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Nice kicks would be a compliment about your shoes. .format-aside .permalink { float: left; text-align: left; }
White lightning. Above my Pay Grade=Don't ask me. The 1930s were a unique time in American history. Anchor Clanker = Sailor. #slider, #sliderContent { max-height: 250px; }
border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; margin-right: 0px;
Slang A remarkable or astounding person or thing. max-width: 481px;
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.meta-position-left-pullout .entry-container, .meta-position-right-pullout .entry-container, .outer-pullout-container { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } Popular Quizzes Today. n. 1. width: 205px;
greatest of all time. In a memorable scene from the British show . }
The introduction acknowledges that slang is an ever-changing language with new slang terms emerging all the time. max-width: 355px;
Yo . .author-info img.avatar { float: left; padding: 5px; }
max-width: none; Im guessing it might be her boobs or her butt? Pegs means legs. See also: gams, pins, pinions. .format-gallery .tags { float: right; text-align: right; }
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London: Faber and Faber. transition: opacity 500ms linear;
Grandma Gear. #wsidebar-top, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top { width: 100%; } Infantryman.
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Not only is the slang used by British expats, but some of these terms are incorporated into other countries' everyday slang, such as in Australia, Canada and Ireland. .suf-thumbnail-anchor-left, .suf-thumbnail-anchor-right, .left-thumbnail, .right-thumbnail { width: 100%; float: none; display: inline-block; text-align: center; } background: rgb(0,0,0) ; By default, your stylesheet will be loaded after the theme stylesheets, #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } At any rate, keep up the good work, your list is very entertaining. .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: left; } } #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } .post.format-chat span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; }
Has anyone heard of this song, are pegs his pants? /* ]]> */ .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-bottom { width: 427px; }
Our list of 101 words and phrases that will have you speaking the lingo as if you were born in England not worth a toss : Phrs. Ill keep digging and ask a couple of dance historians I know. }
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Strike-me-dead. }
#sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { float: right; } box-sizing: border-box; Some of the words have more than one meaning, but remember it's the slang definition you are looking for. #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left { float: left; } right: auto;
Editors note: the first citation represents only the earliest documented use yet found by OED researchers; a word may have been in circulation somewhat earlier. right: 275px;
2. There were women who could talk down aircrews, break . Of an informer, evidence, etc. Countries of the World. A lot of slang terms that became popular in the 1940s are still in use today. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1 { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 100%; left: auto; right: auto; } .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left #sidebar-shell-2 {width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;left: auto; right: auto; float: right;} #nav-top, #nav .col-control, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #nav-top, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #nav .col-control, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #nav-top, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #nav .col-control, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #nav-top, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #nav .col-control, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #nav-top, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #nav .col-control, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #nav-top, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #nav .col-control, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #nav-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #nav .col-control { width: 100%; max-width: none; min-width: 0; } width: 252px;
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The thing about slang is that it oozes over from generation to generation, occasionally changing spellings or meanings ("hep" used to mean "hip," until "hep" wasn't hip anymore). @media screen and (max-width: 320px) { .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1 {
The 1940s got swallowed up in World War II. #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-wrap, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-wrap { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 100%; left: auto; right: auto; } .suf-mag-headline-block { width: 100%; }
Its kind of poetic. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php .sidebar-container-left #sidebar-wrap { right: auto; }
Low gear. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #container { padding-left: 275px; padding-right: 0px; }
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In the U.S., biffy is a slang term for the toilet dating to the 1940s. margin-right: -290px;
In American English, some slang words come and go. .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: right; } .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-2.flattened, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-2-b.flattened {
[11] Sometimes the purpose of slang is to cause offence, insults such as wanker or gobshite for example; and sometimes the purpose is to prevent it by substituting a slang word for the offensive one, berk (rhyming slang for cunt) for example. #ie6 table.suf-tiles { width: 731px }
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Daniel Craig. #nav ul ul li, #nav.continuous ul ul li,
Bird = Girl. }
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For example: Cupid stunt and Betty Swallocks. #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-left { float: left; } }
A huge amount of retro slang from the 1930s shows the country was anxiety-ridden and nervous, but chose to . I love all those B-Movies. .format-quote .title-container { padding-left: 0; }
To avoid imprisonment, gay men used Polari, a language that the Oxford English Dictionary says is "made up of Italianate phrases, rhyming slang and cant terms." It had sprung up in the 1700s . Please keep sharing and come back often. #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-1c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-2c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-3c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-4c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-5c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-6c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-7c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-1 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } British slang has been the subject of many books, including a seven volume dictionary published in 1889.
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I don't think she ever got over it; but, she said, "one just had to survive". Like many staple 1940s recipes, meatloaf experienced a resurgence in popularity during the Great Depression.
I think I need to use it in my writing. Panther piss/sweat. max-width: none; From older naval slang for burial at sea, which was known as "the deep six," probably from the custom of burying people six feet underground. } Sometimes, slang endures through the decades. .previous-entries .icon, .next-entries .icon, .post-nav .previous .icon, .post-nav .next .icon, h3.comments .icon, #reply-title .icon, input.inside, .exif-button .icon,
Every once in a while, a slang phrase has staying power, like "hip" or "groovy." But those are the rare exceptions; the vast majority of slang gets one shot at glory. .suf-tiles .suf-tile-1c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-2c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-3c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-4c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-5c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-6c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-7c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } [CDATA[
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Hence the rash of acronyms (1940) and other initialisms produced in the 1940s (such as BAOR (British Army of the Rhine; 1945), PLUTO (pipeline under the ocean; 1945), SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force; 1944), which set a seemingly irresistible pattern followed by the rest of the century. Love your site!! (Scots) 7. }
Thanks! min-width: 0; #sidebar.left, #sidebar-b.left, #sidebar-2.right, #sidebar-2-b.right { float: left; } var widget = '
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