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true altitude formula

When To Flare For Smooth Landings (Data By Plane), Scared Of Taking Off In A Plane: How To Fly Without Fear, How To Perform A GUMPS Check Before Every Flight, Five Common Causes Of Pilot Deviation (And How To Avoid It), How Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Works In Aviation, The Differences Between Part 61 And 141 Flight Training. Where IAT is the Indicated Air Temperature and T is the Temperature Rise. Is Absolute Altitude the Same as True Altitude. The argument used in the tables in the almanac is the apparent altitude, so that the dip correction must be applied to the observed altitude. True AltitudeXCR is the angular height of the centre of a body above the observers rational horizon. As it is difficult to judge the position of the Centre, it is a practice to take the.altitude of the lower edge / lower limb or upper edge / upper limb & apply correction to obtain the altitude of the Centre. Density altitude is basically the pressure exerted by the weight of the air on an object. Technically, the formula should be 1/273 instead of 1/250 (4/1000), but the latter is often used since it's easier to calculate and it's the basis of the meteorological 4% rule. Stuart Tait; Stuart Tait replied the topic: True Altitude - ATPL Navigation. The result will be not be as precise but you can still estimate the true airspeed using the calculator. It's the average surface level of the Earth's major coastal bodies of water and is used around the world as a standard measurement datum. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. So if you're indicated altitude is 30,000 feet and your SAT at that altitude is -39C. Solution: The equal sides (a) = 8 units, the third side (b) = 6 units. The corrections, which are applicable to the observations of various Celestial bodies used in navigation, are as follows: The index error of the sextant must be applied to all the observations. It is indicated altitude corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure. What is True Altitude? This is the situation encountered by the ray of light emanating from the celestial body, which enters through atmosphere of varying refractive index. Hypsometric formula h= ((P 0 P) 1 5.2571)(T +273.15) 0.0065 H y p s o m e t r i c f o r m u l a h = ( ( P 0 P) 1 5.257 1) ( T + 273.15) 0.0065. Because of compressibility, the measured IAT (indicated air temperature) is higher than the actual true OAT. The reading will be more inaccurate the lower the temperature. By researching every topic in-depth and combining our findings with personal experience and input from other experts, were confident in the information we post with every article, including teaching you all about true altitude! The corrections given as refraction, correction for parallax and parallax in altitude where specified is given as total correction in the nautical almanac. Pressure Altitude = .40 x 1,000 + 4,000 = 4,400 feet. How could one outsmart a tracking implant? Most general aviation aircraft have instruments that indicate total air temperature (TAT) also referred to as indicated air temperature (IAT). In other words, it's your height above the ground below you at any given time, and will always be changing depending on the terrain you're flying over. One of the best ways to understand density altitude is that it's the pressure altitude after it's been corrected by nonstandard temperatures (and other conditions). To someone that's just getting into aviation or to anyone that isn't into aviation at all, it might seem like there is just one altitude. I'm trying to replicate the result obtained from the E6B which is slightly lower than 12,000. We're a global team of experts, investors and entrepreneurs with a hands-on approach. NOTE- If The nautical almanac tabulates refraction for a standard atmosphereand a correction is provided when abnormal atmospheric conditions exist. Many flight computers ignore this also. As you have already learnt that the altitudes of the sextant are observed above the visible horizon. Rules to Calculate Latitude 1- Latitude and declination Same name but latitude is greater than declination: Latitude= (90 - Ho) + declination 2- Latitude and declination Same name but declination greater than latitude: Latitude= declination - (90 - Ho) 3- Latitude and declination Contrary name: Latitude= (90 - Ho) - declination material on this website, except Pub. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Now for practical purposes I realize we don't worry about differences like this and round the result. 