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ada code for bridge sectioning

Companion seats shall comply with 802.3. 407.2.1.3 Clear Floor or Ground Space. (4) Path of travel. 234.4.2 Minimum Number. (h) Medical care facilities. 502.4 Floor or Ground Surfaces. The clear floor or ground space shall be centered on the kitchen work surface and shall provide knee and toe clearance complying with 306. 703.5.4 Character Proportions. 308.2.1 Unobstructed. Technically Infeasible. (b) Scope of coverage. For example, where a 42 inch (1065 mm) opening is provided, a minimum clear space of 60 inches (1525 mm) in length and 36 inches (915mm) in depth is needed to ensure adequate space for maneuvering. (136 kg) minimum and be capable of sustaining a static load of at least one and a half times the rated load. 1002.6.3 Wheelchair Storage Space. Where railings, guards, or handrails complying with 1005.2 are provided, edge protection complying with 1005.3.1 or 1005.3.2 shall be provided. Diagonal curb ramps with flared sides shall have a segment of curb 24 inches (610 mm) long minimum located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing. (1) In stadiums, arenas, and grandstands, wheelchair spaces and companion seats are dispersed to all levels that include seating served by an accessible route; (2) Assembly areas that are required to horizontally disperse wheelchair spaces and companion seats by section of the 2010 Standards and have seating encircling, in whole or in part, a field of play or performance area shall disperse wheelchair spaces and companion seats around that field of play or performance area; (3) Wheelchair spaces and companion seats are not located on (or obstructed by) temporary platforms or other movable structures, except that when an entire seating section is placed on temporary platforms or other movable structures in an area where fixed seating is not provided, in order to increase seating for an event, wheelchair spaces and companion seats may be placed in that section. In facilities specializing in treating conditions that affect mobility, 100 percent of the patient sleeping rooms shall provide mobility features complying with 805. 1002.6 Transfer Devices for Use with Amusement Rides. A slope not steeper than 1:4 for a 4 inch (100 mm) maximum rise shall be permitted. Where spectators are provided lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of spectators seated in the first row in front of their seats, spectators seated in wheelchair spaces shall be afforded lines of sight over the shoulders and between the heads of seated spectators in the first row in front of wheelchair spaces. 707.1 General. The rear edge of an L-shaped seat shall be 2 1/2 inches (64 mm) maximum and the front edge 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 16 inches (405 mm) maximum from the seat wall. 203.3 Raised Areas. A clear floor or ground space complying with 305 shall be positioned for a forward approach to the counter. Operable parts of such hardware shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. Numeric keys shall be arranged in a 12-key ascending or descending telephone keypad layout. 1010.1 Turning Space. Wheelchair spaces complying with 221.2 shall be provided in assembly areas with fixed seating. Edge protection shall not be required on ramps that are not required to have handrails and have sides complying with 406.3. Accessible routes serving miniature golf facilities shall comply with Chapter 4 except as modified by 1007.2. 1009.2.2 Seat Location. 703.7.2.4 Assistive Listening Systems. 410.4 Platform to Runway Clearance. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 2002 Edition (see 702.1 and 809.5.2). EXCEPTION: For elevators other than destination-oriented elevators that have a rated speed of 200 feet per minute (1 m/s) or less, a non-verbal audible signal with a frequency of 1500 Hz maximum which sounds as the car passes or is about to stop at a floor served by the elevator shall be permitted. 407. Location. Where possible, designers and operators are encouraged to provide ramps with a slope less than the 1:12 maximum. The number of parking spaces required to be accessible is to be calculated separately for each parking facility; the required number is not to be based on the total number of parking spaces provided in all of the parking facilities provided on the site. A turning space complying with 304 shall be provided within saunas and steam rooms. Signs containing tactile characters shall be located so that a clear floor space of 18 inches (455 mm) minimum by 18 inches (455 mm) minimum, centered on the tactile characters, is provided beyond the arc of any door swing between the closed position and 45 degree open position. Where a tactile sign is provided at a door, the sign shall be located alongside the door at the latch side. Advisory 202.4 Alterations Affecting Primary Function Areas. Where there is no wall space at the latch side of a single door or at the right side of double doors, signs shall be located on the nearest adjacent wall. Doors, doorways, and gates that are part of an accessible route shall comply with 404. To prevent causing injury or imbalance, the plumbing can be located behind walls or to the side of the toilet; or if approved by the local authority having jurisdiction, provide a toilet seat lid. The high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum where the reach depth is 20 inches (510 mm) maximum. Drinking fountains shall comply with 307 and 602. A single full-length mirror can accommodate a greater number of people, including children. While dispersion is not required, the flexibility it provides can be a critical factor in ensuring cost effective compliance with applicable civil rights laws, including titles II and III of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 203.5 Machinery Spaces. EXCEPTION: Vision lights with the lowest part more than 66 inches (1675 mm) from the finish floor or ground shall not be required to comply with 404.2.11. D6240 Pontic, porcelain fused to precious/high noble metal (bridge units) 405.7.3 Length. The rear edge of the L portion of the seat shall be 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) maximum from the wall and the front edge shall be 14 inches (355 mm) minimum and 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the wall. 608.3 Grab Bars. (d) Scope of coverage. 