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muslim population in brazil 2020

On October 8, embassy representatives hosted a roundtable with representatives from three religious faiths and two interfaith organization representatives to discuss the state of religious freedom in the country and raise concerns regarding attacks on religious minorities. On November 16, at the 2020 Ministerial to Advance Freedom of Religion or Belief, he stated, Religious freedom should not be an afterthought. In July, the Federal Prosecutors Office sent a formal request to the mayor to provide his version of events. Officials from the Department of Human Rights of the Municipal Secretary of Citizenship and Social Assistance organized and attended the event. During colonial times, there was no freedom of religion. The population density in Brazil is 25 per Km 2 (66 people per mi 2). Many countries in these regions are more than 90% Muslim, including Egypt, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. "Whatever Happened to What Used to Be the Largest Catholic Country in the World?,", 2022 Service Year Report of Jehovahs Witnesses Worldwide. However, the argument has also been made that Mal derives from the Hausa malm, which comes from the Arabic word for teacher, muallim. This suggests that Muslims represent less than 0.02 per cent of the Brazilian population. The largest proportion of Catholics is concentrated in the Northeast (59%) and South (53%) regions. Fernando Lottenberg, President of the Brazilian Jewish Confederation, praised Pugliesis removal. The first Jews arrived in Brazil as cristos-novos (New Christians) or conversos, names applied to Jews or Muslims who converted to Catholicism, most of them forcibly. Local zoning laws and noise ordinances may limit where a religious group may build houses of worship or hold ceremonies. Contributing to one of the most influential slave revolts in South American history, it is clear to see the impact that African Muslim slaves had on the journey to the emancipation of African communities and the end of colonisation. In addition to Candombl which arose through a process of syncretism between several of the traditional religions of West Africa, especially that of the Yoruba, and the Roman Catholic form of Christianity, there is also Umbanda, a syncretic Brazilian religion that blends African traditions with Roman Catholicism, Spiritism, and Indigenous American beliefs. 51% disagreed. Media reported incidents of evangelical Christian missionaries traveling to isolated and recently contacted indigenous communities to proselytize and spread their religion. The police were alerted around 7:30 p.m. that a man had just tried to set his companion on fire in rue Sainte-Adlade. Largest Cities in Brazil CITY NAME African Islam transformed under slavery, being forced to accommodate circumstances that made it difficult for enslaved Muslims to pray regularly or to observe religious dietary laws. "We hope the young Muslims generation in Brazil will perpetuate the charity activities we are carrying out now," Saifi said, adding, "Brazil is a huge country with 8.5 million square-meter land and a population of 180 million people. The number of Muslims in Brazil according to the 2000 census was 27,239. In May, the Sao Paulo Legislative Assembly held the Sao Paulo State Religious Freedom Week, a series of virtual meetings to promote freedom of religion and tolerance. The country had 1.41175 billion people at the end of 2022, compared with 1.41260 billion a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday, a fall of 850,000. The cities of So Paulo, Porto Alegre and Florianpolis have a great number of followers, but in the South of Brazil the most common African influenced Ritual is Almas e Angola, which is an Umbanda like ritual. According to the Jewish Confederation of Brazil, there are approximately 125,000 Jews. About the sentence "Jews only think about money", 49% agreed. According to FAMBRAS legal advisor Mohamed Charanek, Google removed from social media two videos associating halal food with terrorism and cruel practices to comply with a 2019 decision by the Third Civil Court of Justice of Sao Paulo. Aminah Beverly McCloud, Scott W. Hibbard and Laith Saud (Malden: Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2013), pp. The revolt came as a result of forced conversions to Catholicism. Nearly 4% of the population of Sweden is Muslim, approximately 300,000 people. This confluence of faiths during the Portuguese colonization of Brazil led to the development of a diverse array of syncretistic practices within the overarching umbrella of Brazilian Catholicism, characterized by traditional Portuguese festivities. One of the most unusual features of the rich Brazilian spiritual landscape are the sects which use ayahuasca (an Amazonian entheogenic tea), including Santo Daime, Unio do Vegetal, and Centro de Cultura Csmica. The community is overwhelmingly Sunni; the Sunnis are almost completely assimilated into broader society. According to a 2019 Datafolha survey, 50 percent of the population identifies as Roman Catholic, the same as the previous survey in 2016 but down from 60 percent in 2014. Muslim migrants from the Middle East also brought different sects of Islam with them. There are also Catholics, Protestants and other kinds of Christians who hold a dual belief system and go to both churches and terreiros. Scholars claim that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas. The law guarantees the right of students to express their religious beliefs and mandates that schools provide alternatives, including taking replacement exams or makeup classes. According to the Bahia State Secretariat of Racial