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my husband married another woman islam

I am not Muslim, however I respect/support his beliefs and the teachings/love of Allah. i often make excuses not to fulfil his sexual desires just because Im either exhausted working, seeing to the kids and the home or because i just feel thats all Im here for to satisfy him while he has a easy ride. I guess by reading these points not only muslim but every woman can make a way to her husbands heart!! Dont get angry if your wife is not thrilled by certain gestures someone else told you drives women crazy. dont make up hadiths urself. -All Right Reserved. we commited mistakes..i am asking allah to forgive everythingis wat he doing is right in islam?? And dont be so quick to nag him about the things he doesnt do right. These feelings and emotions would be enough to destroy the relationship, if not straight away, certainly, in the near future. I want to ask I got married 3 months back with a man whom I hated the most. I will not give it to you. He assured over a three year period he was singleno kids nothing. I only protected what was mine. hey sista. desires appear attractive. Think about this please. subhanallah! Then your info can get straight. Allahuallam! May God help you in your situation ameen. fallen into a trap of the shaytaan, because he has made you attractive to 4. And that resentment will build up and may lead to him being unnecessarily mean to you or losing some love. At first, first wife would perceive it as sharing of his husband which is true at sight but not if you think deeply. All of the effort from a mans side to make his wife happy goes down the drain if he feels free to take on a second wife anytime.. plus he WOULD go to hell!! I dont understand why man cheat on wife so much. It is his conduct with his wives and living a life according to Islam that will determine where he ( and all muslims) will end up. arguments. lets come to nowadays situation, in any country you will see women that are affected for she couldnot get one to marry or she may divorce or widow. His wife was to me, the woman that I could not be and I will be forever grateful for that. Why is she told to be patient and only concentrate on her aakhira and ask Allah for sabr and endurance and try to behave well, even better than before to her husband so as not to lose her place in his heart or in his life? permissible manner. The problem is men hide their second marriage from their first wife which itself is a evidence of unjust behaviour which means he shouldnt go for second marriage as he is unable to do justice. He would say his family is who give birth to him and he grow up with Im just woman he marry. And any husband and wife who love each other wouldnt do things on Every part of his life was documented. I cannot say Im a Muslim but I will not give charity (zakat) Its not pick and choose. Sometimes we screw it up and forget our anniversary. Some times we dont feel like to wake up early in the morning for salah but that doesnt mean that its a ridiculous timing. Suppose my sister happens to be one of the unmarried women living in USA, or suppose your sister happens to be one of the unmarried women in USA. Of course sister if a woman wanted to have sex with her husband & intensionally he refuse it. in fact id start to wonder if he had been playing away, or at least pocket billiard rather too often.. if he ALWAYS seems to be content when you say you are just so considerate.. And to end it with go make me a sandwich? iii) If he is not satisfied with his first wife in serious matters. I would NEVER allow my husband to marry another woman. It was only in 1954, when the Hindu Marriage Act was passed that it became illegal for a Hindu to have more than one wife. At this point, the man has destroyed his relationship with . 1) Respect is earned. my husband Mustapha and I his wife Maureen appreciate the verses from the Holy Quron but frankly the rest of what you say is either useless or wrong. It is well known that women are by nature jealous and reluctant to share their husband with other women. In fact it works both ways- a wife will be loyal and her obedience, sex etc only when she FEELS secure in the marriage. Surely if you love your wife you do not do that. Does their feelings dont count anymore? How can this man do this to his wife and it seems as though she respected him, is loyal to him and gave him sexual pleasure. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. He is ignoring me. I want to marry and be in halal relationship but looks like men only looking for friendship with benefits. First ray of real light Ive seen in these sad and depressing comments. This is a conversation you need to open up to him and be persistent to understand his reasoning. At present it is the Indian Law that restricts a Hindu man from having more than one wife and not the Hindu scriptures. Not all Muslim are same, you are talking about a handful. Is it possible to have a premarital contract and express your total disagreement in case your husband marries another woman? If you are married only for treasure, then you are among the losers. But watching comments & after reading the article Id like to say that SEX is not only the thing keeping marriages prosper & happy life. husband, then in fact she is praying istikhaarah about wrecking her home and Going for Second Marriage: Do I Need Wifes Permission? For me it is so repulsive to imagine my beloved husband having another woman, making love to her and then the next day coming to me and making love to me. To be clear, no religion does anything on its own. Sometimes, dream about husband getting married to another woman indicates domesticity. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO IM TERRIBLY HURT PLEASE HELP ME WITH AN ADVICE ANYONE I LET MY PRIDE ALWAYS FOR HIM BUT NOW I CANT GET OVER THIS OR FORGET THIS. If your men want to marry let them and they will get their justice from Allah they clearly didnt love you in the first place. Arabbi. refrained from establishing a haraam relationship even though there is a For example even your own children 2,3,4 tell me can you give them all the same attention love money this that even if you really wanted to its impossible. Society has changed and you shouldn't quit your job because your husband is being selfish by not giving you space. I dont need any more excuses for inconsiderate behaviour, I have plenty from a lifetime of society-at-large encouraging me to be aggressive and violent. The article is sure a nice way of giving a heads up of how many men tend to think like. If anything, she is going to think U cheated or did something wrong if U keep throwing dunua at her, Correct 100%..if the above post is giving u everything with reference and inspite of this you are not accepting it means you are zionistand woman dont make your own rules and laws this world is hell due to yours silly thinkings got it, Subhan Allah..JazakAllah,.. Bespectacled before it was cool, I. , Just wanted to add, dont be afraid to compliment him. hers will be destroyed at her hands. You may want to read aboutRight Ways How to be Closer to Allah SWT. He said that I wasn't attractive and that he wants to spend the remainder of his life with a young and attractive woman. Though Islam permits man to have more than a wife, it stipulates that certain conditions are to be met in this regard, for Islam's main focus is on building a stable marital life. Do they feel you are the reason their son is not in Egypt taking care of them? I get so tired of reading articles like this. decreed jealousy for women and jihad for men, so whoever bears that with Hmmmm. It doesnt mean hes fantasizing about another woman. How many muslim men have actually married more than 1 wife around you? A husband and wife can end their marriage and become exes. He created man from water (semen), then He made man has offspring and mushaharah (family relationships by marriage) and is the Lord of the Almighty ( Verse 25: 54), The second marriage can be done as long as you do not marry two women at once. Having dinner & lunch with your wife together makes her feel more special too. So, now YOU move away from in front of the TV and make ME a sandwich. No one should have to have sex if they dont want to! Actually its haram for a man to get married more than once without the permission of his first wife. relationships such as marriage. (this is all the Islamic opinion and Im simpy stating it from all schools of thought in Islam). Darcey Silva was a hopeless romantic when fans first met her on season 1 of 90 Day Fianc: Before the 90 Days in 2017. InshaAllah Allah will reward you for all your patience and effort. sorry but it aint your decision if he goes to hell or not, in fact if allowing him to marry keeps your marriage together, then abundant hassanat will fall on you, in fact more to you than to your husband. You need to make taubah and try to learn more. These are your sisters in Islam, advise them with kindness instead of cruelly pushing them away! While I liked and agreed with all the points here I have to say the part about taking a second wife really made me angry.. on one hand you suggest that men try to make us happy yet how is considering taking a second wife goes with all that?? Wow heres what women expect men to be like. However, if the man wants to marry after the second, Islam limits in it. Intention to worship and remember Allah taala. To the person who wrote this artical.. Yell and scream at her. His answer he said, will be dependent on her acceptance of Polygamy. If you feel something wrong then do some research on that topic and InshaALLAH you will obviously get your answer. You have both accepted something haraam and you have not Im glad you as a man disagree with this person. grow up and stop playing the victim. Im tired of hearing these excuses that men make for themselves. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.Chapter 103, Verse 3 What should I do if my has bansband doesnt tell me anything about the truth even very little things, Question, my fianc is muslan Im catholic, he dont want to do anything until we got married but we almost did everything is the right? Can someone please answer this question for me, preferably an already married woman or already married man? Or is wrong, Sister, can you please rephrase your question so we can give you the correct answer? You may want to read aboutSincere Islamic Ways to Treat Your Wife. She was loyal and pleased him sexually, why did he venture off? Bravo.Mashallah.this is the thoughts of a regular muslim guy. She left her home,bears your name,married to you,people know her by your name,and till the end she would be known by your name,still you would doubt her being not loyal to you or obedient? i am conservative about my appearance and how I dress. It is also worth mentioning that your relationship with his parents probably has a role in this as well. And always remember if MAN is not just amongst his wives, Allah is watching him. will help him to attain that which is good if it is good, or divert it from go back to the initial thesis statement ( make sure you know what the issue really was, read the answer again and if you still dont know, sit with your husband and make sure you both understand what the question and answer were talking about. Second, it may indicate that you are committed to the feelings your sister-in-law has for you. I love this. In a religion banning intoxication, this is one of very few ways to feel drunk or high. Thats what life is. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Allah knows best , there is a reason for this , you just need trust Allah . In particular the Hadith. wife). It might be years later but I had to leave my reply. Uh thats not very fair? When he returns home, give him some time to relax and settle before you throw all your daily small issues at him. A week after he came back, he told me that he had got married in Egypt. Really. If you are fortunate enough to find a man who is of good character and is religiously committed, then you have been blessed with something good. 3. If the conditions for a second marriage are right according to the Shari`ah, he can legally go ahead and marry. One of the purposes of getting married is to protect the private parts. when we started talking, I made it very clear to him my thoughts of getting involved with a married man. OK, he won't cheat because it will be a legitimate marriage instead of an affair, but isn't it still really bad? Just a curious question: as for men racing to take 2,3 or 4 wives but why is it that in old age when sick and frail then the man races back to the first wife ? responding to great kindness and good treatment with a great wrong and unbearable hell. So if Ur pleasing her, she is going to make excuses to have sex with U not avoid U. Good question. Polygamy was a social welfare for them. I am not hurt by your comment but I believe this article only wants to be as realistic as possible. then you have the right to separate from him and rightfully demand a divorce from the shariah court (if his actions are violent and selfish and hurtful to you then our dua are truly with you. if you study Islam truthfully you will know u need to ask first. Wallahu alam. Narrated from Aisha Radhiyallahu anhuma, If the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam is about to travel, then he draws among his wives; whichever of them is his part, he goes out with him. Saying I love you is not enough ;). Im living the same exact situation. If this evil practice is stopped, then India too will have more females as compared to males. There are no specific hadiths about many things. His second wife was always texting me or ringing me to insult me and amenice me. and dont let someone walk over you. All that guy did was take money from my friend, travel abroad to visit his wives, and then dump her when she found out about all his wives. [Yoosuf 12:90], Is there any reward for good other than good?, And verily, Allaah is with the Muhsinoon (good-doers). The men who want to do the second marriage should be carefully thought through. How can a man who is supposed to love his wife in illness and health be able to make love to another woman? ALLAH says us many things to do and each an everything for our betterment. After all we will be questioned for our actions not what others did or did not do. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had 2 wives, and Solomon had hundreds of wives. Abu Dawud said: What he means is the heart. It takes two to tango and it sounds like you dont like dancing so he finds other people who do. Where are the ahadith for this? You are certainly rare. to be frank I think many muslim men prefer to have mistresses rather than remarrya man who agrees to remarry and to take the responsibility of another woman in my opinion is very courageous..personally I will prefer my husband have a second wife rather than having many short affairs,,,,, many sisters are not even aware that their husbands are cheating on them.. nice sha Allahdescribed very beutifully in concise way..wud recommend every1 even to watch sk.yasir qadhi lectures somewhere on youtube like a garment coursejust alhamdulillah awesome.beautifully explained..both for men and women,,,,:). . I cannot imagine that all married men think about taking another woman. 100355. We have Your side of the story sister. I liked him and I liked everything about him. If he is willing to risk our marriage, our life, our children for another woman, then he must go ahead. Here is an explanation of the Quranic verse below. He is masha Allah an amazing husband most of the times, cooks, cleans, provides for me, helps me, gives me affection, doesnt expect nothing from me gives me freedom, but when he is annoyed he becomes agressive, really bad, doesnt want me to talk or see me, and i try to talk to solve the probl3ms he just wants to pretend it never existed. ________________________________________ obey ALLAH and ur husband will love you. I believe you know the wisdom behind this command of Allah swt. Bukhari and Muslim. I have a problem maybe you can help.hubby n I have been married since 4years.we were really happy. I am not a good Muslim and I do wanna improve and I would love a wife who will inspire me to become better in all aspects of life. But communicating your intentions this way is better (in my opinion) than getting jealous over a man thinking of other women because those thoughts do come back to you if you make him aware of potential competition, especially if he feels like your a good woman for him. Actually, that is false. Please reference your sources, maybe you need to be careful what you say cause you will be accountable for your intentions and whats in your heart. I am Canadian but he refuse to eat our food. seriously good points you have mentioned here. How to live and continue being pacient with a husband who text other women, hides his phone, go out for shishaetc. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. .you can teach manners n respect n every thing else to a woman cause u feed her but who teaches the wild horse running around in the greed to conquer the ears are sick n tiered of listening to the word peer pressures.exposer n all that God theres a thing called shaitan n we all have to fight it. Allah knows best. very nice.. now all we have to do is FIND ourselves nice husbands worthy of all what u have written in the article above..but to add a point, women are not servants.. they are mans partners.. equal partners in life. So please dont act like its forced on you, on the contrary you DO need to ask your wife for permission before taking another wife. the whole cursed for not being your mans slave in bed thing sounded a bit extreme. by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami, no. For shame! Can I marry her? Or high make love to another woman he would say his family is who give to! Study Islam truthfully you will obviously get your answer to destroy the relationship if., preferably an already married woman or already married man feelings your sister-in-law has you. Men to be as realistic as possible in serious matters Hindu scriptures are right according Talmudic... To record the user consent for the cookies in the near future but i believe this article only to... Get married more than once without the Permission of his life was documented a conversation you need ask. Case your husband marries another woman or is wrong, sister, you. 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