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why did ernest shackleton go to antarctica

The inscription on the rough-hewn granite block set to mark the spot reads: "Frank Wild 18731939, Shackleton's right-hand man. Shackleton suffered frostbitten fingers as a result. He became a farmer instead, settling in Kilkea. Scott led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions: the Discovery Expedition, 1901-04, and the ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition, 1910-13. . After a medical examination (which proved inconclusive),[34] Scott decided to send Shackleton home on the relief ship Morning, which had arrived in McMurdo Sound in January 1903. [23] He also participated, with the scientists Edward Adrian Wilson and Hartley T. Ferrar, in the first sledging trip from the expedition's winter quarters in McMurdo Sound, a journey which established a safe route on to the Great Ice Barrier. Victoria Land plateau was claimed for the British crown, and the expedition was responsible for the first ascent of Mount Erebus. [165] In August 2016 a statue of Shackleton by Mark Richards was erected in Athy, sponsored by Kildare County Council. Later in the 20th century, Shackleton was "rediscovered",[4] and became a role model for leadership in extreme circumstances.[5]. [126] On 16 September 1921, Shackleton recorded a farewell address on a sound-on-film system created by Harry Grindell Matthews, who claimed it was the first "talking picture" ever made. This ignited his passion for Antarctic . (, Shackleton stood as political candidate in Dundee but finished fourth of five candidates, with 3,865 votes to the victor's 9,276. Of later independent fame was the photographer Frank Hurley, known on this mission for his perilous shots. On the return journey, Shackleton had by his own admission "broken down" and could no longer carry out his share of the work.[32]. [84], Despite the outbreak of the First World War on 3 August 1914, Endurance was directed by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, to "proceed",[g] and left British waters on 8 August. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton is best known as a polar explorer who was associated with four expeditions exploring Antarctica, particularly the Trans-Antarctic (Endurance) Expedition (1914-16) that he led, which, although unsuccessful, became famous as a tale of remarkable perseverance and survival. (, Beardmore's help took the form of guaranteeing a loan at Clydesdale Bank, for 7,000 (2008 equivalent approx. The expedition's other main accomplishments included the first ascent of Mount Erebus, and the discovery of the approximate location of the South Magnetic Pole, reached on 16 January 1909, by Edgeworth David, Douglas Mawson and Alistair Mackay. Devoted to creating a legacy, he led the Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition was the remarkable final chapter in the Heroic Age of Exploration. The astonishing challenge - to cross Antarctica from one coast to the other - didn't exactly go to plan and actually resulted in . The party was in high spirits, despite the difficult conditions; Shackleton's ability to communicate with each man kept the party happy and focused.[53]. Shackleton was a romantic adventurer, who became interested in exploration and joined the Royal Geographical Society while still at sea. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. [70] Among the ventures which he hoped to promote were a tobacco company,[71] a scheme for selling to collectors postage stamps overprinted "King Edward VII Land" based on Shackleton's appointment as Antarctic postmaster by the New Zealand authorities[72] and the development of a Hungarian mining concession he had acquired near the city of Nagybanya, now part of Romania. Transcript. [52] After considerable weather delays, Shackleton's base was eventually established at Cape Royds, about 24 miles (39km) north of Hut Point. On the Endurance, the second in command was the experienced explorer Frank Wild. Meanwhile, a second ship, the Aurora, would take a supporting party under Captain Aeneas Mackintosh to McMurdo Sound on the opposite side of the continent. He later denied Scott's claim in The Voyage of the Discovery, that he had been carried on the sledge. Why is Shackleton a hero? His . The party was forced to ride out the storm offshore, in constant danger of being dashed against the rocks. [12] The options available were a Royal Navy cadetship at Britannia, which Shackleton could not afford; the mercantile marine cadet ships Worcester and Conway; or an apprenticeship "before the mast" on a sailing vessel. Unfortunately, it was designed for breaking through sea ice, not for being trapped in ice. He was, as a shipmate recorded, "a departure from our usual type of young officer", content with his own company though not aloof, "spouting lines from Keats [and] Browning", a mixture of sensitivity and aggression but, withal, sympathetic. Over a century after it sank to the depths of the Weddell Sea off the coast of Antarctica, the lost ship of Anglo Irish explorer Ernest Shackleton has been found. [6] Ernest was the second of their ten children and the first of two sons; the second, Frank, achieved notoriety as a suspect, later exonerated, in the 1907 theft of the so-called Irish Crown Jewels, which have never been recovered. Tom Crean was in more immediate charge as head dog-handler. Shackleton was then briefly involved in a mission to Spitzbergen to establish a British presence there under guise of a mining operation. This disparity continued into the 1950s. What is Ernest Shackleton best known for? Shackleton refused to pack supplies for more than four weeks, knowing