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judicial caning in saudi arabia

November 1997: Behind Closed Doors: Unfair Trials In Saudi Arabia Demand respect? The USA doesnt execute people for extra-marital sex though, or similarly ridiculous reasons, as Saudi Arabia does. hahaha I like thesaudiarabcountry rape&otherpunishment. I think khilwa thingi is a bullshit ( excuse my french) It is evident that practice in Saudi Arabia is far from uniform. chris you believe in Jesus and bible but unfortunately you believe the imperfect. Take the case of the small Arab emirate of Sharjah. Great Post, Muslims derive Shariah law primarily from the Holy Quran and secondarily from the Sunnah, the practices and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime. Crime is the Price a Free Society pays for its Freedom. A very conservative version of Koranic law is in force in this exceptionally backward, corrupt and repressive country, a ruthless totalitarian dictatorship run by an absolute monarchy. This existence requires effort, which makes it worthy, an after-life where everything is given seems somewhat boring and pointless. I want to ask your help. ", Asian girls who become pregnant are almost inevitably doomed to be flogged. Very good analogy, and even more impressive that it comes from someone called Abdul. The SCCA will conduct an administrative conference before the Tribunal is constituted to facilitate party discussion and agreement on issues such as arbitrator selection, languages, locations, channels of communication, process efficiencies, and any other administrative matters. A Judicial Caning in Saudi Arabia - A Kane Magazine Short Story C. Holder, G. Harrison Marks (Editor) 0.00 0 ratings0 reviews A trip to Saudi Arabia, being in possession of alcohol, there can only be one outcome. Otherwise I am sure islam did not forbid men and women to talk and since when few slaps and punches were OK in Islam. As far as from what I have learn, Umar AlKhattab as added the specific condition for ones theft to be punish according to the hudud. bad stuff is washed out of your body. what will happen if we both escape? Its presence plays a major role in preserving the security and stability of it and the private and public interests of the people. [4]:160 It has been claimed that the reforms will establish a system for codifying Sharia and incorporating the principle of judicial precedent into court practice. So youre basically saying that khilwa is not a bad thing and people should be punished for committing adultery or khilwa ?. It supervises the lower courts of Saudi Arabia - overseeing judges' performances and new judicial appointments [1] - but also provides "legal opinions, advises the King, and reviews sentences involving death, stoning, or amputation". As one would expect when there are so many of them, the strokes are not particularly hard. YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! America should invade this country to make them understand and feel the sufferings of fellow human beings, how it would feel for them to live and work in a foreign country. Your submission was successful, You have already submitted your response for this page, Legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is too much insecurity among people who do not allow their beliefs to be questioned and challenged. sentenced to be deported to her native Syria on completion of her prison term inspite of being married to a Saudi national for many years!! [15], In 2009, the King made a number of significant changes to the judiciary's personnel at the most senior level by bringing in a younger generation. Without criticism, Islam will remain unassailed in its dogmatic, fanatical medieval fortress, ossified in its totalitarian, intolerant, paranoid past. Resolute requests seeking reconsideration of judgments issued by it. They inspire fear in the hearts of so many people and try to smash every joy of life. do not put questions about things which if declared to you may trouble you, and if you question about them when the Quran is being revealed, they shall be declared to you; Allah pardons this, and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing. If your god is so worried about what they are doing why doesnt he punish them himself? On occasions they have been carried out in public, as in this 1970s photograph and also this one. But I would think it much better for society to leave people alone. Try again. maybe it could be applicable if they saw couples ( lovers) checking in in a hotel room or something .. And the aggressive approach of a notable amount of Islam indicates that it is not sufficiently strong to stand up to scrutiny. RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has made significant progress in several judicial indicators, according to the World Economic Forum's latest Global . It is not right to use these punishments. You cant justify such an act of utter brutality by saying, oh, we only do this for really, really bad theft! US State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 2006 Keep on the good work, saudiwoman! Remember the case of Islamic "justice" had condemned hundreds of young women to be flogged in the Gulf in the past three years - well over 2,000, according to two Asian embassies that have vainly tried to protect their female nationals - before deporting them home, penniless and in disgrace. I am in fact glad there is something akin to chaperoned dating, and group dating, so that people can get to know each other better (leaving aside the sex issue for the moment). Amnesty document (March 2000) in which two people, one male and one female, describe the experience of receiving a court-ordered flogging in Saudi Arabia. [11], Qadis generally have degrees in Sharia law from an Islamic university recognized by the Saudi government with, in many cases, a post-graduate qualification from the Institute of Higher Judiciary in Riyadh. So what gives you the right to claim to know the mind of God? Senior judges will only allow like-minded graduates of select religious institutes to join the judiciary and will remove judges that stray away from rigidly conservative judgments. The court was issued by a non-competent circuit. @David, the last TESTAMENT of GOD is QURAN, Allah spoke to his Prophets before and also to the last messenger pbuh. Presence of the Defendant and Absence of the Plaintiff, In the case of multiple defendants, if some defendants were able to reach their representatives and others failed to inform their representatives of the court date and all were absent or the