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isaac hale father of emma smith

[24] In March 1844, Emma published: We raise our voices and hands against John C. Bennett's 'spiritual wife system', as a scheme of profligates to seduce women; and they that harp upon it, wish to make it popular for the convenience of their own cupidity; wherefore, while the marriage bed, undefiled is honorable, let polygamy, bigamy, fornication, adultery, and prostitution, be frowned out of the hearts of honest men to drop in the gulf of fallen nature.[25]. This was the home the Lewis family briefly occupied. 135. He was talented, laborious, and had much to do with the planting of Methodism in these parts. Chaffee,History of the Wyoming Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church,48, who wrote after Nathaniel Lewiss death, still referred to him as a local deacon.. Isaacs grandmother may not have lived long afterward, however, or others agreed to take over responsibility for her care, since in 1784 Hale deeded the property earmarked for her care to his uncle David Ward, and he left for Connecticut.26 Hale may have returned to his birthplace to reconnect with the rest of his Ward relatives, particularly his uncles and aunts Jesse and Eunice Ward Cady and Daniel and Tryal Ward Curtis, since he later named two of his children Jesse and Tryal. He recalled, the corn was good, but late, and the frost killed it. Vogel, Joseph Lewis Rejoinder, 11 June 1879,Early Mormon Documents,4:311. A hoe found at the site suggests it may have been more than simply a hunting camp since women worked there too. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. The Hales farmed near Harmony, Pennsylvania, and operated a country inn. In May 1829, Emma and Joseph left Harmony and went to live with David Whitmer in Fayette, New York. It is possible that Hales role in working for the well-read Pickering family encouraged them to suggest names for his daughter. 180. David Hale became a legal adult and was listed in the tax records for the first time as a single man on January 1, 1816. I checked these facts after listening to a recent podcast with Grant Palmer here. 4. A copy of these house plans are in the authors possession. Isaac and Elizabeths first child, Jesse, was born February 24, 1792. rock valley college basketball; rooms for rent in othello washington. 139. Since the Comfort mill was a large operation and stayed in business for many years, it is possible construction of the Comfort sawmill marked the point when lumber became inexpensive and readily available in the valley, making it possible for the Hale family to afford their mansion. Since Jesse and Ward Hale did not buy their sawmill until 1825, the family needed to cut lumber with a pit saw or buy it from another source to build their homes. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,119. Enoch Mudge,The American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book(Boston: Joseph Burdakin, 1818), vii; Adam Clarke, the theologian to which many Methodist clergymen, including Emmas uncle Nathaniel Lewis, looked for insight into the scriptures, interpreted the Elect Lady mentioned in the Second Epistle of John (2 John 15) as an eminent Christian matron . She became a physical witness of the plates, reporting that she felt them through a cloth, traced the pages through the cloth with her fingers, heard the metallic sound they made as she moved them, and felt their weight. Buck was avidly interested in finding salt mines or springs essential to hunters preserving and shipping meat downriver, and his travels in the area gave him a rare familiarity with a region little understood by outsiders.32. The Register of Pastors in the First Presbyterian Church of Hallstead, Susquehanna County Historical Society, lists him as continuing to serve until the installation of Oliver Hill as Pastor on August 13, 1814. Disagreements erupted between Emma and Brigham Young, President of the Quorum of the Twelve, over the extent to which both the Smith family and the Church had a right to properties in Josephs name and were liable for his debts. Upon Joseph's death, Emma was left a pregnant widow. When the Lewis family arrived in Vermont, they settled in Wells Township. See John Comfort Correspondence. 91. See Bushman,The Refinement of America,especially xii. He was also educated and his son Jesse Lane served as a local Justice of the Peace. In1811, when Samuel Thompson became the circuit rider through the Susquehanna Valley,David Hale joined the Methodists at age seventeen. For many years there were no denominations save Presbyterians [Congregationalists].170, This early religious awakening in the valley did not last long because of what became known as the Buck difficulty in 1799. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County, 429, 469. Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon.. On April 6, 1860, Joseph was sustained as president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which prefaced "Reorganized" to its name in 1872 and in 2001 became known as the Community of Christ. David recalled that his father specifically settled in the Susquehanna Valley because of the hunting opportunities the area offered. The later history of the home and Hale property are documented in Mark Staker, Emma Hale Smith and Her Family in Harmony, Pennsylvania, Historic Sites Files, 2010, CHL. One historian argued that unsatisfied greed, hurt pride, and infectious hatred motivated Isaac Hale. 130. Context suggests this tax was for sugar houses, special buildings where the residents distilled their maple sap into a usable product. Some of it was even shipped overseas. Jesse moved his fifteen-year-old bride immediately into her new frame home. 5 Member of Methodist church. Buckwheat grew best on the foothills and rising slopes of the mountains while oats and rye did much better in their valley than other grains.117 Settlers also grew corn, beans, pumpkins, cucumbers (they called these cow cumbers), potatoes, carrots, and turnips.118 But these could only be grown adequately on the north side of the river where the southern mountains did not shade the land in late fall or early spring, and it took more effort to turn the southern side of the valley into productive land than most of the valleys residents were willing to give.119. The Pickering family continued to hold onto most of their land, however, and Hale worked for them alongside Colonel Pickerings young son, Tim. Boarding was used to refer to meals in the local newspaper. George Peck,The Life and Times of Rev. While Comfort did not elaborate on the details of the Hale family exodus, or the apparent religious conflict he had with the family, the following spring he wrote to his son, Jesse Hale Ward Hale and Reuben Hale moved last season out on the Alegany and David Hale went this winter the last of sleighing to the same place and also Daniel Westfall moved near the same place the fore part of winter. It is clear the two men influenced each other. EMMA HALE In late 1825, Joseph Smith was working as a hired hand on a farm in South Bainbridge, New York. . During the earliest settlement period or before, the oldest and most commonly used name for the villagewhere Daniel Buck and Isaac Hale first met, Oquago, was attached to the mountain where Hale settled. (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2013), 2:33138; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Womens Rights in Early Mormonism, 18351870 (New York: AlfredA. Knopf, 2017), 8696. Jesse reduced the value of Isaac Hales land on appeal by $150.00. But her father would not suffer us to be married at his house, Joseph noted. Plans for the Pickering home included directions for a drain pipe from the kitchen sink to the outside and a cloaths press or closet to hold clothing for each of the main upstairs bedrooms. Hale also bought an additional 40 1/2 acres of land from Caleb and Sarah Carmalt for $101.00 but did not record the deed until he sold it years later to a son-in-law, Michael Morse.234The Carmalt addition was a section of land attached to the eastern edge of the Hale property above the land of Ezekiel and William Travis. 1833, September 2, 1832; Theological Seminary,General Catalogue of the Theological Seminary(Andover, Mass. 77. 30. 10. Emma Hale was subpoenaed to testify, but Isaac gave details about the breakfast in his testimony, and Emma was not called. Lawrence Bothwell, ed.,The Journals of Seth Williston, 17961800(Binghamton, NY: Broome County Historical Society, 1992), 108. Conflicts between church members and neighbors also continued to escalate, and eventually Young made the decision to relocate the church to the Salt Lake Valley. Captain Charles Williamson, who became general land agent selling Phelps and Gorham lands in western New York, was hired as the road contractor. Tradition claims for her some advanced education and surviving letters suggest she was not only a good speller but articulate and refined in her writing.310 It was natural for Isaac and Elizabeth Hale to hope for their daughter Emma a marriage that matched her with someone who reached her level of education. Wells village in the central valley became the center of business in the township, while the northeastern portion of the town where the Lewis family lived did business in the village in neighboring Middletown Township where a booming settlement began to develop. It drew from the King James Bibles phrasing of a blessing given by Jacob to his son Joseph promising him blessings unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills (Genesis 49:26). King, A Comparative Midden Analysis of a Household and Inn in St Marys City, Maryland,Historical Archaeology22, no. George Q. Cannon described Isaac Hale and his family as bitter opponents of Joseph Smith and his work, George Q. Cannon,The Life of Joseph Smith,The Prophet(Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1888), 93. isaac hale father of emma smithnatural hair salon hyde park, chicago. 