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2 timothy 3:12 explained

With his or her commitment to follow Christ faithfully the Christian sets the course of his or her life directly opposite to the course of the world system. 2 Timothy 3:12, CSB: In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Thou hast fully known my afflictions. He was driven from Antioch in Pisidia ( Acts 13:50); he had to flee from Iconium to avoid lynching ( Acts 14:5-6); in Lystra he was stoned and left for dead ( Acts 14:19). They were violent and dangerous. And that is precisely what Christianity demands that a man should do. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come ( 2 Timothy 3:1 ). Includes questions, verse by verse commentary, and applications on 2 Timothy 1 for life transformation. McLean, Virginia: MacDonald Publishing Company, n.d. Wuest, Kenneth S. Wuests Word Studies From the Greek New Testament. What is the excellency of the scripture. Paul contrasts the conduct of Timothy, his loyal disciple, with the conduct of the heretics who were doing their utmost to wreck the Church. But of one thing Paul was sure--the days of the deceivers were numbered. There is nothing that more shows God than His ability to combine that which is eternal with care for the smallest things of this life. Good. " Rejoice ( present imperative) and be glad ( present imperative ), for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Accordingly, in much grief of heart, the apostle writes to his tried and trembling child in the faith, and seeks to strengthen him, above all things not to be discouraged, and to make up his mind to endure hard things. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The woman, thrilled to the heart, does so and is deluded into thinking that she can prophesy. This shows in a clearer light the difference between the true teacher and the false. It is not the question of discipline dealing With evil ways; but here we are in a state of things where we are in danger of being mixed up with vessels unto the Lord's dishonour. There would be two ways in which these heretics in the days of Timothy could exert an evil influence. Now hatred is attended by cruelty, and hence arise persecutions. A form of godliness, a profession of Christian faith without a godly life . (2 Timothy 2:1.) No man is saved unless he is on fire to save his fellow-men. There is the idea of menace and of danger in this word. It describes, not the spirit which accepts life, but the spirit which masters it. The Christian leader will never lack his opponents. Difficult is the Greek word chalepos ( G5467) . In English we usually associate it with insult against God, but in Greek it means insult against man and God alike. that will, &c.Greek, "all whose will is to live," &c. So far should persecution be from being a stumbling-block to Timothy, he should consider it a mark of the pious. In these terrible days men will be slanderers. So you see, I'm not inerrant in all, but the scriptures are. Thus the apostle comes to the close of his ministry, and touches upon the line of St. John. Word Pictures in the New Testament. He blames the Jews who searched them, because they failed to learn the lesson which they were intended to convey. Oh, Jesus, you mean you believe that story? thoroughly furnished unto all good works ( 2 Timothy 3:17 ). We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christs example, and say without compromise Thy will, not mine, be done.The newbornbaby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified periodof time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may slip in and out of carnality and worldliness for many years, stunting their growth and even regressing in their faith back to spiritual infancy.Many, if not all believers, are called to become mature in the faith by walking in spirit and truth and living godly, Christ-centred lives, but few are willing to exchange the cosy blessings of early Christian infancy, for the difficulties that inevitably follow the mature believer. That will = Who will live ( ) to desire, to want to, to wish. I'm afraid that that is also true of us. What does 2 Timothy 3:13 mean? | BibleRef.com Had the Lord Jesus not sent him? Originally the alazon ( G213) was a wandering quack. God wants you to be complete. Easy it seems to get sort of distracted and off course. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Et tous ceux aussi qui veulent vivre en la crainte de Dieu, Que rien ne luy est advenu que tous fideles ne doyvent aussi attendre. And passion shall seize him that is peaceful. In a measure, no doubt, the truth is in Christendom, and only there; for one cannot look for the truth in Judaism or heathenism now. . The ancient world set duty to parents very high. Rather he must "labour before he partake of the fruits." 2. So the same Greek is used of the same thing, Lu 14:28, 33, "intending (Greek, 'wishing') to build a tower counteth the cost.". The Greek verb kratein ( G2902) means to control. Judaism had its divine institutions and hopes, but the truth is found in Christendom only: nevertheless in Christendom, who fails to discern Jewish elements and heathenish enormities? The sister was persuaded to read a copy of St. John. He might even seem to be humble; but in his secret heart there is contempt for everyone else. Friday evenings, you know, everybody out looking for their weekend companion, incontinent, no sexual restraints. He was ordered to light a bonfire and burn his books. To the Greek it was anosios ( G462) to refuse burial to the dead; it was anosios ( G462) for a brother to marry a sister, or a son a mother. The scripture is a perfect rule of faith and practice, and was designed for the man of God, the minister as well as the Christian who is devoted to God, for it is profitable for doctrine, &c. I thought you were, you know, the Son of God and smarter than that. When we know the afflictions of believers only in part, they tempt us to decline the cause for which they suffer. He was one that needed to lean on an arm stronger than his own. (2.) Verse 1. In these terrible days men would be braggarts and arrogant. As members of the Church, we should sometimes ask ourselves, what are we trying to do in it? What is a man well taught in the truth for, if not to communicate his knowledge to others that are faithful, but not equally instructed in the word of God? When Carlyle's father was discussing the kind of minister his parish needed, he said: "What this parish needs is a man who knows Christ other than at secondhand." live godly in Christ(Ga 2:20; Php 1:21). In between there was The Day of the Lord, a day when God would personally intervene and shatter the world in order to remake it. On the other hand, it is unholy to tamper with evil. