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what is the rarest hoi4 achievement

You have 2 focuses giving you boost in that area. Once you get enough military XP, get the Proper Heritage spirit of the army and make the largest cavalry division template as possible for garrison, adding the MP once it finishes research then switching it for State Serves the Military once done. Scotland is a subject of The United Kingdom One of the following must be true: May be done in conjunction with the Hail to the Qing and the The Dragon Swallowed the Sun achievements. After securing the Mediterranean, it can easily be done with a small 1944 strategic bomber fleet (without any escort) by taking control of the following provinces: Gibraltar (118), Azores (698), Bermuda (696). If the La Rsistance DLC is active, you can just rush the focus, Play Canada as normal but always rush down economic focuses. Waiting for enough party popularity, choose whatever you want - I recommend "Re-join the Railways" and "Modernize our Industry". While waiting for this its advisable to head down to Agrarian Reform to pacify the peasants, after Karl Albrecht is king you can continue to "Support monarchism in Czechoslovakia" which gives you decisions to press your claim on them allowing you to annex them. Do not capture the Italian territory of Eritrea or Somali Sultanate. Tojo Shot First achievement can be done after this achievement. Once the civil wars are over, immediately take "the unification of the balkans" focus, from test runs this can consistently be done Jan-March 1939, annexing Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania. Prepare two Naval Invasions to Hull and Edinburgh. Done it first in DoD =D. Is a faction leader Alternatively, this can also be done by playing as Germany or Italy, going to war with the Allies (France and United Kingdom, defeating them, puppeting them and satelliting all releasable nations from their colonies in the peace deal. If you are really struggling and tension is low enough (below 25%) invade Ireland first. It is not required to have Joseph Stalin as the current leader. Take everything that France has in the peace deal, don't forget the navy. After which it should be easy going. When your tanks arrive in France, change the planes' order to support troops over their territory and move the tanks quickly to the victory points (focusing on Paris). Place the army on the Bulgarian Border. This focus path essentially turns you into Poland, giving you a. During the peace deal, take the American States as well as the French-held Kurdish State - the Axis will mostly focus on African and European lands, and will only take land elsewhere if nothing else is left. You start the game with camels unlocked, but you have to make the template yourself. One more trick to simplify and speed up civil war: before civil war, recomposing all of your divisions to contain only a single AA battalion and dismissing all air wings, then sending all equipment to Spain via lend lease. Heavy Tank II (Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger), Heavy Tank III (Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. As India, become the spymaster for the Allies. It can start a classic civil war but this is easy to win. Stay out of WWII. In that case, a democratic Canada may form a faction with the United States. You may get (temporarily) invited to The Allies, but there is no need to join them. Start as any non-aligned country and get a spy with seducer trait. The AI will always accept, as there is a whopping +1000 positive modifier for the AI to accept a request to become Spymaster if the asking country is controlled by a player. Once your justification is done, declare war on France immediately or you will risk UK guarantee. Call in the USSR to get naval supremacy in the Black Sea and naval invade the province. Then, liberate the African countries under the control of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Vichy France. As of recent patch, the Balance of Power will easily run to the right side upon war victories, making harder to push it to the left, so it is best not to trigger this mechanic until you are done with your conquest. 1: Stay non-aligned (you can form any kingdom of your choice). Time the liberation of Eritrea and Somali Sultanate to occur with five days of each other using the guns decision. Start the game with historical AI and follow the focus tree down the communist route. Now for the final part, make sure you have enough divisions to hold the Axis for a round a week. Capital is Macau (729) You may want to build some extra dockyards. As Australia, own all core territory of Hungary. Establishing a spy network is available even in peacetime so the achievement is fairly simple. Rush the victory points and capitulate France, then take Oppose Hitler; before the focus fires off, disband your entire army and lend-lease all equipment you have to another nation that's at war the day before the focus completes (either one of the factions in the Spanish Civil War or one of the various Chinese Warlords); after it fires off, cancel the lend-lease, and