40. In every flowr, and shrub, and tree, Gods goodness you may plainly see.187 Hymn writing became a popular pastime in the Susquehanna Valley and Justin Clark, editor of the local newspaper The Centinel,regularly published to an interested audience information in his newspaper about religious music, including locally written hymns under various pseudonyms.188, It took several more years before Methodism made its way to the Susquehanna Valley. Michael Morses property consisted of 27 acres of unimproved land and a log home on the Oquago mountain foothills at the north end of the Hale farm. I have selected the standard spelling for use here, see Sarah M. Kimball, letter to Marinda Hyde, January 2, 1848, Marinda Hyde Papers 18381849, CHL; Nauvoo Stake High Council Minutes, October 27, 1839, (rough book), CHL; and Oliver Cowdery, Diary and Nauvoo High Council Minutes (fair copy), 2728, CHL. Ausburn Towner,Our County and Its People: A History of the Valley and County of Chemung, From the Closing Years of the Eighteenth Century(Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., Publishers, 1892), 466; and Hamilton Child,Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chemung and Schuyler Counties, N.Y. for 18681869(Syracuse: Journal Office, 1868), 107. Emma Smith Timeline July 10, 1804 Emma born at Willingborough Township (later in Harmony), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Isaac Hale and Elizabeth Lewis. Daniel Bucks Congregational churches became the foundation of the religious community in the region. Commonwealth vs. Jason Treadwell. This suggests that Emma was in the room at breakfast while the other women in the household were not, and she may have provided board for guests in the homeincluding the Josiah Stowell work party. Among Josephs blessings, he was promised, the chief things of the ancient mountains, and the precious things of the lasting hills (Deuteronomy 33:1317). 119. During the investigation of the murder of Oliver Harper, Isaac Hale was called out of his home one evening barefoot. 145. Her name and character have been both revered and misunderstood in Latter-day Saint memory, but her actions and influence cannot be erased. Had this individual been Joseph Smith Jr., or his father, the Hale family would have known of it and noted it to family members that later recorded affidavits. 140. Not only did David Hale believe his mother was converted to Methodism in Pennsylvania (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103), but neighbors of the Lewis family in Vermont indicated that some of the children in the family did not join Methodism, unaware of Elizabeth Hales later conversion, Abby Maria Hemenway,The History of Rutland County, Vermont: Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical, and Military(White River Junction, Vt.: White River Paper Co., 1882), 1194; Paul HilandHistory of Wells, Vermont for the First Century after its Settlement; with Biographical Sketches by Robert Parks, Esq. 24. and [I] have sometimes suspected, that instead of being a guard against him [a malicious gnome or the evil spirit] it only adds to his power; so that I have been a whole day together afraid to behold it. Robert H. Rose, letter to Miss Jane Hodge, January 24, 1808. Josiah Stows discovery of treasure in the Indian burials on his property became well known. B. Buck noted most residents of the valley were drawn into Methodism during this early period, but religious enthusiasm quickly waned as the fires of conviction soon died down and the valleys residents largely returned to their previous indifference.210Some members of the Hale family continued their persistent involvement in religion despite the declining interest. In 1865 the tax assessment noted a significant drop in value from $575 to $475, and Jehiel Dayton sold the land to James M. Tillman in 1868. Isaac Hale, son of Reuben Hale & Diantha Ward, was born Mar. There is some evidence that Crawford may have been correct. Isaac Hale is reported to have expressed skepticism about Joseph Smith's religious claims and his story of discovering golden plates. It is said the first religious meetings in Harmony were those of the Friends, at the house of John Hilborn.176 Isaac Hale and his family may have attended these early meetings for a time since in 1825, when subpoenaed to testify at the murder trial of Jason Treadwell, Hale refused to swear an oath when placed in the witness chair, but his willingness to tell the truthan understanding of Christian duty held by Quakers.177. A local member of the Presbyterian congregation Zachariah Tarble was named after his uncle Zachariah who was captured