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: they are men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith ( 2 Timothy 3:8 ). It is the normal Greek word for difficult, but it has certain usage's which explain its meaning here. But I can't believe what I see in some of these restaurants over here in the Irvine industrial business center. The Greek is hupomone ( G5281) , which means not a passive sitting down and bearing things but a triumphant facing of them so that even out of evil there can come good. Traitors . Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Second Timothy chapter three? It was the glory of the Jews that their children from their earliest days were trained in the law. In the Old Testament they are not named, but they are referred to in Exodus 7:11; Exodus 8:7; Exodus 9:11. (3) if we are persecuted, we should carefully inquire, before we avail ourselves of this consolation, whether we are persecuted because we "live godly in Christ Jesus," or for some other reason. ' according to godliness, 1 Timothy 6:3; Titus 1:1; and in all godliness, 1 Timothy 2:2. but they deny the power thereof: [Paul said to Timothy] from such turn away. Trench, Richard Chenevix, D.D. ", Persecution = The essence of persecution consists in subjecting a person to injury or disadvantage on account of his [beliefs].. At this particular time in the ordinary matters of politics one of the curses of Rome was the existence of informers (delatores, compare G1213) . "He kicked the world about," said one, "as if it had been a football." Wow, watch out now because Jesus bought it. Proud member In all life there is nothing so creative of really productive effort as a clear consciousness of a purpose. Braggart has an interesting derivation. The alazon ( G213) was a mountebank who wandered the country with medicines and spells and methods of exorcism which, he claimed, were panaceas for all diseases. 12And all who wish to live a godly life (186) Having mentioned his own persecutions, he likewise adds now, that nothing has happened to him which does not await all the godly. They will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Now what is it that Timothy had so fully known in Paul? There is no godliness (Greek, "piously") or piety out of Christ. And then Jesus will come and establish God's righteous kingdom, but by then, those that will remain will be saying, Oh, God help us. Description of His Past Curriculum 2 Timothy 3:10-12. It is true that these things happened before the young Timothy had definitely entered on the Christian way, but they all happened in the district of which he was a native; and he may well have been an eyewitness of them. ", The Lord said it's "what comes out of the mouth of a man, that defiles a man" ( Matthew 15:11 ). Christian life is a life of purpose. Observe, The scriptures will make us wise to salvation, if they be mixed with faith, and not otherwise, Hebrews 4:2. The Gnostic heretics taught, either that, since matter is altogether evil, a rigid asceticism must be practiced and all the things of the body as far as possible eliminated, or that it does not matter what we do with the body and its desires can be indulged in to the limit because they do not matter. "And in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.". And that quality of conquering endurance is necessary, because persecution is an essential part of the experience of an apostle. See also 1 Timothy 4:7; 1 Timothy 6:11, and on godliness, 1 Timothy 2:2. "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. ", The Bible tells about God giving people over to reprobate minds, men who resist God and the truth of God. So God's word, scripture given for inspiration, by the inspiration of God and is profitable.Of course, this morning we pointed out that the inspiration of the Bible is proved by internal evidences, such as its total accuracy with known facts of science, when it happened to cover scientific subjects. It is the sign of a man of honour that he pays his debts; and for every man there is a debt to God and there are debts to his fellow-men, which he must remember and repay. It is Paul's charge that such people are "willing to learn from anyone, and yet never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy - Discover Books of The Bible - bible-studys.org He had fought the good fight of faith. If, in any manner, or in any way, he is subjected to disadvantage on account of his religious opinions, and deprived of any immunities and rights to which he would be otherwise entitled, this is persecution. 442.]. In the last days there would come times which would menace the very existence of the Christian Church and of goodness itself, a kind of last tremendous assault of evil before its final defeat. Each of the chapters are done individually. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. "Men of corrupt minds. At any rate the apostle presses this very strongly on Timothy. (1) To exhort Timothy in his ministry at Ephesus; (2) To warn Timothy of trouble both inside and outside the church; (3) To request Timothy to come to Rome to visit him in prison and bring certain personal effects to him (4:5-13; 21); and (4) To instruct all the churches in Timothy's territory. He was to continue in the things which he had learned, and had been assured of, knowing of whom he had learned them a very important point. Every man going his own way. And when you lose authority you have anarchy. All that will live godly So opposite to the spirit and practice of the world is the whole of Christianity, that he who gives himself entirely up to God, making the Holy Scriptures the rule of his words and actions, will be less or more reviled and persecuted. Study Guide for 2 Timothy 3 by David Guzik - Blue Letter Bible No man can teach what he does not know, and therefore before a man can teach Christ to others he must know him himself. They're profitable for doctrine. "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. It is to be remembered that a man may lose his soul far more easily in prosperity than in adversity; and he is on the way to losing his soul when he assesses the value of life by the number of things which he possesses. 