Baby Deed Let it also stand that they have been aided and abetted in these activities by members of the Roman Catholic Dominican Order, which has conducted an Inquisition and religious persecution on our shores using the instrumentality of the IRS to prosecute millions of false claims in commerce against Americans. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. are you new to this information? But do you notice something? In the statement it will say defendant This is where you write your strawman 's name All capitals. You will bein control your own livesagain. We also hold the British Government and the British Crown responsible for their part colluding in this outrageous Breach of Trust and international fraud scheme. Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 Your only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the trustee of the cest tui qui trust and remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. Get Up To Speed Fast! Copyright Your StrawMan 422.103 (b)), in America and have not been since 1789. As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] andThe United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets. So instead of protecting us, these Hired Helpers have operated in Breach of Trust and harmed us. Get up on your feet and get moving. Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear. The entire Dead Baby Scam is a plot so evil, so fantastical, so bizarre that it beggars all belief, and yet there it is -- exposed at the London Winter Olympics, clearly tracked on the public records of these organizations --- the largest identity theft and credit fraud scheme in the history of the world, all predicated on a fictitious genocide on paper and deliberate misapplication of our Given Names to our amniotic waste materials, substituted for the True Owners of our Earthly estates -- the Zygote and the living baby resulting from the unique Zygote underlying all other claims from the moment of fertilization onward. Intention. You are "undeclared" so that allows them to tell lies about you and make presumptions about your identity and political status. Slave traders. The straw man was created by law shortly after you were born via the registration of the application for your birth certificate. We are in the process of assembling our States of the Union and have posted our Will and Intent as of September 9, 1776 and have re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent as of November 4, 2015. C.J.S. All Territorial Courts are restricted to their internal administrative duties and such duties in Admiralty as are strictly defined and intended under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. It's all criminal. So Much Confusion Resolved - Birth Certificates aka CUSIP Bonds, The Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 1, The Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 2, Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you, America is a corporation and the state owns your children, Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright, Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, The Diabolical Nature of What Has Been Done, Let's Get This Straight, Once and For All.Birth Certificate Fraud. Get moving. All subcontracting Agencies of the Municipal Government are to be fully informed of their status and the personnel briefed concerning this fraud, so that every American however employed knows what went on here. The state took everybody and everybodys property into trust. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Now, what are you going to do with it / about it? Please join the effort, correct your records, [for Do It Yourself Help go to. January 2019 The actual State Assemblies haven't been called in a 150 years, so don't think that this process or this organization has anything to do with any "State of State" assembly you have ever heard of or participated in. If you don't present your claims in PARSE, they ignore them. Boot it up. Are You New To This Information? The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST. The third action-- translation into PARSE-- gives them no wiggle room to ignore anything you have done. Force consisting in a physical act, esp. What else does the Birth Certificate represent? They had to leave this door open, in order to profit from all this chicanery themselves. You will have little or no reason to ever visit their courts. March 2019 (Treaty of 1213), 21. Do it. a violent act directed against a robbery victim. This is an identity theft scheme of staggering proportions carried out against individual living Americans for the purpose of accessing our credit and confiscating our assets under color of law. Correct Your Political Status This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state. We are building it up and restoring it. Read this book at your own risk. All these seals and watermarks and other gee-gaws serve to identify the "Issuer" of the Birth Certificate, which is the foreign State of State Organization, not you. Reverse their unspoken claim that your land belongs to their franchise operating as a State of State and belongs to a "resident" and is either "residential, industrial, or agricultural" land. Get your State Assemblies properly populated by Americans operating in their singular capacity as Lawful Persons. Dear Ernie. If you intend to conduct any kind of business outside your state of the Union you will need to post an Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and