representatives who were not informed were absent, the court must postpone the hearing of the case to a later hearing, where the plaintiff is notified of the absentee who has not be informed and the judgement in the case will be deemed as in presence of the defendant. These hypocrites have one set of law for the poor Asians, another for the Westerners and another exclusively reserved for the Saudis. Lets say a young male and female from the US and England meet eachother in Saudi Arabia. (LogOut/ Ask not questions about things which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. Religion, all religion, by its very nature, causes intellectual stasis, which in turn causes cultural and technological stasis. [4]:160 There are also two courts for the Shia minority in the Eastern Province dealing with family and religious matters. We should be critical of any society which visits amputation on its criminals. My heart breaks for you you are the perfect product of a perfect storm. At the top of the legal system is the King, who acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon. Singles are imprisoned and whipped. "Judges have a lot of discretion. U.S. Consulate General Jeddah well i read your article but i didnt understand the end part? Some have been doomed from the very start a few, perhaps, were intended to be stillborn. The opinion leading US of A no less. A community cannot flourish if leaders surpress half of its population. A party requesting an arbitration should fill out the Request for Arbitration From and submit it to SCCA and send a copy of the Request to the Respondent. The punihsment given here is the way Islam has asked to do so. It is not permissible for a judge, a member of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or anyone working in the courts to act as an attorney for the litigants in the case even if it is filed before a court other than the one to which he belongs. In reality, should you not be guided, its sufficient to know that you and anyone (myself included) who opposes Allaah and his messenger will be dealt with severely in the hereafter (whether you believe it or not). Only terrorism It will take you through the four bodies of the Judicial System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including the Supreme Court, Appellate Court, First Instant Court, and Enforcement Court. Why not? At paragraph 32 we are informed that the Saudi Arabian judiciary is "completely independent", a claim not supported by various USSD and Amnesty reports. What is your take on it? In addition to brutal punishment, law in KSA is dispensed in a haphazard way by religious scholars and many innocent people are brutally punished. UN Human Rights Commission: 1997: Thematic Reports His refusal to forgive him contributed to the judges decision to have the thiefs hand cut off. It serves as a guideline for all legal matters in Saudi Arabia. I wanted to write a little comment to support you. Sall Allahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam means May Allah grant peace and blessings (Salah) to him and his family. Amnesty International document. Your like a slave so broken by the machinery of slavery that you defend your slave masters against your own kind and your own interests. Thanks for the insight by the way. [15][16] On 26 June 2011, the court started trials of 85 people suspected of being involved in Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the 2003 Riyadh compound bombings,[14] and in September 2011 another 41 al-Qaeda suspects appeared in the court. And, as is common in the Arab world, the prisoner keeps all his clothes on. Sometimes, there are alot of stories, where in some poor developing countries workers are setup for the crimes they have not committed. "It is very difficult for me," he said. Arabia Saud tendr este domingo su primer clsico en una final de la Supercopa de Espaa, de la que acogen su tercera edicin, con los porteros, el belga Thibaut Courtois y el alemn Marc-Andre Ter Stegen como grandes protagonistas al propiciar con sus paradas, durante los 120 minutos y en las tandas de penalti, que Real Madrid y . In the words of a Canadian nurse who worked in the largest hospital in the Saudi capital, Riyadh: "The lashings are brutal and excruciatingly painful; they [the women] will bear the scars physically and psychologically for a long time. This is the best adsense alternative for any type of website (they approve all websites), for more info simply search in gooogle: murgrabias tools. THEY were all questioned, by a few, who then created their own, of similar intent, to subjugate the masses otherwise you would not have the one you use now, nor would Christianity have the one IT uses now! Communities who accept the different talents from all members do much better off than those that supress and hold members to preconceived ideas about their roles. The Court, in this case, works as a subject court and not a court of enforcing regulations. The Amnesty International and the civilized world must take necessary action to stop this massacre. 9. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia provides all its citizens with their rights and guarantees a decent life for them. What does it mean. It must be attended by someone who may be authorized to attend the litigation. Its main role is to review Hudud cases (murder, amputation, stoning, or legal retribution and what is less than killing) It reviews the decisions in terms of the correct application of the rules Islamic rules and regulations and its, their interpretation, as well as in terms of the procedures followed in the trial, without having anything to do with portraying the facts or assessing the evidence. October 1, 2009. [13] In 2007, King Abdullah issued royal decrees with the aim of reforming the judiciary and creating a new court system. It is the extreme rapidity of the strokes -- about four per second -- which is perhaps most surprising, and which makes this seem quite a different kind of thing from the formal and ceremonial manner in which JCP has typically been conducted in the British world (Malaysia, Pakistan, etc. On the other if you are accused of any crime, the full wrath of the law (or how it is interpreted by judges) will fall on you and you will be made to pay the same (or worse) price than men. Fucking disgusting, how mindlessly some of you follow a book that was probably written by some insane crackpot that grew up without any real understanding of the world. Please could the blog be ordered in reverse so most recent comments are seen first at the top of the blog? Saudi Law has