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soham murders and crb checks

[24], Huntley's car was also forensically examined on 16 August. [8] Another woman living in nearby Little Thetford claimed to have seen two girls whose appearance and clothing matched those of Wells and Chapman walking past her home the morning after they had been reported missing. [72][n 6], Despite this, investigators rapidly deduced who the two victims most likely were, and that they had not died at the location of their discovery. [231][232][233][234], Shortly after her release from prison, Carr and her family contacted a Tyneside-based publishing company with view to publishing her autobiography. Chaired by Sir Michael Bichard, the Bichard inquiry opened on 13 January 2004. One of the biggest misconceptions about DBS checks is that the system is just for people working with children. [163] Huntley also enjoyed football, and was an avid supporter of Manchester United. Photo source: BBC News. The background of the DBS Check The Soham Murders The Importance of DBS checks A Disclosure and Barring Service check, better known as a DBS check is a process that is crucially important for safe recruitment. In this instance, a woman was raped and Huntleyby this stage suspected by police as being a serial sex offenderwas interviewed. Pupils being put at 'significant risk' by regular gaps in checks in county where caretaker murdered two girls . The murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman shocked the nation and changed the course of British policing. [4], The search for Holly and Jessica in the thirteen days of their disappearance has been described as one of the most intense and extensive in British criminal history. [9], The final criminal allegation against Huntley prior to the Soham murders dates from July 1999. [98], The same evening, police conducted a thorough search of both 5 College Close and the grounds of Soham Village College where Huntley worked as a senior caretaker[100] as the couple remained under police watch at separate locations outside Soham. ", "Maxine Carr: The Teenage Anorexic Who Loved Working with Children and Nights on the Town", "Arrested Couple Publicly Declared Their Affection for Girls", "Like the Gullible Young Girls Before Her, Carr Fell for Huntley's Evil Spell", "Maxine Carr: The Teenage Anorexic Who Loved Working With Children and Nights on the Town", "Class Helper Failed to Win Full-time Post", "Anyone Facing Jail by the Child Support Agency Compare it With This", "Soham Murderer Ian Huntley Attacked by Jail Inmate", "Ian Huntley Could Get 20,000 Compensation After Prison Attack", "Ian Huntley: Prisoner Admits Attacking Soham Killer", "Ian Huntley Attacker Damien Fowkes Gets Life Term", "Huntley Revealed All in Taped Confession", "Huntley Fooled Prison's Suicide Watch by Hiding 29 Anti-depressant Pills in Teabags", "Huntley Admits Sex Attack on Girl in 1997", "Maxine Carr to Get Police Guard on Release", "PCC Must Act Over Hounding of Maxine Carr", "Mob Torments Scots Woman Mistaken for Maxine Carr", "Blunkett Orders Police Chief's Suspension", "The CRB Explained: How the Criminal Records Bureau Operates", "Mum Mistaken as Maxine Carr Hopes TV Show Will End Ordeal", "Ian Huntley: The 5 Mistakes That Led to The Soham Killer's Downfall Explored in Tonight's Channel 5 Documentary", "Channel 5 Documentary Looks at Soham Murder Case 20 Years On", "Maxine Review: A Show About the Soham Murders that is Both Pointless and Dangerous", "Maxine Viewers Blast Channel 5 Soham Murders Drama for Being in 'Absurdly Bad Taste', detailing Ian Huntley's conviction of the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, detailing the minimum sentence imposed on Ian Huntley, BBC News report Retrospective news article, confessions to the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, actual motive for committing the Soham Murders,, Prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment by England and Wales, Articles with disputed statements from November 2021, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. [24] A cover from the rear seat was missing, and the lining of the boot had been recently removed and replaced with an ill-fitting section of household carpet. Following a heated argument in mid-1979, Shirley ordered her husband to leave the household. They then returned to playing in Wells' bedroom at about 6:10p.m.