Equality, there were 10 instances of religious intolerance in the state between January and August, compared with 34 instances in the comparable period in 2019. [1] Due to the secular nature of Brazil's constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the country. Updated on October 24, 2018. Scholars note that Brazil received more enslaved Muslims than anywhere else in the Americas. The Islamic Slave Revolts of Bahia, Brazil A Continuity of the 19th Century Jihaad Movements of Western Sudan. However, the Brazilian republican government legalized all of them on the grounds of the necessary separation between the State and the Church in 1889. The current Muslim population of Brazil is made up largely of Syrian, Lebanese, and Palestinian Arabs and their descendants with smaller numbers of African migrants and Brazilian converts. [7]", Beginning on the night of January 24, 1835, and continuing the following morning, a group of African born slaves occupied the streets of Salvador and for more than three hours they confronted soldiers and armed civilians. *Data for some countries come primarily from general population surveys which are less reliable than censuses or large-scale demographic and health surveys for estimating minority-majority ratios (see Methodology ). Centers of neo-Pentecostalism are Londrina in Paran state, as well the cities of So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte (capital of Minas Gerais), especially the suburban and nearby areas of these cities. The country is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The NGO Center for Articulation of Marginalized Populations (CEAP) reported Afro-Brazilian victims of religious intolerance in Rio de Janeiro State continued to view police and the judiciary as being indifferent, in general, to attacks on Afro-Brazilian places of worship. India is expected to overtake China as the world's most populous country this year even though its population growth has been slowing down, United Nations says. In May, the Sao Paulo Legislative Assembly held the Sao Paulo State Religious Freedom Week, a series of virtual meetings to promote freedom of religion and tolerance. Plymouth: Lexington Books. During the 1992 Earth Summit, which was held in Brazil, the international and local Bah community were given the responsibility for organizing a series of different programs, and since then the involvements of the Bah community in the country have continued to multiply. "Cervantes in Algiers: A Captive's Tale." "Economy and Society in Baroque Portugal: 1668-1703." 249 -. Groups constituting less than 2 percent of the population include Hindus, Sikhs, Baha'is, and those adhering to various traditional religious beliefs. Slaves performing Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art, 1825. On July 29, embassy and consulate general officials held a virtual roundtable with representatives of Afro-Brazilian religions, Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, and evangelical Christianity to discuss the state of religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity in the country. 5 Awesome Brands For The Fashion Conscious Muslimah, Breaking The Stereotype: Islamic Roles In Popular Media That You May Not Have Heard About, 5 Halal Alternatives to Chipotle in London, What To Expect When Expecting: Getting Through Ramadan While Pregnant, The Challenges Of Being An Ethical Muslim In A Globalised World . It cited what it said were a lack of investigations and arrests in these cases. PM Modi Says He Gets Nutrition From '2-3 Kilos of Verbal Abuse Daily'. The Rio de Janeiro Consul General wrote an op-ed in honor of the August 22 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, published by Bahia newspaper Correio. 66% That priests should be allowed to marry (59% among Catholics and 94% among followers of Candombl). The incident was referred to the military police to evaluate the officers conduct. Over 3 million slaves were sent to Brazil. This was not always the case, of course. Brazilian religions are very diversified and inclined to syncretism. Besides the PIOs, there are Hindu organizations such as ISKCON as well as Brahma Kumaris which are very active in Brazil. A constitutional provision provides the right of access to religious services and counsel to individuals of all religions in all civil and military establishments. p96. Official figures calculate that there are approximately 35,000 Muslims residing in Brazil, other sources show that the population reaches heights of nearly 1,500,000. The law provides penalties of up to five years in prison for crimes of religious intolerance, including bullying, employment discrimination, refusal of access to public areas, and displaying, distributing, or broadcasting religiously intolerant material. For example, the Imam of the Av. Among the state capitals, Rio de Janeiro has the largest proportion of non-Pentecostal Protestants in the country (10.07%), followed by Vitria, Porto Velho, Cuiab and Manaus. This was apparent to the Brazilian empire who initiated a greater crusade to convert the remaining slaves after the failure of the revolt to Catholicism. Islam is a minority religion in all of the countries and territories of the Americas, around 1% of North America population are Muslims, and 0.1% of Latin America and Caribbean population are Muslims.. Suriname has the highest percentage of Muslims in its population for the region, with 13.9% or 75,053 individuals, according to its 2012 census. If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26.4% of the world's total projected population of 8.3bn in 2030, up from 23.4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6.9bn . These cults were persecuted throughout