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neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr

If you were born with this Neptune placement, you will have faith in yourself, you will be creative, you will be able to trust people and be capable of loving others and being loved by them. 4)Good teamwork skills.Depending on Mars,this person can be a commander or a manager. Because this can be an appearance-based attraction, though potent, there needs to be more than physical attraction to hold the relationship together. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong influence over you. the world and meet new people, they like talking and can get At first glance, it looks like an ordinary cabin, but when hit by sunlight it looks as if it's made of solid gold, and gleams so much that it is difficult to look at. It's a potent outlet. 5)Your father is a copy,a model of what unfolds later in your life around the topic of authority. You will be aware of your own power; in effect, you will have an intuitive sense of your destiny. 4)The best solution for a native is to work from home or to reach the level of a manager yourself,when you dont have to spend time on routine duties.And in order to build a successful business relationship,it is important to give up the use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs,because such a person gets used to them instantly. 3)There are a lot of talents not only in creativity,but also in other areas of life. Planets conjunct the ascendant are extremely important: they have a strong. It is brutally competitive and independent. 1)They love children.They are good parents,teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology.Their children are often girls,with artistic talent and physical beauty. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. 3)The defeat of the planet creates a danger of ignoring professional training and determines difficulties in communicating with relatives of a partner. In some cases, this placement can even indicate abuse of some form. 5)Pregnant women with this situation should be VERY careful to monitor their health. A positive Neptune placement can give an air of mystery to your personality. 1)The karmic task is not to allow yourself to become a "stranger among your own,forgetting about the roots and national traditions,maintaining a balance between the desire for reform and respect for history. It can indicate that your partner has a strong idealistic or spiritual drive, or the belief in being faithful. some advice to this moon it would be: there is more than what meets Neptune Through The Houses. Someone with Neptune here might be content to live simply but share their dreams through writing or teaching, for example. There's a saying in astrology that Neptune dissolves everything it touches. Aquarius- calm, bad attitude, not giving shit about your feelings. There is likely to be some confusion or deception surrounding the actual circumstances of birth. 1)You have a very active imagination and a powerful imagination.You may have an interest in the supernatural,psychic phenomena,or the occult.You may have strange fantasies,vague fears of ghosts and death,so it is best not to engage in such things until you are firmly on your feet in the material world. fatal accident crown point. They can be irritable and moody, but not usually. * the closer to your ascendant, the more potent any 1st house planet's energy will be. 5)Neptune is the most passive planet and sexually it leads to deep and Platonic love.Sex and bodily pleasures are not in the first place for him,the main thing is emotions and tenderness. But in your case, your Uranus and Neptune are further away, closer to your second. limits for the 1st houses flaming instincts. When Neptune is in the first house in the natal chart, it can happen that it is located close to the ascendant. Something significant may have had appeared in their childhood which caused the child to grow too soon and as an adult now the child within is suppressed down to the subconscious. 4)They may have trouble sleeping,such as nightmares. Scorpio's still, deep waters full of mystery, a whole other world, spectrum, realm in duality with the physical realm, Taurus, fixed earth. 2)When the planet is affected,idealistic expectations turn into broken dreams:it is difficult to join the team,do not accept it as it is,you have to sacrifice your interests. They have a flair for the theatrical in all areas of creative endeavors. 5)I often noticed this position in people who worked hard and studied hard to support their families.They are very caring and loving,but they may not show it because of stress or fatigue. 5)You are a great competitor,so you can work in politics,sports or business. He is an idealist, who avoids materialistic things and often focuses on spirituality. 4)Good aspects create a kind of shield around the person,he is safe in any difficult situations.Bad aspects give even more problems to a person,and in what areas of life?You need to look at the planets that form the aspects. Thanks for the ideahttps://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hand-picked-eggs, Guys,now you can ask me questions about astrology and not only,I will be happy to answer them. 1)You love competitions,arguments and adventures.If you are the captain of the team,then you will definitely win.You are able to maintain team spirit and you are comfortable working in a friendly team. -Unlike Moon Cancer it is much easier for them to control their feelings. 4)They are attracted to successful,quiet and slightly gloomy people.They also like confident and powerful people. 