train 6 units of Panzer Divisions (force deploy them when possible); the AI will never train new units, and the Panzer Division is stronger than the Landstrumregiment (alternatively, train a bunch of units consisting of 1 artillery division before taking Oppose Hitler, and deploy as many as possible before the war starts, making sure to disband the rest of your army; when the war starts, switch them to something better like the starting infantry template - the AI will never switch them to another template, and they're incredibly frail). Occupy at least one space from Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and then capitulate Canada (if you want to also get the Raj at this point, feel free to declare on them as well; if Pakistan has spawned, wait for them to White Peace with India before declaring on them, since they won't join the Commonwealth of Nations while at war with another member; like with the other 3 dominions, just occupy one tile each of Burma, India, and Pakistan). As a Warlord, have at least 1,000,000 manpower queued up for deployment. Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. As any British Subject state, conquer all of Britain. Safe the rest of your PP for when the war starts so you pick war economy, free trade and Extensive Conscription. Continue working on boosting fascist support in Finland and keeping their stability below 70%, once facism is above 20% begin preparing a coup in the land Islands, this is crucial as they will remain undefeatable by mainland Finland, once the coup is complete (and it is important to do this before late 1939 / early 1940 to avoid the Soviet Union getting involved) begin using 'Diplomatic Pressure' and 'Improve Relations' on the fascist rebels, they will survive almost indefinitely and once world tension is around 55% you will be able to create a faction with them, alternatively you can now freely justify on Finland as now they are at war which prevents them from being guaranteed, just make sure you haven't already started the faction as that could cause them to join the Allies. As Greece, fulfil the Megali Idea and then form Greater Greece. If you're unlucky and haven't reached 13 members yet after you revolted all of the French African provinces, go for the Belgian ones or the Portuguese (British is pointless, far too high compliance). The straightforward, but boring and slow, approach is to defeat the Axis, then go to war with the Comintern and defeat them (note that the PRC will declare war on China one year after the end of the war with Japan, so you can use the focus to get China democratic and add them to the Allies before that war starts) - this should add lots of countries to the Allies, and then trigger coups everywhere you can. Save at least 150 pp for the start of the war, so you can immediately increase your conscription law. Follow the 'Rhineland' path down to 'The fate of Czechoslovakia' which will give you Bohemia. EU4 has 318 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. Achievements have no in-game effects; the achievement just pops up in-game and then added to the player's Steam profile. It is possible to see the achievements sorted by the percentage of users that managed to complete each achievement by going to the game's It can trigger a civil war in Poland. If you wish to continue playing and get another achievement (Stalin, How Many Guns Does He Have), you can use the war goal you get from Time for War to declare war on the USSR and join Germany's attack. From Poland invading Iraq and Italy simultaneously; to Australia dropping an atom bomb on itself, there really is no end to Paradoxs creativity in designing bizarre achievements This will allow you to quickly get manpower bonuses from the fascist political tree as well as joining the Axis to avoid a German attack, while communist support builds up for later (remove fascist demagogue after civil war but ensure communist support stays below 60% to avoid another civil war). Just after resistance strength hits 70 in a given province use "Arm anti-British resistance" in decision tab. It is only necessary to occupy the land required so it is possible to have this achievement fire whilst at war. The Xbox One version, version, iOS and Google Play versions still have achievements in addition to the in-game ones from the Old-gen console version and GameCenter and Google Play respectively, but these achievements are deprecated. Won the Spanish Civil War Kurdistan cannot be released by three of the countries which hold its cores at the start of the game (all except France), meaning that these lands must be first acquired by playing a country that is not Iran, Iraq or Turkey in order to release Kurdistan (selecting "Play as") for the achievement. megan scary movie 2023. As long as Italy has not completed Pact of Steel, they will accept. This should make UK lose in Egypt as they have to send some troops to fight you. As Sweden, acquire a production license for a Tiger or Tiger II tank from Germany. Just rush the communist tree. However, when Germany does declare war on the Soviets, asks for military access from at least Germany and Italy. Playing with historical-ai off has a chance of the UK going anti-colonial. You now have three of the thirteen countries that you need for this achievement. Simply follow the "Swiss Cheese" or "and you get a canton, everybody gets a canton!" Just don't do "Jah" or "The One Tru Heir of Solomon". Restore the old borders with the USA as Mexico. Try finishing the focuses Superesercito, Superaereo, and Supermarina during this war as you will not get another chance until much later. 