most of Brazilian history,[citation needed] largely because they were believed to be pagan or even satanic. A global ADL survey, released in June, showed the percentage of Brazilians who harbor some anti-Jewish sentiment increased from 19 percent in 2019 to 26 percent in 2020. There followed a period of growth with the arrival of coordinated pioneers from the United States finding national Brazilian converts and in 1961 an independent national Bah community was formed. Last year, Hamtramck became the first city in U.S. history where Muslims make up the entire elected city council. Pew Research projects that the Muslim population in the U.S. will reach 1.1 percent by 2020. In 610 CE, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) started preaching Islam: God is One", that complete "submission" (Islm) to God is the right way of life (dn), and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam starting from Adam. Overview of the role of the Islam in Brazil, Garcs, Mara Antonia. From January to August 2019, the Federation recorded 194 incidents. The church also reports 1940 congregations and 315 family history centers. The constitution states freedom of conscience and belief is inviolable, and the free exercise of religious beliefs is guaranteed. . p2. Many of the "Mals" had been soldiers and captives in the wars between Oyo, Ilorin and other Yoruba city-states in the early part of the 19th century. Although less than two percent of the population followed Afro-Brazilian religions, 17 percent of the cases registered by the human rights hotline during the first six months of 2019 involved victims who were practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions, down from 30 percent the previous year. The largest communities reside in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, and Foz do Iguacu, as well as in smaller cities in the states of Parana and Rio Grande do Sul. Today, there are officially 204,000 Muslims recorded in Brazil. July 2, 2020, at 6:00 a.m. Latino Muslims Growing Rapidly in U.S. More. Culturally, it has always played a prominent role in Brazil's history. On December 13, Rio de Janeiro Mayor Crivella inaugurated the Monument in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. The general fear that the authorities held was that the influx of slaves post-1835 would follow the example of the Mal people and conduct successful emancipation campaigns. [36] However, the African Muslim community was not erased overnight, and as late as 1910 it is estimated there were still some 100 000 African Muslims living in Brazil. [5] The understanding of Muslims as a major contributor in the abolition of Slavery is overlooked and the desire to keep Brazil within its Catholic traditions still dominates Brazilian culture. Dias, A. As of 2017, Rio de Janeiro's Jewish population was 22 000, with 24 active synagogues and So Paulo has a Jewish population of 44,000. . 2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Brazil, An official website of the United States Government. Although less than two percent of the population followed Afro-Brazilian religions, a disproportionate amount of the cases registered by the human rights hotline involved victims who were practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions; 17 percent of the cases registered by the human rights hotline during the first six months of 2019 involved victims who were practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions, down from 30 percent the previous year. Muslim extremists are responsible for insurgencies in several African nations, and violence between Muslim sects has escalated into full-blown civil war in countries including Iraq, Yemen, and Syria. This data is summarized to be a reference for other studies and discussions related to the Muslim population. AUSTRALIA- Australia with a population of 25 Million has 2.60% Muslims. The Palmares Foundation is a public institution connected to the Ministry of Culture that promotes Afro-Brazilian art and culture. Among the state capitals, Teresina has the largest proportion of Catholics in the country (86.010%), followed by Aracaju, Fortaleza, Florianpolis and Joo Pessoa.[17][18]. Hausa and Yoruba slaves spread Islam amongst the plantations early in their arrival to Brazil. [33] As of 2017, Rio de Janeiro's Jewish population was 22 000, with 24 active synagogues and So Paulo has a Jewish population of 44,000.[33]. Prominent national and regional leaders, many from the Brazilian-Jewish and evangelical Christian communities, delivered remarks emphasizing their commitment to preserving the memory of Holocaust victims and solidarity with the Jewish people and Israel. Some parts of London are now almost 50 per cent Islamic, according to analysis from the. Huda. Percentage of 2010 world population that is Muslim: 23.4% (1,619,314,000 people) Projected Percentage of 2020 world population that is Muslim: 24.9% (1,913,499,000 people) Projected Percentage of 2030 world population that is Muslim: 26.4% (2,190,154,000 people) The current population data that underpin this report were culled from the best . The Rio de Janeiro Consul General wrote an op-ed in honor of the August 22 International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. There are over 150 mosques in Brazil and the number is growing. 