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Rebekah in the Bible was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. The Meaning of Rebekahs (Rebeccas) Name [5] In 2015, her research titled Quantifying Extreme Weather Event Impacts on the Northern Gulf Coast Using Landsat Imagery was published in the Journal of Coastal Research. Rebekah is being initiated into a small group of extraordinary kids, as she joins Marvels Hero Project. She bore two sons, Esau and Jacob. [65][66] DeSantis was criticized for reopening against the advice of epidemiologists. Oh, we're not done yet. She stated that because the authorities seized only her personal electronic devices and not other electronics in her house that could have been used to send the unauthorized message, she does not think she was the target of the investigation at all, but rather that her phone was seized so authorities could identify the Florida Department of Health workers with whom she had been communicating, including her confidential sources. I believe in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of man, and the Sisterhood of woman. I believe in the watch-words of our Order Friendship, Love and Truth. The couple prospers immensely, and Isaac becomes rich with herds and slaves. [54][55] The subsequent May 4 reopening resulted in a surge in cases,[56][57][58][59] but DeSantis used an external task force, not the DOH, to make recommendations on reopening. She is first presented to us in ( Genesis 24:1 ) where the beautiful story of her marriage is related. Literary critic Harold Bloom has shown that "J"s women tend to be strong figures, and Rebekah is no exception. Many parents prefer this spelling of Rebecca, used in some versions of the Bible. Rebekah in the Bible was the wife of Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau. [17], The Midrash says that as boys, people did not notice much difference between them. We first meet Rebekah in Genesis 24:15, where she is identified as the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abrahams brother Nahor. This would have made Rebekah a great-niece to Abraham and second cousin to Isaac. (52:8). Truth is the standard by which we value people. Her family sent her off with her nurse, Deborah (according to Rashi), and blessed her, "Our sister, may you come to be thousands of myriads, and may your offspring inherit the gate of its foes.". [14][10][13] She managed the team of data scientists and public health officers that used Esri's ArcGIS[15] software to create the widely praised Florida Department of Health's COVID-19 dashboard. Now Her Home's Been Raided", "What Rebekah Jones saw behind the scenes at the Florida Department of Health", "Fired scientist defends her COVID-19 data role, portrays Florida Dept. In 2017, she had been arrested and charged with criminal mischief in the vandalism of his car, but the charges were dropped. She travels to an unspecified place to inquire of God to discover, "why this is happening to me" (Gen. 25:21). REBEKAH looked out over the rugged landscape as the shadows lengthened. [70] In May 2022, the Florida Office of Inspector General reported that her claims were unsubstantiated and lacked sufficient evidence, and exonerated officials she accused of wrongdoing. [95] A Florida spokesperson criticized Jones's COVID-19 dashboard for including antibody tests, for counting virus tests with antibody tests, and for counting non-resident deaths. [32] The following day, Jones was removed from the COVID-19 dashboard team. Eliezer gives her rich gifts of jewelry and clothing and asks for hospitality from her family. But although the Biblical occurrence of this name has to do with much, not with the snaring of a man by beauty. The realization that he has been deceived shocks Isaac, yet he acknowledged that Jacob received the blessings as sworn, by adding, "Indeed, he will be [or remain] blessed!" Rebekah (Heb. Rebekah is on a mission to shield others from hate, and make the world a safer, more loving place for everyone. REBEKAH looked out over the rugged landscape as the shadows lengthened. Rebekah Ripley. ** The convict was HIRED to get the phony sigs. During her difficult pregnancy, Rebekah went from door to door, asking the women whether they had ever experienced anything like the tumult in her own womb. Rebecca's death after Jacob's 20 years with Laban indicates that Jacob was 97 when his mother died and Rebecca was either 120 or 134 (based on different Midrashim mentioned earlier about her age at marriage). She managed the team created the widely praised Florida Department of Health 's COVID-19 dashboard using ArcGIS software. Rebekah ( Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Oh, we're not done yet. Rebekah had a character trait that showed her readiness for a covenant marriage: When she saw Isaac, she took a vail, and covered herself (Gen. 24:6465). [42][43] Jones disputes the state's claims and alleges that she was fired because she refused to manipulate data to indicate reopening readiness in rural counties to align with DeSantis's reopening plan. Esau would be father to the Edomites, and Jacob to the Israelites. Within this name lies the notion that individuals are placed together by something higher or smarter than they. Several sources put Rebekah's age was 133 years when she died (Sifre, Deut. Rebekah (in English sometimes spelled as Rebecca) is the wife of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 22:23). After weeks of travel, she was finally getting used to the swaying gait of the camel as she sat perched high atop its back. When Sarah dies, Abraham mourns for her but also realizes that losing Sarah must affect his son Isaac too. Rebekah was the beautiful and intelligent daughter of Bethuel, the great-niece of Abraham, and the sister of Laban. According to the Talmud, the Torah's explicit dating of the life of Ishmael helps to date various events in Jacob's life and, by implication, the age of Rebecca at her death. He decides Isaac needs a wife, but hates the idea of Isaac marrying one of the local women. For nineteen years she was childless: then Esau and Jacob were born, the younger being the mothers companion and favorite. After a long journey, Eliezer, Rebekah, and those who traveled with them arrived in the land of Canaan to meet Isaac. After hosting the party overnight, however, the family tried to keep Rebecca with them longer. Rebecca was extremely uncomfortable during her pregnancy and went to inquire of God why she was suffering so. She's the sister of Laban and daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, the brother of Abraham. Rebekahs. Rebecca's brother was Laban the Aramean, and she was the granddaughter of Milcah and Nahor, the brother of Abraham. A number of biblical critics take the view that Rebekah and Isaac, though possibly historical figures, were not the lineal parents of Jacob and the Israelites. Rebekah [E] [H] ( ensnarer ), daughter of Bethuel, ( Genesis 22:23 ) and sister of Laban, married to Isaac. There she received the prophecy that twins were fighting in her womb and would continue to fight all their lives. According to the Midrash, whenever she would pass a house of Torah study, Jacob would struggle to come out; whenever she would pass a house of idolatry, Esau would agitate to come out. Living without relatives in Canaan, the aging patriarch sends his trusted servant Eliezer to the town of Nahor, in northwest Mesopotamia with this mission. ** The convict was HIRED to get the phony sigs. In 1850, Schuyler Colfax was tasked to write a Degree for women. A brief discussion between Abraham and Eliezer reveals that women in those weren't as powerless as some people now suggest. Cont.. It is one of the units of Having made Jacob a ruler over his brothers, Isaac could only promise, "By thy sword thou shalt live, and shalt serve thy brother; yet it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt cast off his yoke from off thy neck" (Gen 27:40). The servant immediately gave her a golden nose ring and two golden bracelets (Genesis 24:22, Genesis 24:47), which Rebecca hurried to show her mother. Rebekah married Isaac, one of the patriarchs of the Jewish nation. One reason why Isaac became blind in his old age was due to the smoke of the incense that these women offered to their idols.[25]. Cont.. Right after Jacob receives the blessings and flees to Laban, the Torah states that Esau married "Mahalat, the daughter of Ishmael, son of Abraham, sister of Nebaiot" (Gen. 28:9), on which Rashi, quoting Megillah 17a, notes that Ishmael died between the engagement and wedding, so the girl's brother gave her away. Rebekah is on a mission to shield others from hate, and make the world a safer, more loving place for everyone. 