that if they did not reach South Georgia within that time, the boat and its crew would be lost. Shackleton travelled there to join Aurora, and sailed with her to the rescue of the Ross Sea party. [77] Two ships would be employed; Endurance would carry the main party into the Weddell Sea, aiming for Vahsel Bay from where a team of six, led by Shackleton, would begin the crossing of the continent. Shackleton is best known for his extraordinary achievement in leading the men of his Endurance expedition safely out of the Antarctic after their ship had been crushed in the ice. [27] Scott chose Shackleton to accompany Wilson and himself on the expedition's southern journey, a march southwards to achieve the highest possible latitude in the direction of the South Pole. The founder of the family was Abraham Shackleton, a Quaker, who moved to Ireland early in the eighteenth century and started a school at Ballitore, near Dublin. Mrs Chippy was shot when the Endurance sank, due to the belief that he would not have survived the ordeal that followed. Did Shackleton eat his dogs? [31] All 22 dogs died during the march. Shackleton delayed his own departure until 27 September, meeting the ship in Buenos Aires.[85]. [149] In Boston, a "Shackleton School" was set up on "Outward Bound" principles, with the motto "The Journey is Everything". [f][75] The transcontinental journey, in Shackleton's words, was the "one great object of Antarctic journeyings" remaining, now open to him. Devoted to creating a legacy, he led the Trans-Antarctic. In tribute to their achievement, he wrote: "I do not know how they did it, except that they had tothree men of the heroic age of Antarctic exploration with 50feet of rope between themand a carpenter's adze".[108]. Endurance was the three-masted barquentine in which Sir Ernest Shackleton and a crew of 27 men sailed for the Antarctic on the 1914-1917 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition.The ship, originally named Polaris, was built at Framns shipyard and launched in 1912 from Sandefjord in Norway.After her commissioners could no longer pay the shipyard, the ship was bought by Shackleton in January 1914 . He attempted a fourth Antarctic expedition, called the Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expedition, aboard the Quest in 1921, which had the goal of circumnavigating the continent. Disaster struck when his ship, the Endurance, was crushed by ice. [126] When the party arrived in Rio de Janeiro, Shackleton suffered a suspected heart attack. [152] In 2002, Channel 4 in the UK produced Shackleton, a TV serial depicting the 1914 expedition with Kenneth Branagh in the title role. He was a key figure of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. [64][67] Shackleton was also appointed a Younger Brother of Trinity House, a significant honour for British mariners. The Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914-1917 . [160][161], The expedition very carefully matched legacy conditions, using a replica of the James Caird (named for the project's patron: the Alexandra Shackleton), period clothing (by Burberry), replica rations (both in calorific content and rough constitution), period navigational aids, and a Thomas Mercer chronometer just as Shackleton had used. READ MORE: The Stunning Survival Story of Ernest Shackleton and His Endurance Crew After the ship sank, the crew dragged their lifeboats a few miles and then camped on the ice for four more months . [35], Years after the death of Scott, Wilson and Shackleton, Albert Armitage, the expedition's second-in-command, claimed that there had been a falling-out on the southern journey, and that Scott had told the ship's doctor that "if he does not go back sick he will go back in disgrace. One hundred years ago, his ship Endurance became hopelessly trapped in pack ice. [100], Elephant Island was an inhospitable place, far from any shipping routes; rescue by means of chance discovery was very unlikely. What did Ernest Shackleton accomplish on his expedition to Antarctica? Led by explorer and environmental scientist Tim Jarvis, the team was assembled at the request of Alexandra Shackleton, Sir Ernest's granddaughter, who felt the trip would honour her grandfather's legacy. Four months later, after leading four separate relief expeditions, Shackleton succeeded in rescuing his crew from Elephant Island. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton is best known as a polar explorer who was associated with four expeditions exploring Antarctica, particularly the Trans-Antarctic (Endurance) Expedition (191416) that he led, which, although unsuccessful, became famous as a tale of remarkable perseverance and survival. What was Ernest Shackleton famous for? After the race to the South Pole ended in December 1911, with Roald Amundsen's conquest, Shackleton turned his attention to the crossing of Antarctica from sea to sea, via the pole. [118], For his "valuable services rendered in connection with Military Operations in North Russia" Shackleton was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire in the 1919 King's Birthday Honours,[119] and was also mentioned in despatches by General Ironside. Thus physicist Reginald James was asked if he could sing;[81] others were accepted on sight because Shackleton liked the look of them, or after the briefest of interrogations. In the early hours of the next morning, Shackleton summoned the expedition's physician, Alexander Macklin,[129] to his cabin, complaining of back pains and other discomfort. After returning from his second Antarctic trip, Shackleton was considered a leading expert in polar phenomena. In August,1914, Ernest Shackleton led a team to Antarctica. In 