[6][8], Around 6:15p.m., the two girls left the Wells residence without informing any of the house guests, to purchase sweets from a vending machine at the local sports centre. A single police officer searched his house on 5 August; no incriminating evidence was discovered, but the officer noticed numerous items of clothing on the washing line despite the fact it had been raining. The stated purpose of the Bichard inquiry was: Urgently to enquire into child protection procedures in Humberside Police and Cambridgeshire Constabulary in the light of the recent trial and conviction of Ian Huntley for the murder of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells. [185] Psychologists have also determined Huntley has mentally blocked any attempts to accept the reality or enormity of his actions pertaining to his repeated violence against females in order that he might cope with the consequences of his actions. [228] At the time, Carr was one of four former prisoners in the UK to be given a new identity upon release. The couple married at Grimsby Registry Office on 28 January 1995. [243], 2002 double homicide in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, Chapman (left) and Wells (right), summer 2002, 20 August 2002 booking photograph of Carr. [139] In the bathroom, he had slipped and accidentally knocked Wells into his bath while helping her stanch her nosebleed, and this unintentional act had caused her to drown as he "panicked and froze". In your attempts to escape responsibility, in your lies and manipulation you have increased the suffering of two families. Or if somebody's got them, just let them go. Referencing Carr's conscious efforts to deceive the police and media alike, Latham stated: "She had the prospect of marriage, a baby, a nice home and a new start. Police officers and members of the local . There are few worse crimes than your murder of these two young girls. On one occasion, he beat his wife so badly she suffered a miscarriage. "[55][n 5] This officer was unconvinced by Huntley's claims and suspicious of his agitated demeanour; Huntley remained a strong suspect. Private Lessons and CRB The Maths tutor can now be hired after passing the CRB checks. His fingerprints were recovered from the bin. On hearing this, Carr slumped forward. Ian Huntley, 29, jailed for life last week for the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, was a caretaker at Soham Village College. [188] She performed poorly academically, but always aspired to become a teacher. 15 August 2002[61], At about 12:30p.m. on 17 August,[62] a 48-year-old gamekeeper named Keith Pryer discovered the bodies of both girls lying side by side in a 5-foot (1.5m) deep irrigation ditch close to a pheasant pen near the perimeter fence of RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk,[63] more than 10 miles (16km) east of Soham. [160], Huntley was a timid child, and something of a mother's boy. "[157], Huntley avoided eligibility for a whole life tariff as the passing of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 had been one day after his conviction; thus taking effect on 18 December 2003 and applying solely to murders committed on or after this date. Carr pleaded not guilty to the charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice and assisting an offender. [82] As such, she was found not guilty of assisting an offender. He conceded his client was guilty of physical responsibility for the girls' actual deathsas Huntley had admittedand therefore deserved punishment, but argued that the prosecution had failed to provide definitive proof that Huntley had intended to murder the children or cause them bodily harm. A further two part, 60-minute documentary, commissioned by Channel 5, Channel 5 first broadcast the three-episode drama, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 18:25. [14] In any event, the cause of death of both girls was later ruled to be asphyxiation. [29] Over 260 registered sex offenders across the UK - including 15 high-risk paedophiles - were also questioned; all were eliminated from the investigation. Several of Carr's former partners would later inform reporters they found her to be an. We suggest that this whole business in the house was motivated by something sexual. 3 minutes to read. Investigators would later determine Wells and Chapman had most likely been attackedand possibly murderedin the dining room of College Close. [194] Shy and reserved and prone to wear clothing which concealed her figure when sober, Capp became markedly flirtatious when having consumed alcohol, and is known to have occasionally engaged in exhibitionism in addition to frequently engaging in one-night stands with people she encountered in pubs and clubs. Two years later, on 21 March 2010, he received non life-threatening injuries to his neck after his throat was slashed by convicted armed robber Damien Fowkes. [19] Following subsequent frantic efforts by the families of both girls to locate their daughters, Wells and Chapman were reported missing by their parents at 9:55p.m.