Nineteen eighty eight. And he was like, where the fuck am I? So the people here, it's it's a pretty mixed bag on religion. That's about eight, nine days. So the carrier wasting our time, Amos BoCom. The places that are there are full by. No, the fucking not really. As the trial progressed, the prosecution introduced rather "unorthodox" body language witness testimony. And Mr. Ford said he was one of only three Grant County deputies investigating the disappearance. The recipes she can throw fucking. I heard him yell through the holler, I'm I'll kill you, Frank. Gormania, WV. Is the Spring Mountain Festival OK? The order said Farrell's convictions, quote, are not supported by the presence of the alleged victim's body, a weapon eyewitnesses or physical evidence such as fingerprints, hair or fibers. I walk out and now you're walking into the grocery store without your uniform on what the hell is happening. Isn't going to exist one day. Yeah, that that took the checks and whatever trying to find. Oh, this is a fucking Native American named Kaleo Anaka. Yeah. Lot 6 Ferrell S, Gormania, WV 26720. And yeah, this is talking about hollers. About from what I've seen from this blogger, they were saying that most of the markers are made out of wood are awesome. Whereas I'm talking like your regular picture that like Mom would have taken pictures of the kids. Because we have a pretty big area that we need to keep private and we don't have enough people that make a giant perimeter. It's an all out everything. It's all he's got. OK, so on Sunday, February 21st, his girlfriend here, Kathy Bernard, before washing Paul Farrell's clothes, found a pocket, found a note in a pocket that found in a pocket a note that dealt with two people posing as a young couple and setting someone up by using a fake ID card. But I take you that I'm going to tear your arms off you beat you with stops at Gurumayi. Yeah. No last name. But they let him testify. Technically, it's going to be wonderful. That's how it works. Obviously, people are losing it about this shit here. Well, yeah, it's the school's stop in eighth grade. This will tear us apart. One hundred twenty four people, like four families, sit down. So another woman received a strange invitation the same day a woman named Rose Bosley, who was a part time she worked at the post office, and Gorm Khamenei another. The family want to risk. But it's not gross. Because Cathy lived in Maryland and her car was found in West Virginia, police from both states investigated the case. Go out of my way. So I don't know what's on page is one seventy seven one seventy eight of the new our bodies ourselves. This is not this is different kid with a rope belt ot a belt. Oh no don't. He's got his German shepherd. Yeah, my lawn mower fell apart. Paul William Ferrell appeals his conviction before a jury of kidnapping, second degree murder and third degree arson. So her mother afterwards says, quote, She just didn't act. Except it'll be coming to your TV, I guess. And apart from a Corvair or a where where the explosion happened, the Ford Bronco is pretty safe. Zip code 26720 is located mostly in Grant County, WV. So if this murder were going back to nineteen eighty eight said it's a nineteen eighty eight was a weird time. However, his girlfriend, Kathy Bernard, visited the trailer on February 14th, Valentine's Day. Paul William Ferrell, a rookie sheriff's deputy, was convicted of the murder of Cathy Ford, a 19-year-old waitress from nearby Maryland. This is unbelievable. He gives a shit and wants to marry us so he'd love to marry you. I said no. paul ferrell gormania wv INTRO OFFER!!! It's a nightmare. You're happy now, Norm helping Tom Callahan. First of all, they help a lot of people podcast. You love the like the ability to get good pizza and like the accessibility, the like things. They find it near a small burn area behind the mobile home now. This week, in Gormania, West Virginia, a young woman runs out the door, after receiving a mysterious phone call, never to be seen again. And if they're in black and white, that's some old shit, different time. Exact change for stamps. I am a magistrate, James, and I'm going to need you to come over to Paul's house now to find out how he's going to pull this guy named Paul. What's happening there. That's what that is. Location: Bridgeport, WV. It's weird. Farrell never testifies. More males and females. Yes. Four stars, quote, Most neighbors are very friendly. That's all. Okay. - Lot / Land for sale. That's the way they look at it. Nineteen thirty nine. So he is one of three county officers investigating. So that's especially back then. Chris Cormie. You better say it. I bet if he said he'll be out in ten years or 11 years, they maybe not. This week in Ghahramani of West Virginia, a mysterious phone call leads a young woman to run out of the door and never return. He was afraid because Mrs. Ford was last seen heading in the direction of Mount Storm, where he lives. It looks a little rings and everything like that. Michelle Harten. He had rented a mobile home on the Bayard Wilson Corona Road between between September twenty eight thirty seven in late November. But how many are twins? Right to it right got the jury was obviously going to look at that. He rose to become a star by the end of the Civil War, is one of the first baseball stars in America, basically, because back then I was not. When you got three brothers is a if you know any, any women who were the only girl in a bunch of brothers. So Mrs. Ford, the mother here, Rosalie, she said, I'm going on the assumption that somebody knows something. Just eighty four edition of the new our bodies ourselves. The samples proved to be the blood of a woman but DNA testing proved inconclusive. See for privacy information. Around the time he started working for the local Sheriffs Department, Ferrell had rented a trailer located just