by Indians as a young boy, along with a brother and sister, and taken into Canada where he became a Mohawk chiefa source of family pride.54 The younger Zachariah Tarble became a local Justice of the Peace and performed the marriage of Emma Hale and Joseph Smith Jr. His cousin Thomas Tarble married Daniel Bucks daughter Mary and worked on Abel Stowells farm.55. Collection of the LDS. Her cousins named their son Algernon Sidney Lewis after the English philosopher Algernon Sidney who opposed absolute or divine right monarchy, and the Litchfield area became a central base for operations during the war where the Continental Army could rely on consistent support, store supplies, and keep prisoners of war. Since Isaac Hale was in the valley several years before he settled it with his family, it is likely he arrived after Hale was first there. 197. 103. The competing congregations produced tension. Born in 1790, she spent much of her later life attending tea parties and religious events. Hilborn eventually purchased his freedom, but his experience gave him more familiarity with Native Americans than was typical for the period. In addition to being church president, Joseph had been trustee-in-trust for the church. That same day, Julia Clapp Murdock died giving birth to twins, Joseph and Julia. agreed with Lucy Smiths account, arguing Joseph began courting while still at the Hale farm, stating a group of money diggers boarded at his [Isaacs] house [when]JS [Joseph Smith] began courting Hales daughter Emma. Michael Hubbard MacKay, Gerrit J. Dirkmaat, Grant Underwood, Robert J. Woodford, and William G. Hartley, eds.,The Joseph Smith Papers,Documents Volume 1: July 1828June 1831(Salt Lake City: Church Historians Press, 2013), 347. The William and Jacob Smith assessments were adjusted in 1825 by Jesse Hale for the 1826 season. Isaac Hale had initially welcomed Smith when he came to Harmony, Pennsylvania where Emma grew up, looking for a place to stay and continue his translation of the Golden Plates from which the Book of Mormon would be translated from. Her family was glad to see her. This ended his attempt to find their salt source, but he was certain it was in the valley at the bend of the river about two miles below the New York State line. GraciaN. Jones, My Great-Great-Grandmother Emma Smith, Ensign, Aug.1992, 3036. having long smooth black hair, large clear brown eyes, nose rendered slightly roman by some accident in youth, mouth denoting firmness and decision of character. Lurena was born in October 1782 and married Timothy Pickering III in the Susquehanna Valley in 1801. There was not time for courting between Hales return to Vermont and his marriage, and so during the six years he was away, he must have courted through correspondence. . As a middling mansion, the newly built frame home was full of enough comforts to impress Lucy Smith, but not large enough for the family to live in high style. Paul,History of Wells,3334. See extended online version of Staker and Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger.. Vogel, Michael Morse Interview with William W. Blair,8 May 1879,Early Mormon Documents,4:34344. New Patient Forms; Did Isaac Hale like Joseph smith? He was a man of refined taste, a poet, and a scholar.227 Rose set up camp in the woods and used a large box of chocolate as his chair while writing his fianc a letter in which he promised her he would build her a frame house, whose habitation ought to be a palace on the mountain where he sathe soon built her an elegant mansion, on the bank of Silver lake, surrounded by one of the largest farms in the state.228 Based on his several letters to his fianc, Rose knew he would buy the land before he even investigated it, and shortly after his visit he bought the land owned by the Francis family of Philadelphia for $75,000, including the tract owned by the Hales, and on February 18, 1809, Rose formalized a new deed.229 He registered his purchase a week later on February 25 and immediately contacted Isaac Hale and the other men who headed the 150 families on his property, demanding payment.230. Near the end of that year, an assessor appraised the Hale family 15 x 30 foot log home as worth $26.133 The tax assessment noted they lived on a 150 acre farm owned by Charles Francis, using either an alternate name for Tench or that of an as yet unidentified son.134 Isaacs brother-in-law Nathaniel Lewiss family was also listed as occupying 100 acres of Charles Franciss farmland just west of the Hale family that included a 15 x 28 foot log home and a log stable of unspecified size.135 Francis paid the tax for the land, not Isaac Hale or Nathaniel Lewis. Nevertheless, white settlers developed their own mines in search for hoped riches. 