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grand hailing sign of distress

What say you, guilty or not guilty? A. J. W.--High twelve, Worshipful. The three craftsmen, having stood by the candidate all this time, listening to the ruffians, whose voices they recognize, say one to another: "What shall we do? Senior Warden, one. Whether or not Joseph Smiths last words were intended to be the masonic Grand Hailing Sign of Distress is a question that cannot be answered. By being divested of all metals and minerals, neither naked nor clothed; barefoot nor shod; hoodwinked; a cable-toe three times around my body; left foot; both knees and both breast bare; clothed as a Fellow Craft; in which condition I was conducted to a door and caused to give three distinct knocks. of a Fellow Craft. They buried it in the rubbish of the Temple until low twelve, or twelve at night, when they met by agreement and carried it a westerly course from the Temple, to the brow of a hill west of Mount Moriah, where they buried it in a grave dug due east and west, six feet perpendicular, at the head of which they planted an acacia, in order to conceal it, and that the place might be known, should occasion ever require; and then made their escape. Freemasons Quarterly Review 30 June 1851. as the Worshipful Master and candidate embrace one another thusly: foot A. At this time Brother Barney wrote a portion of them in cipher. The ancient landmarks of the order, intrusted to your care, you are carefully to preserve; and never suffer them to be infringed, or countenance a deviation from the established usages and customs of the fraternity. W. M.--Reading of the present communication. Upon which we rushed in, seized and bound the ruffians, and now have them before your majesty.". The Deacon then closes the door, repairs to the centre of the Lodge-room before the altar, and sounds his rod on the floor three times (), which is responded to by the Master with three raps of the gavel, when the Senior Deacon makes the sign of a Master Mason (see Fig. SD: I a cry for help or mercy from Freemasons in the mob at the Carthage jail? it, which will be on the Five Points of Fellowship, and at low breath.". What induced you to become a Master Mason? John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hail, ever conceal, and never reveal any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master Masons' Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a regularly constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. A phrase or gesture which is only to be used in extreme circumstances is the Grand Masonic Hailing Sign of Distress, or "High Sign". A Masonic defendant in court or "caught in the pinch" might bury his head in his hands and cry, "Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's son?" Drop the hand and handkerchief three distinct times. It is very true, we have been associated with these three ruffians, but we have not committed any actual crime". As previously explained from the Entered Apprentice degree, he then Q. You have this evening represented one of the greatest men, and perhaps the greatest Mason, the world ever knew, viz., our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. To the three jewels of a Master Mason, which are friend-ship, morality, and brotherly love. Third Ruffian--But the rules are as strict in other ports as in this. have you seen any strangers pass this way? As the Master makes this sign, he says: "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost!". WM: Ma They then pass on to this officer's station, where the same questions and answers are repeated as at the Junior Warden's station, and he (the Senior Warden) suffers them to pass on to the Worshipful Master's station in the east. One of the brethren then replies: "We will go a southwesterly course, and will come up with our brothers." One of the brothers now takes off the jewel from the candidate's neck, and all repair to the Master's seat in the east, and report: Answer--A westerly course, where our weary brother sat down to rest and refresh himself. Hold up your heads, and hear your sentence. SD: From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass-grip of a Master The MASTER MASON represents a man under the doctrine of love, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation. WM: Will you be off or from? When a candidate is A. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will. "Mah-Ha-Bone" is the substitute for the Master's Word. Q. 149:1 See Robert Morris's Freemason's Monitor, 1860. WM: Letter it and begin. FIG. iv. (The signs are just the same as at opening. S. W.--Brother Junior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful Master, &c., &c. J. W.--Brethren, you have heard the orders of the Worshipful Master, as communicated to me through the Senior Warden in the west--you will take notice, and govern yourselves accordingly. for the Master's Word is alluded to in the Obligation of a Master Mason: I now receive you on both points of the compasses, extending from your naked left to your naked right breast (he here places both points against candidate's breasts), which is to teach you, that as the vital parts of man are contained within the breasts, so the most excellent tenets of our institution are contained between the points of the compasses--which are Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love. SD: You begin. It might have pleased the great Creator of heaven and earth to have made man independent of all other beings; but, as dependence is one of the strongest bonds of society, mankind were made dependent on each other for protection and security, as they thereby enjoy better opportunities of fulfilling the duties of reciprocal love and friendship. A rope, technically called, by Masons, a cable-tow, is wound around his body three times, and a bandage, or hoodwink, is tied very closely over his eyes. --To see that the Lodge is duly tyled. SD: leth A candidate for the sublime Degree of a Master Mason is generally (as in the preceding Degrees) prepared by the Junior Deacon and the two Stewards, or some other brethren acting as such. A sufficient number of the brethren now take up the body (yet rolled up in the canvas), and, raising it on their shoulders, proceed to carry it around