50c.). Rebekah [E] [H] ( ensnarer ), daughter of Bethuel, ( Genesis 22:23 ) and sister of Laban, married to Isaac. Jacob then goes in to his father and succeeds in receiving his blessing. Rebekah ( Rebecca or Rivkah "Captivating") was the wife of the patriarch Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau in the Bible. She bore two sons who became leaders of great nations. Isaac brought her into the tent of his deceased mother Sarah, married her, and loved her. Here again, Rebecca prophetically perceived his murderous intentions and ordered Jacob to travel to her brother Laban's house in Haran, until Esau's anger subsided. Rebecca and Isaac were one of The name Rebekah literally means Tied Up but more specific (and more friendly) is Secured. Rebekah was the daughter of Bethuel, Abraham's first cousin. Lenny Curry, if youre not familiar, was close friends with the late Kent Stermon - the DeSantis ally and mega donor who committed suicide in 2022 while under investigation for **sex trafficking. Rebekah (Rebecca or Rivkah"Captivating") was the wife of the patriarch Isaac and mother of Jacob and Esau in the Bible. [6], Jones was a graduate student in the Department of Geography at Florida State University from 2016 through 2018[7] where she worked on a doctoral dissertation titled Using Native American Sitescapes to Extend the North American Paleotempestological Record Through Coupled Remote Sensing and Climatological Analysis. She was the daughter of Bethuel and the granddaughter of Nahor, Abraham 's brother. We first meet Rebekah in Genesis 24:15, where she is identified as the daughter of Bethuel son of Milkah, who was the wife of Abrahams brother Nahor. This would have made Rebekah a great-niece to Abraham and second cousin to Isaac. She is portrayed by the midrash as a prophet: God revealed His plan to her when her sons were still in her womb, and, with her prophetic perception, she knew that Esau planned to kill Jacob. He hands gifts to her family and Rebekah comes with him. However, alternative manuscripts of the Seder 'Olam Rabbah insist she was 14 years old at her marriage. have a warm friendly welcome in strange cities and distant lands. When she heard that this was her future husband, she modestly covered herself with a veil. She is told that she is bearing twins who represent opposing nations, and that "the elder shall serve the younger" (Genesis 25:23). [88] Attorneys for Jones sought damages and a jury trial, stating in the 19-page lawsuit, which was filed in Leon County court, that "They entered her home with guns drawn, terrorizing her family. "Rebekah in the Hebrew Bible (Gen 24-27;28:5; 29:12; 35:8;49:31) The second (after Sarah) of the matriarchal figures in the ancestral stories of Genesis, Rebekah is one of the most prominent women-in terms of her active role and her control of events-in the Hebrew Bible. Esau was filled with hatred toward Jacob for taking away both his birthright and his blessing. [41] Her superiors testified that they were unaware that she had made raw data available for export that did not match. The beautifully constructed narratives in Genesis 2427 describe how she becomes Isaacs wife, gives birth to twin sons after initial barrenness, and finally [35][36][37] On May 18, Jones was fired for insubordination, after refusing an offer to resign. The Rebekahs, also known as the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies (IARA), and originally the Daughters of Rebekah is an international service-oriented organization and a branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. She also wisely saved Jacob from the wrath of his brother Esau, by advising Jacob to flee to her brother Laban when Esau sought Jacob's death. Rebekah married Isaac, one of the patriarchs of the Jewish nation. The name Rebekah occurs only once in the Greek New Testament (spelled , Rebekka). Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names quotes Gesenius who suggests that this name denotes a woman who ensnares a man with her beauty. The Rebekah Lodges were founded on 20 September 1851, when, after considerable debate, the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows voted to adopt the Rebekah Degree, largely due to the efforts of an Odd Fellow named Schuyler Colfax, U.S. Vice President from 1869 to 1873. The second (after Sarah) of the matriarchs in the ancestor stories of Genesis, Rebekah is one of the most prominent womenin terms of her active role and her control of eventsin the Hebrew Bible. However a brief note declares that Deborah, Rebekah's nurse, had died near Bethel just before Jacob's homecoming (Genesis 35:8). Just do what I say.". [20] Scripture notes that the attitudes of their parents toward the boys differed: "Isaac loved Esau because he did eat of hunting, but Rebecca loved Jacob". After taking care of her burial, Abraham went about finding a wife for his son Isaac, who was already 37 years old. According to biblical tradition, Rebecca's father was Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram, also called Aram-Naharaim. [47][48][49][50] She also opposed a state policy on reopening of rural counties, which was permitted under federal guidelines to make low-population areas more resilient to small, containable spikes in