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which of the following statements is true about cooperatives?

Nevertheless, at any time during the said three (3) year period, the cooperative is authorized and empowered to convey all its properties to Trustees for the benefits of its members, creditors and other persons in interest, after which, all interest which the cooperative had in properties are terminated. Proof of Publication/Posting of the announcement of consolidation; 11. The name of the cooperative which shall include the words "Laboratory Cooperative"; 2. Subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Authority may impose, agrarian reform cooperatives may be given the exclusive right to do any or all of the following economic activities in agrarian reform and resettlement areas; "(1) Supply and distribution of consumer, agricultural, aqua-cultural, and industrial goods, production inputs, and raw materials and supplies, machinery, equipment, facilities and other services and requirements of the beneficiaries and marginal farmers at reasonable prices; "(2) Marketing of the products and services of the beneficiaries in local and foreign markets; "(3) Processing of the members products into finished consumer or industrial goods for domestic consumption or for export; "(4) Provision of essential public services at cost such as power, irrigation, potable water, passenger and/or cargo transportation by land or sea, communication services, and public health and medical care services; "(5) Management, conservation, and commercial development of marine, forestry, mineral, water, and other natural resources subject to compliance with the laws and regulations on environmental and ecological controls; and. The technical and managerial assistance shall depend upon the needs of the Subsidiary Cooperative and capacity of the Parent Cooperative, which shall be taken up in the book at actual cost. JUAN PONCE ENRILEPresident of the Senate. Should the said cooperatives decide to exercise enhanced functions, it shall notify the Authority and satisfy the requirements for conversion to financial service cooperative.". Plan elevation and cross-sectional views of tank/reservoir; 9. Cancellation of Registration with the Authority. Division of Cooperatives. The conciliation and mediation committee of the cooperative shall facilitate the amicable settlement of intra-cooperative disputes and disputes among members, officers, directors, and committee members. Section 9. To gain this complete control of the various resources needed to product oil and gas, the companies had to have engaged in _____ mergers. A Housing Cooperative shall be organized for any or all of the following purposes: (1) To facilitate access and/or provide affordable housing units to its members; (2) To create a resource mobilization program to ensure financial stability for the cooperative; (3) To foster and strengthen the principles of cooperativism by promoting a comprehensive and integrated community development program which are planned and managed by the cooperative members thereby ensuring a sustained and self-reliant cooperative community. In instances of non-compliance, a Motion to Enforce or Execute may be filed with the Voluntary Arbitrator/s who may issue a Writ Execution requiring either the sheriff of the Authority, if any, or the regular courts or any public official whom the parties may designate in the submission agreement to execute the final decision or award. One of the reasons for a business buying a franchise is because: One of the advantages to a business of selling a franchise is that: The best definition of nationalization is: All of the following are claimed advantages of joint ventures except: All of the following are claimed advantages of public corporations except: Which of the following statements about co-operative business organizations is true? Which of the following statements about parasitism is true? RULE V - TRANSPORTATION SREVICE COOPERATIVES. Evaluate your skill level in just 10 minutes with QUIZACK smart test system. It requires few suppliers for each item or service c. They are actually! Such amendments shall conform to the provision of Art. All cooperatives organized for any or all of the purposes/objectives enumerated under Section 3 of this Rule shall always bear the word "Agrarian Reform" whether engaged in the operation of public utilities and services and/or other business activities/services. The qualifications for admission to membership and the payment to be made or interest to be acquired as a condition to the exercise of the right of membership; 2. The said documents shall be submitted to the nearest office of the Authority of to the CDA Central Office, at the option of the Cooperative. Chapter XII as amended shall now read, as follows: "ART. "(3) The board of directors has approved such assignment. 3. Continuing Education and Training. Registration. A company often identifies alternative courses of action to be taken if events undercut a strategic or tactical plan. Settlement of Disputes. 82. Make final report on the liquidation and submit the same to the Authority. The area of operations and the postal address of the principal office of the laboratory cooperative; 5. Such resources are renewable on a regular basis and the renewable rate is rapid enough to consider availability over an infinite time. Every Water Service Cooperative shall secure a water permit from the NWRB in accordance with the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines. Loans. The merger or consolidation of cooperatives shall have the following effects: "(1) The constituent cooperatives shall become a single cooperative which, in case of merger, shall be the surviving cooperative, and, in case of consolidation, shall be the consolidated cooperative; "(2) The separate existence of the constituent cooperatives shall cease, except that of the surviving or the consolidated cooperative; "(3) The surviving or the consolidated cooperative shall possess al the assets, rights, privileges, immunities and franchises of each of the constituent cooperatives; "(4) The surviving or the consolidated cooperative shall possess all the assets, rights, privileges, immunities and franchises of each of the constituent cooperatives; and. It generates a common pool of funds in order to provide financial assistance to its members for productive and provident purposes; "(b) Consumers Cooperative is one of the primary purpose of which is to procure and distribute commodities to members and non-members; "(c) Producers Cooperative is one that undertakes joint production whether agricultural or industrial. WebWhich of the following statements is true of cooperative advertising? Section 4. The board of directors shall be responsible for the strategic planning, direction-setting and policy-formulation activities of the cooperatives. These Rules shall be known as the "Rules and Regulations Implementing Certain Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008.". Pearson was singled out for the relentless demands that he put on his people. 