the Lodge, head foremost, three times, in representation of ascending a hill, the last time halting in the west end of the Lodge, nearly in front of the Senior Warden's station, and a little to the right. A momentary silence then ensues, during which one of the party groans, as if nearly dying. We were sent in haste and on urgent business; there was nothing said about giving us a pass, and we presume it was forgotten, or not deemed necessary. who has hitherto answered for you, will do so at this time. What is the meaning of this? The Master kneels at the head of the candidate, and, taking off his hat, repeats the following prayer, which may be found in all the Masonic Monitors: Thou, O God! "All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind what-ever, binding myself, under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two,1 my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate this my Master Mason's obligation. WM: Has it a name? I hold in my hand an instrument of death; therefore, give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! S. D.--The pass is right; you will wait with patience until the Worshipful Master is informed of your request and his answer returned. A. While in this position, and at low breath, the Worshipful Conductor (S. D.) leads the candidate up in front of the Master's seat in the east. Master, pointing to these pillars, says: "These are called the three grand Masonic columns or pillars, and are designated Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. i. that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' Behold! Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. The Third Degree is said to be the height of Ancient Free-masonry, and the most sublime of all the Degrees in Masonry (Royal Arch not even excepted); and when it is conferred, the Lodge is generally well filled with the members of the Lodge and visiting brethren. (See ACACIA.) Let him enter, and be received in due form. "Here another guest we bring. (They now pass to the pass grip of a Master Mason. Let us imitate, in all his various perfections, him who, when assailed by the murderous band of rebellious craftsmen, maintained his integrity, even in death, and sealed his pledge with his own blood. Q. B. divided the operatives the three classes, viz., Apprentices, Fellow Crafts, and Masters; paying the wages of the former at the pillar of J (Jachin), and the Masters in the Middle Chamber. you with my right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason. Senior Deacon gives three loud knocks (), which are responded to by one () from the parties outside. --Nothing, Worshipful (some say), in the west. K. S.--Vile, impious wretches! WM: How will you dispose of it? Again, some of the rituals taught that H. A. The missing word was found, after four hundred and seventy years, and was then, and still is, used in the Royal Arch Degree, as will be seen in the ceremonies of that Degree. Let me admonish you, in the most serious manner, in reference to the close of life, that, when the cold winter of death shall have passed, and the bright summer morn of the resurrection appears, the Sun of Righteousness shall descend and send forth His angels to collect our ransomed dead; then, if we are found worthy, by the benefit of his "pass" we shall gain a ready admission into that celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides, where we shall see the King In the beauty of holiness, and with him enter into an endless eternity. After receiving instruction in the proper communication of the substitute for the Masters Word, the candidate is then instructed in regards to the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. A. I was directed to wait with patience until the Worshipful Master should be informed of my request, and his answer returned. They were both Masons in good standing. Mormon writers, intent on distancing the The sign is made by cupping the right hand over the After receiving instruction in the proper communication of the substitute for the Master's Word, the candidate is then instructed in regards to the Grand Hail, "Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of a Master Mason, except for the benefit of the Craft while at work or for the instruction of a Brother, unless I am in real distress; and should I see the sign given, or hear the word spoken, I will hasten to the relief of the person so giving it.". Worshipful Master gives one rap with his gavel, when the Lodge is closed, and the brethren divest themselves of their regalia, preparatory to returning to their respective homes. The Worshipful Master here gives the candidate a blow on his head with a buckskin bag, or setting-maul;1 at the same. 1 "What means this acacia coming up so easily? We have several, and they are divided into two classes. The Master now steps back about three paces from the altar, and says. SD: From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the pass-grip SD: Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, The Senior Warden then takes the candidate's right hand, giving the real grip of a Fellow Craft (see Fig. How did the Junior Warden dispose of you? Ruffian--The very port to which we wish to go. J. W.--Brethren, you are now called from refreshment to labor again. ), Ruffian--Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! Oh! Godwyn says: 'Making a covenant was a solemn binding of each other to the performance of a mutual promise, by outward ceremonies of cutting a beast in twain, and passing between the parts thereof' (Jer. Give me the pass-grip of See real grip of a Fellow Craft, Fig. Ruffian--Give me the secrets of a Master Mason, or I will take your life! 11), "And Hiram finished the work that he was to make for King Solomon for the house of God,"--Historical Landmarks, vol. S. D.--Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees? --Advance the token. (The author would here remark, with regard to the matter of closing the Lodge, and asking the Wardens if they know any thing further before the Lodge, previous to closing, that it is a ruse to deceive the candidate, as the Master has no intention of closing until the ceremony of initiation has been concluded.). 6 .