4)With bad aspects,mental disorders and deep mental suffering are possible.Good aspects increase strength and energy,activity and enterprise and create an opportunity to acquire real estate and implement ideas,plans and goals. They are in touch with They are egocentric and at the same time, Sagittarius: This open up, they have a lot in their minds, more so then what they are They have great karma when it comes to dealings of allowing things to be and not interfering with them. -Can love retro things.For example,old Chanel collections(but look at the sign of Venus). A woman of this kind is the epitome of good taste, is never vulgar, never boring. 4)He may have been underestimated as a child and given little love or attention. If this is your placement, you can be extremely successful at some level of performance, but not necessarily be a born millionaire or live in a mansion. 5)When choosing a job,a person should carefully study the personality of the manager,so as not to experience emotional abuse. 2)Helikes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively. What does this placement say about your personality? 2)This is a position I often see in feminists.They have a lot of thoughts about marriage and womens rights.They value equal marriage and relationships. People with Neptune here are generally of short height. The energies of Neptune in the 1st House are very nearly a contradiction in terms. 2)Such a person most often faces shocking situations in his life.Unlike ordinary people,he knows what to do and how to behave in difficult situations. Saturn in the 1st house .With a melancholic and tired gaze, with a tendency to walk stopped and that peculiar way of contemplating their surroundings and the people close to them, these natives seem to be always alert and suspicious of the true intentions of other people. 3)Such people dont tolerate haste and fuss around them.They are very calm. 5)The advice is to deal with your thoughts and ideas.You cant combine incompatible things.Spend more time meditating and being alone to make important decisions. sports media jobs new york city; neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 1)He wants to buy clothes of famous brands,fine furniture,comfortable cars,luxury apartments,etc.Such people dont like to deny themselves anything. 1)He feels inconveniences associated with housing.This may be too small space,poor living conditions,lack of a separate room,the need to tolerate the presence of unpleasant people and obey their rules. 2)Such a person tries to avoid risks and non-standard situations related to money.Has a habit of investing funds,even at a small interest rate,but in a reliable bank. 3)The 9th house indicates education and most likely you prefer something unusual and beautiful.For example,philosophy,history,architecture,politics,or foreign languages. This placement gives a great sensitivity to both pleasure and pain. 3)The harmonious aspects of Saturn with other planets help a person maintain health until old age. 5)With bad aspects,such people tend to be picky and grumpy. 3)They should not rely on others.Not everyone works honestly and correctly.Also PLEASE respect yourself and dont help everyone. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, deception, spirituality, and compassion. 3)He is attracted to successful and rich people.This position likes to save money or increase it.Sometimes it points to collectors. Gi hng. -They just love skin care products.They may have a special evening or morning rituals for self-care. 5)Gambling and if they are your opponents,then I sincerely wish you good luck(your chances of winning are very,very small). Sun in the 1st House: You project your identity, vitality, and self expression onto the world around . 3)Bad aspects indicate problems with the skin,kidneys,and sometimes blood. The karma coming from the parents is for the person to practice and teach good manners and bring harmony into relationships. So a person with Neptune in the 1st House either has the tendency to be an active dreamer who is always lost in her own inner world or she is always seeking a higher meaning for life. 1)You may have been disliked by your teachers because you tend to express your opinions.You are the kings of discussion and know how to defend your point of view. We see this in the celebrities below. 5)This position of Neptune is good for social workers who are able to realize their talents for the common good,preferably within a large organization that will give them a lot of clients,colleagues and suitable motivation for their work. -You can have live plants in the room.Especially cacti. This is a highly spiritual connection that can be difficult to express in words. 5)They know how to work in competition.In life(with bad aspects),almost all people are seen as enemies.Maybe there was some kind of psychological trauma. The challenge is that she must make efforts to open her partners mind or at least stimulate it to make him see things from different perspectives. Live Trading Lab; Financial Literacy Since the first house is the house of personality and how we see the world, it means that your personality becomes ungrounded or fluid, despite being in earthy Capricorn. This is represented by the 12th house, where universal consciousness links all existing things together as if they were one and the same, despite physical attributions and tangible limits. 11)Venus in Leo loves the golden color in the apartment decor. 5)Very good position for businessmen.A person with such a position has good managerial abilities,purposefulness and great vital energy. 12)Sun Pisces love to sleep,and sleep loves them:). The house placement of your natal Neptune shows where you are elusive or idealistic, whether you mean to be or not! Neptune rules hidden gifts, secret desires, and a need for spirituality. 5)Such a person may not be aware of some of their talents.Try as many hobbies as possible please. She will probably have a job that contributes to society, helping others. 