206.7.8 Play Areas. Because lifts must be independently operable, operators should carefully consider the appropriateness of their use in unsupervised settings. State Historic Preservation Officers consult with Federal and State agencies, local governments, and private entities on providing access and protecting significant elements of qualified historic buildings and facilities. Between 9 inches (230 mm) and 27 inches (685 mm) above the finish floor or ground, the knee clearance shall be permitted to reduce at a rate of 1 inch (25 mm) in depth for each 6 inches (150 mm) in height. Handrails shall not be required on ramps located within ground level use zones. Access aisles shall not overlap the vehicular way. Coat hooks provided within the room shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in 308. 503.3 Access Aisle. Top of gripping surfaces of handrails shall be 34 inches (865 mm) minimum and 38 inches (965 mm) maximum vertically above walking surfaces, stair nosings, and ramp surfaces. Amusement rides that do not provide amusement ride seats shall not be required to comply with 234.3. Accessible means of entry shall comply with sloped entries complying with 1009.3. Where greater distances are required for transfers, providing gripping surfaces, seat padding, and avoiding sharp objects in the path of transfer will facilitate the transfer. For the purposes of the application of this section, the term sleeping room is intended to be used interchangeably with the term guest room as it is used in the transient lodging standards. (b) Primary function. Grab bars shall comply with 609 and shall be provided in accordance with 608.3. In residential dwelling units required to comply with 809, at least one 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum section of counter shall provide a kitchen work surface that complies with 804.3. Where drinking fountains are provided on an exterior site, on a floor, or within a secured area they shall be provided in accordance with 211. 28 CFR 35.151 New construction and alterations, 36.405 Alterations: Historic preservation, 36.406 Standards for new construction and alterations, 2010 STANDARDS FOR TITLES II AND III FACILITIES: 2004 ADAAG, 209 Passenger Loading Zones and Bus Stops, 213 Toilet Facilities and Bathing Facilities, 220 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines, 223 Medical Care and Long-Term Care Facilities, 228 Depositories, Vending Machines, Change Machines, Mail Boxes, and Fuel Dispensers, 232 Detention Facilities and Correctional Facilities, 242 Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, and Spas, 243 Shooting Facilities with Firing Positions, 408 Limited-Use/Limited-Application Elevators, 604 Water Closets and Toilet Compartments, 707 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines, 802 Wheelchair Spaces, Companion Seats, and Designated Aisle Seats, 805 Medical Care and Long-Term Care Facilities, 1009 Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, and Spas, 1010 Shooting Facilities with Firing Positions,, 2010 Standards for Titles II and III: 2004 ADAAG,, 20, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, Kitchens and kitchenettes shall comply with 804. Accessible routes located on playing surfaces of miniature golf holes shall be permitted to use the exceptions in 1007.2. In addition, Section 233.2 defers to HUD the specification of criteria by which the technical requirements of this document will apply to alterations of existing facilities subject to HUDs Section 504 regulations. A pile thickness up to 1/2 inch (13 mm) (measured to the backing, cushion, or pad) is allowed, although a lower pile provides easier wheelchair maneuvering. 101.1 General. 707.5.2 Receipts. (ii) A series of buildings on a common site, connected by a common pedestrian access route above or below the ground floor, that is either under common ownership or common control or developed either as one project or as a series of related projects, housing five or more sales or rental establishments. Ground level play components shall be provided in the number and types required by 240.2.1. The top of the bench seat surface shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. The length of transition plates would not be included in determining if the gangway(s) meet the requirements of the exception. Terms not defined in 106.5 or in regulations issued by the Department of Justice and the Department of Transportation to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act, but specifically defined in a referenced standard, shall have the specified meaning from the referenced standard unless otherwise stated. The height of water closets shall be 11 inches (280 mm) minimum and 17 inches (430 mm) maximum measured to the top of the seat. Where a seat is provided in a standard roll-in shower compartment, it shall be a folding type, shall be installed on the side wall adjacent to the controls, and shall extend from the back wall to a point within 3 inches (75 mm) of the compartment entry. Wheel stops are an effective way to prevent vehicle overhangs from reducing the clear width of accessible routes. Where check-out aisles are dispersed throughout the building or facility, check-out aisles complying with 904.3 shall be dispersed. 