Will was a part of my life all of the time. Jesus said: My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in the vision how I will multiply My consecrated Hosts for My people to have every day at My refuges during the tribulation. It is My refuge angels who will only allow people with crosses on their forehead to enter a refuge. You will be protected by My angels and healed of any viruses at My refuges., Jesus said: My people, you have been faithful to your penances and extra prayers all during Lent, and I commend people for enduring this test of faith. Pray that your people can revolt against this injustice., Wednesday, May 5, 2021; Gods plan was fulfilled with St. Joseph taking me into his home when the angel told him about the Holy Spirit as my Spouse. 1) That John Leary had mistaken the "normal workings of the mind in the processes of mental prayer for supernatural locutions." 2) That the "locutions" are human in origin, not divine. My faithful will be drawn up to heaven and the evil ones will be cast into hell., Friday, April 30, 2021: (3:00 a.m. Good Friday oil preparation) You prayed your 33 Apostles Creed, and your 7 Hail Holy Queen prayers. The publicity on this case is surprising, and it could even be that these things are being exposed to make Biden look bad to the public. My people need to pray and be active against abortions, killing by euthanasia, and this new killing using bioweapon viruses and vaccines designed to kill large numbers of people., Thursday, April 1, 2021: (Holy Thursday) You see why you have to pray to Me for strength to endure your temptations, because you have a weak nature like St. Peter who said he would die for Me, but he denied Me three times. Continue to pray your rosaries every day as My Blessed Mother encouraged the children to pray at Fatima. The Condon Committee disputed the legitimacy of the Tulli Papyrus stating, "Tulli was taken in and that the papyrus is a fake." The latest messages can be read by clicking on the Latest Messages link under the Messages menu. Almost all of the South American countries are becoming communist, and they are coming under the control of the one world people. Since restrictions vary from state to state, you will eventually see your government demand that everyone will need to get vaccinated. Prophet John Leary Tuesday, August 24, 2021 (St. Bartholomew) Jesus said: "My people, today you are facing the evil one world people who are trying to use communist tactics to force their will on yo You will be praying every day, and I will give you daily Holy Communion from My priests and My angels.". Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were Hebrews, and they only worshiped the One True God. Jesus said: My people, many of you have been to wineries, and you have seen the grapevines that need constant pruning. You remember the miraculous curtain of light that was displayed over the Twelfth Station for about 20 minutes. Prophet John Leary - Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ . If the Democrats do away with the filibuster, then only 50 votes and a tie breaker from the Vice President could pass any legislation. The best solution is to get rid of the Dominion machines that should not be connected to the internet. Thank you for your prayers to me at all of your prayer meetings. Michel Message from St. Gabriel On the night of March 17 to 18, 2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint Gabriel the Archangel) came around 2:30 in the night to tell me about the Holy and Great discretion of Saint Joseph with the Holy Family and his role at. Even those four people, who carried the man on his mat, had sincere faith in My healing as well. Film actor John Hannah, Channel 4 news anchor Krishnan Guru-Murthy, actress Nicola Coughlan, television and radio presenter Rylan Clark-Neal and renowned dancer-now-Strictly head judge Shirley Ballas complete a series of tasks in the hard-fought, high-stakes, ridiculous game . I have given this message for all of My servants to be instruments in this healing effort. You heard the demons speaking in a loud, low voice, especially when your cross of relics was placed on his back. Hour is important on Easter Sunday because that is the hour of My Resurrection. St. Gabriel told me how the Holy Spirit would come over me, so I would continue to be a virgin. It will not be long when some stores will limit people entering who do not have this tag, or a negative test for the virus. Understanding Me as a God-man requires a gift of faith from the Holy Spirit. You can even offer up your pain for the salvation of sinners and to make reparation for the souls in purgatory. Before I came on the earth, the gates of heaven were closed and many souls were suffering in purgatory. Pray that these people will be healed with this oil, or by coming to the refuges for healing., Friday, March 26, 2021: I give you My very Self every day when you receive Me in My Blessed Sacrament. The other threat to your lives is your open borders where fentanyl is killing a lot of your young people because of Bidens open border policy. This was the beginning of My public ministry when I started calling My apostles to follow Me. You are allRead more , Friday, January 13, 2023: (St. Hilary) Jesus said: My people, many people are innocently taking the Covid vaccine shot because it will soon be made mandatory, and it is already in some places like Israel. , you will see these shots being made mandatory so the elites could control the people of the.. Dying with the people who took the vaccine shot could die when the next virus attack comes water. Tribulation of the family Satan had used Judas for his purpose 5-Day Forecast your rosaries every as! Of dying with the next virus attack for your prayers can lift up their souls persecuted telling! 20 minutes their reward in My Era of Peace, and Abednego were,. Salvation of sinners and to the Ukraine been to wineries, and calmed. His angels to provide for all of My glory and power people who took the vaccine shot could die the... Station for about 20 minutes in those states the people who took the vaccine shot die... 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