4: Have completed the focus "Artillery Modernization". Alternatively, playing as the German Reich, you can defeat France and Britain and during the peace conference satellite all releasable nations from both of their territories. After this you can easily take France, since they were weakened by the war and taking Paris should be no problem. Research rockets. me on Patreon! Doing this will also give you buffs to fortification Building - build some on either side of the Waddenzee, making sure to include the three border territories in Freisland - two East of Amsterdam, one at the neck of the Waddenzee. Don't develop any political branch in national focus tree. Defense first, but when they aren't pushing you, push them out very conservatively. As United Kingdom, go down the Revisit Colonial Policy branch of the national focus tree to release all your subjects. Pretty much every other achievement can be done either by lucky rng or exploiting game mechanics, but in the current version of the game there is no way to exploit dont die for your At least 10 Battleships Does not have has_paradropped_flag set. Alternatively, you can also do this without joining any faction. Take King Michael's Coup to flip to Democratic and wait until Poland capitulates and the Soviet Union takes Eastern Poland. The reason you go down the "Empower of Ras" side is that it leads towards "A Federal Empire". Then simply invite the puppets into your faction. For this achievement, you only need to occupy the states in question. They should annex all your cores and leave you all alone on the islands with no neighbours and an achievement. Sinkiang is an other option, as it can immediately join the Comintern and the USSR will never take land in China. Can be done quite easily. Canada and Mexico probably have the best shot at doing it early, with a quick war against the US and lots of puppet manpower. They can also be earned with Historical AI Focuses set to off. The French will likely also get involved (either they'll invite the US to their faction or the US will form a faction and France will join), so stage some naval invasions across the channel to capitulate them (they likely won't have removed the disjointed government spirit by this point, so just take a few victory points and Paris to capitulate them). If possible, ask your faction members for as many expeditionary forces as possible. Battlecruisers are built with Heavy Ship Hulls and Battlecruiser armor. achievement_romance_of_the_three_kingdoms_YUN flag is set. Get a Research Slot and rush Join the Republican Government. Complete the "Continue the Zuiderzee Works" focus, defend your coastline and your provinces/states. If you don't own. Use Last Stand if your paratroopers are under attack after they land. Today its time to present all the new achievements we are adding, so that the achievement hunters among you can start planning As Brazil, capture Rome with paratroopers. Hungary starts with more aluminium than it will ever need: build a large air force to support your ground troops, You can let the German have the Sudetenland, they will leave you alone after that, Conquer Yugoslavia, then Romania and Greece: the oil fields will supply your army, while chromium can be used to build battleships and heavy tanks, Construct ships and naval bombers as soon as you have a coastal province, destroy buildings to make room for more dockyards if necessary, Find a good time to backstab Germany once they are at war with the USSR and join the Comintern. Declare war and launch the invasion - while the starting French navy is stronger than the starting German navy, there is a brief period where the player will have superiority over the Channel. With , This can be done by simply conquering Turkey and following the far left side of the tree and becoming fascist. Organize your troops on the frontiers with France and Poland, but create one army with all your light tanks. Attack the Allies immediately after the defeat of the Axis, You have to own the provinces, not just occupy them - watch out for them in a peace treaty, do not let AI take them or you will have to go to war again. Just turn either fascist or communist. Then 'simply' hold the line. However, the Soviet path does have the risk of ending up as a Soviet Puppet. You just have to win a small civil war to get to the focus. Hearts of Iron IV Achievements FAQ How many Hearts of Iron IV achievements are there? After making a beachhead, put your entire army on French shores and conquer them. Peacefully annex other countries with your king's focuses. The allies will send addtional divisions you can also crush until you leveled up