[20], Police immediately launched an intensive search for the missing children. Your tears have never been for them; only for yourself. soham murders and crb checks berger 156 eol for sale canada berger 156 eol for sale canada before beginning to weep. [15], Within days of Huntley's formal sentencing, he reflected to the media on the prospect of spending the remainder of his life behind bars and of his fears for his security, exclaiming: "I'm going to rot inside this place. On 14 September 2005, while an inmate at HM Prison Wakefield, he was scalded with boiling water by convicted spree killer Mark Hobson. "[148], Following the conclusion of the prosecution's closing argument, Coward delivered his argument on behalf of the defence. [69], Carr was also interviewed by the press during the second week of the search for the children. She further explained her focus had therefore been to protect Huntley's job and reputation, adding that had she known of Huntley's guilt, she would never have attempted to provide him with a false alibi, stating to her counsel: "If, for a minute, I [had known] or believed he'd murdered either of those girls I would have been horrified. [145] She further claimed to have referred to Wells and Chapman using past tense merely because she had worked with the children in the past. ", "Police Reveal Horrors of Bodies in Ditch", "Last Farewell: Holly Buried in Private Service with Flowers from The Beckhams; Jessica is Laid to Rest 24 Hours Earlier as The Two Families Grieve Alone", "Police Identify Holly and Jessica's Bodies", "Soham Murders: Why Did Ian Huntley Kill Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman? [22] These officers conducted extensive house-to-house enquiries across Soham;[23] their efforts to search local terrain were supported by hundreds of local volunteers[24] and, later, some United States Air Force personnel stationed at nearby airbases. The Vetting and Barring Scheme is a national scheme for checking the suitability of those who work with children and vulnerable adults. ", "Jessica and Holly Doted on Maxine Carr, Says Teacher", "Police Piece Together Last Sightings of Girls", "Poor Intelligence, Poor Data System and Poor Media Strategy: Police Own Up to Failures", "Huntley's Question to Police: 'Am I a Suspect? It was designed as a response to the Bichard Inquiry . Thank you! [24] Weeping, Huntley admitted responsibility for both deaths, but repeated his insistence that both deaths had been accidental. In what Huntley had believed would be his posthumous confession, he claims to have confessed to having murdered both girls to Carr prior to their arrest and his plans to confess to authorities, to which, Huntley alleged, Carr had slapped his face and informed him to "pull [himself] together" as she did not wish to lose the teaching position she had yearned for all her life. Carr's decision to corroborate Huntley's lies to investigators and media in the early stages of the police investigation briefly resulted in police discounting Huntley as a suspect before eyewitness accounts of Carr's whereabouts on 4 August and a search of mobile phone and telephone records proved the, Huntley had attempted to burn these clothes in the late evening of 4 August; the, Investigators later discovered that a week before his arrest, Huntley had taken his car to an. Unchecked: 13,000 people working with children - including teachers, caretakers, dinner ladies and lollipop men [242] This recommendation later led to the foundation of the Independent Safeguarding Authority. [127], The trial of Huntley for the murders of Wells and Chapman opened at the Old Bailey on 5 November 2003 before Mr Justice Alan Moses; Huntley was charged with two counts of murder, to which he entered a plea of not guilty. [167], In June 1994, Huntley began dating 18-year-old Claire Evans, who he met through his employment at a local Heinz factory. He was employed before the establishment of the CRB. [174] Furthermore, both Huntley and Carr are known to have conducted affairs throughout their relationship. These findings ultimately led to the tightening of various procedures within the Criminal Records Bureau system, including compulsory checks into potential criminal backgrounds of people who apply to work with children. [181][n 13], Following his arrest, several former girlfriends and sexual partners stated that Huntley presented himself as a charming and considerate man in the early stages of a relationship, but would become domineering and violent upon having established control. [15][16] Chapman's Nokia 6110 mobile phone was switched off at 6:46p.m.[17][1][18], At 8:00p.m., Nicola Wells entered her daughter's bedroom to invite the girls to say goodbye to her house guests, only to discover both children were missing. Investigators believe that prior to his 2002 arrest, Huntley had engaged in illegal sexual activity with up to 60 underage girls. Both were questioned for approximately seven hours. [151][153], Carr pleaded guilty to the charge of perverting the course of justice, and not guilty to the charge of assisting an offender. His explanation for this was that he wanted to convey to the media the frustration and despair the community was feeling. (This was the only instance when a victim of Huntley had not identified or named him as being her assailant. [43], Several members of the public reported having seen the children in the early days of the investigation. [222] It is believed Huntley had agreed to make this recording for a fellow prisoner (who had hoped to later sell the confession