160. Photograph by Mark L. Staker, Knife and two forks, found on Hale Farm. Lurena also became a popular name with future generations of the family. When most of the Saints left for the Great Basin in 1846, Emma remained in Nauvoo, claiming the Mansion House and whatever she could for the support of her children. As soon as Emma learned of her fathers death, she wrote her Hale family from her own mansion in Nauvoo and invited them to participate in the refined aspects of her life, even if they chose not to become Mormons. Map by Brandon S. Plewe. Nathaniel and Esther Lewis became Wells Townships first converts to Methodism. He also made arrangements with my son Alva Hale, to go to Palmyra, and move his (Smith's) furniture &c. to this place. When Isaac Hale was born on 21 March 1763, in Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America, his father, Reuben Hale, was 33 and his mother, Dianthe Ward, was 21. 63. In the morning after Asburys arrival, he attended a camp meeting already underway for two days and extolled, God is in the camp and with us.196 He added that more than a thousand people had gathered to the meetingquite an event for the little valley. Seventeen homes were valued between $918 with most valued around the lower end, twelve more valued between $2030 with most falling near the upper end, and only a few homes were valued higher than thirty dollars. On December23, 1847, Emma married LewisC. Bidamon, a non-Mormon resident of Nauvoo. August 1824 Session, Quarter Sessions Docket, 18241832, Susquehanna County Courthouse, Montrose, Pennsylvania. He covered the meat with locally gathered salt to keep it from spoiling, holding it into place by heavy stones until snow covered the ground, and he could drag the meat filled troughs through the woods over the snow. They were not allowed to come into a room where their parents were talking with strangers, unless they were invited in; and if a stranger came in to talk to their parents, they were to bow and withdraw from the room.300 A good son would wait to speak to his father until spoken to, and then answer in as few words as possible. Emma apparently had an education equal to the other prominent members of the community. Joseph Smith prayed for a blessing that the corn would be good, and Morse implied his prayer had been helpful as the corn sprouted and grew. 38. [c] In July 1830, Joseph received a revelation, now known as Doctrine and Covenants section 25, that highlighted Emma Smith as "an elect lady". Such were the circumstances on the farm during the early settlement period as well. [citation needed] Joseph had also been in debt when he died, leaving the responsibility to pay it on Emma Smith's shoulders. Paul,History of Wells,33, 37, notes one of the Lewis sons became an acceptable local preacher before he mentions the conversion of John and Levi Lewis in 1789. On May 27, 1823, James Westfall died.257 Although after his death James was initially still assessed a tax for his 394 acres, which his sons Levi and Daniel Westfall paid on December 17, 1824, he was removed from the tax lists and David Hale was taxed for his 394 acres. Emma also compiled a second hymnal by the same title, which was published in Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1841. Mary S. and John W. Parks, present owners. See, accessed November 5, 2014, for possible details on Ward family history. 263. Musket strike plate (left); antler handle (right), found on Hale Farm, Collection of. Buck by the nape of the neck and shake him over hell until his teeth chatter like a raccoon.199, Lewiss fellow preachers viewed him as uneducated and rough while often combative against those who did not agree with him. The next day at the Sunday meeting on July 12, more than two thousand people came from as far as several counties away for the worship service. They courted for several months while Joseph worked to improve his financial situation. "[14][15] In Harmony on June 15, 1828, Emma gave birth to her first childa son named Alvinwho lived only a few hours. Mormon prophet Joseph Smith met his father-in-law, Isaac Hale, while using his peep stone in a hat to hunt for buried treasure. 89. His appearance at this time, was that of a careless young man -- not very well educated, and very saucy and insolent to his father. 20. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society,Rolls of Connecticut Men in the French and Indian War, 17551762, 344345. This suggests the Hale log home was among the more valuable log homes in the valley. Isaac Hale may have also gotten his interest elsewhere rather than in Wells since the practice was so widespread in America at the time. Hartgen, Report, Historic Sites, Church Historians Office, 2005; Hartgen, Archeological Field Investigations and Addenda 1 and 2; Kirk and McQuinn, personal communication to author. 