5)Romance may appeal,but you dont trust it.What you crave is security,tangible support,and reliable love. 1)Theyre so funny!The kind of person who always finds adventure on his ass. Please leave a comment below and let me know. It's nice to see others with this placement share the same experience. 4)Good aspects indicate a persons ability to communicate with colleagues.He has good business partners,has connections abroad and is constantly expanding his circle of acquaintances.Most likely,they were supported in their endeavors by their father or mother.Such a person becomes part of the team,often helps others(in a good way). So, she will always know how to please her man anyhow. when planets occupy our natal first house, we can see their influence in many different ways: Natal Neptune in the 1st house. 5)He is endowed with administrative abilities and is able to take power leading positions in the fields of politics,business and pedagogy.May be successful as a banker,doctor,judge,theologian,lawyer,or major government official. 4)Such a person may have a problematic relationship with his mother. 2)Hard work,perseverance and great creative abilities are the key to success and glory of a person. 5)His entourage may include influential people,or those with whom he has been friends for several years.They are very selective(including themselves). This person will look for fulfillment and meaning within themselves. 3)In the negative aspect,Mars makes a person conflicted,aggressive.In a positive aspect,it indicates success.His career is very important to him.But family and personal relationships often take a back seat. 2)With a strong position of the planet and the absence of negative aspects,the native can really achieve success and earn good money in art,chemistry and medicine. 5)Your karma is playing tricks on you.If you have offended a person,then with a hundred percent probability in a few days you will have just a terrible day.If you have done a good deed,then your finances can grow and luck will be on your side. 6)With a lot of bad aspects,it can indicate a person who makes a bunch of rash decisions and often gets into trouble.Sharp tongue. 3)Hes friends with all sorts of people.Nationality,level of education and status in society are not important here.The main thing is to have common hobbies,aspirations and desires. However, people with Neptune in their First House are typically concerned with their health and physical appearance, so they may turn to severe types of exercise as a means of coping. -Their childhood could have been spent a lot of time in nature(for example,hiking). Before being granted a physical form, we were one with the universe, dissolved in its starry, scintillating waters. . 0 neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblr. 4)I noticed that people in this position have unusual facial features.For example,they have thick or unruly hair, freckles,or a sly and strong look.Most often they are high. 3)In general,you are not boring.Positive aspects indicate that you are the soul of the company or you are often approached to get acquainted.Bad aspects indicate risky and dangerous actions.Think a thousand times before you do something. 4)Im sorry to frighten you,but my book says that giving birth to such people is very difficult.Carefully monitor your health. They are unsure of who they are and what their role is on this planet. 4)These people tend to learn yoga,meditation,and other practices.They like to learn new things about foreign cultures.They like to watch travel blogs. 5)With bad aspects,serious scandals with parents,a tendency to frivolous behavior and waste of family wealth are possible. The 1st house is a place of self-expressive manifestation, and the energy of Neptune in the 1st house can be almost as creative in this arena as it is in the world of dreams and imaginations. 2)If the position of the planet is not worked out,a person can turn his head from the beloved.He can idealize his image,add too much romance. 2)Their health can directly depend on the cleanliness of the house and their food. 3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into others people opinions and will dare to challenge others ideas. . You probably have immersive, life-like dreams, and your dream world might extend into your real life. 3)Good aspects create a sense of benefit.Such a person knows who to make deals with,he has a profitable and active job. Planets in the 1st house do affect ones personality and appearance. 4)They are very friendly and compassionate.They can be the people to talk to and cry to. 1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesnt like it,hell redo it. 1st house - these individuals experience confusing and blurriness when it comes to placing their identity. 1)A person likes peace and solitude.He is shy in terms of feelings and rarely shows them openly. 5)With good aspects,a person has a rich spiritual world and a love of art(maybe even a hidden talent in something). 4)Often such people work according to their own regime.They can be freelancers or have a night job. 3)Their work may be related to real estate,such as construction or architecture.In any case,they will have a good home in their adult life. 1)This position indicates the presence of any talent.With proper development,natural abilities can bring him a good income. 4)A large number of trunks indicates that a person is inclined to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.He should look at the world more realistically.Too dreamy. 