--In making this sign, No! "[1], Hyrum was shot first and fell calmly, exclaiming: I am a dead man! the Temple is now about to be completed, and we have not obtained that which we have so long sought. Hemming. A. This is the Grand Hailing Sign or Sign of Distress, and is given by raising the hands above the head, letting them fall by three distinct motions. and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass-grip and pass-word 12, p. 67), and letting his hand slip off quickly, he reports as follows: "Owing to the reason before given, the flesh cleaves from the bone, and the body cannot be so raised.". J. D. (makes sign.) ", "Oh! (They take hold of each other's hands by the real grip of a Fellow Craft. we must not go and report ourselves; if we do, the twelve will be put to death. As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. however, the connection of the widow's son with the building of the Temple was endeared to the two monarchs; and, to preserve and consecrate his memory, a new arrangement of discipline was adopted; and a legend incorporated into the system, which served to promote a similar object with the fabulous narrative used in the spurious initiations, viz., to inculcate and impress on the candidate's mind the doctrine of a resurrection and a future state--Theo. --Nothing, Worshipful. An airport spokeswoman said flight QF144 flight from Auckland had issued a A. They all pass out of the Lodge with a rush, into the ante-room, where they form into a circle. Ruffian--You have (here Master seizes the candidate more fiercely, and affects a great earnestness of purpose) escaped "Jubela" and "Jubelo"; me you cannot escape; my name is "Jubelum!" It is a dangerous coast, and we shall be taken; for before this time our escape is discovered, and the sea-coast will be lined with our pursuers. Answer--We have murdered our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. 97. The candidate is not intentionally injured in any Degree of Masonry, impressions of a lasting nature being all that are intended by the ceremonies. : youth, man-hood, and age. Among the brotherhood of Freemasons, there is the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress: "Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's son?" W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, do you know any further business before this Lodge of Master Masons before we proceed to close? 112.) What is that? p. 178. But few Masons take sufficient interest in Masonry to be advanced further, and consequently do not get the password which was lost by the tragical death of Hiram Abiff. ), A. After the candidate is lowered, one of the ruffians says: Let us plant an acacia at the head of the grave, in order to. Now Q. Junior Warden, one. The sign of the Entered Apprentice alludes to the penalty of the Entered And at the same time he steps to the Master's desk, and re-ports as follows: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, I, being one of those who pursued a westerly course, coming down near the port of Joppa, met a seafaring man, of whom I inquired if he had seen any strangers pass that way; he informed me that he had--three--who from their appearance were workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. A. no pass. Heretofore you have had some one to pray for you, but now you have none. Craftsman--We will go in pursuit of them; they are the fellows we want. of this degree): WM: Brother Senior Deacon. ii. Remember it more "especially to the household of the faithful.". He ordered me to be returned to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me to approach the east by three upright regular steps, my feet forming the angle of a perfect square, my body erect at the altar, before the Worshipful Master in the east. First Ruffian--We cannot make our escape in that way. Let him enter, and be received in due form. but which, he adds, "I can find only twice particularly described. S. W. (rising to his feet and making the sign.) ii. with the right-hand corner tucked up, and he wears a yoke with a Senior Warden's jewel attached to it. (See grand hailing sign of distress, Fig. SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft. (D&C 135:1), two balls pierced [Joseph] from the door, and one entered his right breast from without, and he fell outward, exclaiming, "Oh Lord, my God!" Conductor--By the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason. From the above causes. 17.) (Hiram Abiff) to retire to the Most Holy Place, to draw his plans and designs, and offer up his orisons, &c. But flow could this be accomplished before the Sanctum Sanctorum was built. Ma. But is this. 137:1 We are told that when the Temple was nearly finished, it was customary at the hour of H. (high) XII., when the men were called from labor to refreshment, for H. A. Let no motive, there-fore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebrated artist whom you this evening represent. real grip and word of a Fellow Craft. I suppose you are brothers, workmen from the Temple, and journeying, are you not? B. not only lived to finish all the work, in whatever capacity he might have been engaged, but also, according to the testimony of Josephus, who calls him ABDEMON, he returned to Tyre, and died there at a good old age.--The Freemason's Treasury, pp. "Lord of all! They usually meet in the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. How came he to be assassinated at that hour? As the candidate is hurried along toward Jubelum (Worshipful Master), the latter seizes him with both hands by the collar of his coat, and swings him round, so as to place his back toward the east, with his heels a few inches from the edge of the canvas before alluded to. And fell calmly, exclaiming: I am a dead man freemasons Quarterly Review 30 1851.... Any actual crime '' be received in due form, `` I can find only particularly! One another thusly: foot a he wears a yoke with a rush, into the ante-room, where form. A a ( they take hold of each other 's hands by the pass a. Again, some of the brethren then replies: `` we will a. Have had some one to pray for you, but now you have some... Where they form into a circle have so long sought `` Mah-Ha-Bone '' the! The brethren then replies: grand hailing sign of distress we will go a southwesterly course, and at breath. 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