28. The registration of an electric cooperative with the Authority under this Code shall be submitted for approval to the members through a referendum, called for the purpose as provided for under Articles 183 and 129 of this Code. "(2) No person or a cooperative is possession of the books of such cooperative shall, in any legal proceedings to which the cooperative is not a party, be compelled to produce any of the books of the cooperative, the contents of which can be proved and the matters, transactions and accounts therein recorded, unless by order of a competent court. 23. Where the dissolution of a cooperative may prejudice the rights of any creditor, the petition for dissolution shall be filed with the Authority. Being able to achieve your goals does not necessarily mean being successful, especially if you are not able to work within the time and budget constraints. NHA - shall refer to the National Housing Authority. Section 10. "(3) All cooperatives, regardless of the amount of accumulated reserves and undivided net savings shall be exempt from payment of local taxes and taxes on transactions with banks and insurance companies: Provided, That all sales or services rendered for non-members shall be subject to the applicable percentage taxes sales made by producers, marketing or service cooperatives: Provided further, That nothing in this article shall preclude the examination of the books of accounts or other accounting records of the cooperative by duly authorized internal revenue officers for internal revenue tax purposes only, after previous authorization by the Authority. Other papers, which may be required by Authority. The Agreement shall contain, among other things, the following matters: 1. Section 2. "(6) Such other types of public services as may be engaged in by any cooperative. EMMA LIRIO-REYESSecretary of Senate, (Sgd.) IT shall also comply with the other requirements imposed by the Authority and the appropriate government agencies for cooperatives engaged in public utilities and services. he has told them that if they do invest, they would have liabilities in the firm equal to but no greater than their investment. The Authority shall thereupon issue the certificate of dissolution. Failure to file the required reports shall subject the accountable officer/s to fines and penalties as may be prescribed by the Authority, and shall be a ground for the revocation of authority of the cooperative to operate as such. 9520). The lowest level of management, which usually has the most people to manage, is called _____ management. Section 10. Villanova is an example of which style of democratic leader? Settlement of Disputes. (40) Multipurpose Cooperative - shall refer to a cooperative, which combines two (2) or more of the business activities of the different types of cooperatives as enumerated under Art. D. Cooperative federalism includes welfare and employment programs by the federal government. Failure to convert within the said period shall mean automatic withdrawal of their associate membership. Cooperative's financial statements have to be in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards. Medical diagnostic equipment specialist Georgiana Rutland was asked to attend a medical conference in which the attendees discussed new uses for laser technology in diagnosing certain types of cancer. Section 7. The legal basis for this rule is Art. Cooperative federalism has been practiced in the US since 1860. (2) The separate existence of the constituent cooperatives shall cease, except that of the surviving or the consolidated cooperative. (10) Board of Liquidators/Trustees - shall refer to the body appointed by the Board of Directors or elected by the General Assembly that shall cause the liquidation of the cooperative in case of voluntary dissolution or appointed by the Authority/Court in case of involuntary dissolution of a cooperative. Settlement of Disputes. The eligibility of the Representative/Delegate to be elected as Officers of the cooperative; and. (30) Financial Service Cooperative (FSC) - shall refer to one organized for the primary purpose of engaging in saving and credit services and other financial services regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). As a student, where should the collaboration process begin? The cooperative in availing technical and/or financial assistance shall file its application with the appropriate government financial institutions. The Board of Liquidators/Trustees shall: 1. His style of leadership is called: Which of the following statements about corporate culture is true? The decision of the board shall be in writing and shall be communicated in person or by registered mail to said member and shall be appealable within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof to the general assembly whose decision shall be final. All the statutory funds established by the cooperative shall be disposed of in accordance with the provision for Art. "(2) The cooperative shall take the necessary steps to enforce the liabilities described in subsection (a). 30 of the Code. However, the requirements of due process must be observed at all times. 20. Section 3. Dealings of Directors, Officers, or Committee Members. 22. 68. Written Agreement to Settle Obligation; and. To make recommendation on the amendment of this Rule as maybe necessary; and. This type of merger is commonly known as a(n): The growing popularity of bread machines has become a new business opportunity for Shelly Clemins and Jan Schoenbarr. Cooperatives Not in Restraint of Trade. The excerpts from the minutes of the general/representative assembly meeting stating among others the approval of the Merger; 4. In two-earner families has increased specialization in household production most homes of the following statements true. Payment of Creditors. List of all the receivables of the cooperative; 5. The name of the contract; ii. savannas 67. Vacancy in the Sector, Chapter, or District Representative or Delegate. "ART. - The Authority shall exercise lead regularity powers and supervision over the operations of the financial service cooperatives, to wit: (1) Issue rules and regulations for the safe and sound operations of financial service cooperatives. All of the following statements about cooperative federalism are TRUE except: A. Capitalization Requirements. Section 10. 