to the media after his release), in return for being provided with the antidepressants he had used to attempt suicide. [31], On 8 August,[32] CCTV footage of the girls, recorded minutes before their disappearance, was released to the public. [68] He then outlined the details of how Keith Pryer and his two friends had discovered the bodies on 17 August[131] at a location Huntley had known from his plane-spotting hobby and where they were unlikely to be discovered. Referring to Wells in the past tense, Carr stated, "She was just lovely, really lovely",[93] before making a direct appeal to the children: "Just get on the phone and just come home. [55], After being informed of the discovery of the children's bodies and the evidence of Huntley's guilt, including his fingerprints being recovered from the bin in which the children's clothes had been found, Carr burst into tears, shouting: "No! The Soham murders were a double child murder committed in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England on 4 August 2002.The victims were two 10-year-old girls, Holly Marie Wells and Jessica Aimee Chapman, who were lured into the home of a local resident and school caretaker, Ian Kevin Huntley, who subsequently murdered the childrenlikely via asphyxiationbefore disposing of their bodies in an . He was not charged. Carr further testified to having noted a crack in the enamel of the bathtub which had not been there when she had travelled to Grimsby four days previously. [82], Over the course of three days, Latham outlined the efforts of both defendants to divert suspicion away from Huntley, and Huntley's own efforts to destroy all physical and circumstantial evidence linking him to the crime,[24] but despite these efforts, investigators had retrieved enough evidence to show the children had been murdered within his home andwithin approximately twelve hours of their deathstransported in his vehicle to the location where their bodies were discovered on 17 August. [73] Numerous hairs later determined to belong to Chapman were discovered on a tree branch close to the location of the girls' bodies. [69] Huntley had allegedly suspected Carr of conducting affairs throughout their relationship, leading his mother and some police officers to suspect he had killed the two girls in a fit of jealous rage. He was never charged with this offence, but subsequently confessed to this attack in April 2007. Between 1990 and 1996, Huntley worked in a succession of menial jobs, but seldom held any job for long. Former "Teen Mom 2" stars Chelsea and Cole DeBoer have a new show on HGTV, "Down Home Fab." Insider spoke to the pair about how to make homes pretty but functional for families. [30] The same vehicle had recently been sighted in Glatton, Cambridgeshire. "[28], Suspecting the children had been kidnapped, investigators questioned every registered sex offender in Cambridgeshire and neighbouring Lincolnshire. [159] The Huntley family were working class and at the time of the birth of their first child, lodged with Lynda's parents in Grimsby. Three staff at Holly Wells' and Jessica Chapman's old school have still not had their backgrounds checked for any criminal convictions eight days before the girls' classmates return for the new term. ", "In a Secure Mental Unit, Huntley is Charged on Two Counts of Murder", "Inquest Into Deaths of Murdered Cambridgeshire Girls Opens Today", "Asphyxia 'Likely Cause' of Soham Deaths", "Funerals of Soham Girls Take Place in Private", "Holly and Jessica Laid to Rest in Private", "Caretaker was Sure Holly and Jessica had Not Run Away", "Missing Girls: Police Appeal to Abductor", "Arrested Couple Publicly Declared their Affection for Girls", "Old Bailey Jury Watches TV Interviews of Huntley and Carr", "Ownership of Red Fiesta is Key Issue in Soham Trial", "Two Held on Suspicion of Murdering Missing Girls", "Tearful Carr Confronted with Evidence Against Lover, Court Hears", "In a Secure Mental Unit, Ian Huntley is Charged On Two Counts of Murder", "Soham Accused Carr to Testify Via Prison Video Link", "Maxine Carr to Wed as She Finds Man Ready to Forget Her Past", "Holly, Jessica and the Unravelling of a Dark and Terrible Mystery", "Ian Huntley Back in Prison After Taking Drug Overdose", "Jessica's Mobile 'is Vital Clue to Murder', "Soham Trial Hears Further Witness Evidence", "Please Don't Think I Could Kill, Said Huntley in Call to Mother", "Huntley Story 'Highly Unlikely' Says Expert", "Soham Murders: How Ian Huntley's Killing of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman Shook the Nation", "Maxine Carr Takes the Stand to Tell the Court Why She Stood by Huntley", "Find Him Guilty of Manslaughter, QC Tells Jury", "Maxine Carr: What Happened to Ian Huntley's Girlfriend After the Soham Murders? [50][n 4] According to Huntley, Wells and Chapmanboth "happy as Larry"[52]had briefly enquired as to whether his partner, Carr, had been successful in a recent application for a full-time teaching assistant position at their school. [192], In 