4)Very good position for astrologers,fortune tellers or psychics.Their work is often associated with something mystical or creative.They like detective stories and psychology. If we pay attention to it, this is also quite a dynamic house so Compare this to the Sun, which shows who you are with those who know you best; the Sun is the inner you while the 1st house is the outer you. 5)With a weak Mars in the natal chart,there is idleness and a desire to frequently change the place of residence. 2)Fair,friendly and caring person in communication.You like to listen to peoples different points of view.You can even have smart friends who help with your homework. 12)With bad aspects,it may indicate problems in your studies.Their attention is unfocused and they have a very chaotic memory. 2)He likes to take care of his house.Quite hospitable,although it requires personal space. When Neptune is thrown upon your 1st House she is a veil that opens your heart and blinds your eyes, allowing you to intuitively experience unexplained phenomenon and . Question: The information I have gathered thus far on Uranus in the 1st house includes the following: "You exude an electrically charged aura that, depending on the person, can be invigorating or alarming since you represent the attributes of Uranus. 2)Getting to know your partner through religion,art,travel.They have a preference for foreigners,other races and religions.Good relations with the partners parents. You're artistic and imaginative. 2)He can quickly become successful,and then also quickly find himself at the bottom.His life is an endless series of ups and downs. What Do You Think is the Strangest Placement in the Astrological Chart? 12)They find it harder than all the other moon signs to compromise.They just dont really like to admit that they are wrong and dont win. Your ideals are lofty but sometimes you have a powerful need for the security and stability of someone more down-to-earth and practical than yourself. 5)Please do not invent diseases for yourself,it is better to go to the doctor,most of your problems are due to lack of sleep. neptune in 1st house physical appearance tumblrfitz henry lane house 6 3, 2022 Posted in 2 bedroom house for rent in new brunswick, nj producing an empathetic individual. 2)Your siblings may indeed have the opposite sign to yours,or you may have a single ruling planet. 1)With a harmonious Neptune in the 7th house,the native radiates the energy of love and subconsciously waits for acceptance and sympathy when getting married,moving to a new job and entering a University. Neptune in the first house will give a sense of idealism, mysticism and a longing for the sublime. 1)Such a person may feel the total control and distrust of adults from childhood,as well as suffer from constant adjustment of their actions by their elders. If Neptune is not well aspected this placement could show an individual suffering from lethargy, with indifference and even escapism on occasion. taurus x cancer = 10/10 ribbons and jewels. Getting lost in your own imagination can sometimes make you moody, frustrated, unstable or impractical. 4)Harmonious aspects make a person successful in studies and effective in any activity related to foreigners and involving contacts with them. 15)When strong,the position of Mars indicates a person who will succeed in a career.They love statuses and like to work hard for them. Lilith in 1st house is a quite painful placement in the natal chart. 1)Such people strive to always behave with dignity,taking responsibility and showing enviable seriousness and endurance in their work.They never speak or act without a specific purpose. 3)Before making a serious decision and changing their scientific,philosophical or religious views,a person will weigh all the arguments for and against several times. 2)When Neptune is stricken,it has unreliable friends.They should choose their environment carefully even at work. separate us from everything else; no identity. He jumps into things without planning because he is not a down to earth person. This placement may generally make the native liable to be drawn into other's people opinions and will dare to challenge other's ideas. She can be quite artistic, creative and imaginative. by others, because the essence of who they are is constantly projected outwards Since the 1st edition of this book was published in 1991, it has been a widely used reference book for many astrologers and their students who have recognized the value and importance in horoscope interpretation of the midpoints--the Its this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry to the world. 1)Such a person may have several educations,or he will not learn in his native language. 2)Most likely they will be successful after 30 years(due to the influence of Saturn,aka the 10th house). Perhaps his views were unstable or he was too headstrong, but in any case, he created his own unique life. 2)They can be good writers,bloggers,or singers. They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. -Ask the owner of the moon in Taurus how he perceives his mother,and in the vast majority of cases it turns out that she is a very caring and economic person who strives to provide her children with everything they need. taurus x aquarius = 6/10 pedestal anyway. 3)They like foreign things,and what exactly the house will show.For example,the Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd house doesnt mind trying different national dishes of the world.The Moon in Sagittarius in the 6th house likes to learn foreign languages,books or music.The Moon in Sagittarius has its own aesthetic that only they can understand. 3)In bad aspects,a person is dependent on someone elses opinion. 3)Even the owner of Neptune in the 11th house often has low self-esteem,is shy to show their talents,hides in the shadow of others.Having a fine mental organization,it is vital for him to learn to punch his way with his elbows,so as not to be trampled by the crowd.

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