no basis or recognition in the Islamic Sharia Law which is based on the Quraan and the Traditions of the Prophet, period! States that at least 27 individuals were sentenced to flogging in 1996. Its hard to understand the motive behind the article. [1]:110 [2] There are also non-Sharia government tribunals which handle disputes relating to specific royal decrees. How come these hypocrites allow hundreds of thousands female workers to enter the country without being accompanied by a Mahram? The normal work week in Saudi Arabia is Sunday through Thursday. It is very difficult to get a fair trail for any person. you sound like a very intelligent woman very capable of many things, what are you still doing in that country? Why arent these religious police, poking their noses into other peoples private business, physically attacked? The act of indoctrinating others and not allowing any room for the possibility and capacity to develop ones own mind is though. The Quran was already written as a modification of the Christian gospels that in turn where a political take on the original Jewish Torah that predates all of them and has not been changed (ever). Flogging with a cane is administered for less serious offences, such as drinking alcohol. The basic system of government in the Kingdom is based on justice and equality. Especially for expats.. The way he dresses and addresses the judge has more influence than the number of times he has been caught, how and where he was caughtetc. Saudi Arabian blogger and activist, Raif Badawi, is due to face his second round of 50 lashes on Friday (16 January) after being accused ofinsulting Islam. In England the Police do not carry Side Arms. Wow! Protecting human rights is an essential duty of the Kingdom and as a result, the Kingdom has set out on a mission to ensure the continuous protection of women in society by preserving their rights and issuing decisions and orders in relation to their rights. Islam has been no different than the other two monotheistic religions in this respect. you sure about that? By one estimate, 80% are from Al-Qassim province, the conservative religious heartland of Saudi Arabia in the center of the country. Prisoners are stripped naked and shackled to an A-frame. The Quran tells us: not to make friendship with Jews and Christians (5:51), kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (2:191), murder them and treat them harshly (9:123), fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (9:5). 2. never trust anything that is written in the contract, please get it translated before you sign. If they attempted to run away or became pregnant, they were jailed and sometimes lashed". Can you help me? Your view of the world is so narrow and sad it is as though you are refusing life, the existence we have, if that is your lack of intelligence, inquiry, imagination or strength, then OK. This difference in approach is supposed to reflect the idea that Saudi floggings are intended primarily as symbolic humiliation rather than intensely painful retribution, and is in line with a rule in the Koran that the operator is required to keep a copy of the holy book under his arm, so that he will not swing the whip from the shoulder but only from the elbow. This is a poor reflection on the KSA. Allaah has stated in his book that once he has decreed on a matter, you have no decision (even though you think you do). A cane or a crop is used to beat the victim and in many cultures it takes place in a public venue, continuing the theme of public humiliation. Here, unless a person has confessed or made a tape its unlikely to be considered as extramarital sex. There is the universe and we are on one planet spinning in space, concious of our existence and, assume, trying to achieve something and be happy. If the concern is safety of women that is ridiculous. 9, Diplomatic Quarter Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Emergency Telephone: (966) (11) 488-3800 Fax: (966) (11) 488-7670 People are sufficiently intelligent to decide whether or not they like each other. Aug 24, 2022. Society that tolerates brutal punishment becomes brutal and violence becomes acceptable. a sentence of 40 lashes was handed out to a 75-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia! On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. Ich bewundere die mutigen Frauen, die fr die Gleichberechtigung in ihrem Land kmpfen! A punishment for khilwa is common and weve all come across muttawas trolling coffee shops and restaurants searching for pairs who seem too happy to be related. On 23 March this year, an Islamic court there ordered two women to receive 180 lashes for alleged adultery. May you continue to blinded by faith and receive your daily beatings, I mean rewards, from the men surrounding you while you walk in public wearing your bee suit. Be justified? One Western medical worker who was herself imprisoned on fraudulent charges of "attempted seduction" has reported that several women in Saudi prisons "allege that on being arrested by police or muttawa [religious police], they are sexually molested". Its procedures are as follows: More details on Arbitration Procedures Guide. In my opinion you have been taught a very twisted version of your own religion (the one without mercy) and you dont know that the society you live (women). Ok, but what about foreigners or tourists. I dont know about expatriates but with Saudis, the man and woman are separated at the spot and questioned to see if their stories correspond. [8] The outgoing chairman was known to oppose the codification of Sharia. Take this hypothetical scenario (especially Westerners amongst you), someone kills a person close to you in cold bloody. im olive ,im in relation with saudi arabian guy since 2 years he killed two of my children like when im pregnant and he doesnt want to marry me do any act there to take action on him? Some of these reforms have been bolder and more successful than others. U.S. Embassy Riyadh Abdullah Ibn Hudhafah As Sahmi Street Roundabout no. Do you really think God would bother to come up with specific, and fairly nonsensical, rules such as one form of sentient being, specifically human females, should cover themselves in black so they have no identity and exist in a reduced state? Die mutigen Frauen, die fr die Gleichberechtigung in ihrem Land kmpfen an act of utter brutality by saying oh. Of many things, what are you still doing in that country hearts so... Will remain unassailed in its totalitarian, intolerant, paranoid past what are! 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