enough. Become communist as normal. Since Decolonisation is likely done before the invasion (to prevent civil war), it is necessary to call Canada into the war to be able to attack the US from their border. However, for the decision, to move your capital, to appear, you need to annex Palestine in a peace deal. Take Anti-Fascist Raids decision whenever available to reduce Fascist support. With historical focuses on, Turkey will join the Allies in 1943. Invade USA through the South, ignore Mexico for the time being. It takes time for resistance to rise to the 90% liberation point. For a greater challenge; take the non-aligned path, but the House of Orange back in power, and try to hold off the Wehrmacht on your own. Puppet Transylvania in peace conference and give them all Romanian territory. You can also complete "The Abuna" focus to get an advisor that slightly increases legitimacy gain. Join axis. If Denmark, Sweden or Finland end up in Allied hands, you will have to fight them as well. Let the Japanese conquer one province and nuke it. Controls the core states of Romania, Greece (Not including Dodecanese (164)), Yugoslavia and Albania. At least 1 operative participating in the Coup Government operation requires the seducer trait. Set your operatives on "Establish Spy Network" mission in Casablanca and the achievement will trigger once the network strength is over 50%. Dropped a Nuclear Bomb on a core state of the US, Control all French states in Europe As the Soviet Union, have only puppets as neighbors. As Australia, use a nuclear bomb on core Australian territory. Justify on Mexico and build up naval base in Curacao. This can be done as any country but is most straightforward as any of the major nations, particularly Germany, United Kingdom, France and Japan. Upon taking "Utilize the Leagues", you will have access to decisions of boosting fascist and non-aligned popularity. Once you reach around ~40% support you can "Ignite the Flames" and will be able to win the civil war rather easily as Stalin's Russia is weakened greatly. Go for "Proclaim Finno-Ugra" and around the time this Focus is done your war goal on Denmark should be ready. Turn communist as soon as possible, and then declare war on. Poland: Is in Faction with Kingdom of Hungary. But don't do this yet! "Mainland" France includes Corsica. what is the rarest hoi4 achievement 194,501 Achievements Earned 10,134 Players Tracked 152 Total Achievements 7,298 Obtainable EXP 77 100% Club 30 Minutes of Hel As Poland in the As Ethiopia, found the African Union and have it encompass at least 13 different countries with capitals in Africa. Once Greece and Romania are 20% communist you should be able to launch coups in both of them (if you need extra infantry equipment, delete your army. If you somehow managed to keep your Democratic popularity above 60% such as by hiring the Social Democrat advisor at the start or taking The Birthplace of Democracy focus beforehand, you can return to Democratic at any time after this. While you can side with the Japanese first to take out China then backstab the Japanese, it's recommended to deal with Japan first, as they'll inevitably get the United States drawn in when they attack the Philippines. Guarding your ports and continually taking propaganda decisions will get you to 30 in around 5 years. You can justify on them directly or guarantee Finland to enter the war then as defending country. Take the "Political unity" focus as soon as possible, it will remove the chance of spawning the civil war. This achievement requires Hong Kong and Guangzhouwan to be taken in a peace deal. Promote a divisional commander to general asap and give him command of an army. Once you have annexed/puppeted the USA, a decision will appear to install an American Monarchy. The German will turn to the west, so you only have to prepare for a Soviet attack. Can be accomplished by having the law after capitulating and controlling no territory (e.g. So that means you must have at least 1,333,334 Manpower on the field to do this achievement. By early 1939 you should stop building factories and instead start building forts, railways and where necessary supply hubs. Invest 50 PP, and the achievement should trigger. Wait for Japan to declare war and have at least one nuke built. When your country gets fully liberated and reinstated, you will get Palestine transfered to you and you can take the decision to make it your capital. Play defensively and slowly push out. This achievement is best done with a world conquest game or with the achievements "Awake and Angry" or "Battlecry". Personally, any achievement requiring you to go through the soviets tend to end up being a slog because they tend to capitulate after you pass the Urals. This way divisions which will retreat will do so to the empty middle tile that your armies surround. Start as Lithuania, throne Mindaugas III and go down the Livonia/Commonwealth branches. The decision to form Greater Greece is unlocked either by the focus "Nenikikamen" while your leader is not Georgios Kosmidis, by completing the focus "The Modern Movement" and choosing to have "Ioannis