405.10 Wet Conditions. In facilities with residential dwelling units, at least 2 percent, but no fewer than one unit, of the total number of residential dwelling units shall provide communication features complying with 809.5. A continuous and unobstructed way of egress travel from any point in a building or facility that provides an accessible route to an area of refuge, a horizontal exit, or a public way. 101.2 Effect on Removal of Barriers in Existing Facilities. Signs are more legible for persons with low vision when characters contrast as much as possible with their background. Recreational boating facilities shall comply with 1003. The provision for seating in other boxes includes box seating provided in facilities such as performing arts auditoria where tiered boxes are designed for spatial and acoustical purposes. 407. Type. Both the order and pick-up section of the counter must be accessible. 804.6.2 Operable Parts. 407.4.6.4 Emergency Controls. Location. Clearance around a water closet shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the side wall and 56 inches (1420 mm) minimum measured perpendicular from the rear wall. In alterations, a projection of 5/8 inch (16 mm) maximum into the required clear width shall be permitted for the latch side stop. Where boarding piers are provided at boat launch ramps, at least 5 percent, but no fewer than one, of the boarding piers shall comply with 1003.3.2. Risers shall be 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum and 7 inches (180 mm) high maximum. A clear floor or ground space complying with 305 shall be provided. Where entrances used only by inmates or detainees and security personnel are provided at judicial facilities, detention facilities, or correctional facilities, at least one such entrance shall comply with 404. 706.1 General. Unlike audible alarms, visible alarms must be located within the space they serve so that the signal is visible. However, Section 410.1 of this document does not permit attendant operation. 609.2.2 Non-Circular Cross Section. This code reports the . EXCEPTION: Where ticket offices or windows are provided, signs shall not be required at each assembly area provided that signs are displayed at each ticket office or window informing patrons of the availability of assistive listening systems. 703.2.7 Character Spacing. Handrails shall be at a consistent height above walking surfaces, stair nosings, and ramp surfaces. Advisory 208.3.2 Residential Facilities Exception. Diagonal curb ramps provided at marked crossings shall provide the 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum clear space within the markings. Wheelchair Space. Each machine provides a cardiovascular exercise and is considered a different type for purposes of these requirements. Grab bars shall not be required to be installed in a bathtub located in a bathing facility for a single occupant accessed only through a private office and not for common use or public use provided that reinforcement has been installed in walls and located so as to permit the installation of grab bars complying with 607.4. Vertical, center, or side aisles adjoining bleacher seating that are stepped or tiered are not considered entry points. Washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with 611. A clear floor space complying with 305 positioned for a forward approach shall be provided. 302.3 Openings. A story containing one or more mezzanines has more than one floor level. An automatic reset shall be provided. EXCEPTION: Accessible routes shall not be required to or within unfinished attics or unfinished basements. EXCEPTION: One break in the sequence of consecutive holes shall be permitted provided that the last hole on the miniature golf course is the last hole in the sequence. However, for entities covered by the ADA, the Department of Justice regulations that implement the ADA provide additional guidance regarding the relationship between these requirements and elements that are not directly addressed by these requirements. Allowable stresses shall not be exceeded for materials used when a vertical or horizontal force of 250 pounds (1112 N) is applied at any point on the grab bar, fastener, mounting device, or supporting structure. 218.3 Key Stations and Existing Intercity Rail Stations. Doors shall not swing into the room unless a clear floor or ground space complying with 305.3 is provided beyond the arc of the door swing. (1) Alterations include, but are not limited to, remodeling, renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction, historic restoration, changes or rearrangement in structural parts or elements, and changes or rearrangement in the plan configuration of walls and full-height partitions. Ovens shall have controls on front panels. 209.2.1 Passenger Loading Zones. Where ramps connect elevated play components, the maximum rise of any ramp run is limited to 12 inches (305 mm). EXCEPTION: Exterior signs that are not located at the door to the space they serve shall not be required to comply with 703.2. Shower compartments shall comply with 608. Advisory 707 Automatic Teller Machines and Fare Machines. Activation of the button or switch shall initiate an audible tone and visible signal within the residential dwelling unit. Characters shall be separated from raised borders and decorative elements 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) minimum. When two or more columns of buttons are provided they shall read from left to right. Facilities with residential dwelling units shall comply with 233. Amusement rides required to comply with 234 shall provide accessible routes in accordance with 206.2.9. Each destination-oriented elevator in a bank of elevators shall have audible and visible means for differentiation. A firm surface resists deformation by either indentations or particles moving on its surface. Parking for Guests, Employees, and Other Non-Residents. Advisory 810.6 Rail Station Signs Exception. Elevator cars shall comply with 408.4. Assembly areas shall provide wheelchair spaces, companion seats, and designated aisle seats complying with 221 and 802. 