7 min read. [3], The history of Muslims in Brazil begins with the importation of African slave labor to the country. As a result the percentage of the population that is Muslim in these three countries is rounded to the nearest integer. On October 8, embassy representatives hosted a roundtable with representatives from three religious faiths and two interfaith organizations to discuss the state of religious freedom and raise concerns about attacks on religious minorities. In July, media reported a self-described evangelical drug lord calling himself Aaron, brother of Moses seized control of five favela communities in northern Rio de Janeiro to establish a zone called the Complex of Israel. Media reported that Aaron replaced Catholic symbols with Israeli flags and the Star of David as a demonstration of power, territorial control, and faith. . The only exceptions are the Sindhis in Manaus (who have formed an Indian Association with about a hundred members) and the Goans in So Paulo. [14] About ninety percent of Brazilians declared some sort of religious affiliation in the most recent census. You can add more than one country or area. During the year, Araujo spoke out regarding the importance of religious freedom. There are 1500 PIOs (People of Indian origin) and about 400 NRIs (Non-Resident Indian) in Brazil. It is an example of Byzantine architecture that can be appreciated in South America. London: Macmillan, 1981, p. 250, Slave rebellion in Brazil: the Muslim uprising of 1835 in Bahia, p. 139,, "Countries that Recognize Palestine 2022", "Islam in Brazil or the Islam of Brazil? [13], According to the IBGE census, 83.2% of Muslims are self-declared as white, 12.2% are mixed, 3.8% black, 0.8% orientals and 0.04% indigenous. A curious fact: 15 Indians said they are Muslim, as against 24 in 2000. [20][21], The Eastern Orthodox Church is also present in Brazil. Due to the secular nature of Brazil's constitution, Muslims are free to proselytize and build places of worship in the country. COVID-19 restrictions delayed the formation of the panel. At years end, authorities had not identified the authors of the videos. There are also sizeable populations of many Protestant religions. Brazil Population 2023 (Live) Brazil Population Clock Net increase of 1 person every 25 seconds Brazil: total population 2021, by age & gender. [4] Until recently Catholicism was overwhelmingly dominant. It was noted by Dr. Antonio Sosa, a Portuguese cleric held captive in North Africa in the 1570s, that the port of Algiers maintained one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world including Amerindians from Iberian colonies in the New World. [19] The 2010 Census reported that 22.2% of the Brazilian population is Protestant, about 44 million people. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CCIR organized virtual seminars and debates from August 27 to September 27. Religion in Brazil [census data] (2010)[1][2], Christianity is the predominant religion in Brazil, with Catholicism being its largest denomination. This can be seen via the latest official census with figures stated previously. ), Islam includes two major denominations: Sunni (75-90%) and Shi'a (10-13%), as well as a number of smaller branches. The next significant migration of Muslims was by Arabs from Syria and Lebanon. In July, the embassy and consulates held an interfaith virtual roundtable to discuss the state of religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity in the country. Religious groups are not required to register to establish places of worship, train clergy, or proselytize, but groups seeking tax-exempt status must register with the Department of Federal Revenue and the local municipality. The federal police opened an investigation of the case. The Brazilian Muslim community includes both Sunni and Shia Muslims. According to Terreiro Icimimo, at years end, authorities had not identified or arrested any of the vandals. In this poll, 64% reported to be Catholics, 17% Pentecostal Protestants, 5% non-Pentecostal Protestants, 3% Kardecists or Spiritists, 3% followers of other religions, 7% non-religious or atheists. The Association of Religion Data Archives (relying on World Christian Encyclopedia) estimated some 42,100 Bahs in Brazil in 2010. The division between Sunni and Shi'a is nearly as old as Islam itself, having stemmed from a disagreement in AD 632 about who should succeed Muhammad as the leader of the faith. The embassy disseminated her presentation via embassy social media platforms. 2020 Brazil (red) Young population Indicator: 20.6 Total % of population 2021 Brazil % of population: Total % of population 2002-2021 Brazil (red), OECD - Total (black) Total . In June, several media outlets published a video recording of Palmares Foundation President Sergio Camargo verbally harassing a religious leader and coordinator for promoting policies and protection of religious diversity. (2011). The most popular religions in Brazil are outlined below. The constitution states freedom of conscience and belief is inviolable, and it provides for the free exercise of religious beliefs. VIDEO : Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel. About 30% to 38% of Hamtramck's residents are of Yemeni descent, and 24% are of Asian descent, largely Bangladeshi, according to 2020 census data. Although forced conversions by the government had committed to subduing further revolts via Mal people, Islam was still a prominent religion amongst the African slaves with gently declining numbers until the early 1900s. According to Fernandes, the mayors staff deliberately destroyed a sidewalk in front of a Candomble temple, made derogatory statements about his religion, and verbally threatened him in the mayors presence for criticizing the mayors policies. [citation needed]. Brazil 2020 population is estimated at 212,559,417 people at mid year according to UN data. The Rio de Janeiro Civil Police Office for Racial Crimes and Crimes of Intolerance received 32 reports of religious intolerance from January through September. A consulate representative also met with Ivanir dos