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pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll

When they're dead, look around to spot a pair of hunters trapped on the hilltop. Ask about "other dangers on the road" and a location named Hodag Lair will be added to your map. Buff up when you get across because there is another Nereid battle. Select it and Harrim will call you a blasphemer and strike the anvil a second time, knocking a jewel free. If you have a day to kill because you're waiting for an event, opportunity or project to complete before you hit the trail again, you're probably strong enough to take on Ratnook Hill. If Harrim is in your party, he will convince Waine to become a follower of Groetus. We'll follow after him later. It's high time we looked for this Lost Child. Cross over into your barony and check that there's nothing requiring your urgent attention. The Chaotic Good option is slightly more rewarding than the others. You can sell all the Masterwork crossbows that the Snipers dropped while you're at it. Wilber will find rest at last and you can search a nearby container for your reward: the Phylactery of Positive Channeling. If you fancy taking on a powerful mid-boss, buy some cold iron weapons from Verdel. When you enter the area, you will hear someone named Waine calling out for help. There is another group of Dire Boars further down - this is one dangerous village! After all, if you turned down every quest that came your way, where would you be? This will give Valerie a decent attack boost which she will need against his 29 AC. You will climb down to a deserted campsite. Since you helped him out earlier, he will agree on the condition that you build him a new laboratory. Duke Dazzleflare isn't really any tougher than all the Ancient wisps you've been fighting up to this point. It's not much of a detour to check it out. Go across to a side cave on the left where you will find a couple of loot stashes containing a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among other things. If you met with Tristian, there will be a new event "Support the Councilor's Endeavors" which takes 14 days and will increase your barony's Loyalty rank. You may want to quicksave if you let the dog go. Equip the Heart of Ira and buff up with potions before going in. Make your way to the area exit. If you tell him he's a threat to himself, you can give him various reasons why he should die. There are four Dire Boars just to the south and past them is a house, a garden with a scarecrow in it and a gate. If you succeed, you have a number of ways to deal with him. She stole the money to pay for a printing press. You will also find Shaynih'a in the northwest of the settlement to initiate the Author Wanted errand. Back in the throne room, Kassil may have news of Jamandi's response to the way you (mis)handled Oleg's tax issues. There is a building in the north of the area that requires a key so ignore it for the time being. You can make this easier by ignoring the cart for the moment and heading north to the ponies standing by the cart. It doesn't sleep on a pile of gold, but there is a body in its lair with some fantastic loot: a Flaming Earth Breaker +2, the Taldan Whip (2/5), the Professor's Hat and an Extend Metamagic Rod. Head south down the path until you come across a group of eight Tatzylwyrms. Head north a short distance. Head south and deal with a bear to your right. Use Glitterdust and Hideous Laughter to disable the trolls and kill them with maximum speed because Bartholomew isn't exactly tough. If you explore the world further, you cannot cross the Sellen River in the west at this point. Enter your settlement in the South Narlmarches (which I assume is called Narlkeep) and start building Dragn's Armor Shop. As you approach the area exit, there will be more Tatzylwyrms to steamroller and a hidden stash next to the road with minor loot. There's a chest with some minor loot. If you fail, curse and reload the save before the battle. Ask who they are and, if you don't have any yet, you can ask Tiressia for five feather tokens for Melianse. Head back to Bartholomew for a chat. If you don't have any, go to Verdant Chambers with your whole party. Conclude any business in the capital and make your way to Narlkeep. He wants to go back to the road but is afraid of traps. Dimwit is an enemy in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. This is a quest item and there are three of them in the immediate vicinity. Vesket will tell you to go and speak to Stishchak in the Spirit Hut. Instead, proceed further up the corridor and kill another Branded Troll and three Trollhounds. Walkthrough Locate the wizard's house You get this quest from Dalton in Special Encounter (Dalton) which you can get after starting Troll Trouble. You will now be able to build a Printing House in your capital. Pick up a Torag's Pendant from the floor and look for a chest on a raised ledge. You need to pass an Athletics (DC26) check to get up there and there are three Greater Enraged Owlbears stalking the place. Head to the world map and level up your party members (you should be level 5). You will come across a group of peasants near a tree looking for treasure. Head south back towards the village. It will be called Troll Lair afterwards. Bokken will somehow figure that he needs to test the potion on himself and will undergo a surprising transformation. Fairly shortly, you will have a scripted encounter. Back in Tuskdale, head to the Main Square to look for Enneo only to find that he's fled. He will open up a little more. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker Hello, crusaders! Return to the previous room and interact with the switch on the floor. Go the trader nearby and buy Varrask's Tools for 50G. The quest will begin after you meet Jenna in the throne room (you will have to receive some visitors). You will pass the Lonely Barrow to your south. There is a container with some gems and a hidden cache with the Cypress Queen's Goblet (1/5) among other things. Start constructing your settlement. When the enemies are dead, grab a Ring of Protection +1 and the Wyvern Skin Cloak from the Silky's remains. If you go south and east, you will come across another group of bandits. If you want a bit more treasure, head over to the northeast corner where you will find an Alpha Wolf and a trio of Ferocious Wolves. Return to the world map and head east from the Swamp Witch's Hut. Go into the Clutch Hut next door and speak to Virish. Exhaust his conversation options but don't kill him and don't simply dismiss him. You will learn that he is Dragn's grudge-bearing brother. Summon Nature's Ally III Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 45 exp): Summons 2-3 Giant Spiders (Vermin 7) if triggered. He will give you 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds and 100G before leaving. A Score to Settle You have to find the Ruined Watchtower to the left of the fortress and go there. When you return to the throne room, Kesten Garess will tell you of Troll sightings in the Narlmarches and suggests that you investigate the rumours yourself. See here for the complete list of tasks and their rewards. All trolls spend most of their time hunting for food, as they must consume vast amounts each day or face starvation. They have four attacks and DR 10/magic but they're manageable. Head east along the riverbank and go into the Lizardfolk Village. Click on the cart to start an storybook sequence. There's a trap at the end. You can unlock the door back to the entrance area of you like. Note that if you do not order him to stop, you may be able to recruit him as an advisor later. If you have upgraded Tuskdale to a town, you can construct a Printing House for free. You have to find the Ruined Watchtower to the left of the fortress and go there. Make your way east along the southern part of the settlement and search the rubble next to a dilapidated shrine for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Instead ask how you can help to learn that he needs two coins to put over his eyelids. After you've slaughtered them, you will find a trapped (DC22) backpack with a suit of Half Plate +2. Return to the world map and make your way southeast from the Ruined Watchtower. Hostility ensues. Continue further east and you will find an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 hidden in the grass. When the first batch of enemies are dead, two Branded Trolls and a Greater Trollhound will emerge from inside the ruins. Time to find out why Jenna sent us on a wild goose chase. Agree to help fight the monster and he will open the portal. You will be confronted by the troll leader, Hargulka. Advance up the path to meet a large group of kobolds head-on: a Boomsayer, Alchemist Master, two Skirmishers and two Snipers. These aren't as powerful as Viscount Smoulderburn (they only have AC24 for starters) but they have Natural Invisibility so you will miss frequently due to concealment. You may want to being Harrim with you and have him memorise Delay Poison (Communal). Wander among the houses grabbing minor loot from the various containers. As you head down the corridor you will have to fight a Dread Skeleton Elite and three Nightmare Skeletal Champion Archers. STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 8, CHA: 12. You can loot Giant Spider Legs if you like; they're a cooking ingredient and quite valuable. Start making your way west along the shoreline. The quest will begin after you have your share of fun ruling the Kingdom a bit. You can sell all the Masterwork weapon that you picked up in the Lonely Barrow to lighten your load. Head further up the slope and you will meet a (sort-of) friendly Troll named Jazon. Tristian will seem puzzled that the affair ended in violence. Outside the door to Bartholomew's laboratory is a group comprising a Branded Troll and four Ferocious Trollhounds. Return to Tuskdale and give Hassuf the letter. Otherwise, level up another advisor. When they're dead, pick up the one, special Fish from the Silverstep Lake from among all the others lying on the shore. Head across into the South Narlmarches region and you will emerge by the Ruined Watchtower. Trolls possess incredibly sharp claws and amazing regenerative powers, allowing them to recover from nearly any wound. This encounter will give you the name of the troll leader, Hargulka. Visit him during Season of Bloom, If you annoyed him by insisting to stop his experiments, he will be preparing to leave and has reset. When they're dead, loot a Masterwork dagger and Amulet of Natural Armor +2 from the lost sister. Drop a Stinking Cloud - it disables the War Wisps quite nicely. If you come back later, there will be three Dire Boars here. Search to the right of the Hodag's Lair to find a Shard of Knight's Bracers (5/10). However, they are accompanied by a Boomsayer who will make your life hell if you don't kill him. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. She's looking for an author to write about her adventures. Head back to the world map. You'll find the body of the boar lying on the ground just to the north of the area where the Moon Radishes grow. Go across to the other side of the village where you'll find two Lizardfolk, Tassath and Shalur, near a vegetable patch, arguing. She will suggest that you ask the boy's mother instead. Pack plenty of provisions. Jazon drops a suit of Hide Armor +3 while the Spark Shaman drops a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2. The latter is an annoying enemy who uses Greater Invisibility (so that most of your attacks miss) and Mirror Image (so that more of your attacks miss) before hitting you with mind-affecting magic. I let Octavia boss me around and prevented further experiments. When they've finished speaking, How to Build a Kingdom will start and you will have a tutorial for managing your barony. You want to get Glitterdust on him so that he's slightly easier to hit. Hit the road again. Continue to the northeast of the room where there is a pair of Trolls and a group of kobolds, including an always-annoying Boomsayer. However, be careful that you don't accidentally have her try to punch enemies. Remember to disengage Defensive Fighting - Valerie will need 20s to hit otherwise. but tells you that others are now trying to open the box and that they can be found in the cave in the northwest of the village. Start making your way back east, keeping an eye out for traps all the while. I would equip this on Octavia or Linzi, since you don't want to be attacked by someone who would actually benefit from the sneak damage. Head to the throne room and show the Spear Fragment to Storyteller who will recount the story associated with it. Head to Narlkeep and return the armour to Dragn to make him a happy dwarf. It costs 400BP (or equivalently 32,000G) and an additional 50BP to build a settlement.

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