Metaxas" as your country leader, or by completing the focus "Prepare for the Great Anti-Fascist War". When Germany demands Danzig give it to them, but don't select the fascist option in the event that follows soon afterwards. Once most of France is liberated and Italy has largely fallen simply leave the Axis and justify on Germany (A fast way is to choose Voralberg, as it's a core of Switzerland and therefore you only need 15 days before you can declare war). If you take some ports in the Balkans, ask the Allies for military access and prepare a naval invasion on Latium. When they reach the required level, establish monarchism in Poland. Then, just wait until they make enough divisions, and request them (leave the Comintern/Axis and then form your own faction for the achievement if you didn't get a chance to take over faction leadership).. Any country at war with the player and Poland has the Global flag warsaw_liberated_self_flag is set. The achievement requires taking the focus Crush the Dream which involves an alliance with the Soviet Union, and is unavailable if the US is already a puppet or not democratic, so DO NOT CAPITULATE THE US BEFORE THE FOCUS IS FINISHED or it will be bypassed, even if other alliance members are still fighting with the US. VE = Very Easy, E = Easy, M = Medium, H = Hard, VH = Very Hard, I = Insane, UC = Uncategorized. Again. Switch the general to armies that are about to crush enemy divisions e.g. Rush the fascist focuses. number of bicycle battalions > 22 Try to avoid direct confrontations with their troops if possible. The focus "Subjugate the Warlords" gives a fixed 50% chance to puppet each of the warlords (even if they are in a different faction). Successfully forming the Imperial Federation with the United States as part of it, can make this a lot easier, as you gain a lot more manpower, resources and industry. The Soviet have their hands full with the German and are reluctant to attack accross bad supply areas (as of patch 1.11), so keep pushing on Moscow through any gap you find and let the German clean up behind you. Then, upgrade the Agency three times with anything you like, and after that the option to Become Spymaster (for the Allies) will be available next to the name and icon of your agency at the top of the window. As United Kingdom, release at least 14 colonies as puppets at the start of the game. After taking Austria, go down the civil warpath and then follow down the democratic side of the focus tree. More than 4499 infantry equipment in armies, Take The King's Party focus route, justify and annex the 3 independent nation of the peninsula, Make a camel template and train 30 of them. As Poland, crown a King (or Queen) and capture Jerusalem. Turn off Together for Victory and Man the Guns - this will allow you to leave Allies instantly. has full control of Ile de France. Requires Germany to follow the Monarchist branch of their focus tree. You don't have to take the focus to release Transylvania, you can puppet it in the peace deal. (You need to keep your legitimacy above 99 during the entire 70 days of the focus, so you might have to attempt doing it a couple of times since Italy can lower your legitimacy through a decision). This achievement does not require all the Chinese cores. The United Kingdom starts with both. When the justification has finished, declare war on them. What is the rarest hoi4 achievement? As of ~1.10, you can no longer justify on a country that has not accrued World Tension as a member of the Allies. As the U.S.A., own and fully control all three Georgias. When you have nukes, release the US and go to war with them. Build a few levels of infrastructure to supply your troops, and focus most of your production towards guns with a few on artillery. Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. This sounds harder than it is. HOI4 Dev Diary - Achievements. Once you have the warlords puppeted or annexed, you can take on Japan - guard the coasts and use Paratroopers to make the war relatively trivial. Encircle Guangzhouwan and Hong Kong each with half an army under your designated general before declaring on the Allies. Done it first in DoD =D. Rush the focus "Exploit the Weak Neighbours". Once you have established the Federation, attack whoever still controls land in the Balkans and capitulate Turkey (if it made its own faction, annex it and release it). Make sure to justify and declare war in Iran while you are at war with the Soviets, this way they'll join the Comintern. Follow the right most side of focus tree to become communist and put Trotsky in charge. Since Spain and Portugal will be at peace for at least the beginning of the liberation, it may be challenging to increase resistance to the 90% point of rebellion. You can get Republican Spain to join you if you choose to get involved in the Spanish Civil War but be mindful of your stability to not start a civil war of your own. Decision tab and following the far left side of focus tree, you need to annex Palestine a! Appear, you will not get another chance until much later no neighbours an... 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