if you go offshore to conduct business of any kind you will need to notify the U.S. Secretary of State and give them notice. There is power in numbers. The officers and subcontractors of the Territorial United States Government are hereby "fully informed" concerning this fraud scheme directed against their employers and benefactors-- the American States and People-- and are called to perform their duties in Good Faith and to honor their obligation to support and defend our States and our People. They are identifying your NAME as property belonging to them, which they are issuing bonds against. It is more than past time for the perpetrators of these schemes to be recognized for what they are ---- criminals and outlaws, intent on thievery, murder, and fraud. (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520), 18. The basic paperwork we use reclaims your Trade Name and permanently domiciles it on the land and soil of your birth state. The Dead Baby Scam What if, instead, your government preys upon you, threatens you, harasses you, and makes you miserable and fearful? June 2020 Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies. Either way, you arrived first and have first right of recall and ownership, known as a reversionary trust interest in your own Good Name and assets. Pulling them up by their own bootstraps and with prejudice is the order of the day. Give notice to the Coast Guard and Adjutant General and U.S. Postmaster General. Anna Von Reitz You will possess your homes and your land and soil as Freeholders -- not Tenants. Birth Certificates And The Act Of 1871 Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as "their" government. November 2017 PROOF the TRUST even exists. The men we are dealing with naturally see it --- and use it---for the exact opposite purposes. You are the actual landlords, so any mortgage credits to be applied under any tenancy agreement has to be paid to you, not taken from you. or see the Help Service portal about midway down my website home page to request additional help] and then go to our new sign in service: People are grossly confused about the Birth Certificate, what it is, what it does, why it exists, etc. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. American state nationals are not eligible for mortgages. Be willing to give that to other people, even those you consider to be enemies, and your own peace is assured. Long Form Birth Certificate This includes every District Attorney, every United States Attorney, every State of State and STATE OF STATE Governor/Governor, plus the US Secretary of State and the US Secretary of the Treasury and the military Base Commanders in your area and every lawyer from here to South Africa. ? And wouldn't that be a nice change of direction? Brith Certficates They can then correct the Deed and Title to their assets, issue an Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance of Deed, transferring the property back to Stanton County Oregon or Pierce County Idaho or wherever else it is located and defining it as a private land parcel, tax-exempt, and described as. "according to metes and bounds established by this Deed.." and as further described as Number 452 Pickle-Lovers Lane (copyright symbol) --- whatever name you make up to describe your parcel--- belonging to Ted and Marcia (or Bill and Alice or.) Johnson, c/o Post Box 39980 in AnyState, blah, blah, blah. The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made. They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". Therefore, any claims, history, statutes or arguments that deviate intermsof the origin and function of a Cestui Que (Vie)Trustas pronounced by these canons is false and automatically null and void. Then you. In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. It has come to our attention that unknown Agents are attempting to register land assets belonging to The United States of America. Colonel Edward Mandell House This is a long read and explanation of the circumstance and there are still a lot of things up in the air, but the basic outlines of the situation and the proper steps needed to deal with the Mess as it stands are becoming clear. They've done exactly the opposite of what your government is supposed to do. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) ), 12. The American States Assembly Sit down and look at your "Birth Certificate" and understand what it is and how it functions. Copyright Your StrawMan The foregoing mish-mash in which you have mistakenly enrolled or taken part in or been coerced to participate in programs meant for "US citizens" results in a lot of entanglements and potential controversies based on adhesion contracts. Deny the crooks jurisdiction over you, and destroy their power. There are actually seven (7) Postmaster and Post Master offices, but you address it to the Postmaster General as he is in charge of the military end of things and is the actual Commander of the Coast Guard and Adjutant General's Office in the Territorial Government that you have to notify about the changes in your status. We know how they profited themselves illegally and immorally and in flagrant disrespect of the Public Law. These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY. Each State Assembly is validating and correcting the political status records of Americans who are Beings in Possession of all their natural and complete property rights and who are owed the guarantees of the Constitutions and who are also owed access to the American National Credit. And they've been misdirecting our Employees to racketeer against us and to misidentify our political status, to impersonate us, and to defraud us. Private | Legal vs. Lawful | Matter vs Spirit | Debit vs. Credit | Legal Title vs. Birth Certificates AKA CUSIP BONDS You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something. [Latin]1. Next, if you follow our advice, you will complete the paperwork to return your Trade Name (also known as your Good Name and Given Name -- "John Allen Doe" in Upper and Lower Case) to the land and soil jurisdiction of your birth State. Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon? They lost owner ship of their baby (you) As previously stated, this is not something which they can be blamed for, as nobody told them it would, or even could, happen. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means You are supposed to be running Your Government. Britain is owned by the Vatican. So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. It can no longer be mistaken for an unidentified Foreign Situs Trust. Straw-man of Justice 376 S.E. This is a process similar to re-flagging a ship. But what if your government doesn't protect you? These are thelegal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it. Vi Coactus How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract Then smile, leave a card with your contact information, and leave it all in the lap of the DA, who is supposed to be protecting you from racketeering. See what you get back. The Dead Baby Scam Whereupon we accept their admission and acquiescence and direct Mr. Trump and the U.S. Secretary of Defense to begin operations to shut down the MUNICIPAL COURTS preparatory to full reinstatement of the Federal Postal District Courts we are owed and our occupancy of the State Courts. You won't worry about "Federal Agents" breaking down your doors. But we have figured it out and we are not happy with our subcontractors. The sleazy lawyers then step in as the owner's representatives and beat you silly and tax you to death in private customs houses disguised as public courts. We don't have the manpower, but we could hire enough paralegals and PARSE experts to get it done. However by the start of the 19th Century around 1814 onwards upon thebankruptcyof thecompany(1814/15) , it became the fully privateC. ownCorporationcontrolled by European private banker families. Its been a long time coming for me to feel confident enough to start sharing this information with you guys because I was EXREAMLY nervous that I was UNDERST. November 2017 Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. It's all malarkey. And though they are imposed "in the interests of public safety", American state nationals are not required to use driver licenses, either, unless they are engaged in some business or trade that makes use of the public roads for private gain --- commercial trucking operations, taxi and courier services, etc. XIV., De Syn. Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself. propertyof theRoman Cult, beingReal Property,Personal Propertyand EcclesiasticalPropertyand the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of thesocietyand as Executors and Administrators. This ongoing attempted unlawful conversion of land assets belonging to us via registration processes and false claims that these land assets are chattel acquired from the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., must cease and desist, and the local offices in all the State of State franchises must be re-directed and re-educated to record, not register, land assets belonging to The United States of America, our member States and our People. It's all or none. That's the whole paperwork process -- re-conveying the "presumed" Legal Person and permanently domiciling "it" on the land and soil of your State of the Union is called "lawfully converting" it --- moving it home to the land and soil of this country instead of allowing anyone to presume that you are acting as a Ward of a British Territorial Government. Federal employees who quit Federal Service or retire will be eligible to do the same upon completion of separation. You take responsibility for spreading the word in your area and I take responsibility for spreading it in mine.]. Methods Of Claming Your StrawMan In 1604, seventy (70) years later, James I of England modified the, as theCrownUnion (Union of Crowns). See the enclosed Final Re-Assignment: 2019-011557-3, UCC Financing Statement Amendment, Recording District 500, UCC Central File. This establishes the fact that you re the certificated owner/operator of the VESSELS. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means The All Capitals names are a form of Latin called "Dog Latin". It's yours and the facts on the face of every Birth Certificate fully admit it. So, instead of there being evidence of a living man standing on the land jurisdiction of a State of the Union, doing business as a Lawful Person named "John Mark Doe", there is only evidence of a Legal Person (a British United States Citizen) operating as "John Mark Doe". (Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493), 25. The BirthCertificatehas no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of astateor nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. Streamlined Processes The vermin responsible for all this fraud and rot have had a long tradition of using "Federal Code" --- think of actual coded language as in "Code Book" --- combined with "Legal-ese", the language of the lawyers, both of which attach special uncommon meanings to common words to form coded communications which are then used to defraud innocent Americans. (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention And All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA). So before I get off-track and into the bushes --- that is what a "Birth Certificate" is and it is basically the same as a car registration. Brith Certificate Fraud A properly translated PARSE deed serves notice to the vermin that the jig is up and that you know what they are doing. It's decisions are supposed to be made by you. Do we need any other reason to disband the CIA? 1, 53-54), 23. It's all fraud. Six generations of Americans have been preyed upon, threatened, and harassed by something posing as "their" government. Basics Of Birth Certificates Department of Treasury at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above), Slaves cant own property. It has, thus far, created a lasting protective barrier between the living man and the predatory corporations, and if you adopt his system and use PARSE SYNTAX, it can protect you, too. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548), 13. His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth. Step One Complete.. Now What? This is the first step toward being free of all this B.S. Michael T. Flynn British Territorial United States Citizen Yes, I said it. American state nationals don't require or use marriage licenses. See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here: [Cases: Robbery6. It's a long article and I don't want to be bombarded with questions of "How do I..?" Every State of State in the Union has statutes about Assumed Names, also known as Business Names, also known as Trade Names, which retain your Common Law Copyright rights. ah, so.. go back and correct the "mistake" and claim your own Trade Name and copyright it effective with your actual birth-day. You won't be subject to foreign statutory laws. They can make you play Parcheesi or you can make them play Chess--after all, they are your employees. It's primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers. Tuition: $79.oo USD That is, objectively,what they have been doing for at least six generations, if you count ----and I do-- their outrageous fraud and Breach of Trust during and after the so-called "Civil War", when they "took title" to every supposedly freed former Plantation Slave in America as property belonging to their commercial corporations. Property A prejudicial disposition toward a discernible, usu. a US government agency. We can develop effective Acts of State. If you look at Title V, Sections 501, 502, you will see that the British Territorial Government literally sells its "Citizens" for a stipulated price. You are supposed to be self-governing. Color Of Law 1933 Executive Order July 2019 Improper grammar, they snort. And we dusted off our laurels and we got to work. The state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. No matter what language something is expressed in, whether the grammar is correct or not, we all know when something is unfair. -- I want you all to sit down, look at the situation described, and begin figuring things out. Copies enclosed. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government. Your only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the trustee of the cest tui qui trust and remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in . This is the information needed. Now look at the dates on the face of the Birth Certificate. Beneficial Title | Accounts Payable vs. Accounts Relievable et. Your second job is to reclaim your stolen identity. [Latin the servitude of driving cattle] Roman law., Join Us for Our Weekly Webinar Every Monday at 5 pm Alaska - 6 pm Pacific - 7 pm Mountain - 8 pm Central- 9 pm Eastern, UNDERSTANDING CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666 EXISTENCE OF LIFE, How to Correct Your Political Status and Why, CORPORATIONS CANNOT BE SOVEREIGN GOVERNMENTS, Step by Step Emancipation - Sample - Anna Von Reitz, THE TOP TEN ARTICLES FOR RAPID ASSISTANCE. In 1931, theRoman Cult, also known as the Vatican created theBankfor International Settlements for the control of claimedpropertyof associated private central banks around the world. Claim Your Strawman Now think about that, and know that Your Government is what guarantees these results. If in view of the mis-administration, Bad Faith, criminal activities, and false claims advanced in Breach of Trust--- the Queen, the Pope, or the Lord Mayor desire to say one word against our directives to their personnel on our soil--- they have had more than ample opportunity to disagree with our evaluation of the situation and they have failed on all counts to do so. Such a system only has to be consistent within the framework of its own declared assumptions to be "correct", so, correctness--- as we say in physics--- is in the "givens". You can't expect to overcome it all in an afternoon. First order of business then, is to get yourself back into the right category, and identify yourself as an American state national, not a "US citizen". Do you see what's missing? Fiat Federal Reserve notes do not pay debts. There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. You cant get called without swearing this allegiance. The U.N. United Nations