808.3 Clear Floor Space. They shall be passenger elevators as classified by ASME A17.1. 1008.2.6 Ground Surfaces. A seat that is built-in or mechanically fastened to an amusement ride intended to be occupied by one or more passengers. Parking facilities that provide valet parking services shall provide at least one passenger loading zone complying with 503. 407.4.4 Leveling. EXCEPTION: Where 50 percent of the drinking fountains yields a fraction, 50 percent shall be permitted to be rounded up or down provided that the total number of drinking fountains complying with 211 equals 100 percent of drinking fountains. Treads shall be 11 inches (280 mm) deep minimum. Buildings that are vacated solely for pest control or asbestos removal are not subject to the requirements to provide residential dwelling units with mobility features or communication features. The residential dwelling unit system interface shall include a telephone jack capable of supporting voice and TTY communication with the common use or public use system interface. No fewer than two drinking fountains shall be provided. 809.3 Kitchen. 211.3 More Than Minimum Number. 705.1 General. Parking for Residents. EXCEPTION: In elevator cars with more than one opening, hoistway doors and gates shall be permitted to be of the manual-open, self-close type. Courtrooms shall comply with 808. 603.2.3 Door Swing. The radius of curvature at the leading edge of the tread shall be 1/2 inch (13 mm) maximum. 505.5 Clearance. Toe clearance at the front partition is not required in a compartment for childrens use that is greater than 65 inches (1650 mm) deep. Food service lines shall comply with 904.5. EXCEPTION: A fixed shower head located at 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the shower finish floor shall be permitted instead of a hand-held spray unit in facilities that are not medical care facilities, long-term care facilities, transient lodging guest rooms, or residential dwelling units. 1009.5.7 Grab Bars. 409.4.5 Illumination Levels. Elevators shall comply with 407 and with ASME A17.1 (incorporated by reference, see Referenced Standards in Chapter 1). Carpet or carpet tile shall have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture. Changes in level are not permitted. Providing a pool lift with a weight capacity greater than 300 pounds (136 kg) may be advisable. EXCEPTION: Residential dwelling units shall not be required to comply with 202.4. 505.9 Fittings. To maximize the pleasant arched look and still meet ADA, call out "2% camber" or "maximum slope per ADA 8.3%." Toe clearance shall be provided and shall be 30 inches (760 mm) wide minimum and 9 inches (230 mm) minimum above the ground or deck surface beyond the railing. In this way, people with disabilities can have access to the full-range of services provided by a medical care facility. Single occupant structures accessed only by passageways below grade or elevated above standard curb height, including but not limited to, toll booths that are accessed only by underground tunnels, shall not be required to comply with these requirements or to be on an accessible route. 802.4 Designated Aisle Seats. 1006.4 Weather Shelters. over 1000, 2, plus 1 per 25 seats over 50 seats (or fraction thereof), 20, plus 1 per 33 seats over 500 seats (or fraction thereof), 35, plus 1 per 50 seats over 1000 seats (or fraction thereof), 55 plus 1 per 100 seats over 2000 seats (or fraction thereof), 6, plus 1 for each 150, or fraction thereof, between 501 through 5000, 36, plus 1 for each 200, or fraction thereof, over 5000, 20, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000, 10, plus 1 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000, 30, plus 2 for each 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000, 10, plus 2 percent of total number of units over 200, 12, plus 1 for every 100, or fraction thereof, over 1000, 8, plus 1 for each additional 3, or fraction thereof, over 25, 0 inches (0 mm) (Add 12 inches (305 mm) if closer and latch are provided. Lines of sight to the screen, performance area, or playing field for spectators in wheelchair spaces shall comply with 802.2. Elevator cars shall provide a clear width 42 inches (1065 mm) minimum and a clear depth 54 inches (1370 mm) minimum. Sites, buildings, facilities, and elements are exempt from these requirements to the extent specified by 203. At least one bathroom shall comply with 603. Medical care facilities that are subject to this section shall comply with the provisions of the 2010 Standards applicable to medical care facilities, including, but not limited to, sections 223 and 805. Controls shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in 308. For example, both a bank lobby and the banks employee areas such as the teller areas and walk-in safe are primary function areas. Other voice communication methods include, but are not limited to, grilles, slats, talk-through baffles, intercoms, or telephone handset devices. Where provided, saunas and steam rooms shall comply with 612. 307.4 Vertical Clearance. Hardware that requires simultaneous hand and finger movements require greater dexterity and coordination, and is not recommended. In alterations where it is technically infeasible to comply with 603, altering existing toilet or bathing rooms shall not be required where a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying with 213.2.1 is provided and located in the same area and on the same floor as existing inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms. ASME A17.1-2000 is used by local jurisdictions throughout the United States for the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators and escalators. Spacing between the baselines of separate lines of characters within a message shall be 135 percent minimum and 170 percent maximum of the character height. 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Como Hacer Amarillo Oscuro, Articles A