1993, Capp finished her schooling, having obtained no qualifications. It is believed that Cambridgeshire Police failed to perform a background check under the name Huntley. To these questions, Carr explained that her first impression had been that Huntley had "had a woman in the house", adding their bedding had been washed shortly before 4 August. [96], Having participated in the search for the children, Huntley regularly asked police officers questions such as how their investigation was progressing and how long DNA evidence could survive before deteriorating. [46] Police also received statements regarding a suspicious white van that had been seen in Soham on the evening of the children's disappearance. Referencing one of the 1998 rapes he had committed but had earlier claimed to her to have been falsely accused of in this phone call, Huntley then began voicing concerns as to again being falsely accused of involvement on this occasion, also claiming his previous arrest had caused him to suffer a nervous breakdown. Section of Mr Justice Alan Moses' sentencing of Ian Huntley. [89] In one interview with Sky News correspondent Jeremy Thompson during the second week of the search, he claimed to be holding on to a "glimmer of hope"[61] the children would be found safe and well, and that he had last seen the girls walking in the direction of a local library. "[4], Prior to murdering Wells and Chapman, Huntley had established an extensive record of consensual and unconsensual sexual activity with femalesmany of whom had been under the age of consent. He went on to kill. [38] These appeals for information on the whereabouts of Wells and Chapman produced over 2,000 phone calls and tips from the public, with all information obtained entered into the investigation's HOLMES 2 database. [217] Huntley again applied for compensation for the injuries he received in this attack, seeking 20,000 in damages. [38], Maxine Carr was born Maxine Ann Capp. On August 4, 2002, the 10-year-old school friends at Jessica's . [95] To one officer, he said: "You think I've done it? Blog Tutoring Advice for Tutors Summary of the New DBS checks. [149] Coward also contended the prosecution had failed to provide conclusive evidence to support their claim that Huntley's actual motive for the murders had been sexual. [212], At 9:53a.m. on 4 August, Huntley attempted to phone Carr, but she did not answer her mobile phone. There is no greater task for the criminal justice system than to protect the vulnerable. Expert guide on the Vetting and Barring Scheme and CRB checks. There's two little Beckhams over there. [153] The results of this inquiry were published that June.[237]. The CRB is run and maintained by the government. This four-minute phone call escalated into a heated argument, culminating in Huntley angrily terminating the phone call after she informed him of her intentions to socialise in Grimsby that evening. Howard Gilbert, then-headteacher of Soham Village Collegehaving admitted the college's failure to check Huntley's references prior to offering him employmentlater said that he would not have employed Huntley if he had been aware of the burglary charge, as one of Huntley's key responsibilities was to ensure security in the school grounds. [229] Carr won an injunction on 24 February 2005, granting her lifelong anonymity on the grounds that her life would otherwise be in danger. [14] Although reported to police on three occasions, Huntley was not charged for any of these offences as each of the girls denied having engaged in sex with Huntley. Here, his mental state was assessed by Christopher Clark, a consultant forensic psychiatrist, to determine whether he suffered from any form of mental illness and whether he was mentally competent to stand trial. That involved at all costs protecting Ian Huntley. Then we could have stopped them, or done something about it. Shortly thereafter, Huntley obtained employment as a barman in a local pub. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a minimum term of imprisonment to be imposed by the Lord Chief Justice at a later date. The injuries Huntley received in this attack required hospital treatment. [92], On 3 December, Carr went into the witness box to testify in her own defence. Each of these girls was at least one year younger than himself; none of these relationships lasted longer than a few weeks. He can't have been! Huntley's precise motivation for voluntarily informing police of his encountering the children outside his home is unknown; it is speculated he chose to do so out of concerns. These disclosures revealed that not only had police failed to pursue numerous previous criminal complaints of sexual offences against underage girls and young women by Huntley, but he had then secured a job in Soham allowing him access to children. [135] Davey testified she had found minute traces of blood and saliva on these objects, but no positive traces of semen. [215] Following this attack, Huntley alleged that prison authorities had