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intersectionality icebreaker

Intersectionality recognizes that identity markers (e.g. Intersectionality. Madam C.J Walker was a black woman who was a successful entrepreneur at a time when women and people of color were widely and overtly oppressed by American laws and society. where white working-class botst are coming up with low social capital, dilapidated infrastructure, and few family members with a postsecondary level of education. This can lead Asian women to being bullied from people expecting them to know their place at the bottom of the social order, and even harassment from men desiring the exotic other. (2008). She developed a large enough following that she eventually got into mainstream publications. Explore any of these five-minute exercises that center on a relevant diversity, inclusion and access topic. Intersectionality refers to how our multiple identities change how we experience the world, and what that means as we work to build inclusive schools, organizations, workplaces and communities." PBS Activities focused on Intersectionality Social Justice Toolbox - Classroom Activities on the topic of Intersectionality Our email is powered by Mailchimp, which means we'll never spam and you can easily unsubscribe. Each group will randomly receive one of the cases. In Canada, indigenous people have been raising the alarm about the apparent lack of police or government interest in the high rates of missing indigenous women. Diversity of all kinds matter in your workplace, your activism, your community spaces, and more. Stella looks through her companys new diversity report and is troubled to find that a photograph of her features four times in the 6-page document. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. Colorado School of Mines As Adwoa Bagalini of the World Economic Forum in Geneva says, the colour of your skin, your gender, disability and sexual orientation all interact to affect your lived experience and contribute to unequal outcomes in ways that cannot be attributed to one dimension alone.. As an instructor, you may also wish to reflect on how your own identitiesboth those you identify with and those that are ascribed to you by othersshow up in the class. I always record the content as a video and upload it to our learning content system where students can replay and review as many times as they need. 1. Collins, P. H., & Bilge, S. (2020). IdentityIntersectionalityIntersectX12, 201 PRESIDENTS CIRCLE, ROOM 208 It takes into account people's overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. While many who championed intersectionality early on were African American women, the theory has proven necessary to understanding a wide range of difference, including individuals sexual orientation, age, class, disability, and more. In your own time, seek out existing intersectional narratives, from your podcasts to your television. How would you describe the different facets of your identity? Understanding the terminology used in equity work is a useful tool for people expanding their knowledge on the issues they care about. Once we recognize this difference, we can move away from language that seeks to define people by a singular identity. Her identities of being black AND being a woman do not operate independently; insteadthe interactions between the two identities frequently reinforce each other and shape her experience within an inequitable system. There are many ways of visualizing intersectionality. Within this term is an implicit accusation that media doesnt pay the same amount of attention when people with other identity markers go missing. This session introduces the "I am from" (Klein, 2019) activity, designed to allow faculty and students to define themselves, demonstrate their intersectional identities, model critical reflection, and highlight inequities that may arise in the classroom. Getting started with your curriculum is as easy as 1, 2, 3. The idea behind the principled space recognizes that its not ever truly possible to guarantee a safe space and thus in its place, we can at least commit to adhering to a set of agreed principles. Mike Robbins explains this using the Authenticity Equation: Honesty - Self-Righteousness + Vulnerability = Authenticity (Robbins, 2018). Earlier this week, we explored the dimensions of power and examined how they inform work and society. He speaks about how people didnt acknowledge that he was LGBT because his disability was such an overpowering aspect of his identity: In high school I was just seen as the disabled kid.. List of icebreaker games, activities & ideas. Alternatively, you can find real-world examples to use as cases. By doing so, we can begin to institute change in a meaningful and long-lasting way that is social justice oriented and people-centered. Positioning: This exercise is a second "icebreaker". What layered identities might a student have, and what identities might educational settings activate? My teaching philosophy follows an approach known as critical pedagogy a learner-centered approach that aims to empower students towards positive social impact. Parents Try an Inclusion Icebreaker! Later, the concept spread to break down the one dimensionality of: Instead, intersectionality aims to explore the intersection of a range of identity factors to explore the compounding effects of identity-based discrimination. Kimberl Crenshaw, a legal scholar, created a term to describe our multiple identities: intersectionality. She developed the concept of intersectionality in order to address the problems created when we treat race and gender as mutually exclusive. Crenshaw claimed that a persons race, gender, and sexuality all intersectedand the discrimination an individual faced was often more complex and profound than any single part of their identity (such as race or gender) could explain. Advocates use the theory to promote greater understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion in our classrooms and workplaces. Since then, the study of intersectionality has grown to include all of our intersections and identities. Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. She has a long list of achievements by her name, including being the first Indigenous woman to vote in a Canadian federal election. The information here provides abasicoverview of important considerations related to IntersectionalityIt is crucial that you continue expanding upon this knowledge and look further into the concepts presented that you are unfamiliar with and/or are curious about. Get to know your colleagues and compare your similarities and differences. Im committed to rigorous research-led subject content that grounds learning in students lived experiences and everyday practice. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race. The Office for Diversity and Inclusion offers an in-class facilitatedprogram on social identitiesthat aims to raise awareness among students of the many ways their identities show up in the classroom. After many years of experimentation, my personal experience suggests that its best to move students to a self-reflection activity that they can do independently and privately first. Intersectional theory allows us to explore how discrimination has a compounding effect. Conference and Event Planning In an effort toassist the university community and the general public, the OE has gathered the list of resources above, including links to websites. A federal employee? Intersectionality may seem theoretical, but it is meant to be utilized. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. How do you explain what it means today? This is a ground-clearing practice that sets a leveled foundation upon which to build our work and relations in the classroom. Disclaimer terms regarding published materials: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work represents a historical function and is a practicing science. In the middle of my lecture on the gender pay gap in organizations, a student interrupts me to proclaim how the gender pay gap cant possibly exist because his mother is a senior manager in her company and gets paid more than the men she works with. While white and male tend to be positions of power in society, there is an interesting issue of disadvantage among working-class, white, and male in the North-East of England. One of the foundational thinkers and educators of critical pedagogy is Paulo Freire. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. As a Black woman who migrated from Zimbabwe, she has always stood out at her company. But the confluence of these two identity markers raises some unique stereotypes around being exotic, submissive, and a service worker. Toward a field of intersectionality studies: Theory, applications, and praxis. woman and black) do not exist independently of each other, and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression. Please join on October 6 for a roundtable on student activism and an open discussion on intersectional pedagogy. Intersectionality was the first of three FAS Diversity Dialogues for the academic year. Intersectionality and Global Gender Inequality. Instead, our identities are fluid. As Maya Angelou said, "In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength." AAUW respects and celebrates the diversity of our members and those differences form the backbone of our organization. permission only. This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. Should the EEOC Extend Age Discrimination Protection to those Under 40? team ice breaker games; So, here is the list! Social class. It takes into account peoples overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. PBS, Social Justice Toolbox - Classroom Activities on the topic of Intersectionality, Resources prepared for instructors by discipline to refer their students to in preparation for a visit by Kimberl, "The Social Identity Wheel worksheet is an activity that encourages students to identify and reflect on the various ways they identify socially, how those identities become visible or more keenly felt at different times, and how those identities impact the ways others perceive or treat them. The article was originally a chapter in Oppression, Privilege, & Resistance edited by Lisa Heldke and Peg OConnor (published by McGraw Hill in Boston, 2004). Intersectionality. Keeping this in mind, we can begin to think critically and strategically about. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. If you are unsure about a concept or want to learn more about a specific intersection of identity, Google it! ", KimberlCrenshaw:"These days, I start with what its not, because there has been distortion. Whats Next? The defendants argued that they were experiencing the additive effects of both racial and gender discrimination in workplace hiring practices. She highlighted how most cosmetics were made for white skin. Though law professor and activist, Kimberl Crenshaw first introduced the term in 1989 (in her article Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex), as Mecca Jamilah Sullivan explains, Black women writers have been narrating, speaking, and singing from the intersection since long before 1989.. Its basically a lens, a prism, for seeing the way in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other. If youd like to learn more about intersectional feminism, please take a look at my detailed explainer for this theory and movement. Icebreakers are often a great way to start off group. When it was introduced into academia, it was seen as a well-needed critique of the failure of race, gender, and class theorists to explore how disadvantage crosses identity factors and compounds upon itself. 