off of Bismarck Road. So they keep looking. You're done. I was afraid to go CLO's, afraid of what I might find. That's Kristy hunting Adam Satchwell. Yeah, there's been a few items of physical evidence that have been turned over to various labs, but since then, nothing major has been discovered. They presented evidence that he had called women in the area that worked in bookstores and that other women had also received unusual anonymous phone calls from a man who asked them to meet him in various locations. So I do that and also listen to crime and sports obviously. Traces of saliva on the filter demonstrated that the smoker had been a type, a secrete or a DNA testing expert who previously testified that the blood had come from a female. It's it's a mess here. So there's that. Yes, that's how it works. You knew that she was missing. It's hard, it's hard to sign these death warrants with no body and no crime. Yeah. So this town started out. Shekar is there a beach for West Virginia? But why would he shoot people? Yeah. paul ferrell gormania wv 3- Classes pack for $45 paul ferrell gormania wv for new clients only. There's no way they sound like I don't sound like you, sir. Can we just say that never lets us down does it. Christine would no last name. He what his biggest flaw. One man was a calm, rational individual and another one. I like my belts up and down the tollway smacked the donkey on the ass and set it back, smack the ass, smack the ass of the ass. We'll give her a little background here. 1055 days on Zillow. If you're still listening through all of this shit, Maitreya's Marius Maior that's the guy's name. He's good. Well, actually, the Rockford, Illinois team had Albert Spalding as its pitcher. He says that he frequently posed as a doctor during these calls because he found it a very easy way to get the information he wanted. Brother, drop your letters to Santa in the box. Sean Stafford. Can you not have 50 people trampling around the woods? Alisa Elisha Brown. That's awesome. So back to Paul here. John Sargent. According to him, she was crying and asking to see him. You hang up on him. Yeah. What is this Phillip crap. is the official Web site for the State of West Virginia and is the result of an innovative public-private partnership between the state and West Virginia Interactive. He said, I went over there to a payphone and made a call. She's their treasure and they want to find her. The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. They hang out at cop bars. They talk about part of the road. Richard Benson, Lisa Dawkins', Kayla with no last name. He claimed that he waited there for twenty minutes, but she never showed up. Let's do this. We're going to be holding microphones like we're on stage and everything. I'd say probably drag the river or check out back of that trailer and dig a bit the whole fucking thing up. Oh, you mean they're just two legs, the two legs sticking out. Deputy and the sheriff. Yeah. Yeah it's ugly as shit. Address. It's roots run deep in Grant County and date back to the Whitewater weekend. This is weird. So check that out. I break everything up into color and black and white. Full title: STATE of West Virginia v. Paul William FERRELL. This is the type of place I described one of the wrestlers on the new Jack episode was talking about living in wrestling. Yeah. They found no trace of Cathy's body or any evidence that proved she had ever been there. Shana Brazelton's. It's not a drop. You are fast. Jamie Mayeux at Castlewood. OK. Oh my God I'm a fuckin mess man. She had to get away from Moon Davino and the boy from the restaurant and certain people. Two hundred people are fucking crazy. Not a that you get a family guy. But it's doable. That's maybe what it is. Knowing local frost dates can improve your gardening by giving you an idea of when to start seeds indoors and outdoors, when to transplant, and when to . I don't think that was the main issue. In fact, the phone calls don't show that the defendant's character made him more likely to kidnap someone. But then he said, we're twins. Rather, the jury could have reasonably, reasonably believed that he enticed her to his trailer in order to commit the offense of rape, an offense of which he was not charged because they have no evidence of that. It's eighty four. Scary. So this is a crazy week. I have not talked to those people since the trial. rensselaer county police blotter 2020; Sndico Procurador . And really there are because he's got a twin brother. So they make it for both people when they touch too long. Now, they compared this to samples from her parents and they said that after all of this, they end up finding out that that sample could not have come from Cathy the blanket in his police cruiser. I think she's in the fucking river for cars right next to the river. But if you like the episode, please let us know about it. So when they asked him about the calls, the police, they said, hey, what's up with all these calls? She knows how to throw a right hook. No, no. Louis Garcia Dylan Lahey's Sarus SRAW Sinna House. Several say they were told Farrell had been linked to several murders around the Yellowstone National Park and that he had a split personality and that he was a psychopath who must be put away. My job kind of. I think it's like a funny farm. Bri Brock. They were working at Jim Coronets territory, which was in rural Kentucky. Came home from the army. Holy shit. It's the past couple of weeks have been really trying for me and I'm just thankful to have you guys around for it. Kiona Briscoe. So he hooked up to a hypnotist and then was like, oh, yeah, it's not from him. You've got to pay values or email address crime and sports at Gmail dot com. OK, we're on a roll. About half the people at audio issues last time we were we were told it was a connection issue.
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