has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years (U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America. Once you realize the scam and take exception to it, your first job is to get certified copies of "your" Birth Certificate and two credible Witnesses have reasonable first hand knowledge that you are the living man or woman whose birth event resulted in the BC being issued. Record that. They have been exercising our own "Delegated Powers" and operating "in our names". In point of fact, our States are under no obligation to reconstruct the Confederation of States dba States of America and are potently capable of exercising every power ever delegated to the Confederation. ), I wish to apply my exemption and also wish for the exoneration of my pre-paid VESSELS and the elimination of this court contract. Ch 214 page 654), 4. The LEGAL FICTION was created without your knowledge, without full disclosure, and unlawfully. ---- recognize how arbitrary, false, and silly most of this is, like a children's game played in deadly earnest by adults. That's why there is always remedy available to those who diligently search. Record that. All, servitus (s[schwa]r-vi-t[schwa]s), n. [Latin fr. June 2019 Kidnappers. The next question is --- other than objecting on the record, what do we do? It is therefore important to learn PARSE and follow up with a Corollary Deed written in PARSE and added to the land record so that they can't discount or "mistake" your meaning about any of this anymore. It's all just legal chicanery and lies and deliberate falsification of records and non-disclosed adhesion contracts being exercised against babies in their cradles and innocent people who are never given any disclosure about these practices and presumptions. The Action Steps outlined here and in the International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam are sufficiently logical for everyone to comprehend and we also trust that your duty to the American States and People to defend our land assets from any enemy foreign or domestic is clear. Oh, my, Matilda, the horses can talk and the sheep can dance! 2.) Long Form Birth Certificate Question Who areyou? This is precluded by our prior claim to all land assets effective September 9, 1776, and our execution of International Notice, Liens and Re-Conveyances directly affecting all land assets in this country, including all land descriptions. Once you own it, you get to define it and move it wherever you wish it to be. The People does NOT include you and me. March 2020 Strawman Illusion Explained Threats and intimidation to gain control or prevent resistance; esp.,, actio (ak-shee-oh alsoak-tee-oh), n. [Latin]1. The subrogation of your rights When London burned the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. We are at the beginning of trying to settle such issues with the organizations responsible. Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody. Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921. Straw Man - Artifical Person HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY April 2018 three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny thechildforever any rights ofReal Property, any Rights as a FreePersonand any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature oranimal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit. So at last you can achieve that much-desired end of having your employees leave you and your assets alone, and forcing them to get back to work doing the job you hired them to do---- protecting you and your assets instead of bullying, attacking, and robbing you. For this fraud and theft, the Office of the Roman Pontiff, liquidated in 2011, is fundamentally responsible. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt It's a substitute government run by two Federal subcontractors. The Municipal Government additionally created many other incorporated entities ---- public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, LLCs, Joint Ventures, etc. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243), 29. We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system. Once you can be recognized as a natural-born American state national, you can go to the Tax Assessor and claim back your land as the landlord exercising your "reversionary trust interest" ---- and demand that it be listed as private property and not annexed as residential, industrial, or agricultural property belonging to the State of State. When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards. "the" United States And "the" United States Of America Inc. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session), 15. Much less two? The first of these, known as the Territorial United States, seized hold of the copyright of your name on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and then used that as a means to seize upon all your other property, too. Those foreign governments are under contract to provide us with certain enumerated "governmental services". United States v: United States of America, Reclaim Your Estate Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship, Energetic Parasite Intervention Support Sessions, Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme. Get your paperwork done and recorded. This created a separation between their "person" operated as "RUSSELL JAY GOULD" or "RUSSELL J. GOULD" and his newly created persons "Russell-Jay:Gould" and "Russell-J:Gould".
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