2P together then divide them by 2. Find ISA deviation by comparing OAT to ISA Temp ISA temp at MSL is 15C . True altitude is the actual elevation above mean sea level. ISA is +15C at sea level, but at 12,500 ft it is -9.8C, so you are just -10 off ISA. You should now have are 3 averaged time figures that are True Altitude When the air is colder than standard your altimeter can mislead you into thinking you are higher than you actually are. Generally, TAS = SQRT (air density sea level /air density at altitude) * CAS. 0.97 x (Square Root of He (Height A hyperbolic earth departure trajectory has a perigee altitude of 250 km and a perigee speed of 11 km/s. After all, the words "absolute" and "true" seem to mean similar things in most cases, so do these altitudes actually refer to the same thing? Horizontal parallax is the parallax when the body is on the observers sensible horizon. What formula do I work out to find true altitude? the dip is subtracted from the observed altitude to obtain the apparent altitude, which is the altitude above the sensible horizon. latitudes, longitudes and true courses will be assumed to be given in radians, greatly simplifying them, and in applications the above formulae and their inverses are necessary to convert back and forth between natural and practical units. The index error is one of the adjustable errors and affects the observations. Just leave it at 1.0 unless you specifically know the value for your aircraft's temperature sensor. Your email address will not be published. Looking for support on growing your business? Learn all about planes and pilots, and even how to fly, with SkyTough. MathJax reference. H = V / (L x W) / 3. The area of a triangle is {eq}\frac{1}{2} b*h {/eq . With this hypothesis, it's easy to show that the relation between QNH, pressure and altitude is: $$h=\frac{T_0}{L}\left[\left(\frac{\mathrm{QNH}}{P}\right)^\frac{R_sL}{g}-\left(\frac{P}{P_0}\right)^\frac{R_sL}{g}\right]\tag{1}$$. time of sights 2A & Local 1. Altimeter Setting to Pressure Altitude Altimeter Setting [ in/hg | hpa ] : Field Elev ation [ ft | mt ] : Pressure Alt itude (ft) What is the formula? The angular depression of the visible horizon below the sensible horizon is called as the Dip. Were here to help. View example Note 1: If you don't know the Recovery Coefficient (C T) set it to 1.0. To calculate the pressure altitude, we can use the following formula: Now before going any further, knowing that the pressure is higher than the ISA, do we expect a higher or lower pressure altitude than just the elevation of the airport? Your true airspeed (TAS) is 220 kts. The more precise equation is also nonlinear. Now that you know what density altitude is, you might be wondering why it's so important. Found inside - Page 2-55You can calculate true altitude with a formula. We can work it out by formula. material on these webpages provided On the Alice Spring ILS, the Glide Path intersects the Outer Marker at an altitude of 3120ft. This relation is general and that's how altitude, pressure and QNH always relate to each other in the ISA. It can be measured with radar or calculated from indicated altitude. True Altitude - We Build Great Businesses get in touch menu close We Build Great Businesses Growing a company can be one hell of a journey. time of sights 1A & In other words, our true airspeed is 13 percent higher than that indicated. Where P.A.= Pressure Altitude Temp. This change in direction of motion is called refraction. Oftentimes, the altimeter will be set to standard atmospheric conditions so that it will be applicable in most cases. Once you have those two things, you can use the following formula to calculate the pressure altitude: Pressure Altitude = (29.92 - Altimeter Setting) x 1000 + Field Elevation. Thats the quick formula for true airspeed. Moon being comparatively closer its semi diameter about the same as that of the sun. So 200 knots indicated is 240 true at 10,000 ft. 200 X 2% = 4 X 10 = 40 + 200 = 240. negative quantity; As The angular height of a celestial body above the sensible horizon is called the apparent altitude. In short, this is the atmospheric pressure that affects an airplane and can cause problems if it's not taken into consideration. Determine At this altitude, the air pressure drops from 1013.25 to about 800 hectopascals. would be entered into the Casio calculator Sin-1(Sin(Latitude) In the figure, C represents the Centre of the earth, O the observer, Z the zenith, and X the body. The equipment will send out the radar signal, wait for it to bounce back, and automatically calculate your true altitude for you. Cite In any case while the temperature lapse rate is considered constant in the troposphere (up to 36,000 ft), the pressure and density still decrease exponentially, so the calculation is rather complicated. The temperature lapse rate might also differ and that would have to be taken into account as well. 331. The observation of any body can never be carried out from centre of earth or the Celestial Sphere, but will always be made from Surface of the earth. d) The Sun is further away and has a smaller Parallax that never exceeds 9 of arc. All low altitude approach procedure altitudes in mountainous regions (terrain of 3000 ft AMSL or higher) According to ICAO PANS OPS Chapter 4 "Altimeter Corrections", the pilot-in-command is responsible for the safety of the operation and the safety of the aeroplane and of all persons on board during flight time (Annex 6, 4.5.1). First Penny Investments PTY LTD, a subsidiary of True Altitude Ltd, is an authorised representative under AFSL Licence number 230680. How can true altitude be calculated from pressure altitude, temperature and altimeter setting? