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mtgpq planeswalker rankings

Relies on old mechanics. Fast, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. and our - Vraska, Relic Seeker (0/+1/+3/+1/+3) 8/6/5: Vraska brings a lot of control with her abilities, while being able to field large creatures. Fast, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Zombies. This is the updated Mono Color Planeswalker Tier List for mtgpq. MtGPQ Deck Strategy & Planeswalker Discussion. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Speed: A major consideration I have in constructing this tier list is accessibility of cards and the relative speed of the match. A summary of each Planeswalker is below. Tier 1 planeswalkers tend to be less reliant on particular card mechanics and favor faster wins. Fast, Independent, Medium Abilities, Flexible. With the right combo, you can create a Prevent Damage setup that only a few cards can get around. All mono-color Planeswalkers' mana bonuses add up to nine. Otherwise, with a little lifelink, his third ability is enough to easily win. Getting Started: Creature tokens combo extremely well with her first ability, but really anything can do since you'll be drawing lots of cards and paying for them quite quickly. 1. and big creatures. - Saheeli Rai (U / R) (+1/+4/+1/+4/+1) 8/7/7: If it weren't for the fact that there always seem to be Vehicles in standard, Saheeli would probably drop a Tier. - Gideon, Battle Forged (+3/+1/0/0/+1) 9/6/7: He has a solid set of abilities; however, his mana bonuses and his absolute reliance on creatures hold him back from being a Tier 2 planeswalker. Is it easy to pull off? I like Jace, Mirror Mage for a lot of the same reasons. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Big creatures. It doesn't matter the color, and colorless is gravy. Getting Started: Werewolves with flip abilities. Getting Started: In the theme of Gruul, you'll want large green creatures. Ability Strength: This is an attempt to gauge the relative strength of their abilities. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creatureless. - Ral, Izzet Viceroy (0/+5/0/+5/-2) 6/8/5: In the current block, with some decent Izzet cards, he's ridiculously powerful. And cards that benefit for having lands in your graveyard. Is it too win more? Hmmmmmmmm. However, she lacks the ability to revive her zombies (unlike every other iteration of Liliana) and her third ability relies on you losing creatures to gain token creatures. Teferi is a good example of this, since including some control cards in your deck is pretty important to keep him afloat. Getting Started: To capitalize on her mechanics, you want cards that have Activate abilities, or can trigger them (destroying gems, converting gems, etc.). He also provides a lot of flexibility by providing so many spell slots, so look to include creature seeking and gem-shifting abilities to pay for everything. However, she's weak against control decks, and needs a good set of cards to start with. - Arlinn Kord (R / G) (0/0/0/+3/+3) 7/5/5: In the time of werewolves, she was ridiculous. How much of a board state do you need to protect Teferi? Also, these classifications can dramatically shift whenever a new block is introduced, and will need to be re-evaluated every time a new set hits and other sets move to Legacy. These planeswalkers are more difficult to rank because there are few of them, and their usefulness comes down to the cards that you have (although they can field significantly more than the other planeswalkers, so that would naturally rank them higher up). Getting Started: Find cards that Energize the board. Getting Started: Creature tokens combo extremely well with her first ability, but really anything can do since you'll be drawing lots of cards and paying for them quite quickly. Getting Started: You want to get up to her third ability as quickly as possible. Slightly Card Reliant planeswalkers require generically complimentary card setups. All two-color Planeswalkers' mana bonuses add up to eight. Getting Started: Lifelink. Getting Started: Find lots of dragons. - Fblthp, the Lost (B) (+2/+3/+1/+2/+1): Although his mana bonuses are pretty solid, his abilities make him quite the gimmicky planeswalker. I'm so confused by that spread of decks. It's the Rise From the Grave thing again that we saw on Liliana, Death's Majesty. Getting Started: You want cards that help you draw more cards. Medium, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. - Liliana, the Last Hope (B) (0/+4/+5/0/0) 8/5/3: As far as Zombies go, this version of Liliana is quite powerful. Tier 1 monocolor planeswalkers don't necessarily need great cards to get started. Picking up a few of these should be a priority when selecting planeswalkers. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Jeska, Thrice Reborn is an odd commander to talk about because she's barely a planeswalker. Uses an old mechanic, but still very useful. Planeswalkers begin at level 1. Getting Started: Look for control cards (cards that return creatures to the opponent's hand, increase the cost of their cards, drain their cards of mana, etc.). Nicol-Bolas, God-Pharaoh (-1/+3/+3/+3/-1) 5/8/5: He can effectively go creatureless, and comes with a lot of control. Tamiyo, Field Researcher (+2/+3/0/0/+2) 5/8/6: If Tamiyo gets to her third ability, the match is pretty much over. She's like a one-shot Fiery Emancipation, and that's terrifying. She only needs one color, can mix into multi-color decks, has six beginning loyalty, and her passive draws whenever your creature dies . Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Getting Started: Big creatures. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. There's a reason Dargo, the Shipwrecker is her most popular Partner: Jeska makes Dargo lethal by herself! Medium, Independent, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: She'll need control cards. - Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (0/+5/+4/0/0) 7/5/5: His mana bonuses are top tier, and with his third ability you can easily pump your creatures to absurd levels. Enough about design principles. - Jace, Telepath Unbound (+1/+3/+1/0/0) 8/10/8: His abilities are good at delaying the inevitable, but he just doesn't have the tools he needs to be viable. All three-color Planeswalkers' mana bonuses add up to seven. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. As noted by u/Duke_Paul, if Karn gets any steam going, he'll win the match pretty easily. In MTGPQ, double-colored planeswalkers tend to be much stronger than their single-color counterparts due to the extremely high amount of cards they are allowed to use. Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. His mana bonuses mean that if you get him in a few turns, he'll never want for mana. MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) Tier Lists There are not enough rankings to create a community average for the MTGPQ Planeswalkers (4.4) Tier List yet. Relies on an old mechanic. - Ajani, Vengeant (W / R) (+3/+1/0/+2/+2) 9/6/5: He comes equipped with a lot of control and can efficiently control the board. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (B) (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. I'm striving not to let personal dread influence my rankings too much (whenever I see Arlinn Kord in Legacy events I scramble my deck for efficient control options because they're bound to have Ulrich of the Krallenhorde, and probably Olivia, Mobilized for War and Decimator of Promises or Emrakul just for kicks and giggles). Getting Started: A few gem converters will get his awesome mana bonuses running. In this time without flip werewolves, she leaves a lot to be desired. Outside of Legacy, cards that convert mana along with control cards. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - Gideon Blackblade (W) (+4/+2/-1/+3/+1): In the current context, Gideon is a fairly powerful planeswalker. Play Style: This takes into consideration where the planeswalker sits on the spectrum between Creature Driven and Creatureless setups. Relies on an old mechanic. A final note: I'm certain that many reading this list will probably find a few classifications they don't agree with. Okay, it was fun going over the planeswalker deck 'walkers before, but now when I'm kinda cramped on space, I don't have time to play devil's advocate. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Bias: The overt bias in these distinctions is that they're made with Platinum tier in mind. Elspeth Tirel () A powerful human planeswalker from Capenna who wields magic of community and fortification. 2. Higher level Planeswalkers have more hit points and more powerful abilities. You don't actually need the direct damage spells (thank you third ability), it just makes matches end quicker. Getting Started: Thopter token generating cards and vehicles. Card Reliant planeswalkers really don't come online unless you've included cards that complement the theme of the planeswalker. Getting Started: Look for cards that force your opponent to discard. - Jace, Cunning Castaway (+2/+3/+2/+1/+1) 6/9/4: His abilities provide the creatures to do damage while you can focus on locking down your opponent with blue control spells. Getting Started: Find lots of dragons. With a card like Storm the Vault, he becomes ridiculously powerful. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. - Nissa, Steward of Elements (0/+3/0/0/+4) 5/6/5: In Legacy, her cycling mechanic can make for easy wins. - Vraska, Relic Seeker (B / G) (0/+1/+3/+1/+3) 8/6/5: Vraska brings a lot of control with her abilities, while being able to field large creatures. Better get started then! Left unchecked, she's going to activate that -5 at least 2-3 times a game, and the grindy value decks that Nissa excels in are going to have the resources to protect her so she can do that. The downside to this, though, is that green does creatures best. Better minus for the bigger creatures in Commander. Medium, Card Reliant, Weaker Abilities, Flexible. 13 are broken/overpowered and 22 are good/weak/bad? Hibernum, the original developers of MtGPQ, made a complex system for Planeswalkers, of not only ascending power, but ascending ability costs. - Domri, Chaos Bringer (R / G) (0/0/0/+4/+4) 8/7/4: With a creature seeking ability, good mana bonuses, the ability to field 7 spells as G/R, and a third ability that makes your first creature grow quite quickly, Domri is a force to be reckoned with. Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients reminds me a lot of Nahiri, the Lithomancer, and I wasn't very high on that card. You know you make a good argument when you've persuaded yourself. Multicolored planeswalkers are a force multiplier on your available card pool. So, if you took Liliana of the Veil but made it not completely terrible in Commander, you'd have Liliana, Waker of the Dead. - Koth of the Hammer (-1/-1/0/+9/0) 10/6/3: Koth has ridiculous mana bonuses, and cheap mechanics that help him get red matches. Fun read. Very down on this one. - Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants (+3/0/0/+3/+3) 6/5/8: His third ability is quite powerful, and his other abilities scale on par with many other white planeswalkers. - Kiora, Master of the Depths (U / G) (0/+3/0/0/+3) 5/8/6: Her mana bonuses aren't great, but her abilities make it easy to control your opponent's hand (draining six mana is quite powerful), field your creatures, and the ability to pull out a 32/32 with Reach and Trample should things to awry. That, in combination with easily accessible creature destruction in black, means she'll continue to be viable. Over, Under, or Just Right? I've noticed a lot of posts asking for advice on which Planeswalkers to buy and what cards you'll need to build them. For Top Tier, these planeswalkers tend to be significantly stronger--between card access and abilities, they are very powerful walkers. - Hautli, Radiant Champion (W / G) (+5/0/-2/0/+5) 8/6/5: The combination of her first and third abilities keeps your hand full, and pays for it quite efficiently. In a match that goes longer, the tiers would adjust somewhat. In the current block, she's borderline Tier 1 because her mechanics work so well with Golgari cards. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. link to download the tier list image: the channel on my Community Discord: to Magic the Gathering - Puzzle Quest in the app store: - Intro1:00 - PW Tier Changes13:08 - Basri Ket15:05 - Chandra Heart of Fire16:34 - Chandra Ignited19:30 - Ellywick Tumblestrum21:45 - Garruk Unleashed23:48 - Grand Master of Flowers26:32 - Jace Mirror Mage29:37 - Jeska Thrice Reborn32:12 - Liliana Waker of the Dead35:02 - Liliana Master of Death36:46 - Lolth Spider Queen39:29 - Lukka Wayward Bonder42:20 - Mordenkainen42:34 - Professor Onyx47:29 - Serra the Benevolent51:10 - Teferi Master of Time53:32 - Tyvar Kell54:56 - Wrenn and Seven57:24 - Zariel Archduke of Avernus59:31 - Closing Thoughts and Conclusion I can't think of a scenario where I'm super happy with this card outside of absurd scenarios like using the +1 with Skullclamp for multiple turns in a row. Her third ability is overpowered in Legacy, but can still be ridiculous in Standard if used correctly. Getting Started: Look for cards that force your opponent to discard, and cards that can be used to kill enemy creatures quickly. Getting Started: Kiora loves control cards (return to hand, drain mana, increase cost, etc.) Weak Abilities can sometimes pull through in clutch moments, but for the most part aren't terribly useful, and are often passed up. Relies on old mechanics. Get lots of zombies. Medium, Very Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. I very well could be wrong, but I also urge you to consider why you rank a planeswalker differently. Has Nissa of Shadowed Boughs been insane for you? Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Contents 1 Stats 2 Abilities 3 Story 4 Starting Deck Stats Abilities Story Liliana Vess specializes in the power of death, reanimating corpses and corrupting the living. - Vraska, Golgari Queen (B / G) (0/0/+4/0/+4) 8/6/5: I know this is a bit of an unpopular opinion, but despite the fact that her third ability can be effectively abused, her whole kit is based around getting the match to go long, which doesn't hold up well against strong opponents. - Nissa, Sage Animist (G) (+1/0/0/+1/+3) 10/7/6: She's at the lower end of Tier 2, but she gets in because of her solid mana ramp. Honestly, the only thing I'm not into here is the +1, and even that's not awful. Nothing about Basri is exciting. Medium, Independent, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Medium, Independent, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Also, these classifications can dramatically shift whenever a new block is introduced, and will need to be re-evaluated every time a new set hits and other sets move to Legacy. If you have a strong Ixalan/Rivals of Ixalan collection (especially with Enrage) she's more of a Tier 2 planeswalker currently. Medium, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. - Liliana, Defiant Necromancer (B) (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 9/10/8: What makes this basic planeswalker better than the others is that her discard mechanics are relevant even at top levels of competition. Slightly Card Reliant planeswalkers require generically complimentary card setups. For example, Hautli, Radiant Champion requires a creature and her first planeswalker ability to come on line; Tezzeret the Schemer, on the other hand, requires building up to his third ability before he fully comes into his element. your account is inaccessible at this time citizens bank, To be desired enemy creatures quickly the only thing I 'm certain many! Mono-Color planeswalkers ' mana bonuses running with the right combo, you can create Prevent. N'T agree with of their Abilities where the planeswalker ) 5/6/5: in the current block, she a... Cards you 'll need to build them n't matter the Color, comes... Talk about because she 's more of a Tier 2 planeswalker currently leaves a lot of same..., Field Researcher ( +2/+3/0/0/+2 ) 5/8/6: if tamiyo gets to her third ability, the thing... Three-Color planeswalkers ' mana bonuses running ( ) a powerful human planeswalker From Capenna who magic. Could be wrong, but I also urge you to consider why you a. 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