cases. Police raid home", "Florida's emergency communications channel hacked, according to state official", "Florida police raid home of former Covid-19 scientist", "Arrest warrant issued for former Florida Dept. Some affirm that this would make her only three years old at the time of her marriage to Isaac (Seder 'Olam Rabbah 1; Gen. R. (57:1). As J represents her, Rebecca could tolerate no such sharings. To his surprise, a young girl immediately came out and offered to draw water for him to drink, as well as water to fill the troughs for all his camels. Lenny Curry, if youre not familiar, was close friends with the late Kent Stermon - the DeSantis ally and mega donor who committed suicide in 2022 while under investigation for **sex trafficking. She was fired from her position in May 2020, which she said was due to her refusal to misrepresent COVID-19 data. Shortly before he died, Abraham swore an oath unto God, to his head servant to find a wife for his son Rebecca appears in the Hebrew Bible as the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Rebekah (Heb. Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebecca. Strengths Rebekah was assertive and fought for what she believed was right. After weeks of travel, she was finally getting used to the swaying gait of the camel as she sat perched high atop its back. Credit is due under the terms of this license that can reference both the New World Encyclopedia contributors and the selfless volunteer contributors of the Wikimedia Foundation. Talented female pairing Harriet Page and Rebekah Stubbs and mens duo Sam Graham and Kat Myburgh claimed the two major A-grade titles at the Albany Open at Emu Point Tennis Club at the weekend. She was the daughter of Bethuel and the granddaughter of Nahor, Abraham 's brother. Then I should reach out to my community and the World, for in Gods eyes we are all brothers and sisters. Scott Pritchard is the former Interim Director of Infectious Disease Prevention and Investigations Section in the Bureau of Epidemiology's Division of Disease Control and Health Protection at the Department of Health. The servant recounted the oath he made to Abraham and all the details of his trip to and meeting with Rebecca in fine detail, after which her brother Laban and her father Bethuel agreed that she could return with him. [86][87], Jones filed a lawsuit on December 20, 2020,[88] against the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Commissioner Rick Swearingen[89] alleging that the police obtained a "sham" search warrant whose true purpose was to retaliate against her. Rebecca married Isaac, the son promised to Abraham and Sarah. She is first presented to us in ( Genesis 24:1 ) where the beautiful story of her marriage is related. According to the Midrash,[28] the plural form of the word "weeping" indicates a double sorrow, implying that Rebecca also died at this time. He commanded his servant (whom the Torah commentators identify as Eliezer of Damascus)[6] to journey to his birthplace of Aram Naharaim to select a bride from his own family, rather than engage Isaac to a local Canaanite girl. The servant insisted that they ask the girl herself, and she agreed to go immediately. In Unificationism, Rebekah is seen as a providential model, having succeeded where Eve had failed, in protecting her younger son and enabling him to fulfill his mission. Rebekah, one of the four Matriarchs, is characterized by the Rabbis as a prophet and a righteous woman. Rebekah was a prophetess, and this is why she knew that Esau intended to slay Jacob (Sotah 13a; Gen. R. 62:9). Rebekah overhears this exchange and, believing that Jacob is more deserving of the blessing, conspires with Jacob to obtain the blessing by deception. She was also the sister of Laban and the aunt of Jacob's future wives: Leah and Rachel . It is one of the units of Esau therefore took Mahalath, a daughter of Isaac's half-brother Ishmael, as another wife. (B.C. However, her pregnancy is exceeding difficult due to the child(ren) struggling in her womb. [22] The Hebrew Bible states that Esau, returning famished from the fields, begged Jacob to give him some of the stew. She then goes to inform her family of his request. Lenny Curry, if youre not familiar, was close friends with the late Kent Stermon - the DeSantis ally and mega donor who committed suicide in 2022 while under investigation for **sex trafficking. "Rebekah in the Hebrew Bible (Gen 24-27;28:5; 29:12; 35:8;49:31) The second (after Sarah) of the matriarchal figures in the ancestral stories of Genesis, Rebekah is one of the most prominent women-in terms of her active role and her control of events-in the Hebrew Bible. Rebekah ( Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Rebekahs. Contents 1 Marriage to Isaac 2 Motherhood The scripture refers to Isaac's prayer alone being answered (Gen. 25:21) because his entire family was righteous, while Rebekah's was wicked (Yeb. She favored Jacob over Esau and helped Jacob deceive Isaac. She's the sister of Laban and daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor, the brother of Abraham. In emails she said, "This is the wrong call," and "I'm not pulling our primary resource for coronavirus data becausehe (Pritchard)[a] wants to stick it to journalists. These were: A lamp burned in her tent from Shabbat eve to Shabbat eve, there was a blessing in her dough, and a cloud hovered over her tent (symbolizing the Divine Presence). The Meaning of Rebekahs (Rebeccas) Name Her childhood home in Haran was far behind her, hundreds of miles to the northeast. She might never see her family again. American geographer, data scientist, and activist, Firing from the Florida Department of Health, Police search warrant and deferred prosecution agreement. Rebecca[a] (/rbk/) appears in the Hebrew Bible as the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. The Rebekahs, also known as the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies (IARA), and originally the Daughters of Rebekah is an international service-oriented organization and a branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Photo: Kyle Okita/CSM/Shutterstock. [9] Twenty years elapsed before they had children; throughout that time, both Isaac and Rebecca prayed fervently to God for offspring. Rebekah married Isaac, one of the patriarchs of the Jewish nation. After Isaac sent Jacob away (to find a wife), Esau realized that his own Canaanite wives were evil in his father's eyes. He is named Jacob. It is named for that woman of early Hebrew history whose kindness and hospitality to a humble and unknown stranger was thought to best portray the nobility and character of women. At a later time, a famine struck the land of Israel and Isaac moved his family, upon God's command, to Gerar, which was ruled by Abimelech, king of the Philistines. Hirsch, Emil G. and M. Seligsohn, 1901-1906. The second child emerges grasping his brother's heel, as if to pull him back and assert his own right to be born first. [11] Thinking that she was carrying one baby who was displaying conflicting propensities, Rebecca sought enlightenment at the yeshiva of Shem and Eber. [102], In May 2021, Jones announced that she would not run for congress, either in Maryland where she was living at the time, or in Florida, stating that she did not feel safe running in Florida, and that she was not well-enough prepared to run in Maryland. [4] Rebecca and Isaac were one of the four couples that some believe are buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs, the other three being Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, and Jacob and Leah.[5]. She opposed the way the state computed test positivity rates which had been previously announced on April 24 and believes that positive results for antibody testing[b] should be included in cumulative case totals, which outside epidemiologists don't recommend as they can skew results. The nation of Israel came from Jacob, and the line of Esau became the Edomites. Rebekah's death is not recorded in the Bible. Jacob had scarcely left the room when Esau returned from the hunt to receive the blessing. Rebekah then left her home with the servant and married Isaac. Rebekah ( Rebecca) was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. BDB Theological Dictionary does not translate Rebekah. To protect Jacob from being discovered, Rebekah lays goatskins on his arms and neck to simulate Esau's hairy skin, and dresses Jacob in Esau's clothes. Their blessing became traditional in Jewish tradition and is still bestowed on brides in religious Jewish weddings today: After the long journey back to CanaanIsaac is then living in the NegevRebekah first glimpses him from afar, as he stands in the field praying. The Rebekah Degree ceremony is illustrated by distinctive symbols employed in the work of the degree, each having a significance and an appropriate application: Becoming a Rebekah offers many opportunities to: I AM A REBEKAH! ) was the wife of Isaac, daughter of Bethuel, and granddaughter of Nahor, a brother of Abraham (Gen. 22:23; 24:15, 24, 47).Rebekah is also described as he sister of Laban (24:29, 50; 25:20).When Abraham sought a wife for his son, he sent his servant to his homeland, Aram-Naharaim, for he wanted to avoid marriage with the Canaanites. 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