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. dev.= Temperature Deviation from IsA temperature at that level Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 22, 2019 at 18:17 Lakhbir Singh 1 Latitude and declination Contrary name: Determine Dip using feet- True Altitude = Indicated Altitude + ( ISA Deviation Indicated Altitude / 273 ) However, if you treat 1/273 as 1/250, then you can write it as 4/1000. 2. correction There are two different ways that you can calculate density altitude, and we'll discuss both of them in this section. Let's see. Note: the correction factors should only be applied to the impulse and withstand voltages and not to the rated voltages. c) The moon is the nearest Celestial body and hence has the largest Parallax, varying from 58 to 60. (10,000-3000'=7,000' 7*3=21kts 100kts + 21kts=121 kts) PA = Field Elevation + 145366.45 [ 1 ( QNH m b 1013.25) 0.190284] To convert QHN from inches of mercury to milibar: QNH m b = QNH i n H g 33.86388 QNH is often given in hectopascal (hPa) which is the same an millibar. Don't worry about the recovery coefficient. With Std Alt and OAT (calculate using a 2C/1000ft, at 8500ft) comes to -11C, set in your Aviat (or similar), read above 7600ft QHH alt, true alt on the outer scale: 7300ft. The sign Thank you! imprinted, is the property of T is the temperature rise, and can be found using the temperature rise calculator as demonstrated in the example below: One of the biggest factors that can affect how an airplane flies is density altitude, and its something that must be calculated and known while flying. Approximately: IAT=OAT+K*TAS^2/7592 The recovery factor K, depends on installation, and is usually in the range 0.95 to 1.0, but can be as low as 0.7. Next highlight the field that corresponds to the pressure altitude in ft. And measuring that is as simple as using an altimeter! Just to recapitulate the sextant has various errors and they together are termed Index error. Compressed air increases in temperature. This is the basis of the "4% rule" used in Meteorology. Is it realistic for an actor to act in four movies in six months? The observation of any body can never be carried out from centre of earth or the Celestial Sphere, but will always be made from Surface of the earth. Technically, the formula should be 1/273 instead of 1/250 (4/1000), but the latter is often used since it's easier to calculate and it's the basis of the meteorological 4% rule. One of the best ways to understand density altitude is that it's the pressure altitude after it's been corrected by nonstandard temperatures (and other conditions). X is sometimes expressed as $X=T_\mathrm{OAT}-T_\mathrm{ISA}$. when your Longitude When observing the stars or the planets they appear to be points but when we observe the sun or the moon we observe the disc and we need to determine the centre of the moon or the sun. Incorrectly applying or failing to apply pressure and altitude correction can result in more significant errors. declination are of contrary name, declination is treated as a We have all that we need to calculate density altitude. Headwind vs. Tailwind Whats the Difference. Looking closely at the outer ring, I see that the true altitude is actually just slightly below 12,000. The easiest and most direct way to measure your true altitude is with the use of radar. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Thank you. The formula to find height above a ridge is as follows: ((Indicated Alt - Ground Elevation) / 1000) X Difference between ICAO and actual temp X 4 = amount to be subtracted from indicated altitude. However as the observer is at the surface of the earth the semi diameter observed by him shall be greater than that tabulated in the almanac. The nautical almanac gives the value of horizontal parallax. I was trying to figure that out a while ago. Aviation Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for aircraft pilots, mechanics, and enthusiasts. Determine Zn (azimuth) using a calculator, Meridian by From figure it is evidentXOV-SOS =XOS. Since true altitude is defined as your height above sea level, it might feel impossible to know without flying over the water as in the method above. *Sync function is available in Kestrel 4000 series only. Lastly, let's touch on absolute altitude since people often get it confused with true altitude. 1P together then divide them by 2. We reserve the right to remove any messages that we deem unacceptable. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why is a graviton formulated as an exchange between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime? Sin(AP Latitude) it would be entered into the Casio calculator Z = tan-1 ((sin (LHA) If an aircraft is flying at 12,500 feet with an outside air I wasn't accounting for the lapse rate and so I was thinking -35 off ISA rather than -10. (1) Is it correct to calibrate altitude using the temperature? The sextant used by the observer for the observation should indicate the correct altitude. In simple aircraft, without an air data computer or machmeter, true airspeed can be calculated as a function of calibrated airspeed and local air density (or static air temperature and pressure altitude, which determine density). The Suns total correction tables are given for summer & winter months. That who has forgotten, the following is a revision. is Contrary name to Both the planes of the visible and the sensible horizon are not parallel to each other, as the height of eye Is some distance above the surface. Even though the definitions are familiar to you let us just revise them to ensure that there is no confusion. Use MathJax to format equations. The reason for this is that the radar will directly measure your height above the water, but recall that it has to be MSL, not just the surface of any old lake or river. However if we did not have it, here is how we would calculate it: Assuming that we are at 220 knots (true airspeed) and our temperature instrument is measuring a total air temperature (TAT) of 11 oC, we can calculate true air temperature (T) using the following formula: Remember T is the same thing as OAT; However, density altitude is actually very important for pilots because it can have a big effect on an airplane. It's the average surface level of the Earth's major coastal bodies of water and is used around the world as a standard measurement datum. Apparent Noon using GHA An aircraft is making an ILS approach. In case of moon, the value is variable to a certain extent. This makes a . The four factors that most affect density altitude are: Atmospheric Pressure - Due to changing weather conditions, atmospheric pressure at a given location changes from day to . Knowing the precise formula used by manual E6B's (even if they weren't the most accurate formula) would help me recreate the most consistent experience. Absolute altitude is completely different from true altitude, yet another thing you have to keep in mind! Thus his observations are not true. We're here to help. The values of semi diameter SD of Sun & moon are given in the Nautical Almanac. I suspect we use "4" for convenience but the actual value is Press "Eval" and read the answer 8113 ft on (a). The first way is to use an E6B flight computer, also known as an E-calculator. Equal Altitudes- obtain Longitude. Enter the 1230 value. This only works, however, if you're flying over a large body of water like an ocean. Step 1. Appreciate your feedback on this. 4) PA = 7620 ft Latitude) Then, place the ladder in such a way that one of its ends exactly touches the to. This allows two values for SD to be used, a mean value for summer months & winter months. If you need true altitude, you should not use pressure altitude, especially at higher altitudes. If we replace the actual value of $T_0$ we get, $$h_{true} = h + 0.00347h\cdot\left(T_\mathrm{OAT}-T_\mathrm{ISA}\right)\tag{5}$$ So what exactly is true altitude and how can you measure it? In layman's terms, it's the altitude that the airplane will feel like it's flying in, rather than the actual physical height that you're flying at above the ground (or even when you're on the ground!). ISA Temp decrease by 2C per 1000 ft. ISA deviation = OAT and the ISA Temp. Wow, that's quite different from the answer that Jeppesen gave (see question). Now let us look at the actual correction parameters. Obtain the indicated true altitude (ITA) by setting the local altimeter setting on the barometric scale of the pressure altimeter. What are the disadvantages of using a charging station with power banks? Program is asking for Pressure AND Altitude: Use Baro/ALT row. True Altitude = 20000 + ( - 10 4/1000 20000), True Altitude = 20000 + ( - 800 ) = 19200 feet. 1. What is the standard temperature used in this true altitude equation? Please Log in or Create an account to join the conversation. what your elevation is). 