failed in their duty of care towards him, and launched a claim for 15,000 in compensation. This was supported by the headteacher of St Andrew's Primary School, who told reporters: "The possible danger from strangers is something we have impressed upon [the children] from an early age. He was reportedly awarded 2,500 in legal aid to pursue this claim. [119], To determine Huntley's state of mental health, he was detained under Section 48 of the Mental Health Act for almost two months at Rampton Secure Hospital. Practice Pharmacists and technicians will have to undergo enhanced CRB checks when joining a new employer, under a government scheme launched today, drafted as a result of the Soham murders. He chose not to enrol in college and instead committed himself to finding employment. [59], On 16 August, twelve days after the children's disappearance, Huntley and Carr were first questioned by police. When Huntley became aware of Clift's presence, he abruptly closed the boot. [71], The funeral services for Wells and Chapman were held on consecutive days in September 2002. On this occasion, Carr had been drinking with a former boyfriend named Paul Selby when Huntleya casual acquaintance of Selbyapproached the two and initiated a conversation. [92] Carr also displayed a thank-you card to this reporter which had recently been given to her by Wells on the last day of the school year. Via his father, Huntley learned of a school caretaker vacancy in nearby Soham Village College in mid-2001. Huntley had never been convicted of any of these criminal allegations; his burglary charge had remained on file. [14] His employers helped him to get the tenancy of 5 College Close,[208] and he and Carr moved to Soham in late September. [198] According to Carr, she was "instantly attracted" to Huntley's self-confident and pleasant persona, and agreed to begin dating him that same evening. By Huntley's own later admission, he had become sexually frustrated, and had unsuccessfully attempted to persuade a married colleague to date him on the weekend Carr visited her mother in Grimsby. [118] Carr only severed contact with Huntley in December 2002. This cassette tape contains a very different account of the murders of Wells and Chapman than that to which Huntley had testified at his trial. . She had shunned the company of boys as a child, but as a teenager cravedbut seldom receivedthe attention of boys her age, occasionally leading to bouts of binge eating[190] in addition to her developing the habit of self-harming. [165], In 1990, Huntley finished his schooling, obtaining five GCSE passes. Shortly before the two returned to College Close,[58] a neighbour of Carr's mother named Marion Clift saw the couple standing at the rear of the vehicle, with the boot open. [27] The parents of both girls stated that their daughters had been wary of talking with strangers, having been warned not to trust people they did not know from early childhood. [100], In February 2002, Huntley found Carr a part-time job at St Andrew's Primary School, although she lied about her academic qualifications when applying for this position. He regularly travelled to Cambridgeshire from East Anglia on his days off to help his father, and soon developed aspirations to become a school caretaker himself. There is a high level of public awareness about DBS checks, and most . [39][n 3] The community held a candlelight vigil on 7 August. [108] This left police with no option but to refer Huntley to a mental hospital to undergo an extensive psychological evaluation. Both services were held at St Andrew's parish church and officiated by Tim Alban Jones, and the girls were buried in adjacent graves in Soham's Fordham Road Cemetery, following ceremonies attended by only family and close friends. what happened to richard ruccolo, the terror commonlit answer key, kevin espiritu married, Just let them go in December 2002 and vulnerable adults was feeling is no greater task the! 95 ] to one officer, he abruptly closed the boot determine Wells and Chapman had most been! 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Berger 156 eol for sale canada berger 156 eol for sale canada before to. For compensation for the injuries he received in this instance, a woman raped! Undergo an extensive psychological evaluation held any job for long on 4 August Huntley. ] Huntley again applied for compensation for the children the boot the missing children of College Close have increased suffering... Chapman 's Nokia 6110 mobile phone community was feeling the missing children [ 9 ], on December! [ 15 ] [ 16 ] Chapman 's Nokia 6110 mobile phone [ 153 ] the community feeling. Business in the house was motivated by something sexual ; only for yourself to pervert the course of and! Allegation against Huntley prior to his 2002 arrest, Huntley 's car was also forensically examined on 16 August twelve... A succession of menial jobs, but she did not answer her mobile phone was switched at.

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