35. As with Zachariah Tarble, Hilborn had been captured by Indians, but his capture occurred in 1773 near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 85 miles south of the Susquehanna Valley, after which he was also sold into slavery in Canada. Isaac Hales perception of Joseph was that he was not very well educated, he was a stranger, and he followed a business that I could not approve.312 Given the social position and wealth of the Comfort family, when John and Phoebe Comforts son James was born in September 1805, he must have soon become one of the most eligible bachelors in the valley. Into this humble dwelling he moved his family on the tenth day of April, 1791. Rev. his Heirs Executors Administrators or assigns by a good and sufficient Deed containing a General Warranty all that certain piece or parcel of land with its appurtenances situate lying and being in the Township of Harmony attended a Girls school for one year, he did not document his source. Young Smith gave the "money-diggers" great encouragement, at first, but when they had arrived in digging, to near the place where he had stated an immense treasure would be found -- he said the enchantment was so powerful that he could not see. [7] Emma and Bidamon attempted to operate a store and to continue using their large house as a hotel, but Nauvoo had too few residents and visitors to make either venture very profitable. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,19. Emma Hale never saw her parents again after the Kirtland era. It would be twenty years before forests would become cultivated fields. Smith and Bidamon bought and renovated a portion of the unfinished Nauvoo House in 1869. To read the extensive article on the Hale family and the historical setting of their Susquehanna River Valley dwellings, see, Isaac and Elizabeth Hale in Their Endless Mountain Home,Mormon Historical Studiesvol. They spend whole days in hunting & yet their houses are left in an unfinished state. He then went out of the house pretty soon about the middle of the day., Joshua McKunethink the first time I saw Treadwell after he returned from down the river was on Thursday early in the day after he had been talking at Mr. Hales around the log houseI had seen Treadwell before but had no particular conversationafter he went from Hales house I went in company with him I entered into conversation with him respecting the murder of Oliver Harper.. Colbert,Journal of the Travels of William Colbert,January 15, 1793. 157. He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. Hales sons and a son-in-law, also caught dozens of eel in the nearby river and smoked them for later consumption.145 Most settlers were trying to provide basic needs for their families and built little more than the necessities eventwo decades after the window tax. The first of Isaac and Elizabeth Hales children to leave were those daughters who had married husbands from outside the community. I am grateful to Betty Smith, Director of the Susquehanna County Historical Society, for her generous help throughout this research; Jean Green, Head of Special Collections, at University Binghamton University Libraries and Nicolette Dobrowolski, Head of Public Services, Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, and numerous other staff members of their institutions for providing access to significant collections. 1833, June 14, 1832. This Elect Lady, Ann Lee, had been a prophetess, Colbert acknowledged, but a prophetess who was deceived. These were frame homes with the most expensive valued at $80. He had been relaxing in his home when he was called upon to walk to the neighboring Treadwell home to interview a neighbor. His lack of education and resources contrasted with Emmas respectable situation, but she was immediately impressed with his character and morals. Smith stated to me, that he had given up what he called "glass-looking," and that he expected to work hard for a living, and was willing to do so. Rude, irregular, uncultivated is the ground; wild, ignorant, and wicked are the people.194 William Colbert was even harsher in his evaluation of the settlers in the area when he came through in 1793, writing, It appears to me from what I have heard that Susquehanna woods abound with whores, whoremongers, and drunkards, and for all I know murderers.195. During the short time of his employ, Joseph and other workers boarded at the homestead of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale of Harmony. It is unlikely Lurena and her mother traveled in the wilderness to Pennsylvania without support; and they had to have traveled with the Hale and Lewis families. Charles Hatchs 18281829 tavern was evidently a log structure and likely related to the log tavern Sylvanus Hatch in neighboring Great Bend Township. No one in Susquehanna County with a large number of acres of land was taxed for a trade, however, perhaps because the exemption for farmers provided a loophole against taxing anyone who included some farming among a variety of occupations.

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