1) If latitude and We will get back to you as soon as possible with the answers you need! hangs in the sky neither rising nor falling. The horizontal parallax depends on the radius of the earth and the distance of the body from the earths centre. But thankfully, there's another way to calculate it that you can do no matter where you're flying. When the altitude is so converted the line joining the centre of the object and the rational horizon can be considered as an arc of a great circle and the triangle PZX can be solved. Unfortunately, no. Since the OP is interested in an exact equation, let me take a stab at deriving it (though it's probably late for a 2016 question). But as I got more into it (just like you are now! In this article, we will discuss what true altitude is, why it's important, and how it's measured. Pressureindicated altitude with . b) Parallax increases with the nearness of the body to the earth. negative sign before it. First let's list the information we have: First, subtract the ground elevation from the indicated altitude, and divide by 1,000 feet to get a single . Determining the right funding option for your business. CONVERSIONS, page When the moon is on the horizon the distance of the observer and the moon and the centre of the earth is about the same. True altitude is one of the most common types of altitude to use while flying, and it's important to understand what it is and how it's measured. 249, highly accurate, you don't need OAT stands for outside air temperature (in degrees Celsius). behavior is apparent. We have seen the laws of reflection and refraction in physics. Absoluteaircraft's height agl. As the height of eye is always above the earth it follows that the angle of depression shall always be negative i.e. Now, using the area of a triangle and its height, the base can be easily calculated as Base = [ (2 Area)/Height] Properties of Altitude of a Triangle So if you're indicated altitude is 30,000 feet and your SAT at that altitude is -39C. Chapter 2: Measure of the Sun's Altitude: Ho 2 .3 .1 Example 1: Height of the eye in metres Sextant altitude Hs: 32 54.4' Height of eye: 2.5 m From the Almanac: Dip for an eye height between 2.4 m and 2.6 m: 2.8' Corrected sextant altitude: Hs 32 54.4' Dip 2.8' Ho 32 51.6' 2 .3 .2 Example 2: Height of the eye in feet . GHA, ((Your Your submission has been received! What is the true altitude that your aircraft is at? This gives true altitude. 8500ft-907,5ft=7592,5ft. Use this article as your complete guide to learn how to calculate density altitude. T = true (static) air temperature in kelvins (K) [add 273.15 to the Celsius (C)] figure TSL = standard sea level air temperature (288.15 K) . However, If light enters a medium of different density the direction of travel changes. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. It is primarily used in aircraft performance calculations and in high-altitude flight. Additionally, as the altitude increases, the density of the air also decreases. Pressure altitude = { (Sea Level Pressure - 29.92) x 1,000} + true altitude (or field elevation if on the ground) Pressure Altitude Versus Density Altitude is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. In fact, it's about -2*C per 1,000 ft. so at 5,000 ft our standard temperature is 15*C - 10*C = 5*C. Learn all about planes and pilots, and even how to fly, with SkyTough. TAT is normally higher than true air temperature (T), also known as outside air temperature (OAT), because as the aircraft pushes the air, the air gets compressed. After all, as a pilot, you need to worry about a lot of things, and adding one more thing to the list might seem like a bit much. Re: Finding True Altitude on a CX-3. This is still not the one that's going to be changing constantly based on where you're flying and the terrain below you, but we'll get to that one at the end of this piece! Temperature = 32*C. Now, it's important to note that we are at 5,000 ft above sea level here, so standard temperature is adjusted for altitude. Formula: TAS = (IAS x OAT Estimation Correction) x (A / 1000) + IAS. What does setting an altimeter actually do to the altitude? True Altitude is height above mean sea level (MSL). Then use a DR computer to convert the indicated true altitude to true altitude. Read more about our team, by visiting our About Us page. The size of the Sun & moon is of course, constant, so the only variable is the distance. Z is Azimuth angle, Casio- ISA at FL200 is. Do you happen to know "the more precise equation?" This is a handheld device that's specifically designed to help pilots calculate different aviation-related things, including density altitude. Now that you know what density altitude is and why it's important, it's time to learn how to calculate it. T = 6.4 oC (we just calculated it). True altitude can be determined in a couple of ways: 1. SAT is -35C. Enter the 4.6 value. For example, for aircraft that cruise at 100 knots, the difference is about 1.3 oC. Enter the 8000 value. What are possible explanations for why blue states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than red states? The parallax is obtained as follows. If one does the replacement, the 2 equations simplify nicely in the following relation: $$h_{true} = h\cdot\left(1+\frac{X}{T_0}\right)\tag{4}$$, where we use $h$ to denote the altimeter reading and $h_{true}$, the altitude with the temperature correction. Enter the 220 value. The sextant altitude corrected for index error, if any is called is Observed altitude. . Growing a company can be one hell of a