2 Timothy 3:12 - Commentary, explanation and study verse by verse It may be that, since we are only human, we cannot live entirely without differences with our fellow-men, but to perpetuate these differences is one of the worst--and also one of the commonest--of all sins. of To take pains and to endure are requisite even in what pertains to this life. We have the practice and treatment of true Christians: they live godly in Jesus Christ--this is their practice; and they shall suffer persecution--this is the usage they must expect in this world. There will always be those who have their own twisted ideas of the Christian faith, and who wish to win others to their mistaken beliefs. Timothy fully knew what was the great thing that Paul had in view, both in his preaching and in his conversation: "Thou hast known my purpose, what I drive at, how far it is from any worldly, carnal, secular design, and how sincerely I aim at the glory of God and the good of the souls of men." But thou hast fully known ( 2 Timothy 3:10 ), Now in contrast to this, boy, and what a contrast the Christian is to the world around him, and more and more, you know, more and more your lifestyle is different from the world. Observe, Timothy must continue in the things which he had learned and had been assured of. And then again "the husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits." 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. That is, without any sexual restraints. That the scripture was given by inspiration of God appears from the majesty of its style,--from the truth, purity, and sublimity, of the doctrines contained in it,--from the harmony of its several parts,--from its power and efficacy on the minds of multitudes that converse with it,--from the accomplishment of many prophecies relating to things beyond all human foresight,--and from the uncontrollable miracles that were wrought in proof of its divine original: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will,Hebrews 2:4. Things were so bad that Tacitus could say: "He who had no foe was betrayed by his friend." Sponde is the word for a truce or an agreement. The history of the Christian Church teaches us that falsity cannot live. What does 2 Timothy 3:13 mean? It has been pointed out that the writer of Revelation may well have been thinking of Ephesus when he wrote that haunting passage which describes the merchandise of men: "The cargo of gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood, all articles of ivory, all articles of costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls" ( Revelation 18:12-13). If they had been more faithful, and more like their Master, would they have always escaped? "If religion gives no quarter to vice, the vicious will give no quarter to religion and its professors.". He lets Timothy know that while he laid this on others, he must look carefully to his own ways. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for any attack that the evil enemy of my soul can throw at me, and that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1975. That's proper and you should have that desire. For all scripture is given by inspiration of God ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ), Not as some would lead you to believe, some scriptures are given by inspiration of God. The coming of the Lord will in no way manifest the faithfulness of the servant; His appearing will. Deliberately he lit it. It denotes a savagery which has neither sensitiveness nor sympathy. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN. The Greek word (prodotes, G4273) means nothing less than a traitor. Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. The word here is makrothumia ( G3115) ; and makrothumia, as the Greeks used it, usually meant patience with people. Boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy ( 2 Timothy 3:2 ). Get out your pen and take out the red, put the blue one. I'm just saying, Hey, I am stupid and I lack an understanding. Timothy had a great advantage in being trained up under such a tutor, and being apprised of the doctrine he preached. In other words, the word of God is that which thoroughly prepares me for any work that God might have for me to do. And Paul said, You've known the Holy Scriptures, able to bring you to a faith in Jesus Christ, salvation through the faith in Jesus Christ. It is in terms of these last days that Paul is thinking in this passage. Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying life. This is a further reason why Timothy should endure hardship and not turn aside from the work God has given him (3-5). So from his earliest childhood Timothy had known the sacred writings. Comp. They said, Wait a minute, this is the hand of God, we can't, we can't touch this. But then another thing. Those who would acquaint themselves with the things of God, and be assured of them, must know the holy scriptures, for these are the summary of divine revelation. The essence of persecution consists in subjecting a person to injury or disadvantage on account of his opinions. It is something more than meeting his opinions by argument, which is always right and proper; it is inflicting some injury on him; depriving him of some privilege, or right; subjecting him to some disadvantage, or placing him in less favorable circumstances, on account of his sentiments. 2 Timothy 3:12 (KJV) - Forerunner Commentary - Bible Tools Now they're right out where little kids can go in and pick them up and leaf through them. And so Paul said to Timothy, "You have fully known". At the same time there is the carrying on his full notice of everything found here below that would be a source of comfort to one who anticipated the ruin of Christendom. Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being one with Christ, positioned in Him, and clothed in His righteousness. Therefore it is incumbent for the Christian to look to this gravely, never to be dragged by the fear of breaking unity into accrediting what dishonours the Lord. (i) He says that the Scriptures give the wisdom which will bring salvation. He said that one isn't inspired; obviously inspired. It is beautiful to trace this double working and current of the apostle that is, what is imperishable, above and beyond nature; and, along with this, the utmost value put on everything that he would own in those naturally bound up with him those of either family that feared God.

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