139. The bylaws shall be filed at the same time as the articles of cooperation. "(2) An amount for the education and training fund, shall not be more than ten per centum (10%) of the net surplus. Section 2. The reports shall be made accessible to its members of record. 10. 5 (16) of the Code, quoted as follows; "Art. Annual Audit. Hearings may be adjourned for a valid cause or upon agreement of the parties. For purposes of registration, electric cooperatives shall submit the following documents: "(a) Copy of the board resolution certifying to the result of the vote approved through a referendum approving the registration of the cooperative with the Authority in compliance with Article 128; "(b) Certified copy of the articles of incorporation/cooperation and bylaws as required by the Authority; "(c) Duly audited financial statements for the past two (2) years; "(d) List of names of incumbent board of directors and their addresses certified by the board secretary and attested by the chairperson; "(e) Within six (6) months from the registration, the treasurer shall submit a sworn statement of the authorized share capital, the subscribed share capital of members and the amount of paid-up share capital received by the treasurer; and. Cooperative & # x27 ; s opinions is crucial in collaboration Army Council weegy: it # Coupons are often used by consumers who are already loyal to the mean with voting, fairness of following. This implies that cooperative aggression evolved in a common ancestor of chimps and ourselves, at least seven million years ago. Membership in Water Service Cooperative. The stewardesses have been given _____ power to deal with passengers who won't obey the rules. Renewable Energy Resources - shall refer to energy resources that do no have an upper limit on the total quality to be used. (1) A regular meeting shall be held annually by the general assembly on a date fixed in the bylaws, or if not so fixed, on any dated within ninety (90) days after the close of each fiscal year: Provided, That notice of regular meetings shall be sent in writing, by posting or publication, or through other electronic means to all members of record. Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hizbullah: grew up very poor but very smart, and although he wears the robes of a minor Shiite cleric, he is a world-class politician. These include NPC assets linking transmission system and the distribution system which are neither classified as generation nor transmission. The cancellation of the registration of an electric cooperative shall be granted by the Authority as provided under Articles 64 to 70 of this Code. WebWhich of the following statements about cooperatives is true? 143. List of cooperatives which have remitted their respective Cooperative Education and Training Funds (CETF); 2. Business consultancy assistance to include the nature and cost; and. It has been in operation for at least two (2) years and has incurred no losses for the two (2) preceding years of operation. Instrument for Salary or Wage Deduction. Any applicant cooperative proposing to engage into the business of insuring life and property of cooperatives and their members shall file their duly accomplished application for registration with the CDA Central Office Registration Division. Section 1. "ART. Special Rules, Circulars, Orders and other issuances by the appropriate government agencies in pursuance of the provisions of the Code and these Rules, and not inconsistent thereto, shall have suppletory application to these Rules. In the case of a public official or employee, the offender shall upon conviction, suffer the accessory penalty of temporary absolute disqualification. 14. Directors or Officers of the Parent Cooperative cannot be elected or appointed as Officers of the Subsidiary Cooperative. Option E is correct. Section 1. In case the ARB Coop engages in Transport Service, it shall comply with the other requirements prescribed in Section 5, Rule 5 of these Rules and Regulation. Its principal purpose is to provide employment and business opportunities to its members and manage it in accordance with cooperative principles; and. It generates a common pool of funds in order to provide financial assistance and other related financial services to its members for productive and provident purposes. ", SEC. "(b) The reserve fund shall not be utilized for investment, other than those allowed in this Code. Cooperative federalism has been practiced in the US since 1860. Section 10. "(2) The accountant or the bookkeeper of the cooperative shall be responsible for the maintenance of the cooperative in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. "ART. Kent Huston is a middle manager at a management consulting company. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code, and other laws, particularly those in the grant of franchises to establish, construct, operate and maintain ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouses and to lease public utilities, including access to extension and on-site research services and facilities related to agriculture and fishery activities; "(10) To organize and operate schools in accordance with Republic Act No. List of Officers and Trainings Undertaken /Completed. A new article is inserted in Chapter XVIII on the Miscellaneous Provisions of the same Code and shall read, as follows: "ART. In all cases where practicable, the concerned Water Service Cooperative shall give notice to its member-consumers in advance of any contemplated interruption of water supply and the probable duration thereof in the area(s) affected. Regulatory Power. These Rules shall be known as the "Rules and Regulations Implementing the Special Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008.". 3. "Registered cooperatives may organize a federation according to the type of business activity engaged in by the cooperatives. 9. B) Unincorporated cooperatives are treated like limited liability companies. 8. Effectivity Clause. Section 6. At least fifteen (15) marginal farmers majority of which are Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries in an agrarian reform areas may organized an Agrarian Reform Cooperative. The general assembly shall be the highest policy-making body of the cooperative and shall exercise such powers as are stated in this Code, in the articles of cooperation and in the bylaws of the cooperative. Additional Requirements for Registration. 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