journey. The thing about an E6B flight computer is that it's usually actually just a handheld chart with movable parts rather than an actual computer like you would normally think of. less than 180..Zn=360 Z, LHA A ray of light, from celestial body undergoing a similar bending is called astronomical refraction. Using your sextant "follow the Sun up" until it just 4 12.5 (10) = 500, so the formulas match. (c) Find vr and (kilometers per second) when the true anomaly is 100. In extremely cold conditions, to ensure terrain and obstacle clearance, a pilot may need to add an appropriate temperature correction. {Partial Ans. Note: Temperatures above standard and altimeter settings below 29.92 will increase density altitude and decrease aircraft performance. is known Form- Determine Local Apparent Noon using Light Is assumed to travel in a straight line at uniform speed if the medium in which it is travelling is uniform. The moon or suns semi diameter is tabulated as seen from the centre of the earth. Some airspeed indicators incorporate a slide rule mechanism to perform this calculation. All your DR Latitude enter a We subtract the altitude at our current location from 35000 ft and multiply the result by 0.00356 . instead of true air temperature (T) - see note). In this article, we will discuss everything there is to know about density altitude, including what it is and how to calculate it. Christian Science Monitor: a socially acceptable source among conservative Christians? However, you don't have any means of obtaining air density in flight. When you post a message, your IP is logged and may be provided to concerned parties where unethical or illegal Formula: Pressure Altitude + (120 x [Outside Air Temperature (OAT) - (ISA Temp)]) Example: Pressure Altitude = 600' (as calculated above) OAT: 10C; . body's declination Visible Horizon is the circular line limiting the observers view at sea. This forum has been developed to discuss flight instruction/University and College programs. attribution to the Now that you know what true altitude is, let's talk about how you can figure out what it is. 1) CA = 8000 ft LM317 voltage regulator to replace AA battery. However, being a mechanical aid it is possible that the sextant may not indicate the correct altitude. Pressure altitude is therefore not set by the elevation of the point in question above sea level. To someone that's just getting into aviation or to anyone that isn't into aviation at all, it might seem like there is just one altitude. Determine Thus for observation of Sun if the tables are used the corrections applied are : The star total correction table is a table of refraction, as after the dip correction this is the only remaining correction. By the time you're done reading, you'll know what to do next time you get ready to fly. 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For outside air temperature ( IAT ) stuart Tait replied the topic true. ; back them up with references or personal experience any means of obtaining air density in flight set the! 1A & in other words, our true airspeed is 13 percent higher than that indicated and has. This URL into your RSS reader z, LHA a ray of light emanating from the centre of Sun... Use `` 4 '' for convenience but the actual correction parameters just calculated it ) altitude our. Over a large body of water like an ocean most general aviation aircraft have instruments that total! Used, a pilot may need to calculate density altitude is height above mean sea.! The Alice Spring ILS, the following is a question and answer site for aircraft that at! General and that would have to be taken into consideration 're flying pressure. Calculate density altitude motion is called refraction what does setting an altimeter { ISA $! The easiest and most direct way to measure your true altitude, yet thing... Calculate different aviation-related things, including density altitude is completely different from the centre. Scale of the body to the altitude at our current location from 35000 and. As seen from the E6B which is the standard temperature used in Meteorology to the that. A formula Celsius ) correction tables are given in the nautical almanac tabulates refraction for a standard atmosphereand correction! Used by the ray of light emanating from the answer that Jeppesen gave ( question. Got more into it ( just like you are just -10 off ISA Create an account to the... Lha a ray of light emanating from the earths centre easiest and most direct way to measure true. The apparent altitude, especially at higher altitudes variable to a certain extent reading you. The situation encountered by the observer for the next time you get ready fly! = 19200 feet x is sometimes expressed as $ X=T_\mathrm { OAT } -T_\mathrm { ISA $! 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Between masses, rather than between mass and spacetime the answer 8113 ft on ( a 1000!

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