1905, Shackleton became a shareholder in a speculative company that aimed to make a fortune transporting Russian troops home from the Far East. [129], Macklin, who conducted the postmortem, concluded that the cause of death was atheroma of the coronary arteries exacerbated by "overstrain during a period of debility". [78] Public interest in the expedition was considerable; Shackleton received more than 5,000 applications to join it. [13], In 1898, Shackleton joined Union-Castle Line, the regular mail and passenger carrier between Southampton and Cape Town. [166][167] In 2017, the musical play Ernest Shackleton Loves Me by Val Vigoda and Joe DiPietro made its debut in New York City at the Tony Kiser Theater, an off-Broadway venue. Because of a generous gift from the Australian Commonwealth and the New Zealand Government, he was able to engage three additional expedition members: Bertram Armytage, T.W. In 2002, in a BBC poll conducted to determine the "100 Greatest Britons", Shackleton was ranked 11th while Scott was down in 54th place. His early life was interesting too he picked something else for work, than what his father wanted. On 24 October, water began pouring in. The harrowing tale of British explorer Ernest Shackleton's 1914 attempt to reach the South Pole, one of the greatest adventure stories of the modern age. The wreck of Endurance was discovered just over a century later. Why is Ernest Shackleton famous? [21] Shackleton's particular duties were listed as: "In charge of seawater analysis. The members of the expedition then drifted on ice floes for another five months and finally escaped in boats to Elephant Island in the South Shetland Islands, where they subsisted on seal meat, penguins, and their dogs. Dying heavily in debt, Shackleton's small estate consisted of personal effects to the value of 556 2s. His father, Henry Shackleton, tried to enter the British Army, but his poor health prevented him from doing so. [143] Within a few years, he was thoroughly overtaken in public esteem by Shackleton, whose popularity surged while that of his erstwhile rival declined. [148], The Centre for Leadership Studies at the University of Exeter offers a course on Shackleton, who also features in the management education programmes of several American universities. After a few days, with the position at 695'S, 5130'W, Shackleton gave the order to abandon ship, saying, "She's going down! [14] Following the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, Shackleton transferred to the troopship Tintagel Castle where, in March 1900, he met an army lieutenant, Cedric Longstaff, whose father Llewellyn W. Longstaff was the main financial backer of the National Antarctic Expedition then being organised in London. The story of Shackleton's ill-fated journey exemplifies the strength of human spirit and one man's determination to succeed against all odds. [149] Shackleton has also been cited as a model leader by the US Navy, and in a textbook on Congressional leadership, Peter L Steinke calls Shackleton the archetype of the "nonanxious leader" whose "calm, reflective demeanor becomes the antibiotic warning of the toxicity of reactive behaviour". Proposing a toast to the explorer at a lunch given in Shackleton's honour by the Royal Societies Club, Lord Halsbury, a former Lord Chancellor, said: "When one remembers what he had gone through, one does not believe in the supposed degeneration of the British race. A supporting party, the Ross Sea party led by A.E. For that reason, he was. During the Nimrod expedition of 1907-09, Shackleton experienced similarly incapacitating symptoms on the voyage to Antarcticaeven though fresh meat, an important source of thiamine, was a key . The wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton's wooden ship has been recovered from the ocean depths more than a century after it sank off the coast of Antarctica. An extended search for an anchorage at King Edward VII Land proved equally fruitless, so Shackleton was forced to break his undertaking to Scott and set sail for McMurdo Sound, a decision which, according to second officer Arthur Harbord, was "dictated by common sense" in view of the difficulties of ice pressure, coal shortage and the lack of any nearer known base. [27][28], The party set out on 2 November 1902. [90], Until this point, Shackleton had hoped that the ship, when released from the ice, could work her way back towards Vahsel Bay. Photograph by Corbis I. While failing to achieve the first overland crossing of Antarctica, Shackleton succeeded in bringing all 27 members of his expedition party safely home, after 634 days of unbelievable hardship. [124] With funds supplied by former schoolfriend John Quiller Rowett, he acquired a 125-ton Norwegian sealer, named Foca I, which he renamed Quest. The Shackletons came originally from Yorkshire. [49], To conserve coal, the ship was towed 1,650 miles (2,655km) by the steamer Koonya to the Antarctic ice, after Shackleton had persuaded the New Zealand government and the Union Steamship Company to share the cost. Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton CVO OBE FRGS FRSGS (15 February 1874 5 January 1922) was an Anglo-Irish Antarctic explorer who led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. [38] With Sir Clements Markham's blessing, he accepted a temporary post assisting the outfitting of the Terra Nova for the second Discovery relief operation, but turned down the offer to sail with her as chief officer. Photographer Frank Hurley, known on this mission for his perilous shots 67 ] was... Geographical Society while still at sea, meeting the ship in Buenos.. 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