Santos to learn about the challenges faced within the Candomble community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, new cases of religious intolerance involving followers of Afro-Brazilian religions, and possible areas in which the United States could serve as a partner for promoting religious freedom. Muslims within Brazil have had a long-standing history. The Bahian newspaper Correio da Bahia published the op-ed, which highlighted a $500,000 grant by the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation, as well as the 2019 International Religious Freedom Award for Rios Ivanir dos Santos, CCIR head and a Candomble priest. ", IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics). [22] However, the 2010 census reported nearly 1.4 million people listed themselves as members . "Populao residente, por situao do domiclio e sexo, segundo os grupos de religio - Brasil - 2010", Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica, "Brazil - LDS Statistics and Church Facts", "Brazil mystery: Case of the missing Mormons (913,045 of them, to be exact)", "6 new temples announced by President Nelson, including another Utah location", Neo-Pentecostalism and Afro-Brazilian religions: explaining the attacks on symbols of the African religious heritage in contemporary Brazil, "Afro-Brazilian religions struggle against Evangelical hostility", Oreck, Alden. A spokeswoman for the company apologized and said, Our intention was never to trivialize or offend. The Sao Paulo-based brand removed ads from its website and stopped producing the shorts. Most of the reports involved discrimination but did not specify what kind. - India estimates its population at 1.38 billion, compared to China's 1.4 billion. Protestantism in Brazil largely originated with American missionaries in the second half of the 19th century, following up on efforts that began in the 1830s. According to national human rights hotline data and other sources, societal respect for practitioners of minority religions continued to be weak, and violent attacks on terreiros continued. Areas that received many European immigrants in the last century, specially Italian and German, have Catholic traditions closer to that practiced in Europe. The 2010 survey found that 17% of America's mosques were in urban centers. There are more than two billion Muslims worldwide, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, exceeded only by Christianity. Most populous countries by density Country (or dependent territory) Population Area Area Density Rwanda (more) 12,301,970 26,338 10,169 467 Netherlands (more) 17,059,560 37,354 14,422 457 Israel (more) 8,381,516 22,072 8,522 380 Haiti (more) 11,123,178 27,750 10,714 401 . Starting around 1550, the Portuguese began to trade African slaves to work the sugar plantations once the native Tupi people deteriorated. The CCIR and CEAP organized a series of seminars and debates at Rio de Janeiros Federal Justice Cultural Center to discuss respect for, and tolerance of, religious diversity, including countering religious persecution against practitioners of Afro-Brazilian religions. But Goinia is the state capital with the largest proportion of Pentecostal Protestants in the country (20.41%), followed by Boa Vista, Porto Velho, Belm and Belo Horizonte. As of the year 2000, the largest proportion of Protestants was found in North (19.8%), Central-West (18.9%) and Southeast (17.5%) regions. Through mutual-aid societies, the Mal would assist in the liberation of various other African slaves. The first Jews that stayed in Brazil and openly practiced their religion came when the first Brazilian constitution granted freedom of religion in 1824, just after the independence. She said hate messages started in July, after she posted a video where she discussed her Candomble religion. [16] There are significant Muslim communities in the industrial suburbs of the city of So Paulo and in the port city of Santos, as well as in smaller communities in Paran State in the coastal region and in Curitiba and Foz do Iguau in the Argentina-Brazil-Paraguay triborder area. Church president Spencer W. Kimball dedicated the So Paulo Brazil Temple on October 30, 1978. 81% of those non-religious reported to believe in God. In May, Safernet, an NGO that promotes human rights on social networks and monitors radical websites, reported the creation of 204 new pages of neo-Nazi content in the country during the year, compared with 42 new pages in May 2019, and 28 in May 2018. . For example, due to the strong opposition of the Catholic Church, divorce was not allowed in Brazil until 1977 even if a separated couple observed a different religion. Although court documents were not publicly available due to the minor status of the child, media reported authorities found no evidence of physical or psychological harm and the girl said Candomble was her religion of choice. In July, a representative from the consulate in Rio de Janeiro met with a representative of the local nongovernmental organization (NGO) Jewish Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FIERJ) to discuss challenges faced by the Jewish community in Rio de Janeiro and cases of anti-Semitism in the state. The constitution prohibits federal, state, and local governments from either supporting or hindering any religion. On September 1, the Ambassador met virtually with the President of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, Dom Walmor Oliveira de Azevedo. On July 31, a Sao Paulo court awarded custody of a 12-year-old girl to her maternal Christian grandmother, removing the girl from her mother, who had supported her daughters choice to practice Candomble.

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