'Intersectionality' refers to the ways in which different aspects of a person's identity can expose them to overlapping forms of discrimination and marginalisation. Ready to jump in? (2011). In addition to the resources provided below, you can alsoreview additional terminology interconnected with Intersectionality here. At the end of the group discussions, the notes they have written on their poster sheets can be pinned up around the room. Central Office for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement. Intersectionality is a tool that allows us to think about systemic oppression in a broad context and emphasizes individual's experiences in an effort to understand privilege and power. Helena is an intersectional feminist scholar-activist living and writing in Sydney, Australia. Before I share my intersectionality activity, Ill cover these prerequisite conditions that will help prepare your students for a lesson on intersectional feminism. However, the overarching hierarchy of power and privilege that have set-up an inequitable system is what Kimberl was describing. Nash, J. Do you identify as Hispanic and/or Latinx? To enhance diversity, the University strives to recognize underrepresented groups in the areas of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, and ability status. Intersectionality suggests that it is not enough to use single identity markers of race or gender or socioeconomic station and citizenship status to understand situations such as these. and further categorize those identities based on which matter most in their self-perception and which matter most in others perception of them. I dont assess or provide feedback on their responses, but I do skim through them to ensure students are engaging with the readings and videos. The families of the women often reject the findings of the police and complain about the over-representation of indigenous women in unresolved missing person cases. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Crenshaws work initially focused on the experiences of black women. The OE and its employees do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, nor assume any liability for the services provided by any entity, program or resource identified on this site or through links from this site. Mines Magazine Neighbors In my classrooms, I establish the principles that well remain aware of our privileges, treat others experiences with respect, and be kind to others and ourselves. The OE is not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of the resources above. Sign up for our newsletter, delivered weekly. Girls with this disability are at a double disadvantage because of their gender compared to boys with this disability (who, themselves, are disadvantaged compared to neurotypical students in schools). Despite our shared vision, social equity work can oftentimes feel exclusionary to those who are not familiar with the lingo. For primary and secondary education, Teaching Tolerance has a wealth of lessons on social justice for younger students. Legal scholar Kimberl Crenshaw's influential concept of intersectionality, in brief, recognizes that each person carries a number of identifications that shape their social experience of oppression or marginalization, and that policies and laws are inadequately designed to uphold the rights of people who have multiple oppression. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139-167. Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 38(4), 785-810. Race and ethnicity. This will allow us to expose the inequities inhistory,policies, structures,and lived realities marginalized persons have and continue to endure. Having reflected on their own privileges and oppressions, I tie the analysis of intersectional identities in with wider Black feminist theories around the interlocking systems of power. Rosa Parks was a black woman who took a stand against segregation in the United States. Common examples of intersectionality include studies that explore the intersection of race and gender stereotypes, which heavily affects black women, and disability and sexuality, to explore how disabled people tend not to be seen as having sexual desires. This icebreaker can be used to launch a study about leadership or how to respond to obstacles or topics like that. Women werent fully given the vote at a federal level until 1918, and Indigenous people until 1960. Check out this TED talk by Kimberl Crenshaw (who coined the term intersectionality). This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. James Damore was fired from Google in 2017 after circulating a memo claiming that women had higher levels of neuroticism which made them unsuited for high-stress jobs in engineering. We are all functions of the system that we live in; a system that has taught us how to think about ourselves and others, how to interact with others, and how to understand what is expected of us. We're going to be giving away stickers, books, and other super-secret prizes to a lucky person who guesses correctly. She then served in WWI. Some of us hold womens empowerment close to heart, perhaps seeking a more equitable world for ourselves or our daughters. This research has revealed that there is now intergenerational disadvantage in areas like the North-East of England (where I used to teach!) Re-thinking intersectionality. Cho, S., Crenshaw, K. W., & McCall, L. (2013). As you do, you will likely deepen your understanding of your own identity and thesubjectsyou care about most. Intersectionality. The framework of intersectionality reminds us that we should bring our whole and authentic selves to work in order to perform our best and foster a collaborative environment with our colleagues (see Part 3). Campus Tour The Office of Inclusion and Outreach (OIO) provides sustained, comprehensive programs across all educational levels to promote access and increase numbers of underrepresented populations in healthcare, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and research professions. It refers to the traditional elites of former British colonies, and in particular, the United States, who enjoy white privilege. Video of Sonny Singh by #RaceAnd, 2016, 3 minutes. Interestingly, the stereotype is not rolled-out against lesbians, showing how it is the unique intersection of being male and homosexuality where this stereotype is weaponized. As one of the few people of color at her organization, she feels her image was exploited in corporate branding to help her company look more diverse than it really is. It opened up new lines of inquiry that critiqued feminisms overemphasis on the experiences of white middle-class women. It's a great self-awareness tool. So, her products subverted the norm and was designed directly for women of color. While being a white person is generally seen as a marker of privilege (and it is! Families highlight that, for decades, there have been insufficient police investigations. Discussing this activity with people theyre not familiar with can prompt students to be more thoughtful and transparent about they interpret the case from the perspective of their own privileges/oppressions. Helen Keller was not only a woman, she was also a deafblind person who changed the world in the early 20th Century. In the early 21st Century, trans people became more visible thanks to widespread LGBT activism. Crenshaw expanded on the Collectives theory, stating that in order to understand the oppression of black women, it is necessary to look at the intersection of blackness and womanhood. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color. This includes surrounding yourself with others with differing interwoven identities, but keepin mind that oftentimes, even when you have a diverse group of people in an activist space, it falls on people to educateothersabout the oppressions they face. This has led to a significant amount of research into why they are the lowest performing ethnic group in Britains education system. Why Do They Matter? Thinking intersectionally can help us identifysubtle dynamicsthat disadvantage some students and advantage others unjustly. Both groups lost their cases. Carbado, D., Crenshaw, K., Mays, V., & Tomlinson, B. Listen to women share their thoughts on intersectionality here and here. We know that everyone reading this has come to follow YW Bostons work from different entry points. The missing white woman syndrome was on full display during the 2021 Gabby Petito case. This includes all students, faculty, and non-essential staff employees. The New Press.Nash, J. C. (2008). Applying intersectionality theory to an analysis of your experiences, you will be able to understand how your own intersecting privileges and oppressions have an impact on your identity and your relations with others. Keller spent her life writing, speaking, and campaigning for disability rights. The CIIs work consists of the efforts and commitment from the. All rights reserved. Harris, J., & White, V. (2013). The CIIs work consists of the efforts and commitment from theAmerican Indian Student Services(AISS),Asian American Student Services(AASS),Black Student Services(BSS), andLatinx Student Services(LSS). I invite them to honor any feelings of anxiety, discomfort, guilt, and anger that may surface, and embrace them as signs of learning and growth, rather than believe it means the topic is bad or wrong. By avoiding language that assumes our own experiences are baseline, we can open ourselves up to listening to others points of view. For news, updates, and videos, follow or subscribe to EDI on: Twitter, Instagram, Blog, YouTube. Careers at Mines She graduated high school at a time when most women were expected to drop out. For example, although the percentage of White females earning their college degree continues to outpace White males (51% to 44%), a recent report from The Education Trust found that only 26.6% of Hispanic women graduate college. Monture managed to get around the intersectional discrimination that banned women and Indigenous people from voting in federal elections. "Once they've grown up, African American children are more likely than their white counterparts to backslide into a lower economic group. The CII core values include community, social justice, learning, resilience, and leadership. This talk was presented at an official TEDconference. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Calendar Our email is powered by Mailchimp, which means we'll never spam and you can easily unsubscribe. Intersectionality refers to the interplay of one's identities, the status of those identities, and the situational context of how, when, and where those identities show up and influence personal experience (s) within multiple dimensions of societal oppression. Intersectional feminism is a thought-provoking and rewarding theory to teach. The most influential set of books on my role as an educator is bell hooks trilogy: These three important books articulate a transformative vision for education as the practice of freedom. This article in The Guardian about the incident can serve as a real-world case for the activity, but youll need to allow more time in class for students to read, process, and potentially do additional research about their case. Doi: The resources provided here serve as astarting pointto lead you in a direction to continue your personal education. Below are five examples. 303-273-3000 / 800-446-9488, Admissions & Financial Aid Earlier this week, we explored the dimensions of power and examined how they inform work and society. Some of my students tell me the independent reflective activity is the first time theyve truly recognized that they had privileges, often having focused solely on the one disadvantage they have carried through their lives. They are especially helpful when you have new group members because they can increase group cohesion & camaraderie, and they help group members get to know each other better. Washington, DC 20052, Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Online Course, Resources on Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern Communities, Resources on Implicit Bias & Microaggressions, The George Washington University Response Action Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Addressing COVID-19 Related Bias & Discrimination, Maintaining Equity and Inclusion in Virtual Learning Environments Guidance for GW Faculty, Disability Support Services for Virtual Learning, Title IX Protections and Responsibilities During COVID-19, Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color by Kimberl Crenshaw, Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics by Kimberl Crenshaw, Podcast: Intersectionality Matters! The resources provided here serve as astarting